TransFrameNet:Degree of processing
raw.a 🔎
- Eatrawraakanaor cook like celery.
- As a treat for puffy eyes and dark shadows, grate half arawraaka, peeledpotatoperuna, then leave it on a saucer until the juice collects.
- Bothrawraaka-materialsaineetand finished products were all in bags -- we unloaded the raw materials up until midnight then re-loaded the lorries from midnight onwards for the drivers to deliver the next day.
- Th'll berawraakaameatlihaa!
- In the winter scene, I use cobalt blue and crimson, addingrawpolttamatontasiennasiennaato get the warm glow in the distance.
- `Her legs and arms were likerawraakaameatlihaaand her hands were black, like something from a bonfire.
- How and where were therawraaka-materialsaineetobtained and transformed into useful items for hunting, food production, woodland clearance and so on during the Neolithic and Early Bronze Age (roughly 4000-1500 BC)?
- If the digestion is already weakened then it will not cope with a totallyrawraaka-foodravinto-diet.