convention.n 🔎
- TheconventionsKäytäntöabout what counts as a convincing argumentmikä luetaan vakuuttavaksi argumentiksi,vary with time and place.
- The most important recent book on convention, for instance, discussesconventionskäytännöstäabout which party should call back when a telephone call is disconnectedkumman osapuolen tulisi soittaa takaisin, kun puhelu katkaistaan.
- Among theconventionskäytännöistä,for the division of timeajan jakamisenthat have come down to us from Imperial Rome is the seven-day week.
- TheEnglishEnglannin kielenconventionskäytännöissäfor punctuationvälimerkki-for instance, may have some advantages for some purposes, although disambiguating `sentence ``units should not necessarily be taken as a significant one.
- And their uses from the start bear some relation to theadultaikuistenconventionskonventioihinfor those wordskyseisiä sanoja koskeviin.
- Theglossypintakoreatconventionskäytännötof HollywoodHollywoodinwere spurned in favour of a rough-hewn cinematic style more suited to the reality at hand.
- The various functions that different language modes serve are closely integrated with the institutions, structure andconventionskäytäntöihinof the society in questionkyseisessä yhteisössä.
- What are theconventionskäytänteitäof radio conversationsradiokeskustelujenlike this one, and why are they different from those of face-to-face conversation?
- Exam and essay questions come in a range of identifiable idioms, and there areestablishedvakiintuneitaconventionssääntöjäfor responding to themniihin vastaamisessa.
- To a degree, the nude may be understood simply as an artistic genre like any other, comparable to landscape or still-life and withitssenspecificerityis-conventionskäytäntöineenand traditions.
- In-depth interviews will be conducted with British and continental businessmen and women in order to uncover differences in value orientations andbusinessliiketoiminnanconventionskäytännöissä,that have led to cultural misunderstandings in the past.
- The diplomatic game required knowledge of Greek style and observance ofGreekkreikkalaistenconventionskäytäntöjen.
- Something else that interests Roles is the authority of the photographic image,ourmeidänstrongvahvatconventionskäytäntömme,of how to view a photographkuinka katsella valokuvaa.
- Bonington, by contrast, worked almost entirely within existing visual traditions, perfecting rather than expandinglong-establishedvakiintuneitaconventionskäytäntöjäof rendering landscapekuvata maisemaa.
- Here theconventionkäytäntöof changing media out of respect for the personmuuttaa mediaa kunnioituksesta henkilöä kohtaanmerges into another category, that of changing to the higher medium for a more serious subject-matter.
- Become familiar with theacademicakateemisiinconventionskäytäntöihinfor citing books and other readingssiteerata kirjaa ja muita kirjoituksia, e.g.:
- The bondage ofour ownomienculturalkulttuuristenconventionskäytäntöjemmehas somehow been loosened up.
- Just for once, the headstrong Duchess who had so often floutedroyalkuninkaallisiaconventionkäytäntöjä,was asking for help and guidance.
- If The Middlemen nominally conforms to thegenericyleisiäconventionskäytäntöjäof satire, it symbolically destroys the type of world in which these conventions are operative.
- Rabbits havetheir ownomatconventionskäytäntönsäand formalities, but these are few and short by human standards.
- This explains why cases do not come to court when the conditions of my comically weak description of the explicit extension ofourmeidänlegallaillistenconventionskäytäntöjemmeare met, which is most of the time.
- The trouble with the classic realist novel, in this view, was that it was not realistic enough: truth to life was sacrificed to the observance ofpurelypuhtaastinarrativekerronnallistenconventionskonventioiden.
- It nevertheless refuses to conform to thenarrativekerronnallisiaconventionskonventioitaof nineteenth-century realism1800-luvun realismin.
- Zab finds herself using thenow obsoletenykyään vanhentuneitanarrativekerronnallisiaconventionskonventioitaof the memoirtutkielman.
- What is interesting here is the way in which aspects of the novel are broken down, separated from thenarrativekerronnallisistaconventionskonventioistaof the novelromaaninand used for different purposes.
- `Our lives are diametrically opposed toordinarytavanomaisiinsocialsosiaalisiinconventionkäytäntöihin.
- He further demonstrates that what is being testedis often theovat useinsocialsosiaalisiaconventionskäytäntöjäof a dominant classhallitsevan luokan, rather than universal logic.
- When we say that a flag at half-mast means that someone has died, we refer to asocialsosiaaliseenconventionkäytäntöön,that death shall be marked in this wayettä kuolema ilmaistaan sillä tavoin.
custom.n 🔎
- I found myself tolerant ofGhanaianghanalaisiacustomstapojathat I had previously criticized, like the enormous amount of time and attention given to funerals.
- At the Quarry church, if he attended a choral service, itwasolihishäneninvariablevakituinencustomtapansato leave during the singing of the last hymnlähteä viimeisen virren veisaamisen aikana.
- Itis aonlong-establishedvakiintunutcustomtapato assume that the way to go about making a career is to fit ourselves into ready-made jobsolettaa, että uranluominen tapahtuu sovittautumalla valmiisiin työpaikkoihin.
- As always, itwasoliHollywood'sHollywoodincustomtapato work on as broad a front as possibletyöskennellä mahdollisimman laajalla julkisivulla: there should be films for everyone but only on Hollywood's own terms.
- ``Although itis notei kuuluourmeidäncustomtapoihimmeto shake handskätellä, he likes to please his foreign overlords.
- As is increasingly true everywhere, many of theoldvanhoistacustomstavoistain MadeiraMadeiranare dying out.
- Whether an equivalent car would be made available to a company secretary who was not a family member is a question of fact -- perhaps depending on the size of the company andcustomskäytännöistäin the particular tradetietyn alan.
- Itis not theei olecustomtapanain English citiesenglantilaisten kaupunkiento name streets by numbersnimetä katuja numeroillabut it has happened.
- The Commission would like to suggest the revival of thecustomkäytäntöin some churchesjoissakin kirkoissaof an occasional short voluntary during the servicesoittaa ajoittainen lyhyt urkusoolo jumalanpalveluksen aikana.
- It's aontime-honouredperinteikäscustomtapain our industryalallamme, the easy-going atmosphere you try to create while auditioning young women for roles of an erotic nature.
- The higher grades of employee were supplied, aswas theolicustomtapanawith many firmsmonissa yrityksissä, with shiny, new company cars.
- Itwas then theSilloin olicustomkäytäntönä,for women's teams to be captained by a manettä naisten joukkueessa oi mieskapteeni, which caused a degree of tension.
- Itwas theolicustomkäytäntönä,for the Mayor and Aldermen to receive this money on his behalf and to pay him the amount annuallyettä Mayor ja Aldermen vastaanottivat rahan hänen puolestaan ja maksoivat summan hänelle vuosittain.
- `Well, we can't ruin anage-oldikivanhaacustomtapaafor the sake of an absent mistress, can we? ``she interrupted as she untwined her legs and stood up to face him.
- Itwas theolimilitarysotilaallinencustomtapaof the Franksfrankkiento gather the army in spring, and to remain active for three to six monthskoota armeija keväällä ja pysyä aktiivisena kolmesta kuuteen kuukautta.
- Some people, but only a very few, endeavoured to thwart thelucrativetuottoisatcustomskäytännötof the funeral furnisherhautajaistoimittajanby specifically requesting a coffin of a type not expected of their situation.
- At this time theoldvanhacustomtapa,of well-dressingkaivon koristelu,takes place, when wells are adorned with flowers.
- Richard's disregard fortheirheidäncherishedvaalituistacustomskäytännöistäänof inheritanceperintö-threatened them all, directly or indirectly, and provided a cause to which all could rally in defence of the right order of their world.
- Theburialhautaamis-customskäytäntöihinof the Parsi sectParsi-lahkoninvolve dead bodies being exposed on a grating at the top of a Tower of Silence.
- TheirHeidäncustomkäytäntönäänisto sacrifice to Zeus upon the tops of mountainsuhrata Zeus-jumalalle vuorten huipulla; they call the whole circle of the heavens `Zeus ``.
- Whatever we do, they will still cling totheirheidänbarbaricbarbaarisiincustomstapoihinsa.
- In the latter, fines for simply chatting with workmates contrast vividly with thedrinkingjuomis-customstapoihinso often described in the artisan trades.
- Quite correctly Murphy calls for changes in theantediluvianaataminaikaisiinplayingsoitto-customskäytäntöihinand policiesof the Irish clubsirlantilaisilla klubeilla.
- Another unusual feature is the oil paintings hanging in the church, a remembrance of theoldvanhoistaRomishroomalaiskatolilaisistacustomstavoista.
- Yet there was no weeping and wailing asis theonusualtavanomainenSinhalesesrilankalainencustomkäytäntö.
- Itwas theolicustomkäytäntönä,at that timeTuollointhat when a worker married he was allowed to make himself a chair in the company's timeettä kun työntekijä avioitui, hänen annettiin valmistaa itselleen tuoli työaikana; this was called a `marriage chair ``.
- They put something like 30,000 Chinese refugees back over the border each year and itwas aolicustomkäytäntö,of international lawkansainvälisen lain mukainenthat such immigrants are received backettä sellaiset maahanmuuttajat otettiin takaisin, she said.
- InheritancePerintö-customskäytännötin TerlingTerlingissäwere far from rigid.
- Students, feeling it their duty to point out the shortcomings of policies and personalities in Chinese politics, exercisedtheirheidäntraditionalperinteistäcustomtapaansaof remonstrating several times throughout Deng's decade of reformprotestoida useita kertoja Dengin uudistuksen vuosikymmenellä.
- There is theoldvanhaEnglishenglantilainencustomtapaof dancing around the Maypole to weave leaves back onto the bare branchestanssia Maypolen ympärillä lehtien kutomiseksi takaisin paljaisiin oksiin.
- Scholars studying popular culture have paid close attention to crafts, recognizingoccupationalammatillisiatraditions andcustomstapoja,that have origins in the middle agesjoiden alkuperä on keskiajalla.
- On the British part, the staff regardedArabarabialaisiacustomstapojaas weird and slightly annoying.
- He had studied in Kabul, he spoke a little French, and he knew that thecustomstavatof the ValleyValleynwere not the only forms of polite behaviour in the world.
- The French have someamusinghuvittaviaweddinghää-customskäytäntöjä.
- Itwas anoliancientikivanhacustomkäytäntö,that on the fourth day of her menstruation, when a woman had taken her ritual bath, her husband was honour-bound to have intercourse with herettä kuukautisten neljäntenä päivänä, kun nainen oli ottanut rituaalikylpynsä, hänen aviomiehelleen oli kunnia-asia olla yhdynnässä hänen kanssaan.
- The historians agree that planting the Penny Hedge is a survival of the much older Horngarth service, anancientikivanhaland tenuremaan hallintaa koskevacustomkäytäntö.
- Antun Vrančić, for example, always regarded the “ Illyrian ” language as his mother tongue, but, following thecustomskäytäntöjenof civilised Europe at that timesen ajan sivistyneen Euroopan, he wrote in Latin.
- It's long been aon pitkään ollutcustomtapanato knock farmers and the high subsidies that many of them receivehaukkua maanviljelijöitä ja korkeita tukiaisia, joita monet heistä saavat.
- In recent years, however, increasing numbers have been killed by opportunist visitors, who have failed to respect thelocalpaikallistacustomkäytäntöäof leaving the young mussels to live and breedjättää nuoret simpukat eloon ja lisääntymään.
- Studying the history ofmarriagehää-customskäytäntöjenmay show that some of today's reproductive practices may not be as revolutionary as they are sometimes made out to be.
- We see thedifferenterilaisiamarriagehää-customskäytäntöjäfor Indian and white womenintialaisille ja valkoisille naisille; the former with arranged marriages with complex, rich ceremonies; the latter marriages based on short-lived romance with white gowns instead of gold saris.
- This goes back a generation, to whenMaltesemaltalaisiamarriagehää-customskäytäntöjäwere very strictly observed.
- Thus the WFS data on abstinence in many countries significantly underestimated the prevalence of post-partum abstinence, since most women in these countries observe thecustomtapaafor health reasons and not as a contraceptive measure.
- Many Japanese failed to appreciate the background ofWesternlänsimaistensocialsosiaalistencustomstapojenor realize how ill-suited they were to Japan.
- We formally allow for the possibility that, in certain sectors or establishments, theremay be avoi ollasocialsosiaalinencustomkäytäntöof membershipjäsenyys-, sanctioned by a loss of reputation if the custom is not followed.
customary.a 🔎
- They can either followcustomarytotuttuapracticekäytäntöäand offer cash buyers a discount or charge the credit card buyer a surcharge.
- I keep on insisting thatcustomarytotuttubehaviourkäyttäytyminenonly makes sense if it is viewed in context against a background of contrast.
- He was smiling pleasantly in hiscustomarytavanomaiseenmannertapaansa.
- This combined elements of Byzantine law with the traditions andcustomarytotututpracticeskäytännötof the Serbs.
- AsKutenisoncustomarytavanomaistain the tradekaupankäynnissä, tenants purchase all fixtures and fittings (including bar furnishings), initially from the company and subsequently from the outgoing tenant.
- The other comes when thecustomarytotuttujaways and limits of powerkeinoja ja vallan rajoitteitaare altered, when subjects are presented with new and disturbing uses of power and are asked to assume new burdens and accept new claims.
- For generations itwasolicustomarytavanomaista,that the heads of certain households became membersettä tiettyjen perhekuntien päät pääsivät jäseniksi, so that `Garter families ``developed: at least twenty-five out of thirty-eight Beauforts, Marlboroughs, Northumberlands and Salisburys have been admitted as members.
- It appeared that in order to cut time and costs ithad becomeoli tullutcustomarytavanomaistato close the doors after the ferries were sailingsulkea ovet sen jälkeen kun lautat olivat lähteneet.
- Morse inhaled deeply upon yet another cigarette, half closed his eyes, shook his head, and relapsed intothe silence thathiljaisuuteen, jokawasolicustomarytavanomaistafor himhänelleon any journey.
- Itisoncustomarytavanomaistain researchTutkimuksessato distinguish between sources of documents by classifying themerotella asiakirjojen lähteet luokittelemalla ne: the two terms used are `primary ``and `secondary.
- All such activities demandthorough pre-planning and a type of organizationperusteellista esisuunnittelua ja sellaista organisointia, jokanotcustomarytavanomaistain many schoolsmonissakaan kouluissa.
- There were no questions or interjections from the floor of the Chamber,askutenisoncustomarytotuttuin the British House of Commonsbrittiläisessä alahuoneessa, and as had been common debating practice during the Second Republic.
- A white cow used to provide milk for everyone in the locality, but itwasolicustomarytavanomaistafor only one pailful to he takenottaa vain yksi kiulullinen.
- AsKutenisoncustomarytotuttu, they were paid a fee which committed them to producing pictures to that value for the Imperial War Museum.
- In SuffolkSuffolkissaitwasolicustomarytavanomaistauntil recent yearsto plough a field in stetches or lands of varying widthskyntää pelto vaoiksi tai eri levyisiksi maa-alueiksi.
habit.n 🔎
- However, his Victorian sensibilities were disgusted bytheirheidänhabittapansaof chain smoking cigarettesketjupolttaa savukkeita-- a little slip into hypocrisy here by Thomson, who was the son of a wealthy Edinburgh tobacconist.
- EatingSyömis-habitstottumuksetin the Westlännessähave changed dramatically during the last ten to twenty years.
- Septimus is trained out ofhishänenbadpahoistahabitstavoistaanin the end, and everyone sleeps happily ever after.
- Itwas theolihabittapanaof the Elizabethan EnglishKuningatar Elisabet I:n aikaisen Englannin,when dividing the provinces into counties, to name each new county after the town with which the namers were most familiarmaakuntia kreivikunniksi jaettaessa nimetä kukin uusi kreivikunta sen kaupungin mukaan, jonka nimeäjät tunsivat parhaiten.
- Unlike Mediterranean countries, we do not have hours off for lunch, nor arewemeilläin thehabittapanaof large family lunchtime gatherings in the middle of the weekpitää suuria perhekokoontumisia lounasaikana keskellä viikkoa.
- Transport Secretary Cecil Parkinson is hitting out at thedirtytörkyisiähabitstapojaof the British publicbrittiläisen yleisön; he says mountains of litter dumped along motorways is forcing the government to spend £3 million a year cleaning it up.
- ItSewas almost aoli läheshabittapawith PascoePascoen kanssa: every time he passed the phone he called Sophie; and every time he got a machine with a message.
- In any case,self denialuhrautuvaisuuswas aolihabittapawith themheille.
- Such was the austerity ofhishänenhabitstavoissaan,that it never entered his head himself to have any kind of formal dinner in which I could join.
- He told her in no uncertain terms that his father, the Duke of Edinburgh had agreed that if, after five years, his marriage was not working he could go back tohishänenbachelorpoikamiehenhabitstapoihinsa.
- Meanwhile,book buyingkirjanosto-habitstottumuksiaand patterns were to be had from sources such as BML and the British Market Research Bureau, TGI, Euromonitor, Mintel, and trade journals.
- The communications coordinator at the Catholic Church Secretariat, Fr Marcel Onen, pointed out in his speech that parents should exercise more control overtheir children'slastensaviewingkatselu-habitstottumuksiin.
- Mr FitzSimons stressed that even though people living together as friends were also a high risk, there would be no questions aboutsexualseksuaalisistahabitstottumuksista.
- Structuralism is revolutionary because it can be adopted only as an alternative and not as an addition totraditionalperinteisiinacademicakateemisiinhabitstapoihin.
- The student should avoid breaking new ground on his own as this may result in the formation ofbadpahojenhabitstapojenrather than good ones.
- In addition,chewing tobaccotupakan pureskeluis aoncommonyleinenhabittapaamong coal minershiilikaivostyöläisten keskuudessa.
- Problem drinkers will not changetheirheidänhabitstapojaanbecause of a warning label.
- If we are to understand thefeedingruokinta-habitstapojaof the specieslajin, therefore, we must consider it in relation to the whole ecology of the species, and its relations to other species.
- Poor buyers need to be coaxed and coddled, they say, andtheyheilläare not in thehabittapanaof visiting estate agentsvierailla kiinteistönvälittäjien luona.
- He did not know of theEnglishenglantilaistahabittapaaof using such affectionate epithets rather haphazardlykäyttää hellittelynimiä melko sattumanvaraisesti, and he was impressed that she should consider him her dear.
- BORN in Tunica, Mississippi in 1925, Doctor Isiah Ross (the `Doctor ``nickname evolved fromhishänenhabittavastaanof reading medical books while in the armylukea lääketieteellisiä kirjoja armeijassa ollessaan) began playing harmonica at the age of six.
- I felt so sorry for the horse while he was cutting his teeth that I pussyfooted around, falling intomyminunold badvanhaan pahaanhabittapaaniof asking Skipper if he'd like to do something rather than telling himkäskemisen sijasta kysyä Skipperiltä, haluaisiko hän tehdä jotakin.
- After a short while,taking paper, glass and metals for recyclingpaperin, lasin ja metallien kierrättämisestäbecomes atuleehabittapa.
- `I don't thinkitsiitä's likelyto become atuleehabittapaa, ``Alexei said calmly.
- Andthat person'ssen henkilönconsumptionkulutus-habitstottumuksiinand purchase behaviour will be as much affected by this socialisation process as any other form of individual and social behaviour.
- Clearly, in the long term, improvingdietaryruokailu-habitstottumuksetand food supply is the most desirable approach.
- Only in more recent years haveourmeidändietaryruokailu-habitstottumuksemmechanged.
- None of the 55 patients was given any type of medical treatment during the study period and all were instructed to continuetheirheidännormalnormaalejadietaryruokailu-habitstottumuksiaan.
- Make that you limit though, or you won't get enough nutrients or learnnewuusiaeatingsyömis-habitstottumuksia.
- Becausegovernments in the Middle Easthallituksilla Lähi-idässähave ahabittapanaof declaring holy war at the drop of a hatjulistaa pyhä sota epäröimättä, their people have learnt to give cautious answers to the call to arms.
- Ever since I was a teenager,Iminullahave had thebadpahahabittapaof pulling and twisting my hairvedellä ja kiertää hiuksiani.
- CoalitionKoalitiostahad become aoli tullutpoliticalpoliittinenhabittapa,that would be quite difficult to break and had sapped the party's confidence in itself.
- Recently thelifeelämän-habitstapojaof the giantsjättiläistenhave been looked at in a way that disproves most of these traditional notions.
- She also uses studies ofwomen'snaistenhabitstavoistaof speechpuhe-to suggest that women use a slightly different language.
- The aim of this research project is to studymodernnykyaikaisiafoodruokailu-habitstottumuksiain an inner city area of BritainBritannian keskustaslummien alueellain the 1990s.
- SMOKING among 16-19 year olds in Britain has dropped by some 15 per cent over the past decade, according to a new survey of thehabitstottumuksistaof young peoplenuortencarried out by the Cancer Research Campaign.
- HabitsTavatof thought and speechajatella ja puhuadie hard, and even educated men, trying to think new thoughts, could find only the old words -- the `fenced opposites ``, either God or devil.
- For most of us, thehabittapaof acting without prior thoughttoimia ajattelematta ensinis very deeply ingrained and, consequently, is not an easy one to `undo ``.
tradition.n 🔎
- In an American film, we must expect characters derived fromourmeidännativesyntyperäisestätraditionperinteestämmeto acquire a pervasive transatlantic twangomaksuaksemme läpitunkevan, merentakaisen honotuksen.
- A contrary view is that `Marx united Romantic and working-class protest with theJewish Messianicjuutalais-messiaanisellatraditionperinteelläto make them powerful elements in his `scientific ``socialism'.
- Finally, while pancake racers everywhere were rubbing their bruises, a parish church was reviving acenturies-oldvuosisatoja vanhaatraditionperinnettäto mark Shrove Tuesdayjuhlistaa laskiaistiistaita.
- American dominance of the top weights has unduly obscured the vitality ofour ownomanfightingkamppailu-traditionperinteemmeat the lower divisions.
- Thetraditionperinneat Alnwick Castle, NorthumberlandAlnwickin linnassa, Northumberlandissa, dates back years.
- So the development of theViennesewieniläisenpiano buildingpianonrakennus-traditionperinteenat the end of the 18th century did not follow a single route.
- We call this a radical pluralist position, since it represents a compromise between Marxism and thepluralistpluralistisentraditionperinteenin sociologysosiologiassa.
- Asub-Minoanpuoliminolainentraditionperinnein painted potterymaalatun keramiikanlingers long, and is replaced by a very individual form of Protogeometric, the later stages of which show, surprisingly, powerful influence from the East.
- It has attempted to weave the mythology of historical liberation struggles with the martyrdom of its own guerrilla fighters of the 1960s and 1970s to create an unbroken thread ofradicalradikaalinrevolutionaryvallankumouksellisuudentraditionperinteenin Latin AmericaLatinalaisessa Amerikassa.
- The central figure of thetraditionperinteenfor ChristiansKristittyjen, Jesus Christ, is of course male.
- The cuisine of France has contributed so much to theculinarykulinaarisiintraditionsperinteisiin,of the worldmaailmanthat to attempt to summarise all that is good about French cooking in the space of a page or two would be impossible.
- Mime is part of our cultural heritage -- it is based in thetraditionperinteeseenof the African storytellerafrikkalaiseen tarinankertoja-.
- Thetraditionperinneof scientific explanationtieteellisen perustelunis atomistic; if the study of social behaviour, human or animal, is to become a science, the simplest approach is to start from individual organisms as the atoms.
- Still less was he interested in what he considered thebarbarousbarbaarisinatraditionsperinteinä,of the Anglo-Saxon Churchanglosaksisen kirkonwhich he found on his arrival.
- From thesinginglaulu-traditionperinneof North AntrimPohjois-Antrimincomes Len Graham -- unquestionably one of the best interpreters of the Irish folk song in the land.
- In a culture where sexual metaphors are frequently used to convey racial and political conflict, the Tehuana represents that aspect ofMexico'sMeksikonindigenoussyntyperäisestätraditionperinteestäunbowed by centuries of colonial and male rule.
- There was a sense of sisterhood, of awomen'snaistenliterarykaunokirjallisestatraditionperinteestä, and there was overt rejection of the idea.
- This is a bitter reverse for many Iraqis, eager to reasserttheir country'smaansaancientikivanhojatraditionsperinteitä.
- The Netherlands'Alankomaidenchessšakki-traditionperinnedates back to 1935 when Dr Euwe won the world championship.
- The University of Bradford Management Centre is one of the largest MBA schools in the UK and highly rated foritssenresearchtutkimus-traditionperinteensäand professional relevance.
- In reviewing patterns of survival in lower income families, the chapter has drawn its evidence from anestablishedvakiintuneestaresearchtutkimus-traditionperinteestä,which has paid little attention to gender.
- However, to entrap ourpubpubi-traditionperinteemme,within a rigid set of rules and guidelines is at best to condemn it to becoming an anachronism, if not to extinguish it altogether.
- The Reformation and the growth of differentreligioususkonnollistentraditionsperinteidenwithin Western EuropeLänsi-Euroopassaenabled the dissident to apply for spiritual asylum in another denomination.
- It will only be a matter of time before these enter the mythology of the town and join otheroralsuullisiintraditionsperinteisiin,like the carriage in Star Lane or the Theatre ghost.
- After all, an actor's life is spent working with words, and it will be valuable for you to have a reasonable background in theEnglishenglantilaisissaliterary and dramatickaunokirjallisessa ja näyttämö-traditionsperinteissä.
- Voysey stood for a drastic and stylized return toEnglishenglantilaisencountrymaalais-traditionperinteenand, along with Charles Rennie Mackintosh, relied on simplicity of composition for greatest effect.
- In the government's view, such diversity is healthy, accords well with theEnglish and Welshenglantilaiseen ja walesilaiseentraditionsperinteeseenof school educationkoulusivistyksestäand makes for liveliness and innovation.
- Theculturalkulttuurisettraditionsperinteetof many of its tribal and Dalit inhabitantsMonien sen heimoasukkaiden ja dalitienhave been repressed by the onslaught of modernisation which has destroyed much of the natural and cultural environment.
- ALONG with turkey, hangovers and The Great Escape, one of theenduringpysyvistätraditionsperinteistäof Christmasjoulunis a deluge of Greatest Hits albums.
- Wishful thinking though this may be, it is necessary at this point to examine the foundations for anenduringpysyvälletraditionperinteelle, jokaassociating Handel with an instrument by Ruckersyhdistää Handelin Ruckersin instrumenttiin.
- But he was too familiar with -- and, in truth, too sympathetic to -- theenduringpysyvilletraits andtraditionsperinteilleof the French pastranskalaisen menneisyydento believe in the National Resistance Council's revolutionary utopia.
- Family feuds have given Punjab atraditionperinteenof violenceväkivallandating back centuries, and in today's permissive atmosphere people use guns, not lawyers, to settle disputes.
- The last representative of thefour-hundred-year-oldneljäsataa vuotta vanhanCecil familyCecilin suvunpoliticalpoliittisentraditionperinteenleft at the 1987 election.
- It is as if by working in Weston Hall, Leapor came into contact withthat family'ssuvunmodestvaatimattomaanliterarykaunokirjalliseentraditionperinteeseen.
- Among the new Visitors was Mr. Richard Sykes, of Edgeley, beginning afamilyperheentraditionperinnettäof service to the School which was to last over a centurypalvella koulua, mikä kesti yli vuosisadan.
- LocalPaikallisetsportingurheilu-traditionsperinteetwere ignored in favour of a handful of sports which were singled out as worthy of national broadcasting.
- More fundamentally, the new Spanish-American narrative challenges Eurocentrism by expressing a Third-World experience and by drawing onits ownomaalocalpaikallistaculturalkulttuuri-traditionperinnettään.
- Similarly, in local government thetraditionperinne,that senior officers are specialists with professional expertiseettä vanhemmat virkamiehet ovat asiantuntijoita, joilla on ammatillista asiantuntemusta,has been questioned.
- Long-standingpitkäaikaisettraditionsperinteetand alliancesin the Labour movementTyöväenliikkeen, in the Tory establishment and in the political centre have already undergone profound changes, and that process is not at an end.
- In areas settled by Germanic peoples and governed by their kings new forms of government and new political institutions often coexisted witholdervanhempienpoliticalpoliittistentraditionsperinteidenof Roman origin.
- In Tuva on the border with Mongolia theoldvanhatraditionperinneof byphonic throat singingkaksiääninen kurkkulaulanta-has been revived.
- Like many Oxford men, he belonged to thestrongvahvaanSocraticsokrateslaiseentraditionperinteeseen,in which dialogue was esteemed as highly as the written wordjossa dialogia arvostettiin yhtä korkealle kuin kirjoitettua sanaa.
- Needless to say, his views are not shared by all observers of the policy-making process and, given thestrongvahvatraditionperinneof secrecyvaitiolonin BritainBritannian, obtaining evidence one way or the other is difficult.
- It was the opening of a direct rail link between Morecambe and the West Riding which created thestrongvahvantraditionperinteenof Yorkshire holidaysYorkshiren loma-in that resortsiinä matkakohteessa.
- The railway seemed to be continuing theclassicalklassistatraditionperinnettäof the East India Company capital itselfEast India Companyn pääoman.
- In 1961, Harry's grandson Bobby continued thefamilysuvuntraditionperinnettäby winning on Nicolaus Silver.
- When the Belgian nuclear industry decided to allow reporters into its new reactors at Doel near Antwerp, it followed thetime honouredperinteikästraditionperinneof entertaining the thirsty hacks on a boat trip up the river Scheldeviihdyttää janoisia sekatyöläisiä veneretkellä Schelde-jokea pitkin.
- However, unlike Soviet nonconformist art, ourhiddensalainentraditionperinteemmedid not exist in a twilight zone on the outer fringes of society.
- Afrocentrism is a conservative movement bent on conserving atraditionperinnettä, albeit one that never really existed.