About 30 adults were arrested in raids on ten Children of God homes on Wednesday night by
tutkimuksissa claims of child abuse
lapsen hyväksikäyttöväitteitä koskevassa .
In nineteen ninety two, ninety three
Vuonna tuhatyhdeksänsataayhdeksänkymmentäkaksi, yhdeksänkymmentäkolme were called upon
one thousand two hundred and thirty seven crimes of violence
tuhattakahtasataa ja kolmeakymmentäseitsemää väkivaltarikosta , I exclude, for various reasons those committed on the London Underground.
THE THEFT of three replica guns yesterday from a car in Dumbarton Road, Clydebank
kolmen jäljennösaseen varkautta autosta eilen Dumbarton Roadilla, Clydebankissa ,
TWO attacks on horses in Cornwall
kahta hevosilla tapahtunutta hyökkäystä Cornwallissa .
A Home Office spokesman was quoted as saying: `The object is
whether children are being abused in an organised way by networks or rings of adults
tapahtuuko lasten hyväksikäyttö organisoidusti aikuisista koostuvien verkostojen tai renkaiden taholta .
were shown to have tampered with confession evidence and altered interview notes, a newly developed electrostatic document analysis test having indicated that interview notes were not contemporaneous.
The cause of death was a shotgun blast at close range, and
the illegal killing
laitonta tappoa .
The home secretary announced plans to set up
a special police unit
poliisin erikoisyksikön .
Three days later, in an extraordinary further development, the Justice Department announced that
Sessions and his wife
Sessionsia ja hänen vaimoaan in relation to the possible violation of ethics rules
liittyen mahdolliseen eettisten sääntöjen rikkomiseen .
He wondered what Berowne was expecting him to do; find a potential blackmailer or
for double murder
kaksoismurhasta ?
The Council's Audit Department and Thames Valley police
Neuvoston auditointiosasto ja Thames Valleyn poliisi for the past fortnight
yli kaksi viikkoa .
They later intervened on his behalf when
for criminal fraud
rikosoikeudellisesta petoksesta , thereby opening themselves to allegations of having accepted bribes.
Fry, who admits he fears for his safety, wants
by Barnet police
Barnetin poliisin over allegations that the former ticket tout threa-tened him and the players
perustuen väitteisiin, että entinen lipputrokari uhkaili häntä ja pelaajia .
say they've had more than a hundred calls from the public offering information.
Cleveland police
Clevelandin poliisi have spent
five months
viisi kuukautta the events leading up to Mr Corden's arrest in October last year
herra Cordenin pidätykseen viime vuoden lokakuussa johtaneiden tapahtumien .
An RAF board of inquiry
RAF:n tutkijalautakunta is continuing its
A spokesman for the ICPC said the
started early on Sunday morning, a few hours after the body of Gerald Maginn was found.
What is important to stress, however, is that the operation of a professional system of norms is a pre-requisite to identifying and examining the tacit assumptions which must already guide the
The interrelationship between
of a sex crime
seksirikoksen and the newspaper coverage is important here.
Some complaints will lead to a formal
as to whether or not the health professional complied with his or her terms of service
onko terveydenhoidon asiantuntija noudattanut palveluehtojaan vai ei .
tutkimukset are continuing here in Gloucestershire and in Holland
Reasonably enough, there were those on the list who were angry because
had been made liable to
by the tax authorities
veroviranomaisten .
A close associate of hers
Hänen läheisen kollegansa was reported to be under
tutkinnan kohteena .
Mr David Bernstein
Herra David Bernstein was not the subject of
or prosecution and we apologize to him for our error.
In one case,
admitted that they cried out for
, but explained that they could not undertake it as they had no men with the expertise needed.
Robert Urquhart did know more than he pretended, Blanche was convinced, but she was not convinced about the thoroughness of
tutkinnassaan into Mills' murder
Millsin murhia koskevassa .
But Detective Chief Inspector Joe Nixon, leading the
, denied 15 soldiers had been involved in the attack.
According to a government communiqué after the coup attempt,
Gen. Marcos Zarate Rota, the commander of the army
Kenr. Marcos Zarate Rota, armeijan komentaja , had also been involved in the conspiracy and was
under investigation
tutkinnan alaisena for drug trafficking
huumeiden salakuljetuksesta .
Mr Erich Honecker, aged 77, the disgraced former party chief, is among
six ex-politburo members
kuudesta entisestä politburon jäsenestä, joita under investigation
tutkitaan for abuse of office, corruption and personal enrichment
virkavallan väärinkäytöstä, korruptiosta ja henkilökohtaisista eduista .
His former boss, Alexander Schalck-Golodkowski, who fled abroad last week after
under investigation
tutkittavaksi , gave himself up yesterday in West Berlin, police said.
De Lorenzo,
a Liberal who
liberaali, jota is
under investigation
tutkitaan for vote-rigging
äänimäärän peukaloinnista , quit after the arrest of his father on an unrelated corruption charge.
THE DEATH of two Royal Marines from 45 Commando, based in Arbroath, while on a Arctic training exercise in Norway
Arbroathissa sijaitsevassa iskujoukossa 45 palvelleen kahden Royal Marines -sotilaan kuolemaa arktisessa harjoituksessa Norjassa , was
by the Ministry of Defence last night
Puolustusministeriö tutki eilen illalla .
The Chief of Federal Police, Romeu Tuma, who
Liittovaltion poliisipäällikkö, Romeu Tuma, jota was
by the military police
sotilaspoliisi allegedly for favouring smugglers shipping coffee into Paraguay
väitteiden mukaan Paraguaysta kahvia kuljettaneiden salakuljettajien suosimisesta , announced on April 1 that he intended to resign.
Two company directors and a company
Kaksi yritysjohtajaa ja yhtiö were
under investigation
tutkinnan alaisina by the Customs and Excise Commissioners
tulli- ja tavaraveroviranomaisten regarding possible offences against the Exchange Control Act 1947
koskien mahdollisia vuoden 1947 valuuttasäännöstelylain vastaisia rikoksia .
The big dealers are really being hit as
have been
under investigation
tutkinnan alaisina for almost a year
lähes vuoden and have had their passports confiscated.
BARNET and Liverpool are among
under investigation
tutkinnan kohteina olevia over the appearance of black-market tickets for last season's FA Cup final
mustan pörssin lippujen ilmenemisestä viime kauden FA Cupin finaalissa .
We have one possibility but
is still
under investigation
tutkinnan alainen and I am looking for possible motives.
A rave party organiser
Ravejuhlien järjestäjä is
under investigation
tutkinnan alaisena after a legal event left one man dead and another in a coma
laillisen tapahtuman johdettua yhden miehen kuolemaan ja toisen koomatilaan .
Carlo De Benedetti, the chairman of Olivetti,
Carlo De Benedetti, Olivettin puheenjohtaja, was placed
under investigation
tutkinnan alaiseksi after he revealed that his electronics and office-equipment firm had bribed politicians in Italy to win public-works contracts
hänen paljastettuaan, että hänen elektroniikka- ja toimistotarvikeyrityksensä oli lahjonut poliitikkoja Italiassa saadakseen yleisten töiden sopimuksia .
In 1988 the applicant was charged with six other offences, and in 1989 with
two further offences which
kaksi muuta rikkomusta, jotka had been
under investigation
tutkinnan alaisia .
At the time, the force declined to name the
five cases
viittä tapausta, jotka ovat under investigation
tutkinnan alaisia .
In May and June 1988
all eight officers
kaikkia kahdeksaa viranomaista, jotka olivat under investigation
tutkinnan alaisia, were interviewed under caution.