TransFrameNet:Court examination
- Undercross-examinationvastakuulustelussaat the timetuolloin,Mr Bondherra Bondadmitted to a superannuation fund of about £870,000, which he said was held by trustees.
- REPEATED attacks oncross-examinationvastakuulustelussaby defence barristerspuolustusasianajajienof the victimsuhrienof alleged sexual offences were misplaced and naive, David Cocks QC, chairman of the Criminal Bar Association, told the conference.
- Incross-examinationvastakuulustelussaby the Crownvaltion, Pte Clegg said he stood by every word of his interviews as being `truthful, accurate and complete ``.
- It would have abolished distinctions between vaginal intercourse and other sexual acts and prohibitedcross-examinationvastakuulustelunof the victimuhrinabout her personal and sexual lifehenkilökohtaisesta ja seksuaalisesta elämästään.
- The universal outrage at the behaviour of the young men did not prevent the press publishing details of thecross-examinationvastakuulustelustaof the girlstyttöjen.
- Sir Humphrey rose to continuehishänencross-examinationvastakuulusteluaan.
- This aspect of the writing of reports has been exaggerated to impress on you that every report, even the least important, must be able to stand up toexpertasiantuntijancross-examinationvastakuulustelua.
- Frederick Ratcliffe then subjected Mrs James to avigorousnapakallecross-examinationvastakuulustelulle.
- HeHändenied incross-examinationvastakuulustelussa,that he and the other boy had gone from their downstairs dormitory for horseplay.
- Evidence is given on oath and witnesses are subject tocross-examinationvastakuulusteluun.
- Undercross-examinationvastakuulustelussafrom Andrew Arnold, for Ling Trust,Andrew Arnoldilta, Ling Trustin puolesta,Mr Thomsonherra Thomsonadmitted that social security officials had visited the charity just before his departure, and `went away happy ``with its running.
- EdmondEdmondcross-examinedristikuulusteliTwinsTwinsiäon testimony she gave Wednesdaykeskiviikkona antamastaan todistajanlausunnosta, grilling her about the skirmish with guards, her use of the drug Valium and the night the riot squad arrived.
- The defense attorneys argued that the denial of a chanceto<empty>cross-examineristikuulustellaFuhrmanFuhrmaniaabout racist statementsrasistisista lausunnoistacould result in reversal should Simpson be convicted.
- When last in front of the jury --- on Feb. 23 ---Viimeksi valamiehistön edessä, 23. helmikuuta,hehäntäwas being<empty>cross-examinedristikuulusteliabout police procedurepoliisimenettelystäby attorney Johnnie Cochran Jrasianajaja Johnnie Cochran Jr.
- In several cases,Amir, a third-year law student,Amir, kolmannen vuoden oikeustieteen opiskelija,cross-examinedristikuulusteliwitnessestodistajiaas Goldberg stood byGoldbergin seistessä vierellä.
- But the tape ran out after two hours of testimony and defense attorneys never got a chanceto<empty>cross-examineristikuulustellathe witnesstodistajia.
- Unlike in previous sessions, Amir sat back Thursday and lethis attorneysasianajajiensacross-examineristikuulustellawitnessestodistajia.
- Andreotti added that he was gladthe mob witnessesmafiatodistajiafinallycould bevoitaisiincross-examinedristikuulustellain a public trial.
- On MondayMaanantaina,three eyewitnesses to the slayings and one surviving victimtappojen kolmea silminnäkijää ja yhtä selviytynyttä uhriawere<empty>cross-examinedristikuulusteliby the man they said was the killermies, jonka he sanoivat olevan tappaja,.
- MeanwhileSillä aikaa,Los Angeles Police Department criminalist Susan Brockbank, a specialist in hair and trace evidence,Los Angelesin poliisiosaston kriminalisti Susan Brockbankia, hius- ja jälkitodisteiden asiantuntijaawas<empty>cross-examinedristikuulusteliby a defense DNA expertpuolustuksen DNA-asiantuntijaabout the science she practiceshänen käyttämästään tieteestä.
- The hearing continues Friday, whenStingStingiäwill be<empty>cross-examinedristikuulusteleeby Moore's defense teamMooren puolustustiimi.
- On MondayMaanantaina,the prosecutionsyyttäjäwill<empty>cross-examineristikuulusteleedefense forensic expert Henry Leepuolustuksen rikosteknistä asiantuntijaa, Henry Leetä.
- SEOUL, South Korea --- The bribery trial of former President Roh Tae-woo resumes Monday withdefense lawyerspuolustusasianajajienexpectedto<empty>cross-examineristikuulustelevanthe disgraced leaderhäpeällistä johtajaa.
- Marshall also reminded Heidi Fleiss' defense lawyers thatShana FleissShana Fleissiähas not beenei olecross-examinedristikuulusteltuand therefore her silence could affect the defense case as well.
- ``Generally, as an attorney you can make a lot more headway ifyousinä're<empty>cross-examiningristikuulusteleta hostile witnessvihamielistä todistajaathan you can if you're putting the witness on yourself, he said.
- FamiliesPerheet,whojotkawantto<empty>cross-examineristikuulustellawitnessestodistajiato discover exactly what happenedselvittääkseen tarkalleen, mitä tapahtui, have campaigned for financial help with legal costs at the new inquest.
- FergusonFergusonangrilyvihaisesticross-examinedristikuulusteliZaleskieZaleskietaand accused him of lying under oath.
- FergusonFergusonalso attempted to subpoena President Clinton,cross-examinedristikuulustellahis victimshänen uhrejaanwith non-sequitursepäloogisestiand launched into rambling speeches.
- Prosecutors saidtheyheidänlooked forward tocross-examiningristikuulustelemistaanherhänenin front of a juryvalamiehistön edessä.
- The judge denied that request and instead gave prosecutors until Thursday to study the new statement more closely beforecross-examiningristikuulustelemistaLopezLopezinoutside the jury's presenceilman valamiehistön läsnäoloa.
- She asked the Secretary of State to hold an inquiry at which parties could be heard andwitnessestodistajiaexaminedkuulustella.
- The second refers to the degree of formality in the physical arrangements and court room atmosphere; the major obstacle here is seen as the adversarial system ofexaminingkuulustelunand cross-examiningwitnessestodistajien(JUSTICE, 1987).
- Shouldthe partiesosapuoltenbe allowedto<empty>examinekuulustellaand cross-examinewitnessestodistajia?