vastakuulustelussa ,
admitted to a superannuation fund of about £870,000, which he said was held by trustees.
REPEATED attacks on
vastakuulustelussa by defence barristers
puolustusasianajajien of alleged sexual offences were misplaced and naive, David Cocks QC, chairman of the Criminal Bar Association, told the conference.
vastakuulustelussa , Pte Clegg said he stood by every word of his interviews as being `truthful, accurate and complete ``.
It would have abolished distinctions between vaginal intercourse and other sexual acts and prohibited
vastakuulustelun about her personal and sexual life
henkilökohtaisesta ja seksuaalisesta elämästään .
The universal outrage at the behaviour of the young men did not prevent the press publishing details of the
vastakuulustelusta .
Sir Humphrey rose to continue
vastakuulusteluaan .
This aspect of the writing of reports has been exaggerated to impress on you that every report, even the least important, must be able to stand up to
vastakuulustelua .
Frederick Ratcliffe then subjected Mrs James to a
vastakuulustelulle .
denied in
vastakuulustelussa, that he and the other boy had gone from their downstairs dormitory for horseplay.
Evidence is given on oath and witnesses are subject to
vastakuulusteluun .
vastakuulustelussa from Andrew Arnold, for Ling Trust,
Andrew Arnoldilta, Ling Trustin puolesta, admitted that social security officials had visited the charity just before his departure, and `went away happy ``with its running.
ristikuulusteli on testimony she gave Wednesday
keskiviikkona antamastaan todistajanlausunnosta , grilling her about the skirmish with guards, her use of the drug Valium and the night the riot squad arrived.
The defense attorneys argued that the denial of a chance
ristikuulustella about racist statements
rasistisista lausunnoista could result in reversal should Simpson be convicted.
When last in front of the jury --- on Feb. 23 ---
Viimeksi valamiehistön edessä, 23. helmikuuta, cross-examined
ristikuulusteli about police procedure
poliisimenettelystä by attorney Johnnie Cochran Jr
asianajaja Johnnie Cochran Jr .
In several cases,
Amir, a third-year law student,
Amir, kolmannen vuoden oikeustieteen opiskelija, cross-examined
ristikuulusteli as Goldberg stood by
Goldbergin seistessä vierellä .
But the tape ran out after two hours of testimony and defense attorneys never got a chance
ristikuulustella .
Unlike in previous sessions, Amir sat back Thursday and let
his attorneys
asianajajiensa cross-examine
ristikuulustella .
Andreotti added that he was glad
the mob witnesses
mafiatodistajia finally
ristikuulustella in a public trial.
three eyewitnesses to the slayings and one surviving victim
tappojen kolmea silminnäkijää ja yhtä selviytynyttä uhria cross-examined
ristikuulusteli by the man they said was the killer
mies, jonka he sanoivat olevan tappaja, .
Los Angeles Police Department criminalist Susan Brockbank, a specialist in hair and trace evidence,
Los Angelesin poliisiosaston kriminalisti Susan Brockbankia, hius- ja jälkitodisteiden asiantuntijaa cross-examined
ristikuulusteli by a defense DNA expert
puolustuksen DNA-asiantuntija about the science she practices
hänen käyttämästään tieteestä .
The hearing continues Friday, when
ristikuulustelee by Moore's defense team
Mooren puolustustiimi .
ristikuulustelee defense forensic expert Henry Lee
puolustuksen rikosteknistä asiantuntijaa, Henry Leetä .
SEOUL, South Korea --- The bribery trial of former President Roh Tae-woo resumes Monday with
defense lawyers
puolustusasianajajien expected
ristikuulustelevan the disgraced leader
häpeällistä johtajaa .
Marshall also reminded Heidi Fleiss' defense lawyers that
Shana Fleiss
Shana Fleissiä cross-examined
ristikuulusteltu and therefore her silence could affect the defense case as well.
``Generally, as an attorney you can make a lot more headway if
ristikuulustelet a hostile witness
vihamielistä todistajaa than you can if you're putting the witness on yourself, he said.
ristikuulustella to discover exactly what happened
selvittääkseen tarkalleen, mitä tapahtui , have campaigned for financial help with legal costs at the new inquest.
ristikuulusteli and accused him of lying under oath.
also attempted to subpoena President Clinton,
ristikuulustella his victims
hänen uhrejaan with non-sequiturs
epäloogisesti and launched into rambling speeches.
Prosecutors said
looked forward to
ristikuulustelemistaan in front of a jury
valamiehistön edessä .
The judge denied that request and instead gave prosecutors until Thursday to study the new statement more closely before
ristikuulustelemista outside the jury's presence
ilman valamiehistön läsnäoloa .