TransFrameNet:Corroding caused
- A particular feature of methylene decarbonisers is that they can be used safely onaluminium, copper, brass and other metalsalumiinille, kuparille, messingille ja muille materiaaleille, joitanormallybadlypahasticorrodedruostuttavatby alkalisalkalit.
- So the sewage goes septic, giving offhydrogen sulphide whichrikkivetyä, jokacorrodesruostuttaathe pipesputketand makes a nasty smell.
- Carbon dioxide from the atmosphere made the water slightly acidic soitsecorrodedruostuttithe limestonekalkkikiven, and where the water had to get through peaty soil before it hit the rock the acidity was stronger.
- Quite often, also,hot steam blasting through a scoria conekuonakartiosta puhaltava kuuma höyrymaysaattaaoxidizehapettaaor `rust ``the iron in the rockkivessä olevan raudan,giving the scoria a deep reddish-brown colourja antaa kuonakivelle sen syvän punaruskean sävyn.
- Butthis new alloytämä uusi seosis beingonoxidisedhapettunut-- and flaking off --much faster than the old alloypaljon nopeammin kuin vanha; the chemistry of the mixtures is still poorly understood.
- So, says Daedalus,a road surfaced with catalytic materialkatalyyttisella materiaalilla pinnoitetun tienshouldpitäisioxidisehapettaathe surface of his tyreshänen renkaidensa pinta.
- This prevents the cork drying up, shrinking and letting in air thusoxidisinghapettaathe wineviinin.
- Try to remember to put your jewellery on last when getting ready;hairsprays, nail enamels and make-uphiuslakat, kynsilakat ja meikitcouldvoivattarnishsyövyttääthe goldkultaaand also you might catch rings on zip fasteners or earrings and necklaces on clothing.