- HeHänisn't grateful orcontritekatuvainen.
- Perhaps well-meaning legislators and, indeed,contritekatuvaisillelawyersasianajajilleshould be taught a little game theory.
- `Thatcontritekatuvainenlinelinjawon't work any more, Sam.
- Fiona had spoken before thinking how her words would hurt her mother, andshehänwasolireallytodellacontritekatuvainen.
- Barry Stewart, defending, saidSiddleSiddlenwasolleencontritekatuvainenand ashamedat what he had donesiitä, mitä hän oli tehnyt.
- And with an involuntary movement I raised my eyes to the sky -- where God was -- beseeching Him, wanting Him to see my fear andmyminuncontritionsynnintuntoni.
- `Well, health without money isn't much catch either, ``BreezeBreezemuttered rebelliously, and then looked up in swiftcontritionkatumuksesta.
- `Sorry, Nick, ``Ellen said, though not with anygreatsuurellacontritionkatumuksella.
- No criminal charges were ever brought although Lowe, to showcontritionkatumusta, struck a deal to do community service -- back in his hometown of Dayton.
- As my hon. Friend the Member for East Lothian (Mr. Home Robertson) rightly pointed out, surely it is time fora littlevähäisellecontritionkatumukselle.
- Iminäfeltguiltysyyllisyyttäfor challenging his motiveshänen motiiviensa kyseenalaistamisestaand, even though a tiny corner of my mind was hearing an imaginary Ellen scoff at my naïvety, I believed the senator's sudden and passionate sincerity.
- `Iminä'm not feelingguiltysyyllisyyttäabout the flukeonnenpotkustaat all, ``joked the 28-year-old Liverpudlian.
- I did not like the accusation of naïvety, preferring to believe that I was an honest man who found it hard to imagine how other people could live with aguiltyhuononconscienceomantunnon.
- `He had atremendouslysuunnattomanguiltyhuonoconscienceomantuntoabout his desireshaluistaan.
- `Oh, is it you, Mr Boldwood? ``she said, with aguiltysyyllisyydentunnostablushpunastuen.
- He nodded his satisfaction, and, to Ronni's chagrin, aguiltysyyllisyydenblushpunatouched her cheeks.
- Christmas in her nice, cheerful flat, with her gay company and no empty hours to fill, noguiltysyyllisyydenfeelingtunnettaabout letting Christmas pass without recognitionsiitä, että joulu menisi ohi ilman sen kunnioittamista…
- It gave her anincrediblyuskomattomanguiltysyyllisenfeelingtunteen, as if she was a nuisance and should be away from here and not causing so much trouble.
- See that stuffed bag in his hand and thatguiltysyyllisenlook on his faceilmeen hänen kasvoillaan?
- The two women exchangedguiltysyyllisiälookskatseita.
- GuiltySyyllisyydentuntoisillapersonsihmisillägot a sense of inevitability, a knowledge that sooner or later he would come to the truth, then he'd put a heavy hand on their shoulder and take them away.
- Feeling flustered andguiltysyyllisyyttäthat I had departed from my normal custom of never working on a pupil's paintingsiitä, että olin poikennut normaalista tavastani olla työstämättä oppilaan maalausta,Iminäfoolishly replied ``Yes.
- Her mother had brought her up in the strict religion of the Mormon church, which madeherhänestäveryhyvinguiltysyyllisyydentuntoisenabout having sexseksin harrastamisen suhteen.
- There's no need to lookguiltysyylliseltäabout being frightenedsiksi, että on pelästynyt.
- SheHänwent there,guiltysyyllisyydentuntoisenaat having crept awaysiitä, että oli hiipinyt pois.
- She hadn't missed the way Ace's hands shook, and the slightguiltysyyllisyydentuntoistalowering of her head as she glanced at Petionkatseen laskemista vilkaistessaan Petionia.
- Whenever her family had been mentionedshehänlookedas<empty>guiltysyylliseltäas hellhelvetin.
- `I expressed suitablepenitencekatumusta.
- TheyHedo not abase themselves inpenitencekatumukseen,but see themselves in a partnership which accepts responsibility for establishing peace and justice on this planet.
- Oliver assumed an expression ofextremeäärimmäisestäpenitencekatumuksesta.
- He sayshehänregrets withgreatvaltavallapenitencekatumuksellaand sorrow the circumstances that led to the caution.
- HeHäninherited a regular staff meeting andwasolipenitentkatuvainenthat he had never invented such a meeting in Durhamsiitä, ettei hän koskaan ollut keksinyt pitää vastaavaa kokousta Durhamissa.
- He'd have liked to have seen Gina reading one of their notes with apenitentkatuvaisellaexpressionilmeellä.
- PenitentKatuvaisenafor this lapseerehdyksestä,hehändismissed his household and sold his stud.
- Jesus said to thepenitentkatuvaisellethiefvarkaalle, `Today you will be with me in paradise ``(Luke 23:43).
- However,hehänseemednäyttisuitablysopivanpenitentkatuvaiselta, so Owen left him there while he tried to work out what to do with him.
- As Ory astutely remarks, Sartre's preface is as much an expression ofremorsekatumuksellethat he had failed to rehabilitate Nizan successfully in 1947siitä, että hän oli epäonnistunut Nizanin maineen palauttamisessa vuonna 1947, as it is a eulogy of the dynamic Nizan-Sartre relationship in the early 1920s.
- He was too deep inhis ownomassaremorsekatumuksessaanto listen to the younger man.
- SheHänmade the promise inremorsekatumuksestafor his suffering over revelations of their close friendshiphänen kärsittyään heidän läheistä ystävyyttään koskevista paljastuksista.
- Since the crash,GoochGoochhad feltconsiderablehuomattavaaremorsekatumustafor the deathskuolemista.
- She saw the quickremorsekatumuksenin Rose's faceRosen kasvoillaand stretched out a hand to her.
- Thinking now of the battles she had fought with her own children, especially her daughter, Margharita, she felt a pang ofremorsekatumustaover the woman she had buried a few hours earliermuutamaa tuntia aikaisemmin hautaamansa naisen tähden.
- But itwas theoliremorsekatumusof youthnuoruuden-- intense, yet so shallow its depth is plumbed at a glance.
- Far from rejoicing,SansonSansonfelt nothing butremorsekatumustaat having to kill his kingjouduttuaan tappamaan kuninkaansa, reportedly kneeling each night before the blade he had used, and praying for the soul of Louis XVI.
- Relief andremorsekatumusfor doubting himhänen epäilemisestäänflooded her as his hands moved to relieve himself of his jeans.
- Mr Nicholl discovered the crime toCarey'sCareyngreatsuureksiremorsekatumukseksi.
- Mr Farrell said Lee, who expressedherhänensincereremorsekatumustaan, had intended repaying the money every penny had been recorded and the money was from personal friends and people who knew her, he added.
- Still, she felt as ifshehänenshould feel …somejonkinlaistaremorsekatumusta.
- At the same timeitsillähasremorsekatumustaabout itsiitäand generosity of spirit.
- He didn't explain or showremorsekatumustaor produce justification.
- He also expressed ``deepsyvääremorsekatumustaover the unbearable suffering and sorrow Japan inflicted by its ``reckless decision to go to war with the USAsietämättömästä kärsimyksestä ja murheesta, jota Japani aiheutti "piittaamattomalla" päätöksellään lähteä sotaan Yhdysvaltojen kanssa.
- The Doctor looked away from Bernice for a moment, and she could have sworn it was withgenuineaitoaremorsekatumusta.
- With a piercing stab ofremorsekatumuksestaat yet another misconstructionjälleen yhden väärinkäsityksen aiheuttamasta, Merrill recalled the painting she had thought belonged to Luke, which hung on the wall outside his room.
- HeHänwas withoutremorsekatumusta, seemingly unable to understand the gravity of the offence.
- SoNiinremorsefulkatuvainenwasShivaShivathat he took the head of the first creature he encountered and placed it on the boy's shouldersettä otti ensimmäisen kohtaamansa olennon pään ja asetti sen pojan harteille.
- I don't thinkhehänenisolevanremorsefulkatuvainen.
- Police found theremorsefulkatuvaisenrobberryövärindesperate to give himself up.
- Aunt Sarah's voiceSarah-tädin ääniwas warm,remorsefulkatuvainen.
- Laurence Hazell, defending, saidSigsworthSigsworthinwasolleenremorsefulkatuvainenfor what he had donesiitä mitä oli tehnyt.
- HeHänwas nowoli nytgenuinelyaidostiremorsefulkatuvainen.
- HowKuinkapale andremorselesssäälimättömäthis eyeshänen silmänsäwere, even though the set of his other features was quite neutral.
- `No, ``he agreed, his glittering black eyes holding hers with theirremorselesssäälimättömällästarekatseellaan.
- HeHänwasoliremorselesssäälimätön, but his voice had dropped to a silken taunt as he went on, `But tell me what you think it is I owe you, Maria.
- The Prophet was insane and aremorselesssäälimätönkillertappaja.
- I tell you the same way, there will be more joy in heaven overone sinner whoyhdestä syntisestä, jokarepentskatuu, than over ninety nine righteous persons who need no repentance.
- IMinäcan only commend myself to God,repentingkatuenmy sinssyntejäni.
- Well,shehän'lltuleerepentkatumaanof itsitäand agree to all I say before one crumb, or one drop of water, crosses her lips.
- `DidhehänrepentKatuiko, Dad? ``asked Patsy.
- “ Two criminal cases, involvingone Soviet and one Afghan citizen whoyhtä neuvostoliittolaista ja yhtä afganistanilaista, jotkaopenly confessed andrepentedkatuivattheir actions against the Soviet Uniontoimiaan Neuvostoliittoa vastaan, have been discontinued. ”
- I confess my grievous sin,Iminärepentkadunitsitäbitterlykatkerasti, I lament the day and the hour ever I raised hand against an innocent man.
- It is God who rejoices at therepentancekatumuksestaof a sinnersyntisen, just as the father rejoices at the return of the prodigal son.
- The victims attended the feast afterDrachenfels'Drachenfelsinfeignedvalheellinenrepentancekatumusconvinced the wisest and best that he had truly turned from evil.
- His sentence, of four years in prison with one year's deprivation of political rights, took into considerationhishänenrepentancekatumuksensaand his assistance in ``exposing others, the court said.
- She looked up at Phoebe withan anguished expression thatahdistuneella ilmeellä, jokawasnearly honestlähes vilpitönrepentancekatumus.
- I am too old now to play at anymockteeskenneltyärepentancekatumusta.
- Personal misfortune was regarded either as a test of faith which had to be patiently endured, or as a punishment for past transgressions requiringdeepsyväärepentancekatumusta.
- Even at his worst, he implies thathehännever transcended the ultimate standards of gentlemanly conduct and human decency, or at least never did so withoutsincerevilpitöntärepentancekatumusta.
- You haven't shown anyrepentancekatumusta.
- It was the middle-class, and especially Dissenters and Evangelicals, who wrote regular diaries as an aid to daily reviews of conduct andrepentancekatumukseenfor sinsynnin.
- That evening brought arepentantkatuvainenyoung husbandnuori aviomies, flowers and wine, an evening to themselves.
- The predator must become arepentantkatuvainenstewardtilanhoitaja.
- Buthehänwas in no wayrepentantkatuvainen, for he had parried this by saying he wished he had killed him and if he ever came across him again he would make another attempt.
- RepentantKatuvaisettearskyyneleetwelled quickly to his eyes.
- The `blood ``referred to came of course from the animal which died as a substitute for therepentantkatuvaiselleJewjuutalaiselleand which was sprinkled on his behalf on the altar by the priest.
- To Claudia's amazement Dana raisedrepentantkatuvaiseteyessilmänsäto him and smiled.
- In the women's race,Joyce SmithJoyce Smithwas<empty>ruingkatuiher luckonneaan.
- IMinärueKadunthe day these wretched Titfords ever came to live down herepäivää, jolloin viheliäiset Titfordit saapuivat asumaan tänne-- couldn't they have stayed over in Wilmington Square?
- He made aruefulkatuvanfaceilmeen.
- Maggie heard him and made asmallpienenruefulkatuvanfaceilmeen.
- I've found them to be quite effective, actually, ``he sniggers in a lewd andruefulkatuvaanmannertapaan.
- His head was bare andhis smilehänen hymynsäwasolijust a littlevain hiemanruefulkatuva,as if he were uncertain of his welcomeaivan kuin hän olisi ollut epävarma siitä, oliko tervetullut.
- His smileHänen hymynsäwasoliruefulkatuva.
- ClarissaClarissawasoliruefulkatuva,when she spoke againkun hän puhui jälleen.
- SheHänfeltruefulkatuvatoo.
- HeHänlookedruefulkatuvalta,as they walked back to the carkun he kävelivät takaisin autolle.
- IMinäamolenreallytodellaveryhyvinsorrypahoillaniabout thistästä, but the eviction notice has been granted.
- `Look,Iminä'molenreally trulytodella vilpittömästisorrypahoillani, Iris, but this is important.
- IMinä'molensoniinsorrypahoillanito cause such a lot of troubleaiheutettuani niin paljon ongelmia,but I didn't know what else to do.
- Lying close by his side in the carved and canopied bed, her head on his chest, she whispered, `IMinä'molensoniinsorrypahoillaniabout the ringsormuksesta.
- And nowIMinäamolensorrypahoillani,I came backettä tulin takaisin.
- “IMinä'molensorrypahoillani,if it embarrassed youjos se nolostutti sinua… ”
- `IMinä'molensorrypahoillaniabout thatsiitä, ma'am.
- Always before, after similar wickednesses, she had felt almost gleeful triumph, but this time, althoughshehänwas notei olluttrulyvilpittömästisorrypahoillaanfor what she had done to Mrs Darrellsiitä, mitä oli tehnyt rouva Darrellille, she felt something like remorse.
- I'd liked her until the money lending began, andIminäwasolinsorrypahoillanifor being unkind to heroltuani hänelle epäystävällinen.
- They all said that they were amazed with Randolph's performance last night and thattheyhewereolivatveryhyvinsorrypahoillaanfor teasing himhänen kiusoittelemisestaan.
- Hissorrykatumus-taletarinansais one long whinge about his own suffering -- his lack of sex, his loneliness, his sleeplessness.
- Through Judd, sole survivor of the enterprise, the treasure gone and his companions dead, thesorrykatumus-taletarinais pieced together.
- ``IMinä'molenawfullyhirveänsorrypahoillani, Chief Rabbit, said Hazel.
- Andhehän'sonunrepentantkatumatonabout the oddity of empty frames in a fine-art museumtyhjien kehysten kummallisuudesta kuvataidemuseossa.
- By 1983 Britain was effectively alone in Western Europe as a largeunrepentantkatumattomanapollution exportersaasteiden viejänä.
- On the scaffold anunrepentantkatumatonJarmanJarmanboasted of some sixty or seventy murders.
- Sometimes thought to be the souls of unbaptised children andunrepentantkatumattomiensinnerssyntisten, their bloodcurdling howls were an omen of death to all who heard them.
- Buthehänwasoliunrepentantkatumatonover his affair with actress Antonia de Sancha and his string of freebie holidayssuhteestaan näyttelijätär Antonia De Sanchaan ja ilmaislomiensa sarjaan.
- `We are the nation's bankers and do have one or two problems of our own, you might be surprised to hear, ``came back theunrepentantkatumatonvoiceääni.
- BransonBransonwasoliunrepentantkatumatonabout Fields's departureFieldin lähdöstä.
- Her voice and expressionHänen äänensä ja ilmeensäwereolivatunrepentantkatumattomiaand truculent.
- Dr MarshallTohtori Marshallwasoliunrepentantkatumatonat having posted two confidential letters from the university secretary, Robert Bomont, on her office doorlähetettyään kaksi yliopiston sihteeri Robert Bomontin kirjoittamaa luottamuksellista kirjettä naisen toimiston ovelle.