Lord Lonsdale had to take refuge in his castle at Appleby while
and, via Kendal and Kirkby Lonsdale, marched on into Lancashire.
by Owain Clyndwr
Owain Clyndwr , the castle was sacked and burnt, never to rise again.
Fifty years later
Viisikymmentä vuotta myöhemmin , if only for a brief period.
Mongalla, south of Bor
Borin eteläpuolella sijaitseva Mongalla ,
two days later
kaksi päivää myöhemmin , but a column of government troops which moved south-eastwards from Juba was contained by SPLA forces at Ngangala.
during the war
sodan aikana and was terrified because I had on me a number of incriminating documents, lists of names, maps and so on.
In June 1973
Kesäkuussa 1973 Noor Baz Khan, a 45-year old from Pashewar who operated a tea concession at Army barracks in Derry
Noor Baz Khanin, 45-vuotias pashewarilaisen, joka toimi teetuvan pitäjänä armeijan kasarmilla Derryssä ,
and shot dead.
and forced to convert to Islam.
The non-communist Khmer People's National Liberation Front (KPNLF) said earlier this week
24 Phnom Penh government positions
24 Phnom Penhin hallitusvirkailijaa on Route 69 in the north-west of the country
tiellä 69 maan luoteisosassa .
Egyptian forces
Egyptiläisjoukot Acre and Damascus
Akkon ja Damaskoksen in May and June 1832
touko-kesäkuussa 1832 and continued their march northward.
`As far as I can see,
the day after tomorrow
ylihuomenna , in which case the Americans can stay at home.
Four days ago I went to a place called Ohrdruf Nord, just outside
The effects of diarrhoeal disease
Ripulin vaikutukset with one of the simplest and cheapest natural remedies known to science
eräällä yksinkertaisimmista ja halvimmista luonnollisista parannuskeinoista, jotka tiede tuntee .
The Spaniards
Espanjalaiset with both the Cross and the arquebus
sekä ristin että hakapyssyn avulla .
Richard had the opposite experience: to him English was the foreign language, the tongue of the occupying race, and
but among them the Abyssinian imprint was as yet barely discernible, for which I was thankful.
Between AD 250 and 260
Vuosien 250–260 jKr välillä ,
by Suebi and Alemanni tribes who slaughtered the Roman habitation
sveebi- ja alemanniheimot, jotka teurastivat roomalaiset asukkaat .
As the pope strapped the sword round the emperor's waist, he reminded the emperor that
not by the sword but by faith
miekan vaan uskon voimalla .
It was
one of the first cities
yksi ensimmäisistä kaupungeista, jotka and it still retained a Moorish atmosphere.
He had spent most of his life in England and admired both the feudal-system efficiency and military skills of the Norman knights who had administered that country since
William of Normandy
Vilhelm Valloittaja .
Within ten years
Kymmenen vuoden sisällä the other tribes along the Mad Dog Pass
muut Hullun koiran solan varrella asuvat heimot and subjugated the Night Goblin tribes that lived around and under Thunder Mountain.
An early interpretation saw them as barracks for troops used by
Swegen Forkbeard
Sven Haaraparta , with each house containing a ship's crew.
Hungarian kings
Unkarin kuninkaat ,
with papal blessing
paavin siunauksella , attempted
Bosnia and Hercegovina
Bosnian ja Hertsegovinan ,
in order to destroy the Bogomils
tuhotakseen bogomiilit , at the same time winning territory for themselves and souls for Rome.
through Liquorsave
Liquorsaven kautta ,
is setting out
the UK market
Britannian markkinat .
At just the time when the Civil War was weakening this commercial connection
Juuri siihen aikaan, kun sisällissota oli heikentämässä tätä kaupallista yhteyttä ,
were trying
the portuguese colony of Brazil
Brasilian portugalilaisyhdyskunnan .
Perhaps encouraged by Varro,
with Posidonius in his satchel.
Opposition parties described the involvement of US military personnel in relief efforts as an ``
amerikkalaisten suorittamana of Bangladesh's defences
Bangladeshin puolustuksen .
The Versailles peace conference acceded to
of the former German concessions
Saksan aiemmat toimilupa-alueet , but the Chinese refused to sign any treaty which did not return them to China, and Japan remained in occupation.
William Shawcross says clearly, with simple words in only 57 pages of fairly large print, why Britain should take Hong Kong refugees after the
if needed.
It is unlikely that the West could have done anything, at that stage, to prevent the
vallankaappaukset in the late-1940s
1940-luvun lopulla .
They generally present a greater barrier to
yrityskaappauksille in EC member states
EY:n jäsenvaltioissa than technical barriers, in particular in Spain, Italy and France.
Nor would they welcome a
vallankaappaukseen by the Tigrayans
tigray-kansan .