adhesive.n 🔎
- Borden has introduced several new products in its Cascomelt HMR series ofhot metalkuumien metalli-adhesivessideaineidenfor the furniture manufacturing industry.
- First choose whether to use egg white, whichis the traditionalperinteinenadhesivesideainefor pressed flowersprässättyjen kukkien, or some modern rubber solution glue.
- Last but not least, the pack includes Evo-Stik Impact 2 Adhesive, whichis a safe, solvent free and non-flammableturvallinen, liuotinvapaa ja syttymätöncontactkontakti-adhesiveliima.
- I've mentioned in the past that vinyl doesn't adhere to itself with wallpaper paste, a simple and quick-to-uselatexlateksi-adhesiveliimaabeing the most effective way of dealing with normal corner overlaps.
- Fix the stencil in place with aspraysuihke-adhesiveliimalla, such as SprayMount, and use very little paint (the brush should be almost dry) for the best results.
- Borden has added a new grade to its range ofbottle labellingpullojen etiketti-adhesivesliimojen.
- Tufted carpets are made by stitching tufts of fibre into a woven backing, where they are secured byadhesiveliimalla.
- Scrape away remainingadhesiveliimafrom the floor.
- Among the early candidateadhesivessideaineista,for sticking fillings to teethjoilla paikkoja kiinnitetään hampaisiinwas an adduct of N -phenylglycine and glycidyl methacrylate known as NPG-GMA.
- The book can then be pressed untiladhesiveliimahas completely dried
- Use the specialready-mixedvalmiiksi sekoitettuaadhesiveliimaarecommended and hang by butting up one tile to the next.
- Applywaterproofvedenkestävääadhesiveliimaaliberally to both surfaces, then nail the new piece in place.
- Then apply abitumenbitumi-flooringpäällysteenadhesivesideainettato the back of each block, taking great care not to get any adhesive on the face.
- Apply thefloor tilelattialaatta-adhesiveliisteriäwith a coarse notched spreader.
- Addpvapva-adhesiveliimaato the mixing water for the repair mortar, 1 part adhesive to 5 parts water.
- Seal the surface of the floor with neatpvapva-buildingrakennus-adhesiveliimallaand allow to dry.
- When dry, seal the plastic coating to the edges of the slides with Holdtiterubberkumi-adhesiveliimalla.
- They are usually mounted on a fabric backing for ease of handling, and are fixed using conventionalceramic tilekeramiikkalaatta-adhesiveliisteriä.
- A goodwaterproofvedenkestävänadhesiveliimanshould be used in addition to fixing screws.
- At internal angles between riser and tread, it won't be possible to prise them apart, so fill any slight gaps with a littlewoodpuu-adhesiveliimaaand secure through the joint with a few nails.
bolt.n 🔎
- ENGINEERING experts are confident they can replace vitalboltspultitin Teesside's famous Transporter BridgeTeessiden kuuluisan Transporter Bridgen.
- Having five instead of sixboltspulttiaon some of the wheelsjoissakin renkaissawas a risk we did not like taking.
- This follows the discovery in December last year, at the end of a proving run from London to Glasgow, that someboltspultiton an axleakseli-had become loose.
- I went swiftly down the hall to the front door, and easeditssenboltspultitopen.
- Mr John Morgan, the driver, said the machine had shearedits<empty>mountingkiinnitys-boltspulttinsabut the problems were teething troubles.
- Fit a newgutterkourunboltpulttiand tighten it up.
- Craftsman Dale appears, streaked in oil, from the depths of the engine compartment Where he has been tightening up amountingkiinnitys-boltpulttia.
- One of the largesprocket attachinghammaspyörän kiinnitys-boltspulteistawas found fractured at a position closely corresponding with the top surface of the sprocket (i.e. in the lower face of the plain washer).
- When theboltpulttiwas withdrawn, the platform would drop against the prison wall with a crash that echoed around the town, leaving the felon suspended from the beam.
- In the early 1780s Birmingham experts working for him solved the problem of making hard cold-rolledcopperkupari-boltspultteja, and this patented invention in turn solved the problem of galvanic action in copper-sheathed ships which were iron-fastened.
- In this class, for example, stands adamantine rock, accustomed to laugh blows to scorn, and stalwart flint, and the hard strength of iron, and thecopperkupari-boltspultitthat scream as they resist their rooves.
- The most important application of copper was in the cladding of wooden ships, until it was realised that theironrauta-boltspultitalso used corroded rapidly (galvanic reaction doubtless) and in doing so affected the timbering, causing the loss of many important vessels.
- Our route hadsilverhopea-boltssalpoja, while the bolts for the route on the left were painted red and the ones for the route on the right green!
- The locks the Minoans fitted to their doors were little more thanwoodenpuu-boltssalpojawith pegs to hold them in place.
- Carson ran up the brick steps to the courtyard's wooden side-door, rattling theboltsalvanfree and stepping out into the narrow alley that ran down the side of the house.
- The after legs of the bow pulpit were secured by a singleboltpultineach -- we hope that this will be remedied.
- He slid theboltssalvaton the front dooretuovenand put the safety chain across.
- Benjamin slid theboltsalvanback.
- Left to his own vices, deserted even by his friend Little Chef, who'd gone with Ricky, Wayne started to fiddle with theboltsalvan.
- The joint is made with putty or mastic and agutterkourunboltpulttiholds the two lengths together.
- The repeaterboltpulttithrower is a solid device which has a toughness value and an equivalent to 3 wounds as shown below.
bond.n 🔎
- Suddenly the young Englishman struggled withhishänenbondskahleidensa.
- Mungo sensed that they longed to bursttheirheidänbondskahleensa; to throw off the restraining metal hoops and re-join their mute companions in the night; to return, perhaps, to their native quarry.
- Karnstein examined the cutbondskahleitawith a look of amusement; she seemed almost glad that the woman had escaped.
- He gestured to the trooper, who cutthe dwarfskääpiönbondskahleet.
- While she is occupied in examining the gift, he quickly scuttles over her and ties her to the ground withbondskahleillaof silksilkkisilläbefore he risks an embrace.
- Mr Sugden got to his feet whenhishänenbondskahleensawere cut and straightened his tie before he spoke.
chain.n 🔎
- By Friday night, according to the prominent Paris-based Romanian human rights activist, Mr Mihnea Berindei, thechainketjuaround the pastor's housepastorin talon ympärilläwas 200 strong.
- But Romanov only continued to tighten thechainketjuaaround her throathänen kaulansa ympärilläuntil Anna's face began to turn red as it filled with blood.
- Thechainskettingitfor the bridgeSillanwere cast at Upton Magna in Shropshire and thoroughly tested on a machine Telford devised for the purpose.
- He went lightly down the hatchway and was gone, reappearing in a moment holding ashacklingkiinnitys-chainketjuaon either end of which was a clumsy iron ring, hinged and padlocked.
- A windy night, isn't it? ``he says -- which is self-evident as you shiver, peering at him past thesecurityturva-chainketjunon the doorovessa olevanwhile struggling to keep yourself decent.
- Some of them hadchainsketjujaround their boatsveneidensä ympärillä, fore and aft, to hold them together, do they d ha sunk; busted right open from the swelling of the wood with too much water.
- During his lovemaking, the damsel complained bitterly about how thechainketjuround the King's waistkuninkaan vyötäisten ympärillächafed her skin, so James removed it.
- Thechainketjufor ringing the bellKellon soitto-runs down the house, through the first floor landing, where it can be pulled if desired, to the hall below.
- Then Jerk came in one night and tightenedourmeidänchainsketjumme.
- His saddle was sheathed in lamb's fleece and thehorse'shevosencurbkanki-chainskuolaimetwere of pure silver, yet, for all that gaudy finery, it was the British officer's face that caught the attention.
- She was wearing a red velvet skirt cut like a skating skirt, with analderman'sraatimiehenneckkaula-chainketjuslung round her hips and clanking between her legs.
- Add adoorovi-chainketju(or restraint lock) and a door-viewer to your front door.
- To the east are the Aonachs, the brooding big beasts tamed to a degree now by poor old Aonach Mor's ski-tows, which it wears uncomfortably like a lorry driver sportinggoldkultaisianeckkaula-chainsketjuja.
- Jerking the nobleman roughly into an upright sitting position, he relieved him ofhishänengoldkaula-chainketjunsaand started pulling the rings off his fingers.
- We all think that someone murdered William to steal thegoldkulta-chainketjun.
- The heavychainsketjutlifted, straightened and drew taut, and the stout steel frames of the gates began to buckle outwards.
- He was a big man, dressed all in grey, with anironrauta-chainketjuon his legjalassaan.
- On the floor beside herwasolia convict'svanginironrauta-chainketju.
- The huge beast strained at the greatironrauta-chainketjuclasped to the collar round its neck.
- The main causes were brokenretainingtuki-chainskettingit, out of position guards, tubes sealed altogether, and impact damage caused by the guard hitting tractor wheels, lift arms or the implement.
- In the hushed surroundings of a smart restaurant, Boon fiddles enigmatically with a fob watch on aneckkaula-chainketjussa.
- LEFT When the dog pulls ahead while on the leash, thechokekuristus-chainketjutightens and it will experience discomfort.
- In the corner by the stove Rosie whined and pulled againstherhänenchainketjuaan.
- She thinks he died because she let him wear thechainketjua.
- When people still fished in the lake two carp were caught joined together withgoldenkulta-chainketjuaround their neckskaulansa ympärillä.
- He hesitated, then undid thechainketjunround her neckkaulansa ympärillä olevan.
- The great beast lumbered to his feet, straining at thechainketjunaround its neckkaulansa ympärillä olevan.
- AchainKetju,linking her handcuffs was tied to a bar above her, and Sams warned there were boulders over her head.
- You should fit this to the collar formed by thechainketjun.
- In open-ended stalls, the sows are kept in place bychainsketjutover their necks or bodiesniiden kaulan tai vartalon ympärillä.
cord.n 🔎
- He tightened hisdressing-gownaamutakkinsacordnyöriäaround him and stamped down the stairs to the next landing.
- `Didn't she see thecordnuoraaaround my neckkaulani ympärillä?
- For example, the Belgian firm, Bekaert, which has emerged as the world leader insteelteräs-cordpunostenfor automobile tiresautonrenkaiden, has deliberately eschewed the benefits of building large scale in its factories.
- It yelped and struggled, the greencordnuoraround its waistsen vyötärön ympärilläwaggling to and fro.
- I dragLucker'sLuckerinswimming trunks'uimahousujencordnauhaaroughly through the gills and mouth, roping it on like a horse outside a saloon bar.
- Much more rudimentary (and cheap); are 3 metrecordsnauhattied to your heel binding and tucked inside your ski pants.
- The two lanterns which hang from the zodiac ceiling are the architect's own design, and the method of covering the rod withsilksilkki-cordnauhallaand tassel was one that he often used in houses he designed.
- `Harold had a sock stuffed in his mouth and his hands bound with adressing gownaamutakincordnyörillä.
- She undid thecordnyörinon her dressing gownaamutakkinsaand then squirmed her arms underneath her and unhooked her bra and left her arms where they were, pinned underneath her.
- He knotted thecordnyörinof his dressing-gownaamutakkinsaand left the room.
- A thinsteelteräs-cordvaijeriwas bolted to the beam that supported the boxcar roof.
- Their ankles were harnessed to anelastickimmoisaancordköyteen, which bounced them back up before they could hit the sea.
- ElasticKimmoisatcordsköydetat the waist and lower hem allow the fit to be adjusted and, despite all the twiddly bits, the jacket does not seem inordinately heavy.
- The cap, bearing the traditional Czarist cockade in silver, blue and red, was similarly piped in gold and boregoldkulta-cordsnauhoja.
- NylonNailon-cordköysi, rather than wire, is the best choice when hanging the picture, as it is extremely strong and hard-wearing.
- She turned, arms flailing, head back, eyes open -- but the gaping mouth would utter no more prophecies, her breath cut off by the red garrottecordköysiround her scrawny neckhänen luisevan kaulansa ympärillä.
- An officer allegedly pulled theemergencyhätä-cordköydestäas a joke.
- He was wearing a pair of crumpled pyjama trousers, tied at the waist with a whitecordnyörillä.
- As he ties hiscordnyörinsäup, his stomach shrinks away back towards the spine.
- With his good hand he shoved a trolley loaded with two rotting suitcases, which were saved from instant disintegration only by thin string and frayingpyjamayöpuvuncordnöyriä.
- It hung from my neck secured by a length ofdressing-gownaamutakincordnöyrin.
ribbon.n 🔎
- So that was how I came to have a new dress and boots and a realribbonnauhafor my hairhiuksiiniinstead of the usual string.
- To cut the horizontal and vertical strips quickly, wind theribbonnauharound a piece of cardboard of the correct length and cut through all thicknesses.
- I could put a brightribbonnauhanround it.
- The girl handed her charge to Nanny, who immediately straightened the child's dress and re-tied herhairhius-ribbonnauhansa.
- Here and there, a fragment ofplasticmuovi-ribbonnauhanfluttered from a low branch, a mute reminder of the recent tragedy and the police activity that had followed.
- His badge of office, a large gold key, hung round his neck on asilksilkki-ribbonnauhaan.
- His relentless grip increased till she was forced to let go of theribbonnauhasta.
- My own ponies are freeze branded, still beautiful and winribbonspalkintojaat National shows (e.g. Ponies U.K.) both in hand and ridden.
- She tumbled forward against him and her hair, escaping from theribbonhiusnauhastaat the nape of her neckhänen niskassaan, made a tent for their faces.
- TheribbonNauhain her hairhänen hiuksissaanwas loose and dangling, her hair itself all over the place, her frock covered with bits and pieces.
- Hem it on all sides and sewribbonnauhaalong the edges.
- ATYPEWRITERKIRJOITUSKONEENribbonnauhahelped uncover Darius Guppy's swindle, the court was told.
- The print head can move vertically up or down so that a pin can contact any one of the three pads of theprintertulostin-ribbonnauhaa.
- She stitchedsatinsatiini-ribbonnauhanunder the bust, bows at the hips and tied a silk cravate.
- Cut theribbonnauhainto required lengths.
- `Last Christmas, customers queued from the basement all down the road forgift wraplahjakääre-ribbonsnauhoja, ``recalls Annabel Lewis of VV Rouleaux.
- RibbonsNauhojahad been tied to the charred remains of the weather-vane.
rope.n 🔎
- `Remember Joseph Buquet, and theropeköydenaround his neckhänen kaulansa ympärillä?
- Finally I twisted together lengths of red and white yarn to make aropeköydenfor the sledgekelkkaanand stitched some stars around the moon to add to the frosty effect.
- Cranston squatted down with his back to the wall, smacked his lips and gazed hungrily up at the hams and other meats hanging fromropesköysistäon the rafterskattoparrujento be cured.
- Theropeköysiround his neckhänen kaulansa ympärilläwent slack.
- “ And … and she grabbed theropeköydenround the mule's neckmuulin kaulan ympärillä olevanand … and led it away to safety, leaving her husband lying in the road.
- Loweryoursinunropeköytesiagain and we'll tie a length on.
- The famous chandelier, with its thousand lights, broke away fromits<empty>ropesköysistäänand crashed down on to the people below.
- Hinterstoisser, startled in the act of untyinghishänenclimbingkiipeily-ropeköytensä, missed his footing and plunged.
- The flat rear scenery brokeits<empty>guytuki-ropeköysiand crashed forward, so that Garvey and Lucie had to jump off the cart and into the arms of the hostile tradesmen.
- DroppingTrent'sTrentinneckkaula-ropeköyden, he scrabbled for the pistol in his belt.
- We used to get a collar of rope,manillamanilla-ropeköyttä, put it on to a truck and used to stretch it out first and then cut off the lengths.
- Reputable centres usesafetyturva-ropesköysiäand good natural and artificial belay points.
- There was a loud crack as under the strain of the tearing current, thesafetyturva-ropeköysisnapped and Davis was sucked under the surface of the swift-running river.
- A sling ofsteelteräs-ropevaijeriawas being manoeuvred under the engine.
- Thewirevaijeritropes<empty>were 2½ inches in diameter, being made up of wires approximately ⅛ inch diameter.
- Returning from a training exercise one night, Stirling tripped over theguytuki-ropesnarujensaof his tentteltanand cut his eye quite badly, which entailed a return to hospital.
- `The rat always ran up theropenaruaof the alarm bellhälytyskellon? ``he asked.
- Slowly and carefully he made the thick, pliableropeköydestäinto a noose.
- My descent could be protected by asafetyturva-ropeköysi.
- As big Mary pulled heartily at the pleatedropenarustaof the bellkello-, a loud murmur of voices and footsteps sounded along the road west.
- Nearby was the giant oak where Buddie had tied a heavyropeköyden, knotted at its end, as a Tarzan swing for Frankie.
- Tyingherhänenleadriimun-ropenarunsaso tightly she couldn't move her head, Luke had climbed up and approached her from above.
- He tied it to the hanging bellropenarua.
- Letting Gomez loose, Trent heaved a loop ofhishänenneckkaula-ropeköytensäin and tied it to the fishing-line, leaving enough slack so that the strain was off Gomez's legs.
- Drop the anchors overboard in the correct position and the bottles will float, holding theanchorankkuri-ropeköyttäon the surface and ready to tie to the punt every time you fish that swim.
- Tragically theropeköysitied around Mrs Love's ankle slipped from her husband's grasp and she fell to her death.
shoelace.n 🔎
- Hershoelacekengännauhansacame undone.
- I can read and I can write but I can't tie ashoelacekengännauhaa
- She washed hurriedly, then pulled on her old jeans and jersey and tied her hair back with theshoelacekengännauhalla.
staple.n 🔎
- This consisted of a long or short shaft with astaplehakanenat the endpäässä, to which a chain was attached.
- They divined the contents of sealed envelopes by the simple expedient of opening thestaplesniititat the other end of the envelopekirjekuoren toisessa päässä.
- The more powerful is the TK 28E, which fires pins, nails andstaplesniittejä.
- This is pushed down when firing nails or singlestaplesniittejä.
- Screw thestaplehakanento the door frame and check that the lock operates correctly
- Jejeunoileostomy has now been largely replaced by a simpler and safer operation in which the capacity of the stomach is considerably reduced by placing a row ofsurgicalkirurgisiastapleshakasiaacross it.
- The paper is fixed to a piece of board with masking tape all round and astapleniittiin each cornerjokaisessa kulmassa.
- The numerals refer to the maximum stapling capacity of the tool: ie 10mm widestaplesniittejäup to 14mm in length can be used.
- ThestaplesHakasetremain in position for the cable to be put back as required, and certainly look neater.
- Philip slipped the wire through thestaplehakasenand began to twist it.
- a method of binding where the folded pages are stitched through the spine from the outside, usingwirekierresidonta-stapleskiinnikkeitä.
- You can apply strips of felt or building paper from inside the lift, secured with battens to the sides of the rafters or use astapleniitti-gun or brass drawing pins to secure it.
- It was impossible for him to have escaped on his own for the door was secured by a wedge, pushed through a hasp to hold thehingedsaranoitustaplesinkiläin place.
string.n 🔎
- I cut thestringnauhan, and we hurried up to his room where the chest had stood since the day he came.
- 4 Meanwhile, pat salt into the ends of the marrow bones, then wrap them in muslin and tie withstringnarulla.
- I still have some of the more interesting pieces at home -- bases with pontil scars and necks with ridges to accommodatetiesolmio-stringsnauhoja.
- Jones, now 19, and living in Holyhead, said Roberts and son, Ian, would hold him upside down, tie his feet with rope orstringnarulla, and tie it to an overhead pole.
tack.n 🔎
- To start, place a piece of tissue, plasticine or bluetacktarraaon a finger of both hands.
- Remember also that the upholstered seat of a chair is nearly always made of beech; other timbers will not hold theupholsteryverhoilu-tacksnaulojaso well.
- William took atacknupinfrom between his teeth and hammered it into the leather and then picked up a file.
- `It took the better part of an hour to get tobrassperus-tacksasioiden äärelle, but we managed it in the end, sir.
withy.n 🔎
- The roof is formed ofwithiesvitsoista(willow and hazel rods) woven between willow rafters.
- Fishermen would repair to the woods to cut hazel andwithiespajunvitsoistato make or mend their pots, then set out in their small boats to their chosen `grounds ``to drop the pots.