In one case, the court indicated that it would intervene to prevent a
of the rules of natural justice
luonnollisen oikeuden sääntöjä : see Bently v. Bishop of Ely (1729) 1 Barn.K.B. 192.
Section 6 has already been considered and applies where the buyer's claim is based upon a
of the terms implied by sections 12 to 15 of the Sale of Goods Act
tavaroiden myyntiä koskevan lain pykälissä 12–15 määriteltyjä ehtoja .
It is not a duty which can be overridden by consent of the partners and
by one partner
jos yksi osapuoli will in the ordinary course be a ground for dissolution at the behest of the other or others.
5.12.3 To pay and satisfy any charge that may be imposed upon any
by the Tenant
maanvuokraaja of planning control
kaavoitussäädöksiä or otherwise under the Planning Acts
of both the Government's election manifesto promises
hallituksen vaaliohjelman lupauksia and shows that the public are being misled.
There is a strand of social theory which says that society is defined by its transgressors, that we know the civilised values that bind us together only through
, which we call crime.
The Indonesian Government plans to sue 500 companies for
saastemääräysten .
Computer misuse or
can take many forms, but these all fall into two broad categories: physical and logical.
In the case of non-consumer contracts, it was proposed that the buyer would not be allowed to reject the goods for
where it was unreasonable to do so.
In normal circumstances the suggestion that a contracting party can rely on
to establish consideration is distinctly unattractive.
occurred as the result of the Hunger March of 18 October and 1 November 1932.
If the sources were not already known to the IRA,
the author of the alleged MI5 documents
väitettyjen MI5-asiakirjojen tekijä may have committed a
by alluding to them
viittaamalla niihin .
This was a comparatively short distance and in the circumstances of the case, the EAT concluded that
had not committed a
perustavanlaatuisesti .
If one creditor then sues for the balance of his debt
commits a
with each of those creditors.
The letter alleged
of the Social Work Act
sosiaalityölain , and offered five witnesses prepared to testify in a court of law to that effect.
Even though the waste tip was closed and
to leave refuse overnight in public places
roskien jättäminen yleisiin paikkoihin yön yli of the Environmental Act
ympäristölakia .
It is untrue that there are
laajamittaisia of the voluntary agreement
vapaaehtoisen sopimuksen .
The ceasefire agreement nevertheless appeared to be holding in the corridors, at least up to the final week of February, and there had still been no reports of any
of the Rome agreement
Rooman sopimuksen .
Furthermore, the Commission has power to impose fines on
osapuolille, jotka in
of Article 85(1)
Artiklaa 85(1) .
gives the buyer, as well as a claim to damages, the right to reject the goods (and therefore not to have to pay for them).
of confidence
luottamuksen was alleged but there was said to be a contract not to publish before the report.
The general rule, however, is that for you to be justified in ending the relationship, the
must in itself be serious.
loses the lease.
The plaintiff then instituted proceedings against the defendants claiming damages for
in failing to disclose material information to him and placing themselves in a position where their duties and interests conflicted.
Two approaches to clauses which purport to exclude liability for
of fiduciary duty
luottamuksenvaraisen velvollisuuden are discernible.
Even by the brazen standards established in the Iraq affair, the United States' and hence
the UN Security Council's
YK:n turvallisuusneuvoston of international treaties and laws
kansainvälisten sopimusten ja lakien are astonishing.
The organisation Liberty claims
are in
of international law
kansainvälistä lakia .
Lord Justice Dillon disagreed and said he would have granted a declaration that
was in
of its obligations under the Treaty of Rome and European law
Rooman sopimuksen ja eurooppalaisen lainsäädännön sille asettamia velvollisuuksia .
Now their eldest daughter has been told to leave too, but her supporters believe
of the children's wardship order
lasten holhousmääräyksen .
Their specific duty is to prevent a
or to enforce a court order; for example, access.
At first instance, the District Court found (and the Court of Appeals agreed) that
a duty of confidentiality
luottamuksellisuusvaatimusta by misappropriating prepublication information regarding the timing and contents of the Heard columns
anastamalla julkaisua edeltäviä tietoja Heardin kolumnien ajoituksesta ja sisällöstä .
As western condemnation of Serbian aggression in the breakaway republic reached a new peak, Col Jovanovic delivered an impromptu lecture on
the recognition of Bosnia
Bosnian tunnustaminen `
all international principles
kaikkia kansainvälisiä periaatteita ``.
The formation of a CU
Osuuspankin perustaminen certainly
the principle of universal free trade
universaalin vapaakaupan periaatetta because it practices discrimination against non-members.
This revealed that
the University Grants Committee
yliopiston apurahakomitea , the UFC's predecessor,
Treasury rules
valtiovarainministeriön sääntöjä in allowing 20 universities to re-employ the lecturers and professors who had benefited from a £130 million early retirement programme
sallimalla 20 yliopiston palkata uudelleen luennoitsijoita ja professoreja, jotka olivat hyötyneet 130 miljoonan punnan varhaiseläkeohjelmasta .
GATT rules
GATT:n sääntöjä either in spirit or rule
, not least in the EC,
by resorting to protectionist measures such as quotas on textiles or Voluntary Restraint Agreements on Japanese car imports
turvautumalla protektionistisiin toimenpiteisiin, kuten tekstiilikiintiöihin tai japanilaisten tuontiautojen vapaaehtoisiin rajoitussopimuksiin .
the rules laid down by the law
lakisääteisiä sääntöjä .
Passing sentence, Judge Mary MacMurray said: `Owing to the fact that
your licence
koeaikaehtojasi by committing these offences and absconding
syyllistymällä näihin rikoksiin ja karkauksiin , I have no alternative but to impose a custodial sentence.
JAMES Wilkes last night finally escaped the £28m hostile takeover offer from fellow engineer Petrocon when the Takeover Panel ruled that
in its conduct during the bid
tarjouksen aikaisilla toimillaan .
The bank, Britain's sixth biggest
Pankki, joka on Britannian kuudenneksi suurin ,
its agreement with staff
sopimustaan henkilöstönsä kanssa if it makes workers compulsorily redundant, said BIFU.
Ruling that
international agreements
kansainvälisiä sopimuksia , the judges dismissed the British government's contention that it had not had enough time to meet standards set in 1975.
`We have
some very, very good licence holders who
eräitä äärimmäisen hyviä lisenssihaltijoita, jotka licensing conditions
lisenssiehtoja .
FoE says that the stations are sited in areas where
World Health Organization guidelines on sulphur emissions
Maailman terveysjärjestön rikkipäästöjä koskevia suosituksia .
At a Panel Members' training weekend at the Merkister Hotel at Harray in Orkney, on 10 November 1990, it is alleged
luottamuksellisuutta by the public discussion of an ongoing case
keskustelemalla julkisesti meneillään olevasta jutusta .
by entering into an investment transaction in the course of or as a consequence of an unsolicited call
ryhtymällä sijoitustoimeen pyytämättömän soiton kuluessa tai seurauksena .
Labour accused senior ministers, including the Prime Minister, of being aware that
the arms embargo against Iraq
Irakin asevientikieltoa .
So it was that the agreement on which the first National Government was formed was ignored by the King, who granted a dissolution under
conditions which
sellaisissa olosuhteissa, jotka both the letter and the spirit of the agreement
sekä sopimuksen kirjainta että henkeä .
any of these conditions
mikä tahansa näistä ehdoista , then so is the contract between you and the supplier.
`But if
, then the contract will be broken.
US Treasury officials have warned the promoter, Bob Arum, that
by selling the fight to a Panamanian TV station
myymällä taistelun panamalaiselle TV-asemalle .
all the largest American corporations
kaikki suurimmat amerikkalaisyhtiöt in one way or another
tavalla tai toisella ; laws controlling pollution, the adulteration of products, the regulating of prices and so on were ignored and broken at will.
The Data Protection Registrar is quoted as warning local councils that
if they maintain a register of all adults for the council tax
jos ne ylläpitävät rekisteriä kaikista aikuisista kunnalisveroa varten .
Throughout her career
Koko uransa ajan successfully
the rules of haute couture
huippumuodin sääntöjä until her name became synonymous with French chic.
With bold images designed to convince bosses and clients quickly, such programs make it easy
the rules of objective data display
objektiivisen tietojen esittämisen sääntöjä .
It followed an inquiry after a court case last year when the company was fined £1800 for allowing
rules on the number of hours they could drive
sääntöjä, jotka koskivat heidän enimmäisajotuntejaan .
Last November he appealed against the sentence, imposed on
a ban on keeping livestock
kieltoa hyötyeläinten pitämisestä .
Though there is clearly a potential conflict of interest, it is far from clear that
the law against insider trading
lakia sisäpiirikauppoja vastaan by a firm that took advantage of it
yritys, joka on käyttänyt sitä hyväkseen .
In all three groups, however, the mean values remained constant throughout the study -- again implying
in controlling sugar, as well as fibre, intake
sokerin ja myös kuidun nauttimisen hallinnan .
In the afternoon session there was an equally irritable wrangle over a proposal to adopt a law on
with the constitution
sääntöjen , and to set up a committee for the purpose.
The firm says that
with the audit regulations
tarkastuksen säädösten ,
through intra-firm quality controls and annual file reviews by an independent partner
yrityksen sisäisen laaduntarkastuksen ja itsenäisen kumppanin suorittamien vuosittaisten arkistotarkastusten avulla , would be far more effective.
It is also likely to improve
in taking the daily quota of bile acid
sappihapon päivittäisannoksen ottamista koskevia ohjeita .
He had previously claimed
in taking his tablets over three to four years
tablettiensa ottamista koskevia ohjeita 3–4 vuoden ajan .
If the Government are serious about promoting equal opportunities, I challenge them to reintroduce
, which they outlawed and which provides genuine incentives and practical advice to firms that wish to follow equal opportunities policies.
The last
-- the company provides a baseline inventory of all software being used within an organisation.
The English and Scottish Institutes have suggested a number of changes to the VAT default surcharges regime, aimed at improving
noudattavat lakia .
To ensure
noudattavat lakia , standards for 30 km/h streets were set out by the Ministry of Transport.
The behaviour of members of society is also directly affected, as we saw earlier, by sanctions designed to ensure
to its standards
sen standardien , that is, by social control.
with `proper local authority accounting practices ``and with this Code
"Asianmukaisten paikallisviranomaisen kirjanpitokäytäntöjen" ja tämän lain will normally mean that the accounts `present fairly the financial position and transactions.
Cadbury proposes that auditors should review
, before the compliance statement is lodged with The Stock Exchange.
by the defendant
Se, kuinka vastaaja may be relied upon by him for the purpose of showing that the commission of an offence under ss20 and 21 has not been established.
A United States State Department official was quoted as saying on April 16 that US sanctions would remain in force pending
South Africa's
Etelä-Afrikan compliance
myöntyväisyyttä with the remaining two of five conditions set by the US Congress
Yhdysvaltain kongressin asettamaan kahteen jäljellä olevaan ehtoon viidestä .
Produced in a loose-leaf format to allow for updating, this reference work is aimed at anyone with responsibility for ensuring
with new legislation
uuden lainsäädännön .
with environmental legislation
Ympäristölainsäädännön remains a key, yet elusive, target and I regret that in 1992 ICI was prosecuted or fined on a number of occasions for accidental environmental infringements.
Everyone got on with the business at hand, preoccupied with the problems of food shortages, lack of funds and
with the rules of the Islamic order
islamilaisen veljeskunnan sääntöjen .
In his own interests the licence-holder, when structural alterations have been completed in
, should intimate that fact to the clerk to the licensing board.
This concern was based on evidence that procedures available through the courts to enforce
with provisions of Part I of the Trade Union Act 1984 were not being used.
The goods and/or the work
Tavaroiden ja/tai työn in all respects
kaikissa suhteissa with the drawings, specifications and other requirements or descriptions stated
piirustuksia, määrityksiä ja muita ilmoitettuja vaatimuksia tai kuvauksia .
We have refused to repress our desires, in spite of enormous pressure
to heterosexual norms
heteroseksuaalisiin normeihin .
In this way, they develop
patterns of behaviour which
käyttäytymismalleja, jotka to the social norm
sosiaaliseen normiin .
Senators who
Senaattorit, jotka refused
to these inherently conservative norms
näihin luontaisesti konservatiivisiin normeihin were condemned to ineffectiveness.
They alleged that
judicial procedures
oikeudenkäyntimenettelyt to international norms
kansainvälisiin normeihin and that the confessions which had proved crucial in the convictions had been extracted through the use of torture.
Here, the same businesses must always remain vigilant that
their arrangements, agreements and conduct
niiden järjestelyt, sopimukset ja toiminta with EC competition rules
EY:n kilpailusäädöksiin .
Visiting staff must use an observation area, if available; if not,
to local safety rules
paikallisiin turvallisuussäädöksiin , including the use of protective clothing.
During this transition period
Tämän siirtymävaiheen aikana ,
valmistajien to EC standards or to those of the importing country
EY:n tai sen maan standardeihin, johon tuotteita viedään .
C. G. Jung points out that Christianity at least provides a powerful set of motives for
to a social and moral code
sosiaalisiin ja moraalisiin sääntöihin .
In other countries, such as France, where central government has more extensive authority over teachers, the opposite assumption tends to be made that
to national policies and regulations
kansalliseen politiikkaan ja säädöksiin in their practice
ammatissaan .
These changes, and the need for
with EC legislation
EY:n lainsäädäntöön , gave rise to ever more comprehensive labelling regulations.
In order
must include a note in their accounts to the effect that: ``Stocks are valued at the lower of cost or net realisable value.
But unlike ordinary prisons,
members of most societies
useimpien yhteiskuntien jäsenet freely and willingly
vapaasti ja halukkaasti -- they actually want to do what they are expected to do.
The only problem was how to set them loose in a manner
not too blatantly
ei liian räikeästi all the rules of civilized warfare
kaikkia sivistyneen sodankäynnin sääntöjä .
It concluded that
the requirements of the rules of nuclear safety
ydinturvallisuusvaatimuksia .
Section 13 of the Prevention Of Fraud (Investments) Act 1958
(sijoituksia koskevan) petosten ehkäisylain 1958 pykälää 13 , contrary to Section 1 (1) of The Criminal Law Act 1977.
(5) If
any person
kuka tahansa henkilö knowingly and wilfully
tietoisesti ja tahallaan , he shall be guilty of an offence.
Other absentees at the trial were
local government officials who
paikallisia hallitusvirkailijoita, jotka by allowing the plant to vent directly to the outside world
sallimalla tehtaan laskea päästöjään suoraan ulkomaailmaan and others who took 16 days to evacuate Seveso.
The EOC claimed that
the European Directive on Equal Treatment
eurooppalaista direktiiviä tasa-arvoisesta kohtelusta by discriminating against part-time women workers.
syrjimällä osa-aikaisia naistyöntekijöitä
Even if you are not prepared to reject this form for professional accountability, as Sockett does, you might feel that simply
holding the teacher responsible for the results
opettajan pitäminen vastuullisena tuloksista natural justice
luonnollista oikeutta vastaan .
If this be true, it is argued, then governments have compromised their own moral position and therefore are morally at least in no better position than
protesters who
protestoijat, jotka .
The research assesses the impact of European law which might constrain the national policy makers but might also provide industry with a means of challenging
national policies which
kansallisia menettelytapoja, jotka European law
eurooppalaista lakia .
only when pleasure was sought `independently of the end which pleasures are only meant to subserve ``.
Mr. Ashworth simply submits that
any restriction on operating hours at the port
mikä tahansa sataman aukioloaikojen rajoitus is bound to interfere with trade and/or the free movement of goods, and thus
It gave the European Court of Justice the power to fine
Mr Jones acknowledges
the Geneva Convention
Geneven sopimusta by using the symbol
käyttämällä symbolia , but claims that the Red Cross symbol is needed to stop attacks on convoys.
`We want to impress on people that
if they moor or make fast to navigation aids
jos he ankkuroivat tai kiinnittyvät merenkulun turvalaitteisiin , ``says Howard Cooper, a spokesman for Trinity House.
international law
kansainvälistä lakia and she cites the 1907 Hague Conventions, the '49 Geneva Conventions and the '77 Protocols to make her point.
A key clause of the 15-article declaration proclaimed the primacy of the RSFSR's constitution and laws throughout its territory, and the right of the RSFSR to suspend
USSR acts which
Neuvostoliiton toimia, jotka RSFSR sovereign rights
RSFSR:n suvereeneja oikeuksia .
And this, far from being a containment (transgression presupposing and thereby ratifying
), is one condition of the norm's undoing.
are liable on conviction on indictment to a fine not exceeding the statutory maximum under s20(4).
We therefore would need to do some quite careful accounting in order to make sure that
that erm, the,
the requirement of the Trustee Investment Act
edunvalvojien sijoituksia koskevaa lakia in the future
tulevaisuudessa .
He was the first of a new generation of writers who sought to repair the post-Conquest destruction of earlier pieties and
by steady persistence in re-creating the past.
It is clear that until April 1102 the pope was still insisting on the
of his predecessor's decrees
hänen edeltäjänsä määräysten .
The 1850 Act was regarded with horror by the shipowners who saw the
of petty regulations
pikkumaisten määräysten added to the loss of their rights to carry freight in British bottoms.
The diplomatic game required knowledge of Greek style and
of Greek conventions
kreikkalaisten käytäntöjen .
After the exile the sabbath rules were strictly enforced (Nehemiah 13:15-22), and
noudattamisesta became one of the outstanding features of Judaism.
The trouble with the classic realist novel, in this view, was that it was not realistic enough: truth to life was sacrificed to the
noudattamiselle of purely narrative conventions
puhtaasti narratiivisten käytäntöjen .
Viewed in this light a
of these laws
näiden lakien could inspire confidence in God.
of constitutional principle
Perustuslaillisen periaatteen is to be tempered by regard for political effectiveness.
Pharisee: `One of an ancient Jewish sect distinguished by
noudattamisensa of the traditional and written law
perinteisen ja kirjoitetun lain , and by their pretensions to superior sanctity.
The judicial reforms were detailed on May 8 by Deputy Premier and Chairman of the State Control Commission Manush Myftiu, who described them as strengthening the
of human rights
ihmisoikeuksien .
A lot of people suspect that
blocking savers' access to their money
tallettajien omien rahojen käytön estäminen the new constitution's explicit ban on compulsory loans to the government
uuden perustuslain selkeää kieltoa, joka koskee pakollisia lainoja hallitukselle .
Senator Juan Ponce Enrile, leader of the Nacionalista Party, the main opposition party, called for her impeachment, saying that
the Constitution
perustuslakia by allowing US forces to stay without a treaty
sallimalla Yhdysvaltain joukkojen jäädä maahan ilman sopimusta .
He said
the text of Mr Yeltsin's call for a referendum
herra Jeltsinin kansanäänestysvaatimuksen teksti the constitution
perustuslakia , but maybe not in such a dramatic form as his appeal suggested ``.
He is still guilty because
The judge found that, though
, Jon Parker's illegal action was justified by the severity of the Aids epidemic.
`So far,
all the students who
kaikki opiskelijat, jotka the criminal law
rikoslakia during the anti-government disturbances in 1989
hallitusten vastaisten mellakoiden aikana vuonna 1989 and were sentenced to different terms of imprisonment have been released, ``the agency said.
“ Clearly
cruelly and inhumanely
julmasti ja epäinhimillisesti those principles
niitä periaatteita .
One claim is that
the conclusion of a certain treaty
tietyn sopimuksen päättyminen constitutional principles
perustuslaillisia periaatteita , or deprive an individual of a constitutionally guaranteed right.
This is not because
human rights
ihmisoikeuksia .
The court decided that
the professor's right to free speech
professorin oikeutta sananvapauteen , and awarded him $100,000.
One man, of course, Winchelsey, was proof against such cajolery, but his proposed excommunication of
the rights of the church
kirkon oikeuksia and collected the levy was barred by a writ of prohibition.
SPECIAL Government powers to arrest and detain terrorist suspects in Northern Ireland
Hallitukselle myönnetyt erityisoikeudet pidättää ja vangita terroristiepäiltyjä Pohjois-Irlannissa human rights
ihmisoikeuksia , judges in Strasbourg ruled today.
The insurance company had claimed that the system for calculating punitive awards -- to punish wrongdoers and deter future misconduct -- was so irrational that
the company's constitutional right to be treated fairly
yrityksen perustuslaillista oikeutta oikeudenmukaiseen kohteluun .
To widen a car eighteen millimetres is equivalent to widening goal posts by half a foot;
is always to seek an advantage.
They also believe that they have the right to snoop and that
the German-Soviet treaty signed last year
viime vuonna solmittua Saksan ja Neuvostoliiton välistä sopimusta .
Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Grigory Berdennikov said on Sept. 14 that the Soviet Union and later
a 1972 treaty banning germ warfare
vuoden 1972 sopimusta, joka kieltää biologisen sodankäynnin , at least until March 1992.
Yoshihiko Kawamura, former president of Itoman Corp.,
Yoshihiko Kawamura Itoman Corp:n entinen toimitusjohtaja was charged with embezzlement and with
the commercial code
kauppalain by endangering the finances of the firm
vaarantamalla firman talouden .
We know that
our own legal structure
oma laillinen rakenteemme integrity
loukkaamattomuutta in this less dramatic way
tällä vähemmän dramaattisella tavalla .
Article 19(4) states: `If
anyone's rights
jonkun oikeuksia by public authority
julkinen viranomainen , recourse to the courts shall be open to him.
Lusinchi, then President, on Jan. 28 denied that
human rights
ihmisoikeuksien .
RSFSR Prime Minister Silayev complained to Lithuania and Estonia that
their pricing policy
heidän hintapolitiiikkansa inter-governmental agreements
hallitusten välisiä sopimuksia since, as a consequence of the price rises, cheaper foodstuffs were being exported to the Baltic from the RSFSR.
As an NPT signatory,
the IAEA safeguards
IAEA:n suojatoimenpiteiden by repeatedly denying inspectors access to its nuclear facilities
epäämällä toistuvasti tarkastajilta pääsyn ydinlaitoksiinsa .
She knew
Wakelate's code of practice
Wakelaten ammatillisia sääntöjä in the worst possible way
pahimmalla mahdollisella tavalla , but absolved herself by remembering that her need was great.
One recent example was Vaughan Mitchell, an oil rig welder, who blew the whistle on
by his drilling company
porausyhtiönsä on a North Sea oil rig, two months after the Piper Alpha disaster.
Gradually the civilian area agreement began to crumble, each side citing
by the other
toisen osapuolen to UN observers.
of truth and trust
totuutta ja luottamusta vastaan make him, for anyone who conceives of the human community as being based on mutual help, guilty of ingratitude, of breaking those bonds of reciprocity which make life possible.
In 1911, for example, the Tehran Protocol was concluded following a Persian appeal to the mediating powers, Britain and Russia, over
of the 1847 Erzerum Treaty
vuoden 1847 Erzerumin sopimuksen .
The criminal penalties, however, are draconian: up to twenty years imprisonment and up to $25,000 fine for each count; provision is also made for pre-trial freezing of assets and post-trial forfeiture of any interest the defendant has gained as a result of
Another, related, charge against the players is that in
they -- again like the `street ``transvestites -- transgressed the natural and fixed order of things by wilfully confusing distinctions which it was thought imperative should be kept distinct, especially within the categories of rank, class, and gender.
1,453 were arrested and processed in mobile booking offices, mostly for petty offences like delinquent traffic tickets or
ulkonaliikkumiskiellon .
The report lists dozens of
and incidents of sabotage discovered by Blush's staff to support his argument for the office's continuing existence.
In the US, the potential arsenal of penalties available for
insider trading
sisäpiirikauppa- is strikingly broad.
Iran claimed that there had been ``14 major cases of
between Feb. 20 and March 10.
In spite of reports from July 20 onwards of
on both sides
molempien osapuolien , both the government and the FPR expressed optimism about the success of the peace negotiations.
Soviet criticisms of
of the neutrality of Laos and Cambodia
Laosin ja Kambodžan puolueettomuutta vastaan persisted later in the 1960s.
A number of minor
kieliopillisia were allowed for the input, with each violation the score representing the `grammatical quality ``of the phrase was reduced.
The UN General Assembly last night adopted a resolution deploring the US military intervention in Panama as a
of international law
kansainvälisen lain .
Today in Western Europe and North America, overt cruelty to domestic animals is rare -- so rare that
of commonly accepted treatment
yleisesti hyväksytyn kohtelun is newsworthy and universally condemned.
Amnesty International, in a report last December, said that nothing at home had changed `to alleviate
of human rights
ihmisoikeuksien ``.
In fact, Pilsudski came to power in a bloody putsch and presided over
, the brutal crushing of strikes and virtual civil war with the national minorities.
But it does state that `immediately after Soviet power had been restored there as a result of complicated processes in international and internal life ``abuses of power and
were committed.
The report claimed that intervention by the Kuwaiti government was necessary to correct
which included rape, physical violence, the confiscation of passports and confinement to the employer's home.
Using a couple of minutes for private imperatives
Parin minuutin käyttäminen henkilökohtaisiin välttämättömyyksiin of property rights
kiinteistöoikeuksien .
In its recent Tetra-Pak decision, the Commission imposed a fine of 75 million ECU in respect of the
and long-standing
of the EC competition rules identified in its decision
sen päätöksessä mainittujen EY:n kilpailusääntöjen .
Is the Prime Minister aware that under the 1951 United Nations convention on refugees, to which this country is a signatory, all Governments are obliged to provide asylum to those fleeing from
The Security forces
Turvallisuusjoukot committed
and widespread
, especially following a series of rebel attacks in late November, according to an AI fact-finding team which visited Burundi in February.
The commission confirmed that
the investigators
tutkijat had committed ``
, but shifted the ultimate blame on to the Procuracy for failing to exercise proper supervision.
A UN arbitration panel ruled on May 8 that
had committed ``
merkittävällä tavalla
of a 1986 UN accord
YK:n vuoden 1986 sopimusta by repatriating two French agents convicted in New Zealand of sabotage and manslaughter
palauttamalla kotimaahan kaksi Ranskan agenttia, jotka tuomittiin Uudessa-Seelannissa syyllisiksi sabotaasiin ja tappoon .
Britain's member, Martin Morland, said the commission needed to make clear that
Muslims and Croat fighters
muslimi- ja kroaattitaistelijat had committed
as well as Serbs.
This arises where
of the rights of a chargee
vastuunkantajan oikeuksia disposes of the property subject to the charge and it entitles a chargee to pursue his claim into the proceeds of the disposition.
The Hungarians claimed that the scheme threatened drinking water supplies to several million Hungarians, and also noted that diverting the river would mean
redefining the frontier between Czechoslovakia and Hungary
Tšekkoslovakian ja Unkarin rajavyöhykkeen uudelleenmäärittelyä , in
of international treaties
kansainvälisiä sopimuksia .
The assurance followed the disclosure on Jan. 21 that
Kazakhstan had in December 1991 test-fired a multi-warhead ICBM
Kazakstan oli joulukuussa 1991 koelaukaissut usean räjähteen taistelukärjen in
of the START
START-sopimuksen .
There is also provision for private litigation, whereby private parties can sue for three times the damages inflicted upon them by
For menials to play those of a higher rank and breeding
Se, että vähempiarvoiset näyttelisivät korkeampiarvoisia ja -sukuisia seemed a
of the principle of fixed division on which civilization rested
muuttumattoman jaottelun periaatetta, jonka varaan sivilisaatio rakentui .
of the ability-to-pay principle
maksukykyperiaatetta that caused much of the public hostility to the poll tax.
Because of the policies of this regime, such as the unreasonable animosity towards others and the
of human rights
ihmisoikeuksien , all the intelligent people have gone away.
There are continuing
of human rights
ihmisoikeuksien against the East Timorese while that farce of an inquiry is being carried out.
But the agreement has been interpreted here as a bid to stave off a likely request that Peru leave the Fund because of
of legal rules
laillisten sääntöjen ; legal rules are those rules that are defined and enforced by agencies of the state that have, ultimately, the authority to use coercion.
In India,
to discuss business at home or at any social occasion
liiketoiminnasta keskusteleminen kotona tai missä tahansa sosiaalisessa tilaisuudessa of hospitality rules
vieraanvaraisuussääntöjen .