All the Britons
Kaikki britit were disappointed and
of poor grip on the track
radan huonoa pitoa .
? ”
sat under a huge umbrella, fully clothed,
about being too hot
, että oli liian kuuma .
that targets could not be reached
, että tavoitteita ei voitaisi saavuttaa , but sometimes I detected whispers passing from one woman to another.
`You ought to help me more, ``
"Sinun pitäisi auttaa minua enemmän," pathetically
säälittävästi .
My sons are decent boys and
've no call
where they're concerned
heistä .
And she pinched
Ja hän nipisti ,
There must be
an independent person to whom
riippumaton henkilö, jolle .
`I wanted to hear what else he had to say, ``
"Halusin kuulla, mitä muuta sanottavaa hänellä oli," .
`Now look, Connie me pet, it's bleedin' cold in the parlour, ``
"Katsos nyt Connie-kultasein, eteisessä on pirun kylmä," ,
`and, anyway, I got to see a bloke about a job.
"ja joka tapauksessa minun on tavattava eräs heppu työpaikan takia."
`Interest ``
"Mielenkiinto" ,
a reforming chaplain
uudistusmielinen kappalainen ,
was the only stimulant in the new philosophy and it was this philosophy that inspired nineteenth-century liberalism
oli ainoa uuden filosofian stimulantti, ja juuri tuo filosogia inspiroi 1800-luvun liberalismia .
about being rushed through their cockpit drills
ahtaista oloista ohjaamon istuimessaan .
of being old beyond his years
olevansa jo liian vanha , and yet behind his words one senses at times an element of satisfaction.
The ambassador, Mr Thomas Stroock,
Suurlähettiläs Thomas Stroock of `the inability of the Guatemalan government to protect the human rights of its citizens ``
Guatemalan hallituksen kyvyttömyydestä suojata kansalaistensa ihmisoikeuksia." .
about Tory colleagues
Tory-puoluetovereistaan :
`They don't know what it is to run out of money at the end of the week.
"He eivät tiedä, millaista on kun rahat loppuvat ennen viikonloppua."
Maybe the American government should note this before
about the success of Japanese business
Japanin-bisneksen menestymisestä .
They both ordered soft drinks, but Mr Davies noticed
his friend
hänen ystävänsä seemed dazed and
of feeling unwell
huonoa oloa .
``In the factory we can never work the hours we can at home, nor make the best of our time
"Tehtaassa emme voi koskaan tehdä niin paljon kuin kotona emmekä pysty hyödyntämään aikaamme parhaiten .
, which was composed largely of retired seamen.
Suzanne made the public appearance after it was revealed
to the Lord Chancellor
lordikanslerille about the incident at Newcastle Crown Court
tapauksesta Newcastlen rikostuomioistuimessa .
that she never went into that room
, ettei hän päässyt koskaan tuohon huoneeseen .
Two junior ministers
Kaksi nuorempaa ministeriä of Portillo's ideological zeal in cabinet committee
Portillon ideologisesta kiihkosta ministerivaliokunnassa .
`How can you want Spain mixed up in such great events ``
"Kuinka sinä voit haluta Espanjan sekoitettavan noin suuriin tapahtumiin" ,
to the Prussian Minister
preussilaiselle ministerille ,
`when she lacks all means to wage war.
"kun sillä ei ole kaikkia keinoja käydä sotaa."
`Didn't I tell him to stay out of the sun? ``
"Enkö minä käskenyt häntä pysymään poissa auringosta? ", .
I'm too fussy
minun olevan liian hössö .
Of the `Town Arms ``
Town Arms -pubista it
that, `No respectable person was seen to enter from one end of the week to the other
, sillä "Yhdenkään kunniallisen ihmisen ei nähty menevän sinne sisään koko viikkona" .
While police forced open shops and houses
Kun poliisi pakotti avaamaan kaupat ja talot ,
their compensation for moving was too low
muuttokorvauksen olevan liian pieni .
after six months of fighting
kuuden kuulauden taistelun jälkeen ,
``the poor people of this country are beginning to feel the effects of the greedy shipowners' demands
"tämän maan köyhät alkavat tuntea ahneiden laivanvarustajien vaikutukset .
the metropolitan police
kaupunkipoliisi three years later
kolme vuotta myöhemmin ,
the whole question of dealing with prostitutes was fraught with problems
koko prostituutiokysymys oli täynnä ongelmia .
, as they do, but parking facilities were made available for the disabled.
several times
useita kertoja to the concierge
aulapalveluun , but because the elevator behaved quite normally and decently towards the other tenants, the concierge considered Agnes's quarrel with it her own private matter and paid no attention.
I hated Gionesca because
, and I knew that I could get away with hating him because I was stronger and fitter than him.
They may be content to put up with a certain proportion of
for a given volume of business.
However, forums such as ComputerWorld have seen a small firestorm of
in their pages
over the proposed return to an Ultrix migration path
ehdotusta Ultrix-polun palauttamisesta .
The country's first helpline for
is already busy taking calls.
There is also a time limit for lodging
which is normally within three years of the act, or failure to act, about which you are complaining.
The thing is, young officers coming into the force, doing what they've been taught is their job, the next thing they know they've got
Members of third parties
Kolmannet tahot may make
to the director
johtajalle .
have increased tenfold in the past fifteen years, and all the signs are that the problem is still getting worse.
Well now,
had a
this morning.
One of the
that Japan has had access to US government-funded research while denying foreign companies access to research funded by the Japanese government
koskee Japanin tunkeutumista Yhdysvaltain hallituksen rahoittamaan tutkimukseen samalla, kun se kieltää ulkomaalaisten yritysten pääsyn Japanin hallituksen rajoittamaan tutkimukseen .
One of the more commonly heard
against the existing management structure
nykyisestä johtorakenteesta from top athletes
huippu-urheilijoiden is
that its detachment from the road race scene leaves management ill-equipped to make selection decisions for road races in major internationals
, että sen irrottaminen RR-kuvioista jättää johdolle heikot eväät valintojen tekemiseen suuriin kansainvälisiin RR-kilpailuihin .
I wondered right away if
'd registered a
, Charity.
There were constant
by the forest landowners and inhabitants
metsänomistajien ja asukkaiden tekemiä in the thirteenth century
of interference with their rights
heidän oikeuksiinsa puuttumisesta .
The European Commission brought the charges following a
by Friends of the Earth
Friends of the Earth -yhdistyksen .
As a result of that incident there were a number of
by members of the public
yleisöltä about the conduct of some of the police officers who had attended the incident
joidenkin välikohtauksessa mukana olleiden poliisien käytöksestä .
There were other
concerning the treatment of nurses
hoitajien kohtelusta .
No one goes to such lengths now, though you do sometimes hear
about the position of their work
heidän työnsä asemasta .
The overcharging has been revealed after
from companies
yrityksiltä that their bills include lines, equipment and services not being used
, että niiden laskuissa on rivejä eli laitteita ja palveluita, joita ei ole käytetty , he said.
from the customer
The granting of Indian land rights triggered a wave of
from white settlers
valkoisilta uudisasukkailta , who staged blockades of several forest roads in protest.
The spokeswoman said the centre had received a lot of
from women in the catering industry
catering-alan naisten ,
concerning pay and conditions
palkoista ja työoloista .
Last year the society investigated nearly eighty seven thousand
One of the most common
that their child will not obey them
että lapsi ei tottele .
The constant
of the British Party
British Partyn against the NUWM
NUWM:a vastaan was that it had failed to use its influence with employed workers and trade unionists
oli, että se epäonnistui käyttämään vaikutusvaltaansa työntekijöihin ja ammattiliittoihin .
Nainen koillisesta has lodged a
after an ambulance took almost an hour to arrive at an accident.
There are
with the quality of care offered
annetun hoidon laadusta .
In these discussions
often voice similar
to the girls
tyttöjä kohtaan .
After his release
Ahmed Ashraf and his lawyer
Ahmed Ashraf lakimiehineen submitted a
to the Procurator General's Office
Syyttäjänvirastoon .
She also knew that she should have reported the foul to
would then make an official
to the umpire
sovittelijalle , but she was too angry.
make an official
about-the attack
hyökkäyksestäsi ?
There were
that the building had become an eyesore, and that asbestos used in its construction was a danger to children tempted to play there
että rakennuksesta oli tullut silmätikku, ja että sen rakentamiseen käytettä asbesti oli vaaraksi lapsille, jotka tunsivat houkutusta leikkiä siellä .
This isn't a reply of guilty, it
that the charge is wrongly phrased
siitä, että syyte on väärin muotoiltu .
made a
that the record of his interview in relation to that offence contained fabricated admissions
, että hänen kuulustelupöytäkirjansa rikoksesta sisälsi tekaistuja tunnustuksia .
The tribunal dismissed all but one
relating to McBride's treatment of patients
koskien McBriden potilastyötä .
`He takes a leap in the dark, ``
"Hän tekee hypyn tuntemattomaan," was one of
`looks round, and takes another
"katselee ympärilleen ja hyppää taas" .
If you follow the guidelines below
will be dealt with in the most efficient manner possible.
Bell said: `
that we should have had the penalty before Glentoran scored
, että meidän olisi pitänyt saada rangaistuksemme ennen Glentoranin maalia .
about structuralism
strukturalismista are not couched in moral arguments about human freedom, which is surely the argument against structuralism that one was most accustomed to in the 1970s.
against this girl
tämän tytön kohdalla ?
The earlier letter reveals, incidentally, how closely his
against contemporary philology
nykyaikaista filologiaa kohtaan was related to distaste for contemporary intellectual life in general.
Lyndon Johnson's
Lyndon Johnsonin searing
against the British
briteistä have been much quoted, yet for the first year or two the president was not insensitive to the political realities in London.
concerning students of modern sediments
koskien opiskelijoiden nykyisiä kerrostumia is
that they pay more attention to the question of how sediments are deposited than to the question as to whether or not they stay there
, että ne kiinnittävät enemmän huomiota kysymykseen, kuinka kerrostumat muodostuvat kuin siihen, jäävätkö ne olemaan .
If a problem does arise and you are dissatisfied, make
to the manager
päällikölle at the time of the incident
tapahtumahetkellä .
When I last spoke to the Otter Trust
had never had a
against a canoeist
melojasta but many against anglers.
Telling him to be seated comfortably, she then spoke: `Mr Finkelstein, to be sure,
have no
with your work
sinun työstäsi .
over parking space
pysäköintitilasta led to the discovery that no planning permission had been granted for the guest house.
`We're all gutted, ``
`Olemme aivan tyhjiä," .
`Not much here, anyway, ``
`Ei täällä paljon olisi ollutkaan," .
`Put a sock in it, ``
"Laita siihen sukka," .
a bit, because it was a good twenty miles away, but the girls gave him no choice.
Perhaps it was that
yksitoikkoisesti by her mother
hänen äitinsä and taken for granted by her father were becoming irksome when there was just herself.
, the interior secretary,
about a Japanese firm taking over a company operating under a government concession in Yosemite National Park
japanilaisen yrityksen siirtymisestä johtoon ja toimimisesta hallituksen suojeluksessa Yosemiten kansallispuistossa .
Asked why the shows were not coming to Washington D.C., New York, Chicago or Los Angeles, Mr Hoving said: `Oh,
about scheduling or funding
aikatauluista tai rahoituksesta .
about the `disgusting ``provincial life we had to lead on the island
"inhottavasta" maalaiselämästä, jota jouduimme viettämään saarella .
Jane was a kindhearted and helpful Sixer, but
was inclined
Yitzhak Rabin
Yitzhak Rabin , Israel's prime minister, is said
to his cabinet
hallitukselleen that Mr Christopher, preoccupied by Bosnia, had not given the talks enough attention
, että Christopher, jolla piti kiirettä Bosniassa, ei ollut kiinnittänyt neuvotteluihin tarpeeksi huomiota. .
`Well, my picture's not going up there, ``
"Minun kuvani ei ainakaan nouse tuonne," .
``Theyr'e dragging us along way out of our way,
"He ovat vaatimassa meitä unohtamaan tapamme," , indicating her note of the co-ordinates for this new rendezvous.
I heard
about lazy teachers with 6 weeks holiday
laiskoista opettajista ja 6 viikon lomista .
The old lady was at home but
at being called upon to go out on such a chilly morning
tulleensa kutsutuksi ulos näin kylmänä aamuna .