TransFrameNet:Communication response
answer.n 🔎
- JULIAN DICKSJULIAN DICKSILLÄhad the perfectanswervastausafter being stripped of the West Ham captaincy on returning from a five-game ban.
- In asking questions, therefore, try to do this in an uncritical way and do not present ones to which there is a simpleanswervastaus.
- These eight characteristics of Chemical Dependency are not absolute indications but givinganswersvastauksiato at least four questionsvähintään neljään kysymykseencan be used as a rough indicator of whether a particular individual requires further assessment.
- Wafting vagueanswersvastauksiaabout DNADNA:staare totally inadequate in the face of such mysteries.
- HeHäncan't givememinulleany straightanswersvastauksiaabout all thistästä kaikestabecause he is only concerned with the state-run prison service.
- `I don't know, ``said Dorothy softly when they wanted ananswervastauksenfrom herhäneltä.
- IMinänever received ananswervastaustafrom LederleLederlelta.
- Theanswersvastausfrom most parentsUseimpien vanhempienwould be, respectively,,
- `All right, Shannon Lea, I want someanswersvastauksiafromyousinultanow -- and I want the truth.
- Among a bundle of parliamentaryanswersvastaustenon the topicaiheestasubmitted by Priddle are extracts from Hansard of 9 March this year.
- HeHänelläseemed to have noanswervastaustafor thatsiihen.
- She felt as if she'd already been questioned on the rack, and fitzAlan hadn't even tried to force any definiteanswersvastauksiaout of herhänestä.
- Theanswervastausregarding the glasslasia koskienwould probably have to be,.
- Theanswersvastauksetto some or all of these questionsjoihinkin tai kaikkiin näihin kysymyksiinwill give you a much clearer idea of what the request is all about.
- He owes his staff, fellow trustees, and the public an unambiguousanswervastauksenas to whether he or the government was responsible for that disastrously mistaken museological policy, onko hän tai hallitus vastuussa katastrofaalisen väärästä museopolitiikasta.
- `IMinäcan't give anyanswersvastauksiaas to why we were beatensiihen, miksi meidät lyötiin, but I felt we were turning the corner and starting to play the Liverpool way again.
- Theanswervastausto why she had felt neither violent revulsion nor nausea when she had been in Naylor Massingham's armssiihen, miksi hän ei ollut tuntenut rajua kuvotusta tai pahoinvointia ollessaan Naylor Massinghamin käsivarsillaevaded Leith.
- `People asked me and Derrick what we were doing over the past two years and theanswervastausthat I want to give is.
- I think theanswervastausthat the Prime Minister was groping for was.
- However, the questions andanswersvastauksetrelating to the officers' comments on what they had observed during surveillance, jotka koskevat virkamiesten kommentteja siitä, mitä he ovat havainneet tarkastuksen aikanamight well have been edited out.
- Kuhn'sKuhninanswervastausis.
- `Some people might say nothing came of our talks, ``Khrushchev remembered later, `MyMinunanswervastauksenito that is.
- If there is someone you trust and who knows you well you could ask for their opinions on some of these questions andyoursinunanswersvastauksesito themheille.
- She was hurt byhishänenanswervastauksensa.
- I applied for parole, and usuallyyousinägetyoursinunanswervastauksesia couple of weeks before the date you could be going out.
- `Did I not sayIminä'd getmyminunanswervastauksenifrom yousinulta, and none other?
- It was not as long ashishänenpreviousanswervastauksensaon economic and monetary uniontalous- ja rahaliitosta, but it was close.
- YetChapmanChapmanhadhisomaanswervastauksensafor the pessimistspessimismisteille:.
- Perhaps only she knows the journey he has made, from the cocky Jack-the-lad who neglected the discipline of academic study for the raw excitement of Left-wing politics to the measured politician with ananswervastausfor everyonekaikille.
- The onlyanswervastausin truth is.
- The minister'sMinisterinanswervastausin Parliamentwas exactly what in practice had been happening under the old law.
- Embarrassed to be the centre of this little posse thephotographervalokuvaajacould do little more than shake his head andanswervastatain monosyllablesyksitavuisilla lauseilla.
- Ananswervastausfor everythingkaikkeen, she thought.
- Theanswervastausto thatsiihenof course is; because honour, pride and ego are always assumed to be male.
- HeHänellähad hisanswervastausto questions about the events of that morningkysymyksiin sen aamun tapahtumistabut he had not prepared an answer to any others.
- Over half the pupils in the bottom thirdYli puolet heikoimman kolmanneksen oppilaistagave the correctanswervastauksento that questiontähän kysymykseenand a fair proportion did so on two visualization questions in other tests.
- Ananswervastausthatthe Under-Secretaryalivaltiosihteerigavememinulleon 15 October 1990 suggested that a fair number of warning signals would be available.
- Asked whether they saw themselves as feminist film-makers, for example,the fournelikko(predictably) came up with four differentanswersvastaukset.
- Some of the questions concerned frequency, soanswersvastauksetwere available to assertions such as ``Dreams can foretell the future.
answer.v 🔎
- Whenever possible, speakers of mother tongues are available so thatquestionskysymyksiäcan be asked andansweredvastata.
- AndIminäansweredvastasinaloudääneen,
- FlyteFlyteansweredvastasihurriedlypikaisesti, as if anxious to finish what he had to say.
- HeHändidn'teianswervastannutstraight away.
- IMinäcan't reallyen oikeastaan pystyanswervastaamaanhow I got into it, kuinka jouduin mukaan, me, I got three big brothers so, maybe that's got part to do with it.
- `I'm going to ask you questions, Madeleine, and every timeyousinäanswervastaat, I shall adorn you with one of these pegs.
- answeredvastasiMr Pumblechookherra Pumblechook.
- answeredvastasithe Coloneleversti.
- answeredvastasiHelenHelen.
- Here again, despite the relatively small sample,wemecanvoimmeanswervastatathe questionkysymykseenby looking at other librarieskatsomalla muita kirjastoja.
- Pleaseanswervastaathe questionskysymyksiinby ticking the appropriate boxesrastittamalla asianomaiset ruudut.
- LukeLukeansweredvastasithe letterkirjeeseenby telegramsähkeellä.
- Arepeople whoihmisiä, jotkavolunteerto<empty>answervastaamaanquestionnaireskyselyihinin some way different from those who refuse?
- The CommissionKomissiotawas askedto<empty>answervastaamaana questionkysymykseenin writingkirjallisesti.
- Then, in your own wordsanswervastaathe question at the top of the sheet in front of youedessäsi olevan lomakkeen yläreunassa olevaan kysymykseenas honestly as you canniin rehellisesti kuin osaat.
- `IMinäcan'ten voianswervastaaquestionskysymyksiinover the telephonepuhelimitse.
- IMinädon't liketo<empty>answervastaaa questionkysymykseen, but she caught me unawares.
- Neveranswervastaathis questiontähän kysymykseen, or you will lose the interviewer's interest immediately.
- I nodded my head to find I had opened Ali Baba's cave merely byansweringvastaamallaall his questionskaikkiin hänen kysymyksiinsä.
- Pleasedon'täläanswervastaawithout thinkingajattelematta.
- ,GordonGordonansweredvastasiwithout turning aroundkääntymättä.
- shehänansweredvastasifeeblyvaimeastibefore giving herself time to think.
- A womanNainenansweredvastasi
- DenisDenisansweredvastasicivillykohteliaastiin an effort to match his adversary's self-control,.
- We couldn't get a straight reply --shehän'd onlyvainanswervastaisiin sign languageviittomakielellä.
- PeterPeteransweredvastasiwith a lack of tact that made Sarella cringe.
- HeHänansweredvastasi.
- MollyMollyansweredvastasiwith resignationalistuneesti:,
- WernerWerneransweredvastasiwith a smilehymyillen.
- GrahamGrahamansweredvastasi, then chuckled to himself.
- The reception office should be so organised that all sources of information necessaryto<empty>answervastaamiseenenquiriestiedusteluihinare immediately to hand.
- CONCERN has been expressed thatemergency callshätäpuheluihinare being<empty>answeredvastaavatby people who may not understand local accentsihmiset, jotka eivät ehkä ymmärrä paikallisia murteita.
- SheHändidn't knowhowkuinkato<empty>answervastatahimhänelle-- how to justify actions that were unjustifiable.
- How I wishyousinäcouldvoisitanswervastatameminulle.
counter.v 🔎
- shehäncounteredsanoi vastaanabruptlyyhtäkkiä, hugging her arms round herself, wishing she could sprout wings and fly somewhere private to live down her intense humiliation.
- hehäncounteredtorjuiangrilyvihaisesti.
- shehäncounteredsanoi vastaanbrisklyytimekkäästi,
- AnitaAnitacounterstorjuucalmlyrauhallisesti.
- shehäncounteredsanoi vastaancalmlyrauhallisesti, fighting down the dismay threatening to overwhelm her.
- shehäncounteredsanoi vastaanpolitelykohteliaasti, meeting the smiling eyes of the hovering waiter with a touch more warmth in her face.
- counteredkysyiNessieNessiewith a smilehymyillen.
- shehäncounteredkysyi.
- RoseRosecounteredvastasi.
- shehäncounteredvastasi.
- hehäncounteredvastasi.
- The ControllerTarkastajahadolicounteredvastannutby pointing out that the loss of the street trade alone in the Manhattan areaosoittamalla, että katukaupan hävikki pelkästään Manhattanin alueella, until control and distribution could be re-established, would cost them millions in lost revenue.
- `A source close to Mr HeseltineHerra Heseltinea lähellä oleva lähde``swiftlynopeasticounteredvastasi:
- shehäncounteredvastasiin soft annoyancehieman ärtyneenä,
- shehäncounteredvastasiin a low, angry voicematalalla, vihaisella äänellä.
- hehäncounteredvastasiwith simmering hostilityvihamielisyydestä sihisten, regarding her belligerent stance with brooding interest.
- HeHänthanked her butcounteredvastasicunninglyovelasti.
- Instead of replying,AnnaAnnacounteredvastasi.
- hehäncounteredvastasiwith a twinklesilmää iskien.
- counteredvastasithe old manvanha mies.
- counteredvastasiNigelNigel, beginning to bristle.
rejoin.v 🔎
- rejoinedvastasiEllaElla, as she shut the kitchen door behind her.
- rejoinedvastasiMichaelMichael.
- rejoinedvastasiTaliesinTaliesin, although Fribble later pointed out, how could anyone fight beyond death?
- rejoinedvastasiOglethorpeOglethorpe, putting his head out of the door.
- AlyssiaAlyssiacouldn't resistrejoiningvastaamatta.
- hehänrejoinedvastasiwith heavy ironyhyvin ironisesti.
- shehänrejoinedvastasi.
- WhereuponRobert ForbesRobert Forbeswould shoot an immaculate cuff, finger the crested gold links, crinkle his eyes andrejoinvastasi,
- the young priestnuori miesrejoinedvastasi.
- WhitlockWhitlockrejoinedvastasi.
- hehänrejoinedvastasismoothlypehmeästi.
- To whichJohonhis fatherhänen isänsärejoinedvastasi.
rejoinder.n 🔎
- One recalls the disease of indifference in the abandoned `At Tikhon's ``chapter and observes how odd its symptoms are; or one quotesStavrogin'sStavrogininnotebookmuistikirjanrejoindervastauksista.
- Therejoindervastauksistaby the defendantVastaajanto this pleadingtähän syytteeseenalleged that the notes were given by Samuel Revill and himself as sureties and were given for the securing of part of the father's debt and for no other consideration or purpose.
- It would be unfair to leave the discussion of the later Wordsworth without arejoindervastaustato what is usually saidsiihen, mitä tavallisesti sanotaan.
- Perhaps she had scarcely heard them, or had taken them as a mere mechanicalrejoindervastauksenato her own `Don't hate me ``hänen omaan kommenttiinsa "Älä vihaa minua".
- He waited, anticipating the usually annoyingrejoindervastauksen.
- You can often getone of the national societiesjonkun kansallisista julkkiksistato write arejoindervastauksensupporting your cause, which can be included in a dossier, together with notable letters and reports, for future use.
- HisHänenrejoindervastauksensaexplained it all.
- When I called him to object, the reporter said that his editors intended to invitememinutto write arejoindervastauksensa.
- wasoliGay'sGaynsageymmärtäväinenrejoindervastaus,.
- But speculations of this sort are founded on such improbable premises that they do not help us to understand what actually happened, and merely prompt therejoindervastauksen,
- He'd done his best to convey all these things, and he didn't believe thatwas a satisfactoryollut riittävärejoindervastaus.
- Mason'sMasoninrejoindervastauswas.
- came the quietrejoindervastaus.
- waskuuluihishänenhaughtyylimielinenrejoindervastauksensato Jewish protestsjuutalaismielenosoituksille.
reply.n 🔎
- She getsherhänenreplyvastauksensafrom one of the players: ``crablouse (said with Creole pronunciation, but by a speaker who anyway has a Jamaican accent).
- TheirHeidänrepliesvastauksensato my questionskysymyksiinimay not be those that I had in mind, but by telling them that they were incorrect I would probably have ensured that they would not be so willing to answer again.
- IMinämight have made an angryreplyvastauksenabout her own flaunting of herself at the male Ardakkeanhänen omasta pöyhkeilystään Ardakkeanin edessä, but there was nothing to be gained by it.
- On July 7 the congress heardrepliesvastauksetby politburo memberspolitbyroon jäseniltäto questions from delegatesvaltuutettujen kysymyksiin.
- There was noreplyvastaustafrom AliceAlicelta, but another sound came to the nun's ears, a strange yet not unfamiliar noise.
- Thereplyvastausfrom the committeekomiteanwas, a statement which seems to have silenced the opposition.
- was thekuuluireplyvastausof Philip, a 16-year-old sprinter from BirchfieldPhilipin, 16-vuotiaan pikajuoksijan Birchfieldista, when asked whether he was displeased with his parents' lack of zeal.
- I shall always be grateful to him for not givingmeminullethe usualreplyvastaustaof an adultaikuisento a curious child's questionsuteliaan lapsen kysymykseen,
- Therepliesvastauksetof officialsVirkamiestenform an interesting counterpoint to the points of view of residents and to my own interpretations.
- Thereplyvastausof one surgeonErään kirurgin vastauswhen asked whether the operation had taken place, kun häneltä kysyttiin, oliko leikkausta tehtywas.
- Friends of the Earth have commissioned a report into the safety of Oakley Wood, but say they've had noreplyvastaustaon thistähänfrom the councilvaltuustosta.
- He clearly expected areplyvastausta.
- As the numbers of records increase, the problem of waiting for areplyvastaustato a querykyselyynuntil the whole of a serial file has been searched increases in proportion, and eventually this delay becomes unacceptable.
- No, I am dealing withthe Foreign Secretaryulkoministerin kanssa,whojokagavememinullea circumlocutoryreplyvastauksento a question that I did not ask himkysymykseen, jota en esittänyt.
- HeHänmade noreplyvastaustato her challengenaisen haasteeseen, but his eyes were alight with devilish laughter as he unhitched her horse.
- This empowered him to send bailiffs (county court employees) to the house ofthe man whomiehen, jokaowed him money and had made noreplyvastaustato his allegationshänen syytöksiinsä.
- Jim Cameron, commander of VigilantJim Cameron, Vigilantin komentaja, called on the yacht to stop but received thereplyvastauksen.
- Complaints about government appointments or policies could only be met by Law with the barrenreplyvastauksella-- which is just what the critics were saying too.
- IMinäreceived areplyvastauksenquickly.
- was thekuuluireplyvastaus.
reply.v 🔎
- CharlesCharlesaffected to be insulted andrepliedvastasiin kindystävällisesti.
- shehänrepliedvastasia little inadequately.
- hehänrepliesvastaaalmost blithelylähes surutta.
- HeHänrepliedvastasiDelphiclyDelphiclylle:
- RandolphRandolphrepliedvastasiexcitedlyinnostuneena, jumping up and down.
- shehän'd<empty>repliedvastasifirmlytiukasti.
- Afterwards, she ventured to go up to him and say that she was my sister: to whichhehänrepliedvastasikindlyystävällisesti--;.
- The customersAsiakkaatreplyvastaavatsome bread and sausage?
- Mr WindmillHerra Windmillrepliedvastasiyesterday:.
- repliedvastasiMr Bumbleherra Bumblein a shaky voicetärisevällä äänellä.
- repliedvastasiJennyJenny, feeling the fringe of a blush caressing her cheek.
- repliedvastasiKarenKaren.
- ,repliedvastasiGreenGreen.
- repliedvastasiBridgetBridget.
- ,Georgiansgeorgialaisetreplyvastaavat,.
- D'ArcyD'Arcyrepliedvastasiand hung up.
- IMinärepliedvastasin, describing the state it was in at that time, and what I hoped to do with it.
- In the call, Charles is said to declare his love for Camilla andshehänrepliesvastasiby saying: `I love you, too.sanomalla: "Minäkin rakastan sinua".
- If three months thereafterthe landlordvuokranantajahas notei olerepliedvastannutin writingkirjallisestito the tenantvuokralaiselle, the tenant is entitled to presume that the landlord consents to the alterations.
- The defendantVastaajanhasto<empty>replyvastattavain writingkirjallisestialso within 14 days,.
- hehänrepliedvastasiwithout looking up.
- shehänrepliedvastasiwith far more confidence than she actually felt.
- I would ask Clarence where he received such large amounts of money from, andhehänwould<empty>replyvastaisi:, giving me a wink.
- Accordingly,the ownersomistajatrepliedvastasivatby telexteleksilläon June 28,:
- one of themyksi heistärepliedvastasiin a thick, Scottish accentvoimakkaalla skottiaksentilla.
- Jean-ClaudeJean-Clauderepliedvastasiwithout emotionilman tunnetta.
- Iminärepliedvastasinin my broadest Glasgowleveimmällä Glasgow'n murteellani.
- shehänrepliedvastasiwithout interestkiinnostumatta, opening a book.
- KatieKatieregrets shecan onlyvoi ainoastaanreplyvastatathrough this pagetämän sivun kautta.
- shehänrepliedvastasiin a shaky voicetärisevällä äänellä.
- When thepupiloppilasrepliedvastasihis wrist was seized and swung violently up behind his back.
- CarterCarterwas<empty>replyingvastasito the constable's questionkonstaapelin kysymyksiin.
- IMinärepliedvastasinto herhänelleimmediately.
- SheHänneverrepliedvastannutto my letterkirjeeseeniwith relevant copy pages from JTR's book enclosed.
- It wasDavidDavidwhorepliedvastasito Nina's questionNinan kysymykseen.
- I must thankyousinuaforreplyingvastaamisestaso promptlyto the questionnaire which we enclosed with the last issue of The Birmingham Magazinekyselyyn, jonka liitimme uusimpaan The Birmingham Magazine -lehden numeroon.
- MaitMaitrepliedvastasiwith lowered browskulmat kurtussa.
- PhilpottPhilpottrepliedvastasiwith a hint of irritation in his voice.
- If he asks his friend ``What did you hear before I asked you?his friendhänen ystävänsäwill<empty>replyvastaawith some impatiencehieman kärsimättömästi.
- hehänrepliedvastasiwith satisfactiontyytyväisenä.
- shehänrepliedvastasiwith a smilehymyillen.
- SheHänfrowned andrepliedvastasi,.
- WishartWishartrepliedvastasi.
- the guardvartijarepliedvastasi, then hurried away to help someone with his luggage.
- Iminärepliedvastasin, even more wearily.
- To whichJohonGildasGildashadolirepliedvastannut.
- repliedvastasiDr Haidartri Haidarrather harshlymelko julmasti.
- repliedvastasithe manmiesseverelyvakavasti,.
- repliedvastasiMr Fractorherra Fractorsternlyankarasti.
- repliedvastasiNicholsNicholspersuasivelyvakuuttavasti.
- repliedvastasiPeggyPeggyindignantlynärkästyneenä.
respond.v 🔎
- Many sole practitionersMonet yksittäiset ammatinharjoittajatrespondedvastasivatangrilyvihaisesti, seeing in the proposal for prior approval of their accounting systems a covert attempt to abolish sole practice `through the back door ``.
- Relieved, perhaps, to have escaped the obstructionism of his officials in St Petersburg,the tsarTsaarirespondedvastasi.
- Freeing herself,LuceLucerespondedvastasiquietlyhiljaa,
- respondedvastasiHowardHoward, waving a well-manicured hand, his plump face pink with embarrassment at the directness of Newman.
- respondedvastasiMarkMark.
- respondedvastasianother officertoinen poliisito the CEOtoimitusjohtajalle.
- respondedvastasiJuliaJulia.
- DawsonDawsonrespondedvastasi
- For example, when asked to explain what a shadow is,many young childrenmonet pikkulapsetrespondedvastasivat.
- AlexeiAlexeirespondedvastasicalmlyrauhallisesti.
- EisenhowerEisenhowerrespondedvastasicausticallyivallisesti.
- hehänrespondedvastasidrily.
- JoeJoefailedto<empty>respondvastaamaanthis time.
response.n 🔎
- He was criticised for being negative, so he resorted to inserting the word `positive ``at dreary intervals intohishänenstockresponsesvastauksiinsato questionskysymyksiin.
- Michael FallonMichael Fallonhas issued abullishtoiveikkaanresponsevastauksento town doctors who accused him of making `fallacious and irresponsible ``comments about the NHSkaupungin lääkäreille, joka syyttivät häntä harhaanjohtavien ja vastuuttomien kommenttien antamisesta NHS:sta.
- Table 4.1 gives theresponsesvastauksetof American and Japanese college studentsamerikkalaisten ja japanilaisten collegeopiskelijoidento a variety of dream topicsuseimpiin kysymyksiin unelmista.
- IMinähaven't as yet received aresponsevastaustato my letterkirjeeseeni, not even an acknowledgement.
- Eight hundred and fivewrittenkirjallistaresponsesvastausta, including 579 pre-printed slips from local newspapers, were received.
- Statements by individuals inresponsevastauksinato questions about early retirementkysymyksiin varhaisesta eläkkeelle jäämisestäalso often reflected the dominant official concern.
- hehäntold me wistfully, inresponsevastauksenato my questionskysymyksiini.
- The Authority's curriculum policies produced variousresponsesvastaustafrom heads and teacherspäälliköiltä ja opettajilta.
- At one point during the campaign, he said he would appoint a peace envoy to Northern Ireland if elected a controversial idea which drew asharpterävänresponsevastauksenfrom Ulster Secretary Sir Patrick Mayhew.
- Butwemehaven't had aresponsevastaustafrom the County Councilkreivikunnanvaltuustosta.
- Get rapidresponsesvastauksiato queries people raise in their staff meetingskysymyksiin, joita ihmiset esittävät henkilökunnalle.
- But the guidelines say thata doctor'slääkärinresponsevastausto patientspotilaalledepends on the cultural and societal norms in individual countries.
- He also quoted from Audit Commission reports, but he has not quoted from theAudit CommissionAudit Commissioninresponsevastaustato our consultation paper on the structure of local governmentkonsultointiesitykseemme paikallishallinnon rakenteesta.
- Table 3.1 shows the mean number of correctgivenby each age groupikäryhmittäin.
- `Therefore, I must say thatWedgwood'sWedgwoodinresponsevastauswas like a breath of fresh air.
- From theresponsesvastauksistaof employerstyöntekijöiden, Smith was able to measure the extent of discrimination.
- Thesepersonalhenkilökohtaisetresponsesvastauksetto discussions of parental figureskeskusteluista vanhemmuudestashould be recognised by social workers in preparation for working in this area.
retort.n 🔎
- the girltyttöretortstiuskaisiin contempt.
- SheHänwanted to make some sarcasticretorttiuskaisujaabout his being so bossymiehen pomottamisesta, but he was already clearing away the plates, not paying the slightest scrap of attention to her, and she realised that it was this lack of attention that really annoyed her.
- Aggie again looked to the side as if to help check the escape of some quickretorttiuskaisujafrom her lipshänen huuliltaan.
- I'm the man who put the `go ``into golf, prompting the swiftretorttiuskaisunon one occasionfrom the distinguished birth control pioneertunnetulta perhesuunnittelupioneerilta:.
- And thoughshehänlonged to hurl some causticretorttiuskaisunat himmiestä kohti, the words simply wouldn't come.
- We have all wished thatweme'd had the perfectretorttiuskaisunat some time, but most of us can only think of something smart about three days later.
- GentleGentlellähad noretorttiuskaisuato thistähän.
- A six-pointretortsivallusto Microsoft's claimsMicrosoftin vaatimuksiinwas posted to computer journals in the UK by WordPerfect's Windows product manager, Daniel Sumner.
- The usualretortsivallusis a red herring.
- was thekuuluicarelesshuoletonretorttiuskaisu.
- Andhishänenretorttiuskaisunsa, masterfully bold though disingenuous, is.
- waskuuluihishänenretorttiuskaisunsa.
- waskuuluihis son'shänen poikansaretorttiuskaisu…
- waskuuluihishänenterseniukkasanainenretorttiuskaisunsa.
- She saw the eyes flash ice-cold, felt the sting ofhishänenretorttiuskaisunsa.
- And she'd been glumly aware thatherhänenquickretorttiuskaisunsa,had sounded remarkably unconvincing.
retort.v 🔎
- shehänretortedtiuskaisialmost inaudiblylähes kuulumattomasti.
- shehänretortedsivalsias sexily as she couldniin seksikkäästi kuin pystyi.
- Refusing to be drawn into a discussion,shehänretortedtiuskaisibluntlysuoraan,.
- the voice on the other end of the linelinjan toisessa päässäretortedsivalsicheerfullyiloisesti.
- shehänmanagedto<empty>retorttiuskaistacoollyviileästi, succeeding after an immense effort to blot out the powerful sensual images of their last night in St Lucia.
- When asked if he had ever tried it,PalmerPalmerretortedtiuskaisigrimlysynkästi:
- ArtyArtyhadoliretortedtiuskaissutharshlykovaa.
- ,LizLizretortedsivalsisilentlyhiljaa.
- With a little sneer,PhenaPhenaretortedsihahtisoftlypehmeästi:,
- shehänretortedsihahtithen walked to the door where she paused to look back at him.
- retortedtiuskaisiEdwardEdward,.
- retortstiuskaisithe always chipper Myersaina virkeä Myers.
- retortedtiuskaisiMarthaMartha.
- retortedtiuskaisithe farmermaamies,
- retortedtiuskaisiGarveyGarvey.
- retortstiuskaisiMikeMike,
- MacAirthMacAirthretortedtiuskaisi, blowing stale wine fumes into Corbett's face.
- SheHänwantedto<empty>retorttiuskaista:
- IMinäretortedtiuskaisin,.
- shehänretortedtiuskaisinas they left the car and went towards the front door.
- hehänretortedtiuskaisiin exasperationärsyyntyneenä.
- SabrinaSabrinaretortedsanoi kipakastiwith a hint of irritation in her voiceaavistus ärsyyntyneisyyttä äänessään.
- AnneAnneretortedsanoi kipakastiamid laughter, but soon she had the same experience with another young man.
- the womannainenretortedtiuskaisiwith spiritrohkeasti.
- hehänretortedsanoi napakastiin a low voicematalalla äänellä.
- The request was imperiously declinedPyyntö tyrmättiin ylimielisesti,to whichmihinKatharineKatharineretortedtiuskaisi,
- hehänretortedtiuskaisicurtlytylysti.
- retortednapauttiJamesJamescornered,
- And once when Maman was fretting over his painful joints, I heardJean-ClaudeJean-Claudenretorttiuskaisevan.
- To thisEisenhowerEisenhowerbrusquelytylystiretortedtiuskaisi.
- retortedtiuskaisiIsabelIsabeldrilykuivasti.
- retortednapauttiJennyJennyironicallysarkastisesti.
riposte.n 🔎
- It is astonishing thathehänenshould have made aripostevastavetoabout housing benefit being available to the poor for housing costssille, että köyhät ihmiset saivat asumistukea asumiskustannuksiinsaand to have given the impression that he was in favour of housing benefit.
- This account provoked an immediateripostevastavetofrom Postmanpostimiehen(1955), who objected that no mechanism had been specified to explain the process by which differentiation occurs and argued that associative processes constituted a possibility.
- Theripostevastavetoof Mr Mohamed Al Fayed himselfitse Mohamed Al Fayedinwas intriguing.
- BJORN BORGBJÖRN BORGhas a typically stubbornripostevastavetoto those saddened by the sight of one of the game's greatest champions being reduced at times to a level barely above that of a noviceheille, jotka ovat surreet nähneensä yhden pelin suurimmista mestareista taantuvan aika ajoin tasolle, joka on vain vähän aloittelijan tason yläpuolella.
- AriposteVastavetoto that argumentväitteeseenwas provided by Sea Containers, the shipping group headed by James Sherwood.
- The English socialist William Morris was so appalled that he published News from Nowhere as aripostevastavetonato BellamyBellamylle.
- Inherhänenpolemicalripostevastavetonaanto those scholars and clerics and poets of her time who resisted women's advancement in letters or other learninghänen aikansa tiedemiehille, papistolle ja runoilijoille, jotka vastustivat naisten edistymistä kirjoittamisessa tai muussa oppimisessa, Pizan flourishes a dramatic catalogue of female high achievers and heroines, from Judith to Circe.
- `You'll be wanting us to stand round the piano singing hymns next, ``said his mother unfairly, and forestalledhishänenindignantripostevastavetonsaby replacing the receiver.
- Wellington'sWellingtoninripostevastavetowas.
- waskuuluiherhänenripostevastavetonsato thatsiihen.
- Yet few among the Scotland captain's admirers could have predictedhehänwould fashion such a heroicripostevastavedon.
- came back theripostevastaveto.