TransFrameNet:Communication noise
babble.n 🔎
- Wan and red-eyed, and nearly always male, they wore rebel chic regalia and communicated in either a hyperactivebabblelörpöttäenor a laboured monotone.
- `I'm ready to start the search now, ``shouted Margaret above thebabblehölötyksenof voicesäänienaround her.
- Theopholis burst into ababblehölöttämäänof Greekkreikaksiand waved his hands first at the woman, then at Meg.
- We pushed into the peacock-coloured gathering, deafened by thebabblehölötyksestäin various languageseri kielten.
bark.v 🔎
- Miss Trunchbullneiti Trunchbullbarkedtyrskähti, grinning.
- shehänbarkedkarjui, pointing at a small boy called Rupert in the front row.
- SilasSilasbarkedkarjui, his face contorted by a scowl.
- barkedkarjuiJoshuaJoshua.
- barkedkarjuiMr Dakinherra Dakin.
- barkedkarjuiIrisIris, who had been showing signs of impatience.
- At lasthehänrose andbarkedärjyiat one of the young menyhdelle nuorista miehistä,who placed the ladder lying on the ground against the scaffold, then gestured dramatically at Athelstan.
- Sometimes, no matter how hard you brandished your fist, no matter how loudlyyousinäbarkedkarjuit, the world continued on its way without even noticing that you were there.
- hehänbarkedärjyiat hernaiselle.
- shehänbarkedärjyiat the shop assistantmyymäläapulaiselle.
- The PT instructorPT-ohjaajabarksärjyyoutwith an enthusiasm that is unnatural for this time of the morninginnokkuudella, joka on epäluonnollista tähän aikaan aamusta.
- When he had completed it,hehänbarkedärjyioutto his hovering secretarykahden vaiheilla häilyvälle sihteerilleen:
bawl.v 🔎
- hehänbawledkarjui.
- hehänbawledkarjui, going red in the face again.
- bawledkarjuithe sergeant-majorsotilasmestari.
- bawledkarjuithe adjudicatortuomari, who was growing hoarse.
- bawledkarjuithe drill corporalsulkeisharjoituksia vetävä korpraali.
- bawledkarjuiGamboGambouncontrollably.
- The childLapsithrashed andbawledparkuiin its sleep and lay still again.
- HeHänmade a move towards her andbawledkarjuiat hernaisen, which she did but not without slamming the door for all she was worth behind her.
- SheHänstraightened up now andbawledkarjuiacrossat himhänelle,
- `If it had taken place in London or New YorkIMinäwould have simplyolisin yksinkertaisestibawledkarjunutat himhänelle,.
- the bearded publicanparrakas kapakoitsijabawledkarjuiat themheille.
- Corbett struggled to his feet and stared around the hall where the rest of the sleepers there were slowly rising to their feet, some nursing sore heads,othersmuidenbawlingparkuessa.
- TheyHeare happy to suspend disbelief for the season of goodwill and lustilyto<empty>bawlkailottaaoutwith beery breath and watch dewy-eyed as the little ones do their stuff.
- Next ball,CecCecbawledkailottioutat full bore.
- Turning his head,hehänbawledkarjuiover his shoulder, and was answered by muffled shouts from deeper in the woods.
- We followed her to the foot of the stairs andshehänbawledhuusiup it,
- ShopkeepersKauppiaatbawledkarjuivatand yelledat himhänelle.
bellow.v 🔎
- hehänbellowedmylvähti.
- RogersRogersbellowedmylvähti:
- bellowedmylvähtithe Mediclääkintämies.
- bellowedmylvähtiPumfreyPumfrey, in his most parade-ground voice.
- bellowedmylvähtithe sergeant-majorsotilasmestari.
- By nowthe coronerviranomaisenshould have been singing some lewd song at the top of his voice,bellowingmylvienat the landlordvuokraisännälle, or urging Athelstan to come back to his house in Cheapside.
- bellowedmylvähtiConradConradon his third glass of wine.
- Lowered on a helicopter ladder over Anfield,hehäncouldpystyibellowmylvimäänthrough a loudhailermegafonillaan, thus keeping in touch with his players while observing the letter of UEFA law.
- Out in the yard,AlejandroAlejandrohad turned from the charming rogue of yesterday into a roaring tyrant,bellowingmylviento all the boyskaikille pojille.
- PeopleIhmisetwere running around,bellowingmylvien, and there was a constant chattering of `radios ``and military equipment.
- bellowedmylvähtithe othertoinenshaking his fist at the sky.
- All you did was sit round likesome old colonel in an Agatha Christie bookjoku vanha eversti Agatha Christien kirjassa,bellowingmylvien,about the country going to the dogskuinka maailma on menossa täysin hunningolle.
- hehänbellowedmylvähtiat BenjaminBenjaminille.
- hehänbellowedmylviat the other groomsmuille tallirengeille.
- HeHänbellowedmylviat the Sikhssikhitand as they stumbled back under a cross-fire from the other side of the hall, two of them fell dead and another mortally wounded.
- CranstonCranstonbellowedmylviat the tavernermajatalon isännälle.
- They turned into an alleyway off Friday Street andCranstonCranstonbeganto<empty>bellowmylviäat passersbyohikulkijoille.
- hehänbellowedmylvähtias Adams appeared once again.
- The voice of the IrishmanIrlantilaisen äänibellowedmylvähtiafter him:
- theyhebellowedmylvivätin incredulous unison, pulling their mufflers from their faces.
- There have been a number of unfortunate and avoidable confrontations over the years, brought on bybellowedmylvimätoutby climbers having a hard time on the shady cliffvarjoisalla kalliolla hankaluuksia kohdanneiden kiipeilijöiden.
- The British reader has only to listen to the sounds that protest makes in his own streets, tothe cruel, brutal voices thatsäälimättömiä, julmia ääniä, jotkabellowmylvivätover loudhailersmegafoneihinabout injustice and the disadvantagedepäoikeudenmukaisuudesta ja vähäosaisista.
- hehänwould<empty>bellowmylvisi, and only she knew how it hurt him.
bleat.v 🔎
- GrimwoodGrimwoodbleatedvikisi.
- shehänbleatedmarisi, her voice high and rather indignant.
- bleatedmarisiStitchStitch.
- bleatedinisiBastideBastide, finding some kind of voice.
- Bank after bankPankki toisensa jälkeenbleatedmarisito JohnJohnilleabout a sudden dearth of cash in the Stevenson accountyhtäkkisestä rahanpuutteesta Stevensonin tilillä.
- shehänbleatedvikisito a German magazinesaksalaisessa lehdessä.
- `Don'tÄläbleatiniseto meminulleabout fairnessreiluudesta, ``he rasped, his tone suddenly harsh.
- PETER REID last night toldthe rest of English footballEnglannin jalkapallonto stopbleatingmariseminenabout Blackburn's spend, spend, spend policyBlackburnin kulutuspolitiikasta.
- Typical of the government's hypocrisy, in Pink's view, thatitsecouldvoisibleatruikuttaaabout the failure of exportersmaastaviejien epäonnistumisestawhile at the same time putting every sort of obstacle in their path.
- Reid, preparing for today's confrontation at Ewood Park, declared: `Blackburn have made it harder for the rest of us but there is no point inbleatingmaristaabout itsiitä.
- bleatedmarisiConnellyConnelly.
- StuartStuart's beenonbleatingmarissutonabout how I changed my namenimenvaihdostani, hasn't he?
- hehänalmostbleatedvikisi.
bray.v 🔎
- brayedkarjuiCanon WheelerCanon Wheeler, embarrassedly eyeing the unfortunate arrival of the boeuf en croûte.
- brayedkarjuia hoarse donkey voicekäheä aasin äänibehind her,
- Licensed hawkersValtuutetut kaupustelijatwere circulating,brayingulvoivat.
- NathanNathanboomed andbrayedkarjuiso enthusiastically that his mother had to mop up a dribble of saliva that trickled out of the corner of his mouthniin innokkaasti, että hänen äitinsä täytyi pyyhkiä sylkivana hänen suupielestään.
- Labour Members know that,theyhemay<empty>braykarjuvatand shoutin heretäällä, the public outside distrust them.
burble.v 🔎
- ,shehänburbledpulisi, settling back into her chair.
- shehänburbledpulisi.
- burbledpulisithe majordomotilanhoitaja.
- When the firemen finally arrivedIminäpointed at the sacrificial pyre still burning andburbledpulisinabout my priceless slide-collectionkorvaamattomasta diakokoelmastani.
- I just caught the last few minutes of a Yorkshire TV documentary, `England's Last Wilderness ``, withDavid BellamyDavid Bellamynburblingpulistessaabout the PenninesPenniineistä.
- I had to listen for a good hour whilehehänburbledpulisionabout variably apertured annuity options and the likemuuttuva-aukkoisista annuiteettivaihtoehdoista ja sen sellaisesta.
- A fresh-faced young girlRaikaskasvoinen nuori tyttöburbledpulputtiout.
- Ifyousinämumble orburblepuliset, give up all thought of advocacy.
cackle.v 🔎
- Iminäcackledkäkätin, capering with glee.
- shehäncackledkäkätti, witch-like.
- the old ladyvanha rouvacackledkäkättiunexpectedly.
- cackledkäkättihis elderly companionhänen iäkäs seuralaisensa.
- cackledkäkättihis godmotherhänen kummitätinsä.
- cackledkäkättiLady Merchistonrouva Merchistongleefully.
- This ghostly figure appears asa scarecrow-thin, stooped human male in late middle agevariksenpelättimen laihana, köyryselkäisenä, keski-ikäisenä miehenä,whichjokamutters andcackleskäkättääto himselfitsekseen.
- Corporate luminariesYritysmaailman merkkihenkilötcacklepälpättävätonabout the importance of qualitylaadun tärkeydestä, yet all too often use this management-babble as a substitute for effective leadership.
chirp.v 🔎
- hehänchirpedvisersi.
- hehänchirpedvisersi, as he almost walked into Yanto.
- hehänchirpedvisersi,
- chirpedvisersiPollyPolly,
- chirpedvisersiTalTal.
- chirpsvisertääAlexAlex.
- chirpedvisersithe womannainen, dropping another sock.
- chirpsvisertääLesleyLesley.
chirrup.v 🔎
- hehänchirrupedsirkutti.
- theyhechirrupedsirkuttivat.
- chirrupedsirkuttiDeborahDeborah.
- chirrupedsirkuttieighteen eager little voiceskahdeksantoista innokasta, pientä ääntä.
- IMinächirrupedmaiskutinto the horsehevoselle, and he quickened his pace.
chuckle.v 🔎
- shehänchuckledhykerteli.
- hehänchuckledhykerteli.
- chuckledhykertelihis aunthänen tätinsä,.
- chuckledhykerteliLawrenceLawrence.
- chuckledhykerteliIrisIris.
- chuckledhykerteliPipePipe, who then gave credit to Dickinson for the role he played in Granville Again's timely revival.
- WHEN Radovan Karadzic, leader of the Bosnian Serbs, put his worthless signature on the Vance-Owen plan in Athens on May 2nd,another Serb leader present, Dragoslav Rancic,toinen paikalla ollut serbijohtaja Dragoslav Rancicchuckledhykerteli,.
- `Oh, about getting in, ``saidCasparCaspar, andchuckledhykertelito himselfitsekseen.
- AndersonAndersonchuckledhykerteliand crashed on through the bushes, clink-clink-clinking in search of another rabbit hole.
- chuckledhykerteliRobinsonRobinsonas Porter crossed to the sink and began splashing his face with water.
- HeHänchuckledhykertelito himselfitsekseen.
- WycliffeWycliffechuckledhykertelito himselfitsekseenat the picture he had conjured uploihtimalleen kuvalle.
- hehänchuckledhykertelito himselfitsekseen.
- TheyHewerebothmolemmatchucklinghykertelivätto themselvesitsekseen, and talking in quiet, urgent whispers.
- Here, in the comfort of his own armchair and by the side of his own lake,hehänchuckleshykerteleeabout the highlights of his careeruransa kohokohdille.
- hehänwas<empty>chucklinghykertelidrunkenly.
- Old Mother JacobsenVanha äiti Jacobsenwouldvoisichucklehykerrelläover this:
- HeHänchuckledhykerteli, in self-approbation:
cluck.v 🔎
- shehäncluckedmaiskutti.
- cluckedhössöttithe old womanvanha nainen.
- Zambia could hearJahsaxaJahsaxancluckingnaksuttavanappreciativelykiitollisenasomewhere nearby.
- The kettle's lid began rattling merrily andMiss Fogertyneiti Fogerty,cluckingtouhottaensympatheticallysympaattisesti, began to make the tea.
- the teacheropettajacluckshössöttisympatheticallyat one unfortunatekovaosaiselle.
- HeHänshook his head andcluckednaksutti kieltäänto himselfitsekseenlike the White Rabbit in Alicekuin Valkoinen kani Liisassa.
coo.v 🔎
- Charles was outraged by the intimate Squidgy tapes ofGilbeyGilbeycooinglepertelemässäinto a portable telephone.
- shehäncooedleperteli, croaking like Katharine Hepburn,
- NataliaNataliacooedkujersi, knowing the situation perfectly well.
- DoreenDoreencooedkujersi.
- cooedkujersiAlisonAlison.
- cooedkujersiLisabethLisabeth.
- HeHäncooedleperteli.
- The manMieshad positivelyoli positiivisesticooedleperrellytat themheille, going to quite a bit of trouble to prove that he had not been involved in the attack.
- ConradConradcooedlepertelias Lee entered the living-room.
croak.v 🔎
- shehäncroakedkähisi,.
- shehäncroakedkähisi.
- croakedkähisiLady Merchistonrouva Merchiston.
- croakedkähisithe adjudicatortuomariin a strangled voice,
- croakedkähisithe landlordvuokranantaja.
- Really frightened, then,shehäntried to sit up,croakingkähisten.
- croakskähiseeSteveSteveexasperatedly.
- A look of relief passed over his own face when, the dreadful malaise gone,shehäncroakedkähisiat himmiehelle,
- hehäncroakedkähisiin a broken voice.
- ,shehäncroakedkähisiat last.
- shehänmanaged tocroakkähisemään, bringing up both hands, ineffectually shielding herself from his assault.
croon.v 🔎
- shehäncroonedkuiski, stroking him.
- Famous voices sang them: who could forgetBing CrosbyBing Crosbyacrooninghyräilemässä?
- On the jukebox,the Ink SpotsInk Spotswere<empty>crooninghyräili
- shehäncroonedkuiski.
- croonedkuiskiDoyleDoyle.
- croonskuiskiiAnyaAnya, placing a hand on Rainbow's cheek and letting it linger there.
- SarahSarahcroonedkuiskione day.
- ,shehäncroonedkuiskito herselfitsekseen.
- Rabbi Moisherabbi Moishecroonedkuiskito JacobJacobille,
crow.v 🔎
- shehäncrowedkiekaisi.
- hehäncrowedkiekaisitriumphantly.
- shehäncrowedkiekaisi.
- MarekMarekcrowedkiekaisi,
- crowedkiekaisiJulianJulian.
- crowedkiekuiJonathanJonathan.
- crowedkiekaisiMr Yarrowherra Yarrow.
- Aunt Margaret, radiant, tickled the fat baby padding on Victoria's ribs and the soles of her soft feet, bouncing and wrestling her, shaking with soundless laughter whileVictoriaVictoriacrowedkiljui.
- crowedkiljuithe front page of the Daily StarDaily Starin etusivuon Saturday.
- This allowedthe companyyrityksentocrowpöyhkeilläabout the new models that cost no more than the olduusilla malleilla, jotka eivät maksa enempää kuin vanhatkaan-- a favourite Ford device but by no means exclusive to the blue oval badge.
- And even ifyousinäscore a triumph, avoidcrowingpöyhkeilemästäabout your successmenestykselläsi.
- HeHäncrowedpöyhkeilito meminulle:
cry.v 🔎
- ,hehäncriedhuudahti, in a tone suggesting that he would like to accompany them with two big kisses.
- shehäncriedparahtiscornfullyylimielisesti,
- shehäncriedparahti, frightened.
- hehäncriedparahti, pointing to the widening scarlet stain.
- shehäncriedparahti, pausing by the door of the cab,
- criedparahtiSimmonsSimmons, striking his forehead with the palm of his hand.
- criedparahtiRexRex.
- `So,yousinäwould<empty>cryparkuisit, would you? ``he snarled.
- `criedhuudahtiHigginsHigginscheerily, ushering in Dr Earl from the Villa Beatrice, who bustled in eagerly.
- criedparahtiKatarinaKatarinadramatically, wringing her hands.
- criedparahtiMotheräitiagain, and thumped the other man.
- ButFrance's centre-right oppositionRanskan keskustaoikeistolainen oppositiohasoncriedprotestoinutover the reinforcement of the stakes held by state firms in a company controlled by the Socialist government's urban affairs ministervaltionyhtiöiden osuuksien vahvistamista yrityksessä, jota ohjaa sosialistihallituksen kaupunkiasioista vastaava ministeri.
- When he drew on his leather gloves as if preparing for some task ahead,shehäncriedhuudahtiat himhänelle.
- shehäncriedparahtito the boatmansoutajallepiteously.
- The voice of your brother's bloodVeljesi veren ääniis<empty>cryinghuutaato meminullefrom the ground.
- shehäncriedhuudahtito PhilippaPhilippalle, patting the seat under an awning, as for a favourite hound.
- He shouted, so the doctor told Dexter, as ifhehänwereolisicryinghuutanutto someone a great distance awayjollekin kaukana olevalle.
- This young man AldhelmTämä nuori mies Aldhelmcriesparkuuto usmeille.
drone.v 🔎
- the commentator's voiceselostajan äänidronedturisi,
- dronedturisiColonel Foxtoneversti Foxton.
- From devotional vids broadcast by the Ecclesiarchy, and memory of a stained-glass window in a chapel where his mother had taken him when much youngerto<empty>droneturisemaan, he recognized a Space Marine …
- She could hearMary DeareMary Dearendroningjaarittelevanon:.
- Mr CarterHerra Carterdronedjaarittelionabout the United States not being strong any more and being too afraid of the Russian bear and being out-traded and so onettei Yhdysvallat ole enää vahva ja että Venäjän karhu pelottaa ja että pian se on ulkona kaupanteosta ja niin edelleen.
- Horses won't be airsick all over your lap;theynedon'teivätdronejaaritteleonabout overbooked hotelsylibuukatuista hotelleista, or insist on playing Scrabble to pass the time.
- We won't be able to nod off asnews presentersuutistenlukijatdronejaarittelevatonabout the world's woesmaailman murheistaand mother-in-laws ring with the latest family crisis.
- A whole load of boring industry headsSuuri määrä tylsiä teollisuuden naamojadroningjaarittelemassaonabout how important they areomasta tärkeydestäänand trying to cop off with each other?
- dronedjaarittelionMr Holbrookeherra Holbrooke, unperturbed by Miss Scott's relative misfortunes, `twenty-five pounds, life membership.
- dronedjaarittelionMalcolmMalcolm.
gasp.v 🔎
- shehängaspedhenkäisi.
- YantoYantogaspedhuohotti, as all four lay on the grass gulping air.
- shehängaspedhuohotti.
- shehängaspedhuohotti.
- gaspedhuohottivatthe micehiiret.
- gaspedhuohottiCasparCaspar.
- ,gaspedhuohottiPaddyPaddy.
- gaspedhuohottiEdgarEdgaras he reeled into the corridor.
- MitchMitchgaspedhuohottiand Maggie could not utter a sound as, to their astonishment, Felipe carefully mounted the horse.
- YeremiYeremiat leastgaspedhuohottioutto the body below himallaan olevalle ruumiille.
- hehängaspedhuohottioutto FrankieFrankielle.
- shehängaspedhuohottiout.
grate.v 🔎
- hehängratednarisiharshly.
- hehängratednarisi, ramming his knuckles down on the desk.
- hehängratednarisi, hell-bent on a fight, she would swear; something was eating away at him anyway.
- hehängratednarisiout.
- hehängratednarisiroughly as he gave her a little shake.
- hehängratednarisitightly through his teeth.
groan.v 🔎
- hehängroanedvoihkaisi.
- hehängroanedvoihkaisi.
- RobynRobyngroanedvaikeroi, holding her head.
- EmmieEmmiegroanedvoihkaisi.
- hehängroanedvoihkaisi, reaching out for her.
- shehängroanedvoihkaisi, blushing like mad and lowering her head to hide her face in his chest.
- groanedvaikeroiPaddyPaddy.
- groanedvoihkaisiSam, the Spectacled BearSam-silmälasikarhu,
- groanedvaikeroiAnnaAnna.
- groanedvaikeroiOsmanOsman.
- SheHänhowled in simulated anguish, andgroanedvaikeroi.
- Well who arethe ones thatne, jotkaare moaning andgroaningvaikeroivatabout itsiitä?
- After emerging from the sea for the fourth timehehängroanedvalittiabout his physiquefysiikastaan.
- FayeFayegroanedvaikeroiexaggeratedlyliioitellento himhänelle.
- hehängroanedvaikeroito himselfitsekseen.
- ,hehängroanedvaikeroito himselfitsekseen,.
- AthelstanAthelstangroanedvaikeroito himselfitsekseen.
- the youngstersnuoretgroanedvoihkaisivatin disappointment, and went on discussing a blasphemous film they had seen.
- The girlsTytötgroanedvalittivatover thistästä, except the quick ones like Irene who delighted in it, but it meant that there was no need for anyone to open the desk because it was all oral work.
growl.v 🔎
- hehängrowledjylisi.
- hehängrowledmurahti, as he lifted himself painfully to his feet.
- growledmurahtiFreddy WardFreddy Ward.
- growledmurahtia familiar voicetuttu ääni.
- HeHängrowledmurahti, gave the poor girl a miserable parody of a smile and turned his attention to their patient.
- HeHängrowledmurahtiabout my septic techniqueverenmyrkytystä synnyttävästä tekniikastani.
- hehängrowledmurahtiat JoeJoelle.
- HeHängrowledmurahtiat the attendantavustajalle, by now quite tipsy, and demanded another meal.
- SheHänhad takento<empty>growlingmurahdellamenacinglyuhkaavastiat the more impressionable of the remedialsvaikutuksille alttiimmille parantajilleto keep herself occupied.
- hehängrowledmurahtiat the strangermuukalaiselle.
- hehängrowledärisiat themheille.
- The MaggotMaggotwas<empty>growlingmurahtelito himselfitsekseen, relishing the confrontation.
- RobertRobertgrowledmurahtifrom the side table where he liked to carve the meat himself.
- the Maître d'HôtelMaître d'Hôtelgrowledmurahtifrom by her ear.
- Into yet another silenceher father's voicehänen isänsä äänigrowledmurahtiout,
- hehänhadoligrowledmurahtanutsarcastically.
grunt.v 🔎
- hehängruntedmurahti.
- BraggBragggruntedmurahti.
- FreddyFreddygruntedmurahti.
- hehängruntedmurahtidisbelievinglyepäuskoisesti.
- JackJackgruntedmurahti.
- gruntsärähtääGraeme SounessGraeme Souness, as he ambles across the mahogany lined reception at Ibrox.
- gruntedmurahtiBillyBilly, after careful observation.
- gruntedärähtiOrrinOrrin, unkind for once about the niece he loved.
- gruntedmurahtithe crusty old gentlemankärttyisä vanha herra.
- We passedthe police sentry whopoliisivartion, jokagruntedmurahti.
- SheHängruntedmurahtiand offered coffee.
- In fact,hehängruntedmurahtiabout it being dashed public-spirited of me to come back so soonsiitä, kuinka pahuksen jalomielistä minulta tulla takaisin niin pian.
- hehängruntedmurahtito AntonyAntonylleand clambered quickly to the top.
- TomTomgruntedmurahti.
gurgle.v 🔎
- `WhatMitäare<empty>yousinägurglingmutisetabout<empty>? ``asked Deborah testily.
- shehängurgledmutisi.
- shehängurgledmutisi.
- gurglesmutiseePaulPaul.
- gurgledmutisiNataliaNataliainnocentlyviattomasti,
- JacquiJacquigurgledmutisi, as Kattina's tongue shot into her mouth to save her the embarrassment of replying.
- WhoKenelledoyou<empty>want to go andgurglehöpöttääat<empty>?
hiss.v 🔎
- hehänhissedsähähti.
- shehänhissedsähähti.
- hissedsähähtiSwainSwain.
- hissedsähähtiRohmerRohmer.
- SheHänleaned forwardto<empty>hisskuiskatakseenin his ear.
- From time to timeshehänhissedsähähtiat teachers or senior girlsopettajille tai vanhemmille tytöille.
- LilyLilyhissedsähähtiat CharlieCharlielleand darted to the prompt corner.
- shehänhissedsähähtiat LouiseLouiselle, who could tell that she was genuinely appalled.
- The women were starting to wail, whenhehänhissedsähähtiat themheitä.
- hehänhissedsähähtias the porter walked on oblivious to what was happening behind him.
hoot.v 🔎
- hehänhootshuikkaa.
- shehänhootedhuikkasi, as she ran for the door.
- hootedhuikkasiCarrieCarrie.
- our brat-pack novelistsnuoren polven romaanikirjailijathootedulvoivatback years ago.
howl.v 🔎
- hehänhowledulvoi, smashing his fist into the dashboard.
- hehänhowledulvoi.
- howledulvoiTiptoeTiptoe.
- howledulvoiHarryHarry.
- howledulvoiAugusteAuguste, shaking him violently.
- (Some say Mark Rothko killed himself partly because he could not cope with the contradiction of being showered with material rewards forworks whichtöistä, jotkahowledulvoivat.)
- SheHänkicked the ashes andhowledulvoi.
- Not a squeeze of anything `progressive ``or `experimental came fromthese pallid, vicious little council estate kids with hedgehog hairnäistä valjuista, ilkeistä, siilitukkaisista pikku lähiökakaroista,howlingjotka ulvovatabout anarchy and hatredanarkiaa ja vihaa.
- SuddenlyClare's babyClaren pienokaisellawas wearing jeans and a navy nylon anorak, andhowlingja hän parkui.
moan.v 🔎
- shehänmoanednurisi.
- moanednurisiMumäiti.
- moanednurisiDickDick.
- moanednurisiAugusteAugustein despair, noticing the vast canister standing unheated on the floor.
- moanednurisiNevilleNeville.
- My husbandAviomieheni, who's 41, hates the fact that I smoke andmoansvalittaa,.
- People do not want to be led bysomeonesellaista, jokamoaningvalittaa,.
- `It's rather a change, actually, ``he murmured, `to finda woman whonainen, jokadoesn't pick at her food andmoannuriseabout endless dietsloputtomista dieeteistä.
- moanedvoihkaisiGurderGurderecstaticallyhaltioituneena.
- moanedparahtiGwendolenGwendolendefiantlyuhmakkaasti.
- moanedparahtiMcduffMcdufflooking hurt.
- moanedparahtiEtty MoorhenEtty Moorhensadlysurullisena.
- When I got theretheyhemoanedvalittivatabout all the clothes and stuff I hadkaikista vaatteista ja kaikesta mitä minulla oli, because you have to take everything with you when they move you about.
- DrinkersJuomaritalsomoanedvalittivatabout dirt and smells in pubs, bad toilets and `down-at-heel ``gardensliasta ja hajusta pubeissa, huonoista käymälöistä ja rähjäisistä pihoista.
- We<empty>can compare the growth of our peas and beans, andmoanvalittaaabout the weathersäästä.
- Andtheyheilläusedto<empty>moannuristaat each othertoisilleen:…
- If he didn't turn uptheyhemoanedvalittivatat himhänellelater, and they had used his name for fund-raising without permission.
- `RayRay's alwaysainamoaningnuriseeat meminulle.
- GwendolenGwendolenmoanedvaikersiquietlyhiljaato herselfitsekseen, and made no further bid for the limelight.
- WeMe'd beenolemmemoaningvalittaneetto MalcolmMalcolmille,about wanting to play some gigsettä haluamme soittaa keikoilla.
- `Sodon'tälämoanvalitato meminulleabout your unhappy lotonnettomasta osastasi, Mama.
- hehänmoansvalittaato his shrinkkallonkutistajalleen.
- TheyHejustmoanvalittavaton and onabout Fergie this and Fergie thatettä Fergie sitä ja Fergie tätä… and I've simply had enough.
murmur.v 🔎
- hehänmurmuredmutisi.
- hehänmurmuredmutisithoughtfullymietteliäänä.
- murmuredmutisiLucyLucy.
- murmuredsupisiLucenzoLucenzo, watching her intently.
- murmuredsupisiDavidDavid, holding her close.
- BruceBrucemurmuredmutisiso quietly that Corbett could hardly hear himniin hiljaa, että Corbett tuskin kuuli häntä.
- Frau GellerFrau Gellermurmuredmutisito her companionseuralaiselleenabout it never happening to a woman unless she'd been asking for itettei sitä koskaan tapahtuisi naiselle, jollei nainen pyytäisi sitä.
- He put his hands out to take up the carving knife and fork andAmy HallAmy Hallmurmuredmutisito her neighbournaapurilleenabout Arthur always having wanted to be a surgeon reallyArthurista, joka on aina halunnut olla pikemminkin kirurgi.
- murmuredmutisiBusacherBusacherto himselfitsekseenand heard a snort behind him.
- The animal fidgeted, but calmed down at once whenhehänmurmuredmutisito itsille.
- Bernice heardAceAcenmurmurmutisevanbeneath her breath.
- For a second he looked exasperated and thenhehänmurmuredmutisiin his own languageomalla kielelläänand suddenly drew her to her feet, his hands gripping hers, steadying her and comforting.
- I thought the best thing to do was spare Oliver's blushes, soIminämurmuredmutisinabout getting off to worktöihin lähtemisestä.
- The group round aboutRyhmä ympärillämurmuredmutisi.
- was<empty>murmuredmutistiininto the string of turquoise shark's teeth she wore round her neck.
- FrereFreremurmuredmutisiwhich Horrocks hastily dismissed.
- Every few years,people in industrial circlesihmiset teollisissa piireissämurmurmutisevat,about what would happen if supplies were cut off, for political or commercial reasonsmitä tapahtuisi, jos toimitukset katkeaisivat poliittisista tai kaupallisista syistä.
- De GaulleDe Gaulle,whojokahad neverei koskaan ollutmurmurednapissutabout leaking taps or malodorous drainsvuotavista hanoista tai haisevista viemäreistä, remained somewhat out of favour with the group for the short time remaining.
- hehänmurmuredmutisito the butlerhovimestarille.
- NowCharlesCharlesmurmuredmutisiquietlyhiljaato ClarissaClarissalle.
- SheHänmurmuredsupisito himhänelleand put her hand over his.
- JoshuaJoshuamurmuredmutisito himselfitsekseen, unable to suppress the age-old cry of suffering and despair as he momentarily covered his eyes with his hand.
- hehänmurmuredmutisito himselfitsekseenand, bowing, he announced, `Freeman Tucker.
- hehänmurmuredmutisiwith affectionliikuttuneena.
- hehänmurmuredmutisiin amusementhuvittuneena.
- TomTommurmuredmutisimildlylempeästi, and a bubble of laughter rose to Belinda's lips.
- It was a grim sort of place, and Bunting felt uneasy asa group of workmenjoukko työmiehiäbegan to stare at them andmurmurmutistaominouslypahaenteisesti.
- JulieJuliemurmuredmumisi, struggling not to laugh.
- Now do stopmurmuringmutiseminen.
purr.v 🔎
- shehänpurredkehräsi, leaning forward.
- shehänpurredkehräsi.
- shehänpurredkehräsiprovocativelykiihottavasti,
- purrskehrääBrettBrett.
- purredkehräsiLouise MüllerLouise Müllerthroatilykäheästi,
- The woman official from USAIDNaisvirkailija USAID:staliving in the flat abovepurringkehrätenover Campariabout the servant problempalvelijaongelmasta.
rap.v 🔎
- hehänrappedtiuskaisiimpatientlykärsimättömänä.
- hehänrappedtiuskaisiinsolentlyröyhkeästi, pushing her glasses back at her.
- hehänrappedtiuskaisi.
- rappedtiuskaisiMiss Harkerneiti Harker.
- rappedtiuskaisiHoHo.
- rappedtiuskaisithe icily ferocious manhyisen hurja mies.
- hehänrappedsanoa paukauttioutsuddenlyyhtäkkiä.
- rappedsanoa paukauttioutMrs Malloryrouva Mallory.
- He had a pathetic wish to please and I hated Mandeville for his arrogance ashehänrappedtiuskiout.
rasp.v 🔎
- hehänraspedkähisi,.
- Maxim pressed the entryphone bell for Winkelmann and waited untila man's voicemiehen ääniraspedkähisi:
- hehänraspedkähisisuddenly, glaring at her.
- hehänraspedkähisiirritablyärtyisästi.
- raspedkähisiLucenzoLucenzo, his fingers biting into her arms.
- raspedkähisisomeonejoku.
- were<empty>raspedkähistiincrosslyäkäisesti.
- hehänraspedkähisiout.
- HeHänraspedkähisioutand stood with his hands on his hips to glare down at her.
- hehänraspedkähisiagain as his eyes scoured her face for an answer.
- hehänraspedkähisiangrilyvihaisestiat her bitter betrayal.
- Startlingly, then,a voiceääniraspedkähisiin an American accent:
rattle.v 🔎
- `I<empty>mustn't keeprattlingjaaritellaon like this!
- Thenshehänrattledlatelioffefficientlytehokkaasti, `.
- PionPionpulled at Masklin's arm, pointed to the looming white shape with his other hand, andrattledlatelioff.
- SheHänrattledjaarittelionbreathlesslyhengästyneenä, perhaps encouraged, Dexter thought, by a desire to delay Blanche coming to the point of the meeting.
- An administration officialHallinnon virkamies, briefing reporters on the condition of anonymity,rattledlatelioff.
- Three hours into their shifts,Leon and a co-workerLeon ja työtoverihave alreadyovat jorattledsanelleetoff.
roar.v 🔎
- `? ``hehänroaredkarjaisias he leapt to his feet.
- In an outhousethe Rottweilerrottweilerroaredärjyiat the intrusion.
- The unique and unmistakeable charactersAinutlaatuiset ja päivänselvät hahmotroaredkarjuivatup at himhänelle.
- `roaredkarjuiBrownBrownfrom the front seat.
- `, ``roaredkarjaisiJakeJake, `
- `! ``roaredkarjaisiMorseMorse.
- Whenhehänroaredkarjuishe attended to him herself.
- HeHänroaredkarjuiin Frenchranskaksiat my three assailantskolmelle ahdistajalleni, brandishing a huge club.
- `hehänroaredkarjui.
rumble.v 🔎
- hehänrumbledjyrähti, hunching his back so that his fur stood straight up.
- hehänrumbledmörisi.
- rumbledjyrisithe Sergeantkersantti.
- rumbledjyrisiHeinrichHeinrich.
- rumbledjyrähtiBorisBoris.
- The man's low voiceMiehen matala äänirumbledmörisi:
- Grandson RichardLapsenlapsi Richardrumbledmörisi.
- Thenthe man's voicemiehen ääni,rumblingmörisi.
- rumbledmörisiBeddingtonBeddingtonvirtuouslykunniakkaasti.
scream.v 🔎
- hehänscreamedkirkui.
- hehänscreamedhuusi.
- screamedhuusiEvelynEvelyn.
- screamedhuusiMaureenMaureen, slamming the phone down.
- screamedhuusithe innkeepermajatalonisäntä, and started towards the door.
- On her returnthe motheräitihadoliscreamedhuutanutaloudääneen,.
- Soon after,FarrowFarrow'nis said to have begun making threatening phone calls in the middle of the night,screaminghuutaen,.
- screamedkirkuivatone newspaper headlineerään sanomalehden otsikotthe next day -- and Daum backtracked fast.
- She probably did tell him to go away and stop following her around, but that wouldn't be a reason forhimhänenscreaminghuutavan.
- There would be policemen, the local reporter,tearful Aboriginal womenkyynelehtivä alkuasukasnainenscreaminghuutamassaat herhänelleat the bus stop.
- One day, she ran a mile or more after him, seeing only that stubby squat little figure going through traffic lights, ignoring cars that hooted andpeopleihmisiä,whoscreamedhuusivatat himhänelle.
- IMinäcouldvoisinscreamhuutaaat himhänelleall day long; he wouldn't mind at all.
- HeHäntriedto<empty>screamhuutaato his nightmare selfitselleen painajaisessa: `No, don't go in there!
- She wants to be off anyway -- I've heardherhänenscreaminghuutavanalong the landing.
- The captain of the Italian motor cruiserItalialaisen huvialuksen kapteenihad reboarded his craft andwas<empty>screaminghuusiin a cracked baritonesäröisellä baritoniäänellä.
- She had seena womannaisenride from the dark woods,screamingkirkuen, her clay-streaked hair streaming; the woman had ridden around the pyre.
- Pat was a big man and grabbed Sean and bundled him over the couch and into the laps ofMrs Kelly and Mrs Quinn whoRouva Kelly ja Rouva Quinn, jotkascreamednostivat.
- I was so sure I was drowning thatIminäforgot about the race andscreamedhuusinout,
- screamedhuusiSteveStevehystericallyhysteerisenä, rattling at the doors.
- Apart from all the weird letters I get from Scotsman readers, there are continuous phone calls to my house,maniacal voices whoraivoisia ääniä, jotkascreamhuutavathoarselykäheästiabout deadlines and copymääräajoista ja materiaalista.
- And thenMikeMikeran offscreamingkirkuenabout snakeskäärmeistä.
- shehänscreamshuutaaat her daughtertyttärelleen, at which Elaine cries, `Not for me.
- Here werethese two sworn enemiesnämä kaksi vannoutunutta vihollistascreaminghuutamassaat each othertoisilleenthrough car windows.
- SarahSarahscreamedhuusiat himhänelle:
- HeHänscreamedhuusiat meminulleand I screamed back.
- On one occasion,hehänscreamedhuusi, saying someone had stolen the contents of his Red Cross Parcel, leaving him only a tin of beans and of jam.
- She says thatshehänscreamedhuusi-- another two minutes and the twins would have died because of all the smoke and flames.
- Whenthe fansfanitwerescreamingkirkuivat, Reid kept him on the bench.
- hehänscreamedhuusito himselfitsekseeninside his head.
- `Do me a favour, ``said Camille, wearily, suddenly mature, butSamSamscreamedhuusiwith rageraivosta, remembering Danny and his idleness and greed.
- IMinua vastaanget attacked by the hardliners for negotiating troop reduction treaties with the Soviets, andscreamedhuutavatatminulleby the liberalsliberaalitfor not standing up to the Soviets over human rights and that bloody Wall.
- ClasperClasperscreamedhuusibacktakaisinat the chanting mobhuutavalle väkijoukolle.
- HeHänscreamshuutaabacktakaisinat herhänelle.
- HeHänscreamedhuusibacktakaisinat herhänelle.
- `SheHänscreamedhuusioutin paintuskastaas the doctors examined her, ``recalls Rosemerry, `it was terrible.
- The very thingJuuri se asia, jostatheyhehad beenolivatscreaminghuutaneetabout<empty>for donkeys years.
- The man with himHänen seurassaan oleva mieswas<empty>screaminghuusiinaudiblyäänettömästi.
screech.v 🔎
- shehänscreechedrääkäisi.
- the manmiesscreechesulvoo.
- hehänscreechedrääkäisi.
- screechedrääkäisiMumäiti.
- screechedrääkäisiLin FohLin Foh, and slapped his sides in exasperation.
- He can turn his head away from the screams, the pleas, the heart-rending shouts that split the night air --suffering human beingskärsivät ihmisetscreechingrääkyenat the outside worldulkomaailmassa.
- Nicky was half aware of the Mercedes that approached them, and a moment laterhehänscreechedrääkäisito LouLoulle, watching frozen, and horrified, as the great car drove up onto the pavement and bore down upon them.
- screechedrääkäisiAunt LouLou-tätidown the telephone now.
- Mao, on the other hand, actually presided over gatherings of a million crying and cheering devotees, before bodily and mental decline made personal enjoyment of ecstaticRed Guardspunakaartilaistenscreechingrääkyvänimpossible.
- The womanNainenbeganto<empty>screechkirkuaas I went through the doors and out into the High Street.
- TopknotTopknotscreechedrääkäisiback at Gurdertakaisin Gurderille.
- Insteadshehänrushed angrily about the house,screechingkirkuenand peering uselessly into dark corners in the pretence of looking for a switch.
- SheHänsuddenly startedscreechingkirkuaat BrunoBrunolle, so abruptly that Maxim felt a jab in his spine and knew he'd come very close to being shot.
- IMinäsuddenlyscreechedkirkaisinat herhänelle,and threw down the phone and pushed myself out of the door.
- shehänscreechedkirkuiat himhänelle,
- hehänwould<empty>screechkirkaisisiin his high-pitched voicekimakalla äänellään.
- Women's voices, men's voices, children's voicesNaisten äänet, miesten äänet, lasten äänetscreechedkirkuivatout.
shriek.v 🔎
- shehänshriekskiljuu.
- On our return to London, David Attenborough kindly came over to watch the rushes with us, and when he saw this particular episodehehänshriekedkirkui:
- shehänshriekedkiljui.
- shriekedkiljuiLevineLevine.
- shriekedkiljuithe ladyrouva, overlooking the relevance of Angelina's provoking statement.
- shriekedkiljuiBroadmanBroadman, from under his table.
- shriekedkiljuiRoseRose.
- RuthRuthshriekedkiljuiat herhänelle.
- MorathiMorathishriekedkiljuibut he calmed her and agreed that the selection was a good one.
- shriekskiljuuthe manmiesin horror.
- SheHänshriekedkiljui.
- were<empty>shriekedkiljuttiinat himhänelleas Doreen worked herself into a frenzy of rage which caused her to tremble violently.
- was<empty>shriekedkirkaistiin.
- was soon beingpianexcitedlyinnostuneestishriekedkiljuttiinin every nearby street.
- Her temper sprang back into vivid life asshehänall butshriekedkiljuibacktakaisinat himhänelle, her fingers unconsciously curling themselves into the fists she'd dearly love to use on him.
- shehänshriekedkiljuiat himhänelle.
- shehänshriekedkiljuiat JosephJosephille.
- hehänshriekedkiljuiat the wheelhousekajuutassaas he dragged himself up the slimy wall, earrings gleaming.
- At this moment,Madam, who knew me,rouva, joka tunsi minut,shriekedkiljuito meminulleover the heads of the crowd:
- hehänshriekedkiljuito the othersmuilleas he started the engine.
- The othersMuutwill come out tomorrowshriekingkirkumaan, just as these two have this evening.
- Zahara shouted, andthe othersmuutshriekedkiljuivatwith laughternaurusta.
- By the `fifties we were taken over by Leavisites --ghastly neuroticskauheat neurootikotshriekingkirkuvatabout maturitytäysikasvuisuudesta.
- hehänshriekedkirkaisiin a choked whispertukahtuneesti kuiskaten, and sank his teeth into the wrist of the hand that was choking him.
shrill.v 🔎
- ,MaryMaryshrilledkimittiexcitedly.
- shehänshrilledkimitti.
- shehänshrilledkimitti.
- shrilledkimittiMaryMary, stopping dead in her tracks.
- shrilledkimittithe old womanvanha nainen.
- shrilledkimittiGwendolenGwendolen, determined that her beloved's name should at least be represented.
- shrilledkimittione teenage wityksi teini-ikäinen älypää.
- shrilledkimittivätJan and her palsy-walsy Basil/CherryJan ja hänen yliystävällinen kaverinsa Basil/Cherry, who was not aware of the rising price on his head.
snarl.v 🔎
- the boypoikasnarledmurahti, the sound coming from the back of his throat.
- snarledärähtiZackZack.
- snarledärähtiSwainSwain.
- snarledärähtiHrunHrun.
- snarledärähtiher motherhänen äitiänsä.
- HeHänsnarledärähtiat herhänelle.
- Butto the girltytöllehehänsnarledärähti.
- DownesDownesalmostsnarledärähti; and listened, mouth agape with incredulity, as Morse beckoned over to the two detective-constables from the second police car.
- Buthehäncontrolled himself -- there was a force of mandroids that would have done the controlling, otherwise -- and merelysnarledärähtithat left the old pirate fuming.
- hehänsnarledärähtiat herhänelle.
- shehänsnarledärähtiat himhänelleas he took out a cigarette.
- TheyHesnarledärähtivätat themheille,as if they were criminals and took their papers as if they'd like to tear them to shreds.
- hehänsnarledärähtifor an answer.
- One of themYksi heistähurled her on to the bed andsnarledärähti.
- hehänsnarledärähtibackat meminulle, stubbing out his cigarette and immediately lighting another.
- the sect thuglahkoroistosnarledärähtibacktakaisindefiantlyuhmakkaasti.
- Iminäsnarledärähdinover the commkeskustelun päälle.
- Suddenlyhehänshot out a blunt finger to point straight at Grant andsnarledärähti,
snort.v 🔎
- hehänsnortedtuhahti, out loud, mocking himself.
- AgnesAgnessnortedtuhahti.
- the Doctorlääkärisnortedtuhahti.
- RataganRatagansnortedtuhahti.
- snortedtuhahtiTeenyTeeny.
- snortedtuhahtithe TrunchbullTrunchbull.
- snortedtuhahtiSir Trevor ChambersSir Trevor Chambers.
- snortedtuhahtithe outraged damevihainen nainen.
- snortedtuhahtiAramintaAraminta.
- snortedtuhahtiBillyBilly,
- snortedtuhahtiKenKen.
- ,snortedtuhahtithe authorkirjoittajatriumphantlyvoitonriemuisesti,.
- snortedtuhahtiClareClarein as ungrateful a manner as she could manageniin kiittämättömästi kuin suinkin pystyi, swept her copy contemptuously off the desk, and stalked out of the room with a moderately successful attempt at dignity.
- snortstuhahtaaPaulPaulprotectivelysuojelevasti,.
- ,shehänsnortedtuhahtito herselfitsekseen.
- her godmotherhänen kummitätinsäsnortedtuhahtiin disbeliefepäuskoisesti.
- `Darnton, ``came the reply andthe kingkuningassnortedtuhahtiback:, before harrumphing back to bed.
splutter.v 🔎
- Iminäsplutteredsopersin, amazed once again by the accuracy of his telepathic probing.
- hehänsplutteredsopersi, and reached for handfuls of the rest.
- shehänsplutteredsopersi.
- shehänsplutteredsopersi, lowering her head with shame.
- splutteredsopersiPugwashPugwash.
- splutteredsopersiSukeySukey.
- splutteredsopersiKevinKevin.
- splutterssopertaaGordonGordon, and they crack up.
- IMinäspluttersopersin.
- Iminäsplutteredsopersin,to no one in particularen kenellekään erityisesti, then concentrated hard on eating.
- hehänmanagedto<empty>spluttersopertamaanout.
- In a flash,shehänsplutteredsopersiover the phonepuhelimeen:
- shehänsplutteredsopersihelplesslyavuttomastias he tightened his arms about her slim figure, ignoring her struggles with contemptuous ease.
sputter.v 🔎
- shehänsputteredsopersi,
- sputteredsopersiAnabelleAnabelle, drying her face with her paws.
- sputteredsopersiFatherisäas the family sat down to tea.
- At the Aegean Seadrunken middle-aged menjuopuneet keski-ikäiset miehetdrink and sing andsputtersössöttivätas packs of walruses do, calling to us in obscene and gravelly voices.
squawk.v 🔎
- hehänsquawkedrääkäisi.
- ``KarenKarensquawkedrääkäisi.
- squawkedrääkäisiJackieJackie.
- squawkedrääkäisiElinorElinor.
- squawkedrääkäisithe kingfisherkuningaskalastaja.
- squawkedrääkäisithe penguinpingviini.
- squawkedrääkäisiMaisieMaisie.
- squawkedrääkäisivätthe public address systemkovaääniset,
- shehänsquawkedrääkäisiat himhänelle.
- The morea governmenthallitussquawksmotkottaaabout `individual freedoms ``, `non-intervention by the state, `private enterprise ``, and the other great rallying calls of capital"yksilön oikeuksista", "valtion puuttumattomuudesta", "yksityisyritteliäisyydestä" ja muista pääkaupungin suurista iskulauseista,, the more certain one can be of the total control by that state of its citizens.
squeak.v 🔎
- shehänsqueakedvinkaisi.
- shehänsqueakedvinkaisi, blinking the famous blue eyes.
- AndrusAndrussqueakedvinkaisiuneasilyvaivaantuneesti.
- shehänsqueakedvinkaisi, thinking that, far from it taking all his charm, her willingness could be achieved with only a minimum of persuasion.
- squeakedvinkaisiAlbertAlbert.
- squeakedvinkaisiPinderPinder, then decided that belligerence was something he couldn't sustain.
- squeakedvinkaisivatthe shrewspäästäiset.
- squeakedvinkaisithe volemyyräin delightihastuneena.
- squeaksvikiseeMiriam BernsteinMiriam Bernstein.
- squeakedvinkaisiAnabelleAnabelleagreeablysuostuvaisesti.
- squeakedvinkaisiMildredMildredindignantlynärkästyneenä.
- IMinäsqueakvinkaisinand yank that particular limb away from the offending direction hoping that they won't do it again.
- Lazaris uses the following analogy: Imagine that you heara little voicepienen äänensqueakingvinkuvan.
- hehänhalfsqueakedvinkaisi.
squeal.v 🔎
- hehänsquealedkiljaisi.
- shehänsquealedkiljaisi, and rushed over to give him a big hug.
- shehänsquealedkiljaisi, leaned over a millimetre and kissed me quickly.
- squealedkiljaisiLilyLily,.
- squealedkiljaisithe other childtoinen lapsista, who was probably the mysterious Lucile.
- squealedkiljaisiAngelinaAngelinain mock alarm, clutching for protection at Sir Thomas's arm.
- squealedkiljaisiAngelinaAngelina.
- shehänsquealedkiljaisias light dawned.
- The kittensKissanpennut, affronted,squealedkiljaisivatand fled.
- Young girlsNuoret tytöteven screamed andsquealedkirkuivatas if he was their favourite teen rock idol.
thunder.v 🔎
- the Princeprinssithunderedpauhasi,
- shehänthunderedpauhasi.
- thunderedpauhasiMiss Lodsworthneiti Lodsworth,
- thunderedpauhasiLouisLouis.
- thunderedpauhasiMorseMorsewith immense authority; and simply, silently Downes did as he was bidden.
- HeHänthunderedpauhasiat hernaiselle.
- thunderedpauhasithe vast majority of every poll conducted by newspapers, radio and television, members and public alikesuuri enemmistö jokaisessa sanomalehtien, radion ja television tekemässä mielipidetiedustelussa sekä jäsenten että yleisön keskuudessa.
- I<empty>am resisting the temptation tothunderpauhataabout AIDS being a judgment upon them, etc.AIDSin olevan tuomio heitä kohtaan jne.
- History was taught bya whiskery professor whoparrakas professori, jokathunderedpauhasiabout the Origin and Destiny of Imperial Britainmajesteettisen Britannian alkuperästä ja kohtalosta.
- HeHänwas<empty>thunderingpauhasiat the hecklershäiriköille.
- hehänthunderedpauhasiat the television screentelevisioruudulla.
- hehänthunderedpauhasias Hilary wriggled futilely.
titter.v 🔎
- Maybelle FoyMaybelle Foy, now Lady Blaine,titteredtirskuito her husbandaviomiehelleenas they walked across the floor, after mounting the stairs.
trill.v 🔎
- hehäntrilledliversi.
- The chairpersonPuheenjohtajathentrillslivertää
- shehäntrilledliversi,
- trilledliversiDaffodilDaffodil, teetering towards them in chinchillas and high-heeled boots.
- trilledliversia voice next to himääni hänen vieressään.
- trilledliversiMallachyMallachy.
- trilledliversiGwendolenGwendolensuddenly, coming back into the conversation.
- his motherhänen äitinsätrilledliversiback.
- they bothhe molemmattrilledliversivät, and soon we were sitting down at the dining table in a corner of the living-room.
trumpet.v 🔎
- itsetrumpetedjulisti, `science has brought us undoubted gifts.
- hehäntrumpetedtoitotti.
- The admenMainosmiestrumpetedjulisti:
- the Doctorlääkäritrumpetedjulisti.
- hehäntrumpetedjulisti,
- trumpetedtoitottiMcCarthyMcCarthy.
- Embarrassingly forMr Ben Aliherra Ben Alille,whojokalikesto<empty>trumpettoitottaa, all the seats went to his own RCD party.
- was<empty>trumpetedjulistiby the National Nuclear CorporationNational Nuclear Corporationthis week as the Sizewell inquiry adjourned for its Easter break.
- The GovernmentHallitustrumpetjulistaa, but the reduction given to those on income support is inadequate and does not match the needs of those in receipt of that money.
twitter.v 🔎
- Miss Binghamneiti Binghamtwitteredkimittifeeblyavuttomasti, flashing her teeth.
- `Oh, for heaven's sake stoptwitteringlörpöttelemästäabout FabioFabiosta.
- Miss Binghamneiti Binghamhadolitwitteredkimittänyton when she read his composition,
- SheHänwould<empty>twitterjaaritelision for a few sentences to get everyone else to give their opinions, then make a decision.
- Isabella BirdIsabella Bird, the fragile Victorian traveller,twitterslörpöttääonabout her angst and ailmentshuolistaan ja vaivoistaan.
wail.v 🔎
- And if the shouting weren't bad enough, all of a suddenthe micehiiretbeganwailingvaikertaa:
- shehänwailedvaikersiirritablyärtyisästi.
- shehänwailedvaikersi.
- wailedvaikersiFelixFelix, as Mr Patel struck him a blow to the shin.
- ZibaZibawailedvaikersi.
- wailedvaikersithe little 'unpikkuinen.
- wailedvaikersithe support grouptukiryhmä.
- shehänwailedvaikersito herselfitsekseen.
- MaisieMaisiewailedvaikersito RobertRobertille, `she'd have looked.
- She hadn't gone far when she heardNickNickinwailingvaikertavanbehind her,
- ,shehänwantedto<empty>wailulvoaaloudääneen,!
- hehänalmostwailedulvoi.
- shehänwailedvaikeroi,when Ellie asked what on earth was the matter.
warble.v 🔎
- hehänwarbledleperteliidioticallyidioottimaisesti.
- shehänwarbledleperteli.
- hehänhadoliwarbledleperrellyt, but no more than that.
- Then I letherhänenwarbleleperrelläon for a whileabout the trials of high officekorkeiden virkojen koeajoista, and feign interest in titbits of gossip from the upper echelons.
- HeHänwarbledlepertelionabout watching Match Of The Day from behind the sofa that nightpäivän ottelun katselusta sohvan takaa sinä iltana-- now is that the sort of talk we want coming from the captain of Leeds United AFC?
wheeze.v 🔎
- hehänwheezedpihisi.
- hehänwheezedpihisi,
- shehänwheezespihisee,
- wheezedpihisian old farmervanha isäntä, with a guffaw that shook the raindrops from his whiskers.
- The majorMajuriwheezedpihisiand Stephen found himself the possessor of a shiny belt, new boots and a deferential batman.
whimper.v 🔎
- hehänwhimperedkitisi.
- shehänwhimperedinahti, half-asleep.
- hehänwhimperedinahti.
- shehänwhimperedinahti.
- whimperskitiseePeterPeter.
- Before she could speak, however,JessieJessiewhimperedinahtiat herhänelle,
- hehänwhimperedinahtito himselfitsekseen.
- The Tory-fed PressKonservatiivinen lehdistöwouldvoisiwhimperkitistäabout costs and sham jobskustannuksista ja lavastetuista työpaikoista.
whine.v 🔎
- hehänwhinedkitisi.
- hehänwhinedkitisi.
- whinedkitisiJackieJackie.
- He was backing away ashehänwhinedkitisi.
- whinedvalittiJackie's voiceJackien ääni.
- All of a sudden,shehänwhinedvalittiabout me not knowing what I had doneetten minä tiennyt mitä olin tehnytand she broke down into tears.
- Revocation of all picnicking privileges, even thoughIminäwhinevalitanabout my healthterveydestäniand name flowers in English until I'm blue in the face.
- Instead ofwhiningvalitanabout my memorymuististaniI should be thanking my lucky stars I'm alive at all.
- the Colonel's ladyeverstin rouvawhinedvalittito her husbandaviomiehelleen.
- `I'm sick ofhimhänenwhiningvalitukseensato me<empty>about yousinusta.
- She went to link her hands sympathetically through Lucie's arm, buther fatherhänen isänsäsnatched his arm away,whiningvalittaenin a sarcastic, piping voicesarkastisella, piipittävällä äänellä,
whoop.v 🔎
- hehänwhoopedhihkaisi, sweeping his arms wide.
- hehänwhoopedhihkaisi.
- As the army swung westwards by the forest below the Dwarf Hold of Everpeak it was joined byForest Goblin tribesMetsän Peikkojen joukotriding giant spiders andwhoopingulvoen.
- whoopedulvaisiTalTalsuddenlyyhtäkkiä.
- BartonBartonwhoopedulvaisi:
yell.v 🔎
- hehänyelledhuusi.
- hehänyelledhuusi.
- The neighbours came to their kitchen windows better to see the antics of this strange lady, andIminämanagedto<empty>yellhuutamaan,
- Half-way along it,EmberEmberwhipped roundto<empty>yellhuutaen,and vaulted over the hand-rail.
- yelledhuusiPhilipPhilip.
- yelledhuusiGriseldaGriselda.
- yelledhuusiCardiffCardiff, and seized one of Jimmy's arms, dragging him to his feet.
- yelledhuusiRafiqRafiq.
- ``For God's sake,MaureenMaureen, youwere<empty>yellinghuusityesterday.
- George moved to stand on my foot just as Katy discovered a pound coin andChristopherChristopheryelledhuusi.
- SheHänall butyelledhuusiat himhänelle, incensed beyond reason that he could even consider such a thing.
- CharlesCharleswas too concerned with Jacqui evento<empty>yellhuutaakseenat the Swederuotsalaiselle.
- HeHänno longer had the strengthto<empty>yellhuutaato the men on the catamarankatamaraanilla oleville miehille.
- PeopleIhmisetwere stirring now,yellinghuusivatFrenchranskalaisillein unisonyhteen ääneen, splashing, exclaiming, swearing, someone put on a tape.
- SheHänyellshuutaaagain.
- HeHänyelledhuusias loudly as he couldniin kovaa kuin pystyi.
- `Aspirin -- the bottle held aspirin! ``shehänall butyelledhuusibacktakaisinat himhänelle.
- shehänyelledhuusiat himhänelle.
- Thenshehänyelledhuusiat nobody in particularei kenellekään erityisesti,
- SidneySidneybeat on the door with the flat of his hand andyelledhuusi.
- WeMeyelledhuusimmeto 'erhänellewhile we looked round for summat to throw to 'er to catch 'old of.
- hehänyelledhuusito LouLoulle, and the two boys, acting as if they were being pursued by the evil agents of an alien warlord, fairly streaked along the road.
- hehänyelledhuusiwarninglyvaroittaento someone behindjollekin takana olevalle.
- HeHänturned andyelledhuusito the woman who was polishing a glass at the other end of the barnaiselle, joka kiillotti lasia baarin toisessa päässä.
- BuddieBuddieyelledhuusibacktakaisin.
- MaggieMaggieyellshuutaabacktakaisinas they cross the main road at a run.
- MaryMaryyelledhuusibacktakaisin.
- hehänyelledhuusibacktakaisinat herhänelle, tugging at his trousers and attempting to rise at the same time.
- I<empty>hadto<empty>yellhuutaaout.
- hehänyelledhuusiover the noise of the engine and the wind.
- theyheyellhuutavatupat himhänelle.
- SimonSimonyelledhuusiupat themheille.
yelp.v 🔎
- shehänyelpedälähti.
- yelpedälähtiBillyBilly.
- yelpedälähtiBillyBilly.
- yelpedälähtiMargaret LenhamMargaret Lenham, as much astonished as afraid at the sight of what he planned to use for the operation: a knitting needle.
- yelpsulvahtiPaulPaul,furiouslyraivoissaan.
- yelpedälähtiAugusteAuguste, wishing Egbert would help.
- yelpedälähtiAugusteAuguste.