`She's all right, ``
`Hän on ihan kunnossa, `` .
`That's O.K., the firm pays for my taxi, ``
`Se on O.K., yritys maksaa taksini, `` , holding it out to him between trembling fingers as if it were a dead insect.
`There, you see, ``
`No niin, näethän, `` .
`An inspector! ``
`Tarkastaja! ", .
waited for the lightning strike that would finally find them, and began
a hopeless prayer
toivotonta rukousta .
about helicopters
helikoptereista .
But I can remember my father coming back from the death bed and saying
about a grandson
pojanpojastaan .
saw us as allies and
in a mixture of French and Arabic
ranskan ja arabian sekoituksella throughout the hymns, then sighed loudly and looked out of the window as the prayers droned on.
like an idiot
kuin idiootti .
He reads the Koran, he attends daily prayers, and occasionally, when there is a gap in the conversation,
of going to Mecca
Mekkaan menemisestä .
Quite suddenly, after they had refreshed themselves, the members of the garrison began to talk; soon
to their deliverers
kuljettajilleen , laughing, cheering and even singing.
Knowing nothing,
on, Maxine suddenly realized that her friend longed for a totally unworried love relationship.
She didn't know if Betty knew how long Beuno had been there, so endeavoured to give the impression that
on the topic of cooking game
ruoanlaitosta for hours at a time.
felt a compulsion
about what had happened
siitä, mitä oli tapahtunut , stimulated by their dice with the law, but Nails, now it was over, seemed unmoved.
Oliver could be heard beginning a suitable reply before
about something else
jostain muusta .
on without waiting for an answer.
had fussed around while the thing was being loaded on my ship,
about how important it was and how delicate it was and so on
siitä, miten tärkeää se oli ja miten hienostunutta se oli ja niin edelleen , until I'd just stopped listening.
The secret police will doubtless try to make sure there
reformist demonstrators
reformistimielenosoittajia, jotka `Gorbi, Gorbi ``
`Gorbi, Gorbi `` in the streets on Saturday, as thousands did in Leipzig on Monday night.
Security police snatched away members of the 1,000-strong march and beat them about the head with truncheons as
`No violence ``
`Ei väkivaltaa `` and
`We're staying here
`Me pysymme täällä .
Its lyrics and tunes celebrated the dawning of the `Age of Aquarius ``and had
the whole nation
koko kansan `Hare Krishna
`Hare Krishna for months.
almost rapturously
lähes haltioituneesti :
`The glove will cleave to your whole body, save for your head.
`Hanska pilkkoo koko vartalosi, säästää pääsi.
A crowd estimated at several thousands
Arviolta useiden tuhansien henkilöiden joukko gathered outside the former embassy
``Death to America
``Kuolema Amerikalle .
`Death has come again! ``
`Kuolema on tullut uudelleen! ", , his colourless eyes dancing with mischievous glee.
`Erewiggo, erewiggo, erewiggo, ``
`Erewiggo, erewiggo, erewiggo, `` .
`Hitler and Mosley, what are they for? ``
`Hitler ja Mosley, mitä virkaa niillä on? ", the anti-Fascist crowds
antifasistiset ryhmät ,
`Thuggery, buggery, hunger and war!
`Väkivaltaisuus, sodomia, nälkä ja sota!
`Nine bean rows shall I have there, and a hive for the honey bee, ``
`Minulla on yhdeksän papuriviä, ja pesä hunajamehiläisille, `` .
In the square I hear
the schoolchildren
koululaisten enthusiastically
innostuneesti one to fifty
yhdestä viiteenkymmeneen as I start a late afternoon walk away from the Pachas into the suyo of trigo cebada.
about 50,000 protesters
noin 50 000 mielenosoittajan were reported
anti-government slogans in Timisoara
hallituksen vastaisia lauseita Timisoarassa and demanding that the bodies of victims be returned to their families.
In the small Essex village of Great Leighs the lord of the Manor and a Director of Barclay's Bank stormed out of Sunday Matins when
Mr Dubcek's name
herra Dubcekin nimeä at least as loudly as it was in the same square over 21 years ago
vähintään yhtä äänekkäästi kuin samalla torilla yli 21 vuotta sitten .
were content
and burn effigies of Ray MacSharry, the Irish Commissioner who finalised the deal.
Meals were enlivened by readings or
recited or
at Charles' command.
with a sudden and extraordinary vindictiveness.
The amplified muezzins of the town's mosques
Kaupungin moskeijoiden vahvistetut muessinit spent much of it
at full volume
täydellä äänenvoimakkuudella .
to those watching from balconies
parvekkeiltaan katseleville ihmisille :
`Come down into the streets!
`Tulkaa alas kaduille!
trotted obediently beside her,
“ Wanta-wee wanta-wee wanta-wee, ”
“ Wanta-wee wanta-wee wanta-wee, ” in a sing-song voice.
laulavalla nuotilla
`You can be a success, ``
`Sinä voit menestyä, `` ,
`your mind is a chisel, your will is a hammer, and life is a rock.
`mielesi on taltta, tahtosi on vasara ja elämä on kivi.
under her breath as she sorted through her case for something to wear.
`We shall overturn the whole world by tomorrow, ``
`Me kaadamme koko maailman huomiseen mennessä, `` with earnest conviction
vilpittömän vakuuttuneina .
Modrow entitled his proposals ``For Germany, united fatherland, using
a slogan
iskulausetta, jota often
by East German demonstrators
itäsaksalaiset mielenosoittajat .
danced around the room,
Three times they lowered themselves to the ground in response to
by the minister of rites
riittiministeri and all the time the musicians and singers banged gongs and drums and continued their strangely discordant chanting.
for the sacking of Gray, who made his first appearance in several months, and banned all his players from giving press interviews after the game
potkuja Graylle, joka esiintyi ensimmäisen kerran useisiin kuukausiin ja kielsi kaikkia pelaajiaan antamasta haastatteluja lehdistölle pelin jälkeen .
`Mani manent cum nostris semper in aeternum, Primarche! ``
`Mani manent cum nostris semper in aeternum, Primarche! ", the Reclusiarch
Reclusiarch in the hieratic religious tongue
hieraattisella uskonnollisella kielellä , which his listeners only comprehended to be a blend of sacred plainsong and occult invocation.
We know who you ar-are, ``
Me tiedämme, kuka sinä olet, `` in their silly way
hassulla tavallaan .
is written on children's notebooks and
by their youth groups
nuorisoryhmät .
Klaxons beeped in rhythmic unison and
over a megaphone
kovaäänisen kautta the initials of the President's Party and the name of Belpan's Minister of Tourism and Transport: `VOTE PP
presidentin puolueen alkukirjaimia ja Belpanin matkailu- ja liikenneministerin nimeä `ÄÄNESTÄ PP:TÄ .
now and at the hour of our death amen
nyt ja kuolemamme hetkellä aamen .
, to be heard.
Even as
, I felt power return to my muscles.
“ Out, demons, out … ”
“ Ulos, demonit, ulos … ” began
I haven't all morning to listen to
`They sometimes have jazz here in the evenings, ``
`Joskus he kuuntelevat jazzia iltatapaamisissaan, `` ,
`although I don't know if it's up to your standards.
`vaikka en tiedä, onko se sinun standardiesi mukaista.
`The inspector believes the burglar is here in Cannes, ``
`Tarkastaja uskoo, että murtovaras on täällä Cannesissa, `` .
go on
a while and Benjamin was on the point of leaving when the Queen stepped forward.
My dearest love,
about all sorts of odd news
kaikenlaisista oudoista uutisista , when I really only want to tell you that my real self is in your keeping.
to the chap with the soulful face
miehelle, jolla oli sielukkaat kasvot, as if she'd never forgotten how to talk
aivan kuin hän ei koskaan olisi unohtanut puhetaitoaan .
Ludens and Irina
Ludens ja Irina jostled each other, shouted at each other,
, argued a lot, laughed a lot.
As he ate and drank
found herself
jaarittelemasta away
out of nervousness,
a stream of things that went through her head, the small happenings of a day
virta asioita, jotka kulkivat hänen päänsä läpi, päivän pieniä tapahtumia .
`Can't stay and
to the unemployed
työttömille , ``said Lawrence, picking up his briefcase.
But the cook was in fine form and they seemed to be thawing a bit when I left
with Denholm sitting among them and not understanding a word they were saying.
I mean, here am
about the outcome of the war
sodan tuloksista … and you actually know, Cassie.
in his easy way
helpolla tavallaan to a somewhat sceptical family who were not accustomed to thinking of Bodo in this new and totally unexpected light
hiukan skeptiselle perheelle, joka ei ollut tottunut näkemään Bodoa tässä uudessa ja täysin odottamattomassa valossa .
to the party at the other end of the line
linjan toisessa päässä olevalle puolueelle .
'm apt
, and I must say it was nice to have someone to talk to, like I said.
`My lord's sister seems a sweet lady, ``
`Minun lordini sisar vaikuttaa suloiselta leidiltä, `` on, pouring the warm milk into a goblet.
and points to the rubble that carpets the floor.
Enchanted, she too watched
the sweet-faced boy who
kauniskasvoista poikaa, joka was
while his fond father plied him with Carnival cakes.
as Patrick drove along the Marylebone Road, speculating on the miracle that had brought John and Angela back from the dead.
, but now at least with relief.
“ Well, well, well, ”
“ No, no, no, ” .
`You're very liberal with your criticism, Virginia, ``
`Olet erittäin vapaamielinen kritiikissäsi, Virginia, `` .
`Well, I had to do something! ``
`No, minun oli tehtävä jotakin! ", .
`Or very ripe figs, ``
`Tai erittäin kypsiä viikunoita, `` .
“ The Scots don't look very … amusable, ”
“ Skotit eivät näytä kovin … huvittuneilta, ” , picking a bit of 1,000-year-old stone off the wall behind him and aiming it at a tent-peg.
`You don't say? ``
`Ihanko totta? ", .
, placing a card on either side of the bowl.
`Well, well, ``
`No, no, `` Havvie Blaine
Havvie Blaine , at last,
`what have we here?
`mitäs meillä on täällä?
`How women gossip! ``
`Kuinka naiset juoruilevatkaan! ", .
It was
a cool challenge
viileä haaste ,
that she almost missed it.
Riley swore and
that there was nothing to get upset about, because Harbury had himself cleared the way for the man Riley wanted appointed
niin, ettei ollut mitään syytä hermostua, koska Harbury oli itse avannut tien miehelle, jonka Riley halusi nimittää .
, `OK.
with a slow complacency
hitaalla tyytyväisyydellä .
as they strolled along,
`tell me how you keep your sensational figure, Rachel.
`kerropa minulle, miten säilytät upeat muotosi, Rachel.
`Hallo there, girls, ``
`Hei vaan, tytöt, `` .
Fonda studiously ignores the hairs as
to an off-screen interrogator
ruudun ulkopuoliselle kuulustelijalle .
`Don't look so alarmed, ``
`Älä näytä niin pelästyneeltä, `` under his breath.
`If you say so, ``
`Jos sanot niin, `` with a smug expression
omahyväisellä eleellä .
with blatant insincerity.
`How generous of you, ``
`Miten anteliasta sinulta, `` with heavy sarcasm.
The man's gaze raked her clear complexion and pale gold hair, then his mouth twisted slightly as
in a sardonic tone
ivalliseen sävyyn ,
`What's the matter, Cornflower?
`Mikä hätänä, ruiskaunokki?
`Oh, I see, ``
`Ymmärrän, `` with a touch of cool insolence
viileän röyhkeästi .
talked to herself a little, lowering her voice and
venyttäen puhettaan .
Cassie heard
venyttävän puhettaan , from the direction of the kitchen.
, allowing a weary sigh to escape from his lips.
No, thanks Andy, but I'd much rather not, ``
Ei, kiitos Andy, mutta mieluummin en, `` .
Fighting down a wave of combined anger and panic, she found
`I'm sorry!
`Olen pahoillani!
Turning towards him,
“ Feargal, I … ”
“ Feargal, minä … ”
`I'm going back to the mill, ``
`Menen takaisin tehtaaseen, `` .
`I'll tell you something, ``
`Kerron sinulle jotakin, `` enthusiastically
innostuneesti ,
`There's no-one out there now whose doorstep I'd be willing to kip on just to get their autograph.
`Tuolla ei ole ketään, jonka ovelle haluaisin mennä saadakseni hänen nimikirjoituksensa.
a canticle
laulujen laulua as he tore loose a bundle of eerie fetishes knotted from dried ligament,
undogged that door.
Relieved at having thought of something to say,
his small talk
pientä puhettaan in a rush of unpractised French
käyttämättömällä ranskalla , stumbling here and there over his pronunciation.
threw herself on Quincx,
about what happened
siitä, mitä tapahtui .
In the other boat,
had started
-- the Dies Irae, by the sound of it.
for a second as shock and rage choked my words.
talked most,
about the tedium of this final year at Oxford, how cold it was in the bedrooms of South Park Road, and the personification of virtue that was Emily
viimeisen Oxfordin vuotensa tylsyydestä, miten kylmää South Park Roadin makuuhuoneissa oli ja hyveellisyyden henkilöitymästä, joka oli Emily .
Very sensible of Hilda: nothing is more ridiculous than
an old-age pensioner
vanha eläkeläinen, joka on
about his or her risqué past
rohkeasta menneisyydestään .
Agnes began to cry, quietly at first, then it mounted into sobs, then almost into hysteria and in it
to the three gaping sisters
kolmelle töllistelevälle sisarelle what had transpired from the time she had taken the linen across to the house
mitä oli tapahtunut niistä ajoista, kun hän oli vienyt vuodevaatteet taloon .
, she realised, gradually petering to a halt as the implacable dark face didn't register any reaction whatsoever.
I don't like the dark
en pidä pimeästä .
`I'm turning it down! ``
`Minä sammutan sen! ", .
“ I'm the tar baby … ”
"Minä olen tar baby..." .
This is funny
Tämä on hauskaa ,
a small part of his mind
pieni osa hänen mielessään ,
why am I rising?
miksi minä nousen?
Another car followed him for half a mile, imagined menace in the rear view mirror growing with every second, until
swerved abruptly into a layby and let it pass,
the registration number
rekisteröintinumeroa as he scrabbled in the glove compartment for a piece of paper on which to write it down.
, her petrol-sodden hair plastered to her head and her dripping gown showing her legs almost to the crotch.
Yet with hands clasped
whimpers and
with such desperate ardour
sellaisella epätoivoisella kiihkolla for his own preservation
oman rauhoituksensa vuoksi , on his knees.
from dark corners.
, obviously regretting his impetuous excursion to visit the war front.
growled and
like a witch-hare
kuin noitajänis and those nearest to him fell back in fear.
I was stuck there like a flying buttress between the floor and the pillar, and
about the sound a Triumph makes and the high-speed runs she'd done up the side of Loch Lomond at night
Triumphin tekemästä äänestä ja nopeista kierroksista, joita hän oli tehnyt Loch Lomondin lähellä yöllä .
the hell
Something else Hugh saw nearly made
The sensible thing to do, having made the initial impact, was to walk off in a slow and menacing way, leaving
and choked over
an appeal for mercy
armonpyynnön .
Leila called, and then turned to
Roirbak who
Roirbakin puoleen, joka ,
`Let her go.
'Päästä hänet menemään.'
, staring.
“ Ella Fitzgerald, ”
“ Ella Fitzgerald, ” ,
“ Kate Millett, Nancy Reagan, Benazir Bhutto … ”
“ Kate Millett, Nancy Reagan, Benazir Bhutto … ”
`So I'm a beggar on horseback, am I? ``
'Eli minäkö olen siis kerjäläinen hevosen selässä?' ", .
, trying to attract your attention.
`Probably, ``
'Todennäköisesti,' , naked fear making him tremble as he reached the step above the thing.
`Tina's brother Steve, ``
'Tinan veli Steve,' .
“ Not a car bomb … ”
'Ei autopommi...' .
, under cover of the serving of half a dozen roast boars.
We passed Swire Sugden out for a walk and when he saw us
held out his arms and
Realizing the kicks that many men get out of listening to
, he set up a unique telephone service to cater for the need and gave it the name Just Filmz Inc.
, as though it were not quite suitable for a polite tea-table.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw
stand up, salute and begin to
muodostaa huulillaan the words of the Promise
lupauksen sanoja !
; they must not be detected.
`I hear the bulldozers are moving in on George Eliot Thursday, ``
'Kuulin, että puskutraktorit siirtyvät George Eliotin luokse torstaina,' one of his colleagues
yksi hänen työkavereistaan in a satisfied Southern drawl
tyytyväisellä eteläisellä venyttävällä puhetyylillä .
`Good morning and thank you, ``
nice and slowly
hitaasti ja huolellisesti .
`Candle by the bed, ``
`Kynttilä sängyn luona, `` and nodded.
Unseen by Victor,
, lifting an eyebrow in query.
told her and
, and did he want to speak to her?
Lucy found
like a mill worker
kuin kaivostyöntekijä to make herself understood over the noise, which was louder than any machinery.
`Am I? ``
`Olenko minä? ", .
`Buona sera, signor, ``
`Buona sera, signor, `` .
I didn't mean to disturb you, ``
En halunnut häiritä sinua, `` apologetically
pahoittelevasti .
`He's been so kind, ``
`Hän on ollut niin kiltti, `` .
`Come on, honey, ``
`Tule nyt, kulta, `` .
`And you think I do? ``
`Ja sinun mielestäsi teen? ", the ill-shaven Morse
huonosti ajeltu Morse .
`I'm not really sure why I'm here, ``
`En ole ihan varma, miksi olen täällä, `` .
that `it's probably got residual sugar in it ``
että 'siinä on todennäköisesti jäännössokeria' .
words and phrases from the song
sanoja ja fraaseja laulusta quietly enough for the noise to drown them until a man returned to his side and stopped
niin hiljaa, että melu hukutti ne, kunnes mies palasi hänen rinnalleen ja pysähtyi .
while Flora supported her and I wiped her face with the warm, fizzy water.
, obviously acutely embarrassed,
about Bert maybe knowing a bit more, `him being there, like ``
siitä, että Bert ehkä tiesi hiukan enemmän 'jos hän oli siellä' .
, still retreating, turning away to go back into his room, had
about something or other
yhdestä jos toisestakin asiasta .
`How's the shop? ``
`Millainen kauppa on? ", one balding sweating man
yksi kaljuuntuva ja hikoileva mies .
and handed it to him.
shook his head and
under his breath.
`Now or never, ``
`Nyt tai ei koskaan, `` .
`I passed by death, ``
`Minä ohitin kuoleman, `` .
for the third or fourth time
in the aggressive undertone which seemed to be his preferred manner of replying to any remark
aggressiiviseen sävyyn, joka vaikutti olevan hänen mieleisensä tapa vastata mihin tahansa huomautukseen .
in a tiny voice
pienellä äänellä .
Mum takes me to
the doctor, our village doctor
lääkärille, kylämme lääkärille ,
weighs me and
about taking dieting too far
laihdutuksen menemisestä liian pitkälle and makes me an appointment as an outpatient at the hospital.
'd looked ashamed then, and
about being sorry
olevansa pahoillaan .
in his own way
omalla tavallaan ,
a little flattered at the rapt attention he was receiving
hiukan imarreltuna saamastaan lumoutuneesta huomiosta .
`O Lord! ``she said, speaking extra loud to drown out
back, his bruised, swollen mouth making his speech thick.
grew more reticent and
something that George couldn't hear
jotain, mitä George ei kuullut .
Athelstan was pleased he had judged the moment right because, by the time they reached the top of the rickety wooden staircase,
was half-asleep and beginning
about how he missed Lady Maude
kuinka hän kaipasi Lady Maudea .
hengästyneenä before quickly picking up her suitcase and making her way into the large bedroom.
again and opened one gnarled hand on the donkey's back.
käsittämättömästi and looked abashed.
and sighed.
and chuckling
; a likeably batty old buzzard.
, still wary of his rescuer's reaction.
`Some father, ``
`Varsinainen isä, `` .
`Just go away, ``
`Mene vain pois, `` .
`Raw shellfish for breakfast, ``
`Raakoja äyriäisiä aamupalaksi, `` .
`No matter, ``
`Ei väliä, `` .
`Fine thanks, ``
`Hienoa, kiitos, `` under his breath.
Behind him he could hear
one of the boys
yhden pojista that Mr Wilson had gone mad
että herra Wilson oli tullut hulluksi , and another reply that he always had been.
``'T IS a wench,
``'T ON prostituoitu, the first man
ensimmäinen mies .
shivered and
, then pressed a second tiny bundle into the man's hand.
looked at the stubborn set of her mouth and
-- obviously rude --
got up and,
about marking
merkitsemisestä , made as if to leave.
`Thank God, ``
`Luojan kiitos, `` .
untangled them and
about it having been a hair-raising experience
siitä, että se oli ollut hiuksianostattava kokemus …
`Blimmin' blue, ``
`Hiton sininen, `` as he observed Willie's face.
`Too mean to offer a living wage, ``
`Liian ilkeä tarjotakseen palkkaa, jolla tulee toimeen, `` to the young man beside him
vieressään olevalle nuorelle miehelle .
were walking along
inched towards our car,
like a pair of furniture removers used to working together.
His lean face darkened and
in Portuguese
portugaliksi beneath his breath.
She watched as
and Guido responded with a couple of sharp questions.
Although he was pleased that they had managed to set everything up on time,
about the remaining android being alive, threatening them from somewhere on the planet
muista elossa olevista androideista, jotka uhkasivat heitä jossakin päin planeettaa .
The housekeeper
Taloudenhoitaja left the room,
about ingratitude
kiittämättömyydestä .
The clicking stopped and
gulped down what he was given but continued
`Eeny, meeny, ``
`Entten, tentten, `` .
`He is coming, ``
`Hän on tulossa, `` ,
almost tentatively
lähes epävarmasti .
`You know, I'm getting quite used to this invisible business, ``
`Tiedäthän, että alan tottua tähän näkymättömään liiketoimintaan, `` when they were at last settled to their table.
That's what's had
under your breath
hengityksesi alta for the last hour
viimeisen tunnin ajan ?
`I need a drink, ``
`Tarvitsen ryypyn, `` beneath his breath.
He was ill-washed and stubble-chinned and
beneath his breath
partansa alta .
`I'll deal with you later, ``
`Hoitelen sinut myöhemmin, `` .
The old woman
Vanha nainen shouldered her bag again, giving him a baleful look, and went
pushed computer buttons, picked up a telephone,
hienovaraisesti and then turned back to Jack saying, `He's in Abbey Ward.
when she had attempted to explain her fears to him.
More than 100 sullen villagers
Yli 100 pahantuulista kyläläistä ,
afraid to approach the polling station where the assistant district magistrate and scores of police are trying to create the impression that polling is normal
peläten lähestyä äänestysasemaa, jossa apulaispiirituomari ja joukoittain poliiseja yrittivät luoda vaikutelmaa siitä, että äänestäminen normaalia .
`Goodbye, my friend, ``
`Hyvästi, ystäväni, `` and raised his hat in farewell.
can't stand about
Debussy's answer to a journalist who asked if he was familiar with heaven -- `yes, but
with strangers
muukalaisten kanssa ``-is not so silly as it sounds.
earlier, then about ten I went down the local pub for a few sherbets before closing time.
Like Hughes,
the toothsome Shandling
miellyttävä Shandling switched to-and-fro between acted scenes and mini-monologues,
about his family and sexual relationships
perheestään ja seksuaalisista suhteistaan .
Somerville, who opens the week on Tuesday April 28, is a shy chap but, given a hat, an audience and the chance
on his favourite topic
lempiaiheestaan he becomes `a bit of an exhibitionist.
CULT figures on Australian radio, `
about the cricketers of recent years
viime vuosien kriketinpelaajista , superbly dry and yet `over the top, some of their remarks surely bordering on the actionable.
So why don't
both get back to work now, instead of
like a couple of housewives over the garden fence
kuin kotirouvat puutarha-aidan yli ?
`Oh, Mrs Tremayne was pleasant enough, ``
'Oi, rouva Tremayne oli tarpeeksi mukava,' away.
had smiled and
cocktail-party talk
cocktail-kutsujen juttuja .
She stood at the altar-steps, uncertain what to do as she watched
try to put her arms round her priestly uncle,
all the while
kaiken aikaa in infant Italian
lapsellista italiaa .
about that man I sometimes saw here before I ever went up to Oxford
siitä miehestä, jonka joskus näin täällä ennen kuin menin Oxfordiin , ``she said.
Stirling felt this inferred that
at a cocktail party
cocktail-kutsuilla , whereas the gatherings referred to were private dinner parties.
-- what a tiring girl she sounds --
“ If you'd mentioned Pépin Le Bref, or Madame sans Géne,
And the prospect of
the world's leaders
maailman johtajista away
while the Earth burns around them
Maan palaessa heidän ympärillään is a pretty gloomy one.
He was good with people: one day, when Madge trapped him outside the kiosk, Marie had been embarrassed hearing
For the rest of the journey
about Bradford
Bradfordista , but Ruth did not hear a word.
on to a background of the typewriter's staccato rhythm: tests, screening, the pros and cons of home versus hospital confinement.
`He's a spy, ``
`Hän on vakooja, `` .
`You expect me to believe that drivel? ``
'Oletatko minun uskovan tuota roskaa? ", .
`But such is the new-found and disturbing power of punk that nothing can stop the disc's runaway success, ``
`Mutta punkin uusi ja häiritsevä voima on sellainen, ettei mikään voi pysäyttää levyn menestystä, `` the Sunday Mirror
Sunday Mirror .
`I don't like computers, ``
`En pidä tietokoneista, `` .
Rather than locking himself in his bedroom staring mournfully out of the window,
reaches out to his audience, grabs them by the lapels, rapping and
his bitter sweet rhyming couplets
katkeransuloisia rimmaavia säeparejaan .
was quoted as
at a young police woman
nuorelle naispoliisille :
`We're going to cut your belly open.
'Aiomme leikata mahasi auki.
lay in bed and
; explaining, arguing, weeping with frustration.
Commercial breaks were replaced with old clips of
from a balcony
parvekkeelta to adoring crowds
palvoville joukoille , just like a Nuremberg rally.
I sat with Andy while
It didn't take him long, and all she wanted were her books and all the time the mother was crying and rocking backwards and forwards and
Five minutes ago
about how you hate your work
siitä, miten paljon inhosit työtäsi and yet, when I offer you a perfectly equitable way out of your situation, you hesitate.
`What the hell are you doing here, Brannigan? ``
`Mitä helvettiä sinä teet täällä, Brannigan? ", as he turned the corner of the stairs.
and raving
, ``the ward sister said, `
`He is the best American comedian since Jack Lemmon, ``
'Hän on paras amerikkalainen koomikko Jack Lemmonin jälkeen,' .
I had half expected
to begin
about cursed women and sending Melinda to Asyut
kirotuista naisista ja lähettävän Melindan Asyutiin .
here, like the list,
that day -- and Tuesday was a comfortable if a little uninspired.
was ranting and
, ``the ward sister said, `
, swore at them, gesticulated at them.
was still ranting and
against the absent Earl for getting himself captured
poissaolevan Earlin jouduttua vangituksi .
He was afraid to keep him in his own house because
rants and
and might distress Mrs Browning.
They got him down the line eventually, but
`Just think, ``
'Ajattele nyt,' on, as they drove past honeysuckled hedges and trees covered with reddening apples,
`six months in New Zealand.
'kuusi kuukautta Uudessa-Seelannissa
She was allowed to talk about herself if
was allowed
about black men
mustista miehistä .
The village is fascinating;
the sort of place
sellainen paikka, jota for the past four years when they talk about `unspoilt Turkey ``.
`Fashion, my arse, ``
'Muoti, ja kattia kanssa' .
and shouted.
`Shove off! ``
`Ala painua! ", .
`Put the gun down, ``
`Laske ase alas, `` .
`Why don't they come from the lighthouse to save us? ``
`Miksi he eivät tule majakalta pelastamaan meitä? ", .
`Goodnight, goodnight, goodnight, ``
`Hyvää yötä, hyvää yötä, hyvää yötä, `` the little girl
pieni tyttö .
`It is tampering with the evidence! ``
`Se peukaloi todisteita! ", .
TWO men who battered a man to death with hockey sticks after
racist taunts
rasistisia herjauksia walked free from the High Court in Glasgow yesterday.
swagger in here, into my lady's chamber, and
yet show no evidence.
I'll cut your throat!
`I was aware of players from both sides running towards me and
I would clear it
että selvittäisin sen .
and fired.
I know one fellow called Ashworth, he were bit of a coal merchant, I remember
one day
across to somebody
jollekin ,
`I backed a winner.
`minä tuin voittajaa.
On and on
the usual rubbish
tavallista roskaa about God's mercy and justice over all
Jumalan armosta ja oikeudesta ennen kaikkea .
One of Nogai's brothers
Yksi Nogain veljistä and everybody laughed.
They do, ``said
; and plunged off,
particularly against Energy Minister Nicholas Biwott when he attended a memorial service on Aug. 22.
, treated like an outcast by both boys and girls and even the teachers until she left the school at the end of the term.
several remarks
useita huomautuksia , your replies will fit one of them.
questioning in court
oikeuden kyselyn ,
because of his deafness, Mr Lane broke down as he was asked to recall his memory of the robbery.
waited a few seconds and
, calling her a fool and a murderer, as if one were as bad as the other, and all the time I could feel Jules' body twitching beside me.
Saunders was arrested later and told police he `legged it ``after
but it kept on.
at the men behind the counter
tiskin takana oleville miehille ;
a stream of threats and curses in Kuo Yu -- Mandarin
virta uhkauksia ja kirouksia Kuo Yu:ksi - mandariiniksi -- while the two behind him looked about them threateningly.
knew they had gone wrong and
, ``said Nicholson on welcoming back his winner.
It remained floating for some minutes, with lights burning at the upper windows and
, and then finally sank.
The palace was surrounded by
for him to speak
häntä puhumaan .
for their King
kuninkaalleen as we passed through the streets.
The people loved the play, they loved Burbage as Hamlet, they cried for poor Ophelia's death, and
for the murderer Claudius to die
Claudius-murhaajan kuolemaa .
banged on the door and
, and after awhile had no choice but to use the fire stairs.
A rough-looking man with dark slicked-back hair and heavy eyebrows
Rajun näköinen mies, jolla oli tummat taakse kammatut hiukset ja raskaat kulmakarvat, popped his head into the bus and
`Come in, there's a funeral wi' free whiskey!
`Tule sisään, täällä on hautajaiset ja ilmaista viskiä!
The Second Son
Toinen poika to pray instead of cursing
rukoilemaan kiroilemisen sijaan and we might get somewhere.
After we had eaten our frozen roast-beef dinner and I was washing up,
from the bathroom
for his razor
partateräänsä .
after Maggie
Maggien perään .
after them
heidän peräänsä in hoarse astonishment
käheän hämmästyneenä .
wound down the window of the car and
after the woman
naisen perään ,
We know she followed him down from Paris, and
about killing him
miehen tappamisesta only yesterday.
were kicked and
and then thrown out of the vehicle.
to be killed
joutuvansa tapetuksi , but since he was not of his own regiment, Stephen demurred.
You clarify the problem as visually as possible; and then you get
ten different solutions
kymmenen erilaista ratkaisua out.
We yelled and waved the small Union Jacks mother had bought, and
their approval
hyväksyntänsä .
`All right, ``
`Kaikki hyvin, `` over his shoulder.
One idea I developed with my daughter, and find is very popular with all children, is to sing the wrong words of a nursery rhyme and get
the right ones
oikeita sanoja .
`Change of plan, ``
`Muutos suunnitelmiin, `` , the head lad,
as she crossed the yard with her tack.
in a hoarse voice that was still barely her own
käheällä äänellä, joka oli tuskin hänen omansa .
but she walked past without even looking.
`Don't hurt him!
`Älkää satuttako häntä!
, and walked downstairs, trying to shake away her daydreams before she reached the kitchen.
Sandcastling fathers
Hiekkalinnaisät and children began pelting the dog with wet sand, which thumped against his woolly flanks.
, but don't whisper, either.
Endill could not make out
but whatever it was it was not very friendly.
George Collins of Eyemouth
Eyemouthin George Collins steered White Star into the eye of the storm,
`Jesu, Lover of my soul ``
'Jeesus, sieluni rakastaja , and forty hours later brought her safely into the Tyne.
On top of the cart,
“ On the banks of the roses my love and I sat down … ”
“ Ruuspientareella minä ja rakkaani istuimme alas … ”
Mr. Russ must have been a bit of a psychologist as he had
`Summer Suns are glowing ``
`kesäaurinko loistaa `` quite often at morning assembly.
, who was not considered to be in need of protection,
`Lead Kindly Light ``
`Lead Kindly Light `` in a falsetto voice
falsetissa .
Silk tophat, immaculately cut suit, maroon brocade waistcoat, starched wing-collar and brocade bow-tie,
thrust one hand into trouser pocket and began
`Burlington Bertie ``
`Burlington Bertietä `` .
`Fresca rosa ``
`Fresca rosa `` .
`What have you done to my Mum, Suke, ``
`Mitä olet tehnyt äidilleni, Suke, `` .
`I can't stop crying, ``
`En voi lopettaa itkemistä, `` .
`We shall tes-ti-i-i-fyy ``
`Me todista-a-a-amme `` ,
, to a tune that seemed to be completely of her own devising,
`to-o-o the-e-e Lor-or-ord!
Tulips from Amsterdam, ``
Tulppaaneja Amsterdamista, `` , all of a sudden.
played and
so plaintively that I almost wept
niin haikeasti, että lähes kyynelehdin , the song was so sad.
The Massed Military Bands lead into the Finale sequence providing the time honoured climax to the Edinburgh Military Tattoo, join us then in
the evening hymn
iltahymnin .
Every Masai
Jokainen masai .
Noreen appeared at the prompt side and
turned to her and
the next verse
seuraavan säkeistön .
Exhorting him to forgive his personal wrongs for the sake of his own greater glory,
about the dangers of being inflexible
epäjoustavuuden vaaroista .
After dinner
was coaxed into
several numbers from the show
useita kappaleita show'sta .
Who's this larger-than-life character with the outstretched arms,
the tenor who
tenori, joka Nessun Dorma
Nessun Dormaa like a dream?
something like `Nothing Left At All ``
sellaista kuin `Nothing Left At All `` you can almost feel the sky closing in tight above you, getting so close that you could reach up with a broomstick and touch it.
would recite some of the lines Grandad had taught me and sometimes
songs like `Who Will Buy My Pretty Flowers ``
lauluja, kuten `Who Will Buy My Pretty Flowers `` .
`Ma, you wan na hear
Try asking
The `Quoniam ``
`Quoniamin `` who allows us to hear every detail in Bach's vocal writing.
It may be appropriate on occasions, or in certain traditions, for
by the choir alone
pelkkä kuoro .
In Britten's War Requiem,
Owen's poems
Owenin runoja by male soloists
miessolistit , in English, after choir interludes which are in Latin.
Hymns (Psalms)
Hymnejä (psalmeja) after the meal.
journeyed alone, sometimes in groups,
as they walked.
of barbiturates as bright as violets
orvokinkirkkaista barbituraateista .
His deeds will be recounted in the warrior societies and
of his exploits
hänen uroteoistaan .
Yes, thus
of happy swains
onnellisista maalaispojista ,
It is not surprising that he found in addition to writing about her,
, too.
, mainly old Irish airs.
was walking down the street,
, when I was startled to hear the sound of hooves on the cobbles.
went towards home,
under his breath.
away and marchin' up and down in 'is boots, and what 'appened?
danced up and down on the gravel and shouted and
Alexandra's name
Alexandran nimeä .
? ``she asked quietly.
Gougére for supper
Gougére for supper ,
out: Thérèse, find the recipe for me.
`Goodnight Maggie, ``
`Hyvää yötä Maggie, `` , swaying on the spot.
`Hi, Chris, ``
`Hei, Chris, `` , and patted a bar stool next to hers.
`Who are you? ``
`Kuka sinä olet? ", , close to fainting.
`Ger 'em off! ``
`Vie ne pois! ", , to the amusement of his fellows.
`Never in this world, sir, ``
`Ei koskaan tässä maailmassa, sir, `` .
`It tasted good, ``
`Se maistui hyvältä, `` , drunk but happy.
was slumped in the saddle and
His face was flushed, his eyes glinting with excitement; he seemed to be having difficulty breathing, too, and he spoke so rapidly that
Last night
banged on her door,
; demanding to be let out, I thought.
When she saw Meredith
said, `Oh, hi! ``
the two syllables
kaksi tavua and smiling uncertainly.
``You're still a mighty beautiful woman, my dear,
or stammer, your volume was fine, you were funny, your timing was good.
`So does the knight, ``
`Niin tekee myös ritari, `` and Athelstan caught the stench of wine fumes on his breath.
``I'm with child,
`Minä olen raskaana, , and faced them, tears going down her cheeks.
`Not if you shut up, ``
`Ei jos pidät suusi kiinni, `` .
`Take her to the cart, ``
`Vie hänet kärryihin, `` .
`You examine it, Brother, ``
`Tutki sinä se, veli, `` .
`Well at least that proves `e knows where `e's goin', ``
`No ainakin se todistaa, että se tietää minne on menossa, `` .
Over the next few days, more posters went up and as I read them,
that `something might happen ``
että 'jotain saattaa tapahtua' .
so much as
about Dame Agatha
Dame Agathasta to the Lady Maeve
Lady Maevelle , you will regret the day I ever plucked you out of Newgate!
their good-byes
hyvästinsä and after the front door had been closed Willie followed Zach back into his bedroom.
, who furtively disappeared from the scene.
a hoarse sorry
käheän anteeksipyynnön in my ear.
In the corridors of Congress
the name `Hauser ``
nimi Hauser behind closed doors.
that he would soon die
että hän kuolisi pian, and he did.
in a soft western English accent
vanhalla länsienglantilaisella aksentilla , a gentle hint of Ireland making an enchanting spell for the eager listener.
I've had enough of being talked about,
about Auntie Mavis's seances
Mavis-tädin istunnoista , everybody blaming me just for living with her.
Sometimes she saw
and wanted to hide.
One of his body squires heard
to his Gascon favourite
Gasconin suosikilleen .
As we pass a couple of girl guests clad in complete colour-coordinated beachwear outfits,
While the hall echoes with laughter and stamping feet, Sara saw
in her father's ear, and a moment later she was beckoned to their presence.
in Isabel's ear.
`Are you sure you're OK, Connie? ``
`Oletko varmasti kunnoss, Connie? ", as the others went ahead through the door.
, but she did not move.
`Verlander, ``
`Verlander, `` .
``If my father decides to beat me for what I did,
``Jos isäni päättää lyödä minua siitä hyvästä mitä tein, ,
``please help me to endure the pain and not to cry.
``auta minua kestämään kipu ja olemaan itkemättä.
sheathed his dagger,
to Ranulf and Maltote
Ranulfille ja Maltotelle, to wait at the top of the alleyway
että he odottaisivat kujan yläpäässä , and knocked gently on the shop door.
`Don't ask me, ``
`Älä minulta kysy, `` back.
`I'm not feeling well ``
`Minä en ole kunnossa `` ,
in somewhat imperfect French
hiukan epätäydellisellä ranskalla , and the woman moved hastily out of her way.
`In the meantime, ``
`Sillä välin, `` on.
, glancing up to see Father's shadow leave the wall on the floor above.
`'T IS really nought, ``
`'T ON todella nolla, `` as he reached her and held out his hand.
, shocked.
, her mouth suddenly dry.
leaned towards me and