with the Minister
ministerin kanssa since 1988
vuodesta 1988 alkaen on that problem
siitä ongelmasta .
Nerves that
Hermojen, jotka with the use of acetylcholine
käytettäessä asetyylikoliinia, are said to be cholinergic and are found in the peripheral and central nervous systems.
With the facility of computers
Tietokoneiden avulla it is possible, as shown by other unions as well as forward-looking branches of our own,
with members
jäsenten kanssa on a personal basis
henkilökohtaisesti .
, if he must: let solicitors arrange money matters.
By 1928 when the vote was granted to women over 21
Vuoteen 1928 mennessä, kun äänioikeus myönnettiin yli 21-vuotiaille naisille ,
the two sisters
kaksi sisarta had ceased
with each other
toistensa kanssa -- their ideas and lifestyles were now poles apart.
EDI has become extremely important in international freight enabling shippers, forwarders,
carriers and HM Customs and Excise
kuljetusliikkeitä sekä Yhdistyneen kuningaskunnan vero- ja tullivirastoa with each other
toistensa kanssa using a set of standard messages
käyttäen vakioviestejä .
Central to the overall strategy is the ability
information about individual patients and their care
tietoja yksittäisistä potilaista ja heidän hoidostaan throughout the NHS
NHS:n kautta .
In other words,
are not asked to try
to a foreign signer
ulkomaalaiselle viittomakieliselle , but are instructed to use their own sign languages when addressing a same- or different-language partner.
Simply by carrying out its day-to-day operations
Yksinkertaisesti päivittäisiä toimintoja suorittamalla ,
an organisation
organisaatio necessarily
certain messages
tiettyjä viestejä to those who interact with it
niille, jotka toimivat sen kanssa .
On one memorable occasion
Yhtenä unohtumattomana hetkenä ,
her feelings about Catholic beliefs
tunteistaan katolisia uskomuksia kohtaan to some of her older pupils
joillekin vanhemmille oppilailleen .
She has a strong, engaging personality and is in many ways a resilient, but sensitive child who thrives on adult attention and
her feelings and needs
tunteistaan ja tarpeistaan .
In so far as meaning is a problem for semiotics it is not a question of discovering `hidden meanings ``but one of the structure of
merkitsijöiden, that
a meaning accepted by participants
osallistujien hyväksymän merkityksen .
And of course a familiar populist complaint about modernist fiction is that
in a clear and comprehensible way
selvällä ja ymmärrettävällä tavalla .
upwards, as well as downwards and sideways
ylöspäin, alaspäin ja sivuille ; listen and respond to information from others;
information about terminology
tietoja termistöstä --
that the term speech act is equivalent to the term illocutionary force in this context
että termi puheteko vastaa termiä illokutionaarinen teko tässä asiayhteydessä .
have a quick eye for slight muscular movements and changes in the posture of their companions and perhaps
many of their feelings
monia tunteitaan by signalling in some such subliminal manner
antamalla merkkejä jollakin subliminaalisella tavalla .
And as she was moving about she would realize that
her letter
hänen kirjeensä nothing of her pleasure and love
mitään hänen mielihyvästään ja rakkaudestaan , so she would get the paper back and add a postscript and a laborious drawing.
Not all biologists accept that
sähkömagneettisesti .
Here is evidence of a mind abundantly stocked with reading which the author has enjoyed -- effortlessly, intelligently, and selflessly enjoyed -- and
this enjoyment
tästä nautinnosta .
He underlined the need for
what the artist has felt
sen, mitä taiteilija on tuntenut :
, okay?
smiled back at Beruna, trying
how proud he was, of both her and Paula
miten ylpeä hän oli sekä hänestä että Paulasta , but her eyes fell angrily to her work.
In other words, while
what the speaker wished to communicate
sitä, mitä puhuja halusi viestiä , the reformulation does.
about his sporting ambitions
urheilullisista tavoitteistaan to his mother with whom he lived in Rugby
äidilleen, jonka kanssa hän asui Rugbyssa .
about the war
sodan suhteen and called for negotiations, there was a storm of protest.
Using worship, dance, drama, testimony and preaching
Käyttämällä palvontaa, tanssia, draamaa, todistusta ja rukoilua began
the truth of Jesus
Jeesuksen totuutta to the Hungarians
unkarilaisille .
When a man prophesies, it is because
the Spirit of the Lord
Herran henki comes upon him and
through him
hänen kauttaan .
Another salesman
Toinen myyntimies imperfectly
epätäydellisesti, but succeed in making a sale because one of the triggers used was sufficient to motivate the purchase.
During the year under review
Arvioitavan vuoden aikana a total of 132 press releases, 12 press conferences and 67 radio and television interviews
yhteensä 132 lehdistötiedotetta, 12 lehdistökonferenssia sekä 67 radio- ja televisiohaastattelua helped
the Council's news and views in Scotland
neuvoston uutisia ja näkemyksiä Skotlannissa .
Once the mother has made up her mind
her firmness of resolve
hänen horjumaton päätöksensä .
“ We see
with one another
keskenään , trying to communicate with us, solving problems, reasoning enjoying a joke. ”
The teacher might play
an alien who
avaruusoliota, joka with the crew members (children)
miehistön jäsenten (lapset) kanssa and wanted to learn their language.
The client must be told that if at any stage he or she is anxious about the conduct of the matter,
with the fee earner who is handling the case
tapausta käsittelevälle maksunsaajalle .
feed their babies, cuddle them, change their nappies, smooth cream on their bottoms, bath them, tickle them and
through bodily involvement
kehon osallistuessa .
by means of airborne pheromones
ilmassa liikkuvien feromonien avulla or
in some other, perhaps more subtle fashion
jollakin toisella, ehkä hienovaraisemmalla tavalla , as well?
Mirroring Sun Microsystems Inc's efforts in this area (UX No 386) Hewlett-Packard Co has rolled out a new range of ISDN connectivity enabling
standalone workstations
itsenäisten työasemien over public or private ISDN networks
julkisten tai yksityisten ISDN-verkkojen kautta .