As you rightly say, the present border was drawn on a sectarian head count in such a way as to include
a large area which
laajan alueen, jota .
The clubs co-own the ground, but Mr Waddington said he understood that if
, the other had to buy them out or agree to sell.
They said if
antaisi suostumusta for him to claim for the two of us
hänelle syyttää meitä kahta , they'd summons me and him for aiding and abetting.
Democratic audiences
Demokraattisten yleisöjen had
to this approach
tähän lähestymistapaan .
Whether or not
in our Dionysian excesses
dionysialaisiin kohtuuttomuuksiin , Lord Lane had declared them illegal.
Even if
in fact, this has no effect in law and the offence is still committed.
The firm can treat the customer as an ordinary business investor even if
antaisi suostumusta unless he says otherwise; a one-way letter is sufficient.
`Yes, let's, ``
"Kyllä, ryhtykäämme", cuttingly.
One may ask what one would have had to do had
take the
that this is none of my doing
että tämä ei ole minun hommaani , ``he said, blowing upon his charred finger-ends.
The Temperance movement, requiring an
to moderate drinking or to abstain from certain drinks
kohtuullisesta juomisesta tai pidättäytymisestä tietyistä juomista , seems to have begun in America: the first Temperance society was established in Puritan Connecticut in 1789.
were baptised and swore
to remain loyal
uskollisuudesta , on threat of forfeiture of their lands and freedom.
Henry III then gave the new matrix to
Master Nicholas de Ely who
Mestari Nicholas de Ely, joka took the
to keep it faithfully
pidettäväksi uskollisesti .
swore a sacred
to recognise Matilda as Queen
tunnistaessaan Matildan kuningattarena .
Esau, in agreeing to the plan, is breaking
`What has he done with
? ``asked Lydia severely.
He repeated that it was the right of the pope to inspect and crown, absolved all from
and again exhorted all the princes to adhere or go over to the support of Otto.
For in the final Act, Act Five, did not Bassanio and Gratiano go against
of love towards Nerissa and Portia
rakkaudestaan Nerissalle ja Portialle ?
, ``Athelstan whispered, `tell me the truth.
Mr Major forced
his pathetic Cabinet
säälittävän kabinettinsa to swear a
Ministerial jumpiness was further underlined last night when the junior energy minister, Mr Peter Morrison, demanded a public
from all minsters.
were required to take the Official Secrets
Protestant commentators were very aware that the papacy retained the right to depose excommunicated rulers, and took little comfort from the fact that
many English recusants
monet englantilaiset rekusantit had taken a special
of allegiance to the crown
uskollisuudesta kruunulle .
Upon appointment
each commissioner
kukin komissaari was to take an
of loyalty to the EEC
uskollisuudesta ETY:lle, including `neither to seek nor to take instructions from any Government or body ``.
(E) The conference nominates his excellency, Ali Mahdi Mohammed, as provisional President of the Somali Republic for a period of two years from the day on which
takes the
Of course
the hon. Gentleman
kunnianarvoisalle herralle the
that we shall take up any of those cases, should he send the details to me
että otamme vastaan minkä tahansa kyseisistä tapauksista, jos hän lähettäisi tiedot minulle .
Throughout his tour he reiterated
that no ``security vacuum would be allowed to develop in eastern Europe
että minkäänlaisen "turvallisuustyhjiön" ei annettaisi kehittyä Itä-Eurooppaan .
The move was sharply criticized by environmental experts, who said it would set back research and also meant that NP had reneged on a
that work on environmental problems would not suffer under privatization
että työ ympäristöongelmien parissa ei kärsisi yksityistämisestä .
In Asia, Eisenhower fulfilled
to end the war in Korea
lopettaa sota Koreassa in 1953.
The former Soviet Union
Entinen Neuvostoliitto made a similar
to destroy tactical nuclear weapons
tuhota taktiset ydinaseet , a responsibility now carried by Russia.
The Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (FMLN) on May 27 rejoined the Commission for the Consolidation of Peace (Copaz) following a
to investigate the shooting and serious wounding of an FMLN bodyguard
tutkia FMLN-henkivartijan ampumista ja vakavaa haavoittamista. .
But it also coincided yesterday with a
by Mr Egon Krenz, the party leader,
puolueen johtajan, herra Egon Krenzin that there `can not and will not be an East Germany without a Communist Party
että Itä-Saksaa ei voi olla eikä tule olemaan ilman kommunistipuoluetta .
There were industrial conflicts in spite of a
by the unions
ammattiliittojen , and these led Congress to pass the War Labor Disputes Act (1943).
The new agreement was made possible after a
by industrialized countries
teollistuneet maat of an extra US$500,000,000
500 000 000 Yhdysvaltain dollaria lisää , on top of US$240,000,000 already committed, to help developing countries adapt in 1994-96.
that we owe no allegiance to any manufacturer
että emme ole uskollisia millekään valmistajalle (though we reserve the right to let their best brains entertain and inform you on these pages).
WACC's Central Committee has declared
“ to work with marginalised people in our own regions to foster human dignity ”
"työskennellä omien alueidemme syrjäytyneiden ihmisten parissa vaaliaksemme ihmisarvoa" .
I remember welcoming in particular
to ``dialogue and accord
"keskustella ja olla sopusoinnussa" in Scotland.
The Government can say that increased amounts have been devoted to pensions and that
have been kept.
Fujimori was accused by trade union and opposition leaders of having betrayed
not to introduce ``shock methods to deal with hyperinflation and the recession
olla tuomatta shokkimenetelmiä hyperinflaation ja taantuman käsittelyyn .
They particularly resented Bush's breaking
ei-lisää-veroja- of the previous year, which alienated many blue-collar voters who had been disengaged from the Democratic party by President Ronald Reagan ``s tax cuts.
The dramatic move -- effectively devaluing our currency -- exposed
the Prime Minister's
pääministerin general election
of economic recovery
talouden elpymisestä as worthless.
for Ethiopia.
EC loan package agreement --
insists lateness will be a thing of the past and gave a
Although denounced by the SDPJ as an entirely cosmetic guarantee, the
non-military usage
ei-sotilaallisesta käytöstä laid the foundation for Komeito's acceptance of the Gulf package.
The organisers, with
from numerous internationals
lukuisilta internationaaleilta , are attempting an intriguing second-row pairing of Matt Keenan (Western Samoa) and Sam Domoni (Fiji).
She never received the one thing she wanted -- a
from Father O'Neill
isä O'Neilliltä, that he would share in the future of baby Jennifer
että hän osallistuisi Jennifer-vauvan tulevaisuuteen .
They saved perhaps their most famous hit Livin' On A Prayer for the encore, followed by an emotional Never Say Goodbye and a
from Jon Bon Jovi
Jon Bon Jovin that they'd be back
että he tulisivat vielä takaisin .
In 1881, the leader of the Blue Ribbon Mission came to town and it was estimated that
a quarter of the 32,000 population
neljännes 32 000 hengen väestöstä were `blue-ribboners ``, or had taken the
`We won't change anything.
Emme muuta mitään.
`We can deliver and we will deliver.
"Voimme jakaa ja aiomme jakaa."
Chairman Ed Abbott said the appeal would begin in earnest soon and he confirmed that
Mr Rhys-Jones
herra Rhys-Jones .
to be a truly British-based world champion
olla todella brittiläistaustainen maailmamestari .
the Hon. Gentleman
kunnianarvoisa herra to renationalise the steel industry
valtiollistamaan uudelleen terästeollisuuden ?
A Tory Transport Secretary
Konservatiivinen liikenneministeriö a national transport policy and oodles of public money for services that don't make money
kansallisen liikennepolitiikan ja tolkuttoman määrän valtion rahaa palveluihin, jotka eivät tuota rahaa .
LABOUR candidate Paddy Cosgrove
TYÖVÄEN ehdokas Paddy Cosgrove his support for a fight against opencast mining at Holywell on the edge of the constituency
tukensa avolouhintaa vastaan vaalipiirin reunalla Holywellissa .
Out of an audience of some three hundred miners and clerks,
one hundred and thirty
satakolmekymmentä came forward
for His work at St Leonard's
last night
to two of the world's bloodiest conflicts
kahteen maailman verisimmistä konflikteista .
Relate spokeswoman Zelda West-Meads said last night that her charity and others had received
continued support from the princess
edelleen tukea prinsessalta .
cooperation until Clinton's inauguration on January 20
yhteistyöhön Clintonin virkaanastujaisiin saakka 20. tammikuuta and seemed almost relieved to be through with a vicious campaign.
By September 1989, however,
only £44 million
vain 44 miljoonaa puntaa by industrial sponsors
teollisuuden sponsorit , and since this £44 million can be offset against tax, industry's share is actually £26.4 million; the Treasury has committed £140 million.
In theory, the government
to promote more competition among airlines
edistämään lentoyhtiöiden välistä kilpailua , with the aim of reducing fares and generating more services.
A sum in the region of a half a million pounds
Noin puolen miljoonan punnan rahasumma has already been raised or
still fell far short of what was required.
The thought of
the twenty-five thousand pounds
kahdestakymmenestäviidestätuhannesta punnasta in the belief that he was getting a skilled crew left her too daunted to frame a suitably crushing reply.
Then she had to say hello to Mike, then her mother again, with more laughter and tears and a
that she would go out
että hän kävisi ulkona .
that the council was doing all it could
että neuvosto tekisi kaiken mitä pystyisi to improve the quality of life for residents in the area.
to deliver anything up to ten songs in a year
toimittaa enintään kymmenen laulua vuodessa .
Mr Phelan is referring to
to read the Bible
lukea Raamattua at a rate of five chapters a day, thus finishing it in a year.
Nearly half of the Bank's borrower-governments break
about economic policy
talouspolitiikasta .
The spivs will wave away any objections with
about easy resale, low cost finance and tiny deposit payments
helposta jälleenmyynnistä, edullisesta rahoituksesta ja pikkiriikkisistä talletusmaksuista .
The politicians
Poliitikot made vague
about independence
itsenäisyydestä .
He said
Ms Armstrong's
herra Armstrongin about nursery provision
päiväkotihankinnoista were like `whistling in the wind ``.
When cornered he promises whatever you wish but, as soon as he escapes, he forgets
Sylvester Stallone is cast to type as a 20s Mafioso leader who finds
to his father
isälleen antaman uncommonly hard to keep.
CHANCELLOR Norman Lamont is considering raising national insurance payments in the spring Budget, despite
that taxes will fall `year on year ``
että verotus tulee laskemaan "vuosi vuodelta" .
Mr Smith warned that if the Government raised VAT rates in next week's Budget, it would be a huge betrayal of the British people after
that there would be no increase
että kasvua ei ilmenisi .
The original intention was to provide a critical accompaniment to
of action on the inner cities
toimia keskustaslummeissa made at the beginning of this Parliament.
Taking a break from the Bosnian conflict, he kept a long standing
antamansa lupauksen to his local swimming pool
paikalliselle uimahallille to help raise money for leukaemia and heart research
auttaa keräämään rahaa leukemia- ja sydäntutkimukseen .
Sandison remembered some vague
had made
about leaving the city when he was satisfied that Elsie was indeed alive and well
lähteä kaupungista, kun hän olisi tyytyväinen siihen, että Elsie oli todella elossa ja voi hyvin .
was coaxing me to walk a bit further without having to carry me, by
that it was just a bit further
että se oli vain hieman kauempana .
But another goblin tiptoed up to him and whispered, ``Tell him
the sun-god
auringonjumalan that you would be the mightiest warrior in the world
että sinä olisit maailman mahtavin soturi .
The fly sheet giving details of how to enter
Osallistumistiedot sisältäneessä mainoslehtisessä that the winner would open a local shop and launch a car
että voittaja avaisi paikallisen liikkeen ja lanseeraisi auton .
cost savings, the CBoT's name and resources, and rights to trade a few marginal Chicago products
kustannussäästöjä, CBoT:n nimen ja resurssit sekä oikeudet myydä muutamia marginaalisia Chicago-tuotteita -- but no cash.
Having decided to go there,
there would be no more hopeless dreams
ettei toivottomia unelmia enää olisi .
sent his parents
that `if the good Lord God be merciful unto me and bring me safe home again, I will all the days of my life serve Him in praising His Holy name and exhorting others ``
että "jos Jumala on minulle armollinen ja tuo minut taas turvallisesti kotiin, palvelen häntä jokaisena elämäni päivänä ylistäen hänen pyhää nimeään ja kehottaen siihen muitakin" .
`Jane, just
`I will be yours ``
"Olen sinun" .
Alcatel spokesman John Highhams confirmed last night
his company
hänen yhtiölleen if the project was given the green light in the Chancellor's Autumn statement.
You are on the mend
Olet paranemaan päin ,
`I suppose
to marry you
avioitua kanssasi ?
The last edition of Network
Networkin viimeisimmässä numerossa to reveal some of the plans for Clarence
paljastaa joitakin Clarencea koskevia suunnitelmista .
we'll be discreet
että olemme hienovaraisia .
itsenäisyyden but -- to Churchill's deep concern -- de Gaulle seemed intent on clinging to France's colonial power.
can, therefore
voivat siksi in the knowledge that they will never be required to deliver it.
The Conservatives have presented their Election manifesto with
more power for the people and moves towards a lower tax rate
lisää valtaa kansalle ja toimia kohti alhaisempaa verotusta .
a crackdown on crime
tehoiskun rikollisuutta vastaan , but crime has doubled.
by the Cunningham party
Cunningham-puolue that he would regain his place
että hän saisi paikkansa takaisin , yet it had not been done.
None of that
Mikään siitä ei by the Government
hallituksen .
Traders say
that Merchants Quay would be at the centre of a thriving complex of shops, restaurants and homes
että Merchants Quay olisi menestyvän kaupoista, ravintoloista ja kodeista koostuvan kokonaisuuden keskiössä , but now they're surrounded by offices, and cut off from customers.
`I will, if you continue in that vein, ``
"Aion, jos jatkat tuohon sävyyn", .
But, remember,
`She will, my dear
"Hän aikoo kyllä, rakkaani ,
, but you must give her a chance.
to sort out Thornton
tehdä selvää Thorntonista .
The first draft
Ensimmäinen hahmotelma ,
was only three weeks away
oli vain kolmen viikon päässä .
that you'll let me know if the pain returns
että kerrot, jos kipu palaa .
Later that evening
Herbert and I
Herbert ja minä discussed the problem, and
to be more careful than ever
olla varovaisempia kuin koskaan .
In the short term
their old jobs back
vanhat työpaikkansa takaisin , but there was much gloom about the longer term.
Special reforms
erikoisuudistuksia to the Armenians
Armenialaisille .
`I'm bringing the group over from Conway House and
I would ask you
kysyä sinulta .
said we'd receive eighty cents a day for six hours work and
good food, good houses to live in
hyvän ruoan, hyvät asunnot .
I'm all right now
olen ihan kunnossa nyt .
to tell no one
ettet kerro kenellekään ? ``she asked.
were baptised and
oaths to remain loyal
uskollisuusvaloja , on threat of forfeiture of their lands and freedom.
Immediately after Innocent's election, the senator, Scottus Paparonis, resigned, which paved the way for the nomination of
a successor who
seuraajan, joka .
The car-crushing came courtesy of Vinnie Parkes, Miss Dyson's ex-boyfriend,
after arguments when the couple split up four months ago.
Louis's men
Louisin miehet then
an equivalent oath
vastaavan valan in the lingua teudisca
lingua teudiscalla .
that she loved her children
että hän rakasti lapsiaan !
it was unbelievable
että se oli uskomatonta !
`Not because of
? ``queried Hugh interestedly.
Death's mercy has held off all too long, but now
this is ending
tämän päättyvän .
on my honour and conscience,
my loyalty
uskollisuuttani to the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic
Tšekkoslovakian sosialistiselle tasavallalle , ``he said.
There was a real
that she might have to resign
että hän saattaisi irtisanoutua .
Then she remembered
that he could stop him working anywhere in Italy
että hän voisi estää häntä työskentelemästä missään päin Italiaa , and suddenly she didn't feel quite so relieved any more.
Faced with
that a dispute could force a total close down
että erimielisyys voisi johtaa totaaliseen lakkauttamiseen , the workers were not ready to risk their jobs.
But the net effect was to undo the
that the reformed CAP would haul down production safety-nets
että uudelleen muodostettu CAP voisi poistaa tuotannon tukiverkot and bathe developing export markets in a warm glow instead.
Whether companies would carry out
to emigrate
muuttaa maasta is debatable, with the huge costs that it would entail.
Haukkumakirjeet, joissa to decapitate a leading activist for women priests
mestata naispappien johtava aktivisti, are being treated seriously by police.
Samantha Cardwell, 19,
Samantha Cardwellia, 19, was originally accused of making
to kill and to damage property
tappaa ja vaurioittaa omaisuutta , but these charges were dropped when she appeared before Colchester magistrates yesterday.
The requirement of immediate fear means that a
to carry out violence in the future
tehdä väkivaltaa tulevaisuudesta does not amount to an assault even though fear is present.
denied making
and using unlawful violence.
Security has been tight at the court, but there has been one threat against a juror, a
against the judge and now the firebombing directed at a key witness.
On learning of the
against Dr Umaña, the Colombian authorities took steps to safeguard his immediate physical integrity.
The defendant, who gave evidence at the trial, also denied that he had confessed to Zaidie and further denied that
had ever made any
against Paulette, as alleged by Zaidie and Matadial.
Even so,
contain a measure of bluster.
Retaining these had long been an unquestioned perquisite and trouble began when the clothiers carried out
to pro- secute
nostaa syyte and two persons were whipped for theft for failing to return thrums.
The disclosure comes after last night's announcement by the UVF that it has lifted
against prison officers.
are generally asked to give an
that their entries all comply with age ceilings
että kaikki heidän osanottajansa ovat alle yläikärajan .
But Devizes magistrates decided
a verbal
that his licence could be used
että hänen lisenssiään voitaisiin käyttää .
gave an
that his government would not adopt aggressive measures in future
hänen hallituksensa ei ryhtyisi aggressiivisiin toimiin tulevaisuudessa .
Before his release he was made to sign a
that he would not use religious groups for political ends
ettei hän käyttäisi uskonnollisia ryhmiä poliittisiin tarkoituksiin .
Parents of children who qualified for secondary education signed an
that the child would complete the course
että lapsi kävisi oppijakson kokonaan , and they could be fined if they failed to keep their word.
During the hearing, however,
Neil Davidson, counsel for the Deanses,
Deansesin oikeusavustaja Neil Davidson gave an
that they would no longer be moving at the meeting for the removal of Mr Johnston as a director
että he eivät enää siirtäisi kokousta, jossa herra Johnston erotettaisiin johtajan asemasta .
A treaty of guarantee incorporates two distinct and separate obligations for the parties: the obligation to respect the terms of the treaty themselves and the
to compel third parties to do likewise
pakottaa kolmannet osapuolet toimimaan samoin .
Although the PAC and Azanian People's Organization (Azapo) refused to sign the accord
gave separate
sitoumuksensa to work for peace
työskennellä rauhanomaisesti .
The negotiations were overshadowed, however, by an escalation in the fighting and by the end of the month neither side had honoured
to put an end to the conflict
lopettaa konflikti .
`Very well, Madame, provided you will give me
not to leave Roziac in the meantime
olla jättämättä Roziacia sillä aikaa .
There was also concern that the government might not meet
on the integration of former guerrillas, particularly in the matter of land distribution.
However, the target's board will usually want appropriate
salassapito- and will be reluctant to disclose sensitive commercial or technical information to an offeror which is a competitor.
In 1958, Rank had amalgamated the Odeon and Gaumont circuits, in defiance of an earlier
not to do so
olla tekemättä niin .
The behaviour of the third party in establishing its intent is extremely important, especially as the Court did not require a formal written
Thus Dewey's policy of integrity of numbers has found great favour: an
has been made
that a piece of notation will not be revised and given another meaning
että merkintä tarkistettaisiin ja sille annettaisiin toinen merkitys .
This means that
has to make certain
In only 14 cases
``in the first instance
to go to the Drugs Council
menemään huumeneuvontaan .
``Tell you what, Tuan,
"Arvaa mitä Tuan
`Men don't like that, ``
"Miehet eivät pidä siitä", , `they don't like to be chased, or at least they like to think it was all their own idea.
“ I think you're jumping the gun a bit here, ”
"Mielestäni otat nyt varaslähdön", .
`I'll go, ``
"Minä menen", a fair-haired chap
vaaleahiuksinen heppu .
John Kelsey-Fry, counsel for Marsh, said his client was
the first of the two men
kahdesta miehestä ensimmäinen, joka to be interviewed about what had happened to the missing money
haastateltavaksi siitä, mitä puuttuville rahoille oli tapahtunut .
If your bureau does this it is no bad idea
to be included on the rota
mukaan työvuorolistalle .
to have a look out
tähystämään and clambered on to the seat, testing the strength of the pipe running up the wall.
then trained as a parachutist and
as guide for this ill-fated raid
oppaaksi tähän huono-onniseen yllätyshyökkäykseen .
Some 150 northern businessmen
Noin 150 liikemiestä pohjoisesta were being questioned by the police, having come forward
kertomaan vapaaehtoisesti information about bribes they had paid
tietoja maksamistaan lahjuksista .
Sir, -- Nine years ago
tarjosin vapaaehtoisesti my services as a school governor
palvelujani koulun johtajana , believing that the expertise I could offer would be helpful to headteacher, staff and pupils.
Organised by Business in the Community (BITC), the awards aim to recognise private companies and public sector organisations which encourage and support
employees who
työntekijöitä, jotka in the local community.
This thought reminded her that
, but somehow it didn't seem to matter.
Such detail
Sellaista yksityiskohtaa volunteered
ilmoiteta vapaaehtoisesti as a general rule.
Or rather, those are
the notions
näkemyksiä, joita unprompted
oma-aloitteisesti .
Bob Bennett was
a typical Cockney with a dry sense of humour
tyypillinen, kuivalla huumorintajulla varustettu cockney ,
ilmoittautunut vapaaehtoiseksi for anything that was going
kaikkeen, mitä oli meneillään, just to get away from the parade-ground atmosphere of the Grenadier Guards.
I'm known to be keen to earn extra money on overtime, so
ilmoittaudun vapaaehtoiseksi and I get most of it because wait for it -- I am prized!
We began to take
ilmoittautuneet vapaaehtoisiksi for the guards
vartijoille , but who had been found by senior Service Medical Officers to be suffering from tuberculosis.
In 1939
once more
ilmoittautui vapaaehtoiseksi for active service
aktiiviseen palvelukseen , and in August of the next year he was posted to Washington as military attache at the Canadian Legation.
Ilmoittauduin vapaaehtoiseksi along with four or five others.
made a
that I should not allow my children to look at Shakespeare until adolescence
etten antaisi lasteni katsoa Shakespearea ennen murrosikää .
She was sure that Barbara wouldn't think so, not if she remembered
that Liz could always count on her
että Liz voisi aina luottaa häneen .
`When you did not come to see him
that you would face reality and not some story that has been hammered into you since childhood
että kohtaisit todellisuuden etkä jotakin tarinaa, jota sinulle on tuputettu lapsuudestasi asti .
If anything has been achieved in this closeness it
to retrace his steps, to remember and confront the house full of ghosts that have become his past
seurata hänen kulkuaan, muistaa ja kohdata talo täynnä menneisyyden haamuja .
During their term of service
these warriors
nämä soturit take a
to speak no word
olla sanomatta sanaakaan .
He seemed to be drawing her willing body towards his again, but this time she remembered
to resist him
vastustaa häntä .
On May 22nd (the day following
against Elfed) he writes up a typical entry: `Went to see As You Like It as performed by Form 4.
Individually, of course, monks and nuns were bound by
, but although their communities often possessed great wealth the moveables of some monasteries and other corporations were also ignored.
to the goddess
jumalattarelle .
meant nothing now.
Until the passing of the Married Women's Property Act the husband's marriage
, `with all my worldly goods I thee endow ``, was ironic.
, with the consent of his wife, took the brahmac
I, he regarded himself as having advanced to the vanaprastha stage of life.
Anyone brought up a Catholic will tell you the
is the only really lively bit of the Church's teaching.
And let
make a