If nuclear Iraq is
an Israeli scare
Israelin pelko, joka to distract attention from Palestine
siirtämään huomio Palestiinasta , it is an own-goal.
I wonder what the good doctor and his housekeeper make of her -- and
to explain her presence there
selittääkseen siellä olonsa ?
are charged with using Philippine Government funds to buy art and US real estate,
elaborate schemes
seikkaperäisten suunnitelmien to conceal their ownership
omistajuutensa salaamiseksi and trying to sell the assets and evade taxes.)
alarming potions
huolestuttavia juomia and these she pressed upon her unwilling neighbours and friends if they were unwary enough to admit to any slight ailment in her presence.
THIS week's winner of our Witty Ad of the Week competition
TÄMÄN viikon voittaja Viikon sukkela ilmoitus -kilpailussamme , Mrs Terry Jones,
a fine recipe
hienon reseptin for selling her London flat
Lontoon-asuntonsa myymiseen .
This is because much of the skill of an aromatherapist lies in his or her ability
wonderful aromas
ihania tuoksuja by mixing and blending vegetable oils and fragrant essences
sekoittamalla ja yhdistelemällä kasviöljyjä ja hyväntuoksuisia esansseja .
You can't but peek at them just to be titillated, not really believing what they are saying, since
Complicated and delicious meals had always found their way to the table, and she had enjoyed them without ever bothering to find out how
a screenplay
käsikirjoitusta from Henri Charrière's 1969 semi-autobiographical bestseller Papillon
Henri Charrièren vuoden 1969 osittain omaelämäkerrallisen bestsellerin, Papillonin, pohjalta .
kept this strange fallibility from almost everybody he knew,
if he was pressed hard.
, who was born Marjorie Schuyler Fisher on December 18th 1913 in Roanoke, Virginia,
her screen name
taiteilijanimensä from that of the actress Lynn Fontane and author James Barrie
näyttelijä Lynn Fontanen ja kirjailija James Barrien nimien pohjalta .
Over the years there have been
a great number of electronic games
suuri määrä elektroniikkapelejä, jotka for the hobbyist, including one or two cricket games.
Coffee was
a nauseous substitute
oksettava korvike from acorns
tammenterhoista ; bread had already been rationed by the beginning of 1915 to about 2 Ibs a week, and goodness knows what was added to the flour to make it so grey and gritty!
Much of the real figure is concealed by
half-baked schemes
puolivalmiilla suunnitelmilla by his Department
hänen osastonsa , which do not reveal the real position.
It is not impossible that S 985 is simply
to protect his church from the demands of royal officials
kirkkonsa suojelemiseksi kuninkaallisten viranomaisten vaatimuksilta .
The latter part of the above signal refers to
a plan that
suunnitelmaan, jonka with the RAF during his last brief visit to Cairo.
A dresser holds a collection of old tins that once contained
pills for headaches, stomach and liver ailments
pillereitä päänsärkyyn sekä vatsa- ja maksavaivoihin ,
by Tim's great-grandfather
Timin isoisoisän , a manufacturing chemist who set up in business in the 1880s.
The complex series of financial switches, deceptions and double deals
monimutkainen sarja taloudellisia vaihdoksia, huijauksia ja kaksinaamaisuutta were far more extensive than any of the comparatively small scams that took place in the US.
Whatever scheme
Mitä tahansa suunnitelmaa his devious brain
hänen kavalat aivonsa was doomed to failure.
FEW OF nature's poisons can compete with
keksimiä juttuja for persistent nastiness.
But then
is an outrageous
on rohkea of sledgehammer performance and sybaritic luxury
moukarin suorituskykyä ja sybariittista ylellisyyttä -- the world's most dignified and prestigious hot-rod.
The main façade
Pääjulkisivu was built from 1621 and
is a strange
se on omituinen of northern Mannerism and Italian Baroque
pohjoista manierismia ja italialaista barokkia .
Is it a modern myth that workers have rights -- a wicked
of trade unions
ammattiyhdistysten ?
From the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, the educated élite became exposed to a heady
of western romantic, Idealist, and socialist ideas
länsimaista romanttista, idealistista ja sosialistista ajattelua .
the artists
taiteilijoiden of dream landscapes, borrowed myths, symbolic objects and classical figures of kings and fairytales
unimaisemista, lainatuista myyteistä, symbolisista esineistä ja klassisista kuninkaiden ja satujen hahmoista .
He began to write more steadily, and his first book, Stories Toto Told Me, an idiosyncratic
of spleen and whimsy
kiukkua ja hulluttelua , was published in 1898.
I took a box of Lego to the slab and built cities of red, white and black until the cool white surface grew scarce beneath me and
keksittyjen juttujeni .
The company says the
is available by mail order but it has no plans to mass produce it.
Our friend the Reverend G. M. Musgrave, disembarking at Boulogne a dozen years earlier, was much impressed by the French system: `The
for receiving, weighing, marking and paying for luggage
matkatavaran vastaanottoon, punnitsemiseen, merkitsemiseen ja maksamiseen were simple and excellent.
He saw the complicated
of garden net and greenery
puutarhaverkosta ja viherkasveista kyhätyn .
of human wisdom
to provide for human wants
toteuttamaan ihmisen haluja .
Surfaces were cluttered with an assortment of electronic equipment, and
in varied states of readiness.
They are cheaper than wooden coffins, lighter than coffins of lead, and as safe as the most expensive
In this way a
appears to be founded on the natural order of things.
While all these
give us the pleasure of moving water, we must spare a thought for the plants beneath.
Father Watson had been more than a little frightened by it, and had confided in the nuns that it was more like something produced by some
, than by a human being.
; they do not occur in nature, yet somehow we suppose they do.
By proposing this ingenious but patently artificial
, Friedman was able to account for the non-neutrality of money in the short run.
A DISGRACED professor who
HÄPEÄLLINEN professori, joka to defraud the University of Stirling of almost £15,000
kavaltaakseen Stirlingin yliopistosta lähes 15 000 £, escaped a prison sentence yesterday after a sheriff heard he had paid the money back.
Elizabeth and Anne
Elizabeth ja Anne for Felix's chickens
Felixin kanoille and set them to roast.
from acid rain test kit
happosadetestisarjasta and launches attack on manger.
the Cornish `tinners ``
cornwallilaiset tinakaivostyöläiset an ingenious scheme of tunnelling under the City and laying explosives to bring down the walls
nerokkaan suunnitelman louhia tunneli kaupungin alle ja kaataa seinämät räjähteillä .
However, in the finale of his Six Small Piano Pieces Op. 19
a different solution, which has the advantage of combining the smooth, static quality of harmony in fourths with the unexpected
erilaisen ratkaisun, jonka etuna on neljäsosien sujuvan, staattisen harmonian yhdistäminen aavistamattomaan .
Dr. Prior felt that
means of warming the room
keinoja huoneen lämmittämiseen so that the temperature at the commencement of the meal should not fall below 32° Fahrenheit.
Somehow on this rich, fertile island,
onnistuttu tekemään of dull concrete
tylsästä betonista .
the `Big Bang ``theory
"alkuräjähdysteorian" -- a typically western aggressive concept -- whereas the Hindus termed it `the churning of the milky ocean.
The last British government in Uganda
Ugandan viimeinen brittiläinen hallitus , initially seeking an integrated state in recognition of local realities, was forced
a more or less federal one
enemmän tai vähemmän liittovaltiotyyppinen ratkaisu .
Here, there's
another parador
toinen Parador-hotelli from a 16th century building
1500-luvun rakennuksesta -- the Hostal de Reyes Catolicas, which was built by Ferdinand and Isabella as an inn for pilgrims and is still fulfilling its original purpose.
It also had
a balancing mechanism
tasapainotusmekanismi from two arching tubes at right angles to one another in a vertical plane
kahdesta kaarevasta, pystytasossa toisiinsa nähden oikeassa kulmassa olevasta putkesta .
It had been
a very typical contract that
hyvin tyypillinen sopimus, että Mark Letterworth
Mark Letterworth in outline
for the sale of the turbine engines to a Moscow factory
turbiinimoottorien myyntiin Moskovan tehtaalle .
It was one of those
pictures which
kuvista, jotka that the eyes follow you about when you move
silmät seuraavat sinua liikkuessasi .
IN A competitive market
to meet the needs of the elderly and disabled
vastatakseen vanhusten ja vammaisten tarpeisiin .
Columbus-America to remain at depths of 1.5 miles for several days
pysymään 1,5 mailin syvyydessä useita päiviä .
to give the investor that exposure
antaakseen sijoittajalle sen riskin .
Koululaisia have been asked
as part of a facelift on a grubby subway in the centre of South Bank between Asda and Nelson Street
osana nuhruisen alikulkutunnelin uudistamista South Bankin keskustassa Asdan ja Nelson Streetin välillä .
'd like
for people who aren't `perfect ``-- tall people, short people, fat and thin people
ihmisille, jotka eivät ole "täydellisiä": pitkille ihmisille, lyhyille ihmisille, lihaville ja laihoille ihmisille .
for this stitch type
tälle ommeltyypille is no more difficult than for any other type of stitch pattern, but there are one or two rules that you need to obey.
would be delighted
Not only that, but his great-great-uncle had been
the architect who
arkkitehti, joka in the first place.
The parallel between this way of thinking, and that of
an air-conditioning system
ilmastointijärjestelmää , is obvious.
in c.1901.
The 193Os Art Deco tower, with its windows spelling out OXO,
1930-luvun Art Deco -tornin, jonka ikkunoista muodostui kirjaimet OXO, by the food company
ruokayritys to defeat London County Council advertising restrictions
mitätöidäkseen Lontoon piirikunnan neuvoston mainostusrajoitukset .
to meet the needs of an average plating job
vastaamaan keskimääräisen päällystystyön tarpeisiin .
It is very hard
if you don't know the shape of the bricks.
Jerome included here
as a rhetorical dissuasion to men from marriage by warning of the weaknesses and vices of wives
retorisena varoituksena miehille avioliitosta varoittamalla vaimojen heikkouksista ja vioista .
as an `everyman's ``aeroplane
"Jokapojan" lentokoneeksi ,
might have succeeded had the market economy at the time been more buoyant.
It was one of the reasons that earlier discussions with Thames Television fell through -- though
as a movie or a BBC series
elokuvaksi tai BBC-sarjaksi .
AVC is
a software product
ohjelmistotuote for their PS/2 range of computers
heidän PS/2-sarjan tietokoneilleen which integrates image and audio capture with media production, authoring and presentation capabilities.
: dogmatic, all-embracing, pseudo-scientific, and promising ultimate victory.
We know now that
, but we haven't come round to acting on this knowledge.
The concept of fundholding
Fundholding-käsite was undoubtedly
epäilemättä with this in mind
tämä mielessä pitäen .
Delta Five, from Compsoft, is
a multi-user database
monen käyttäjän tietokanta specifically with this type of task in mind
erityisesti tällaista tehtävää varten .
to arm submarines
sukellusveneiden aseistamiseen ; it is 53 cm in diameter, the dimensions of torpedo tubes.
So I did more supervision at that time than I would normally do, supervising
as opposed to supervising the ones I had designed
A most interesting finding of this article is that plant growth is irregular, which could explain some of the apparent errors of
the instrument
instrumentissa here.
We are supporting
to build efficient institutions
tehokkaiden instituutioiden rakentamiseen and accountable government.
Most camcorders
Suurin osa videokameroista arc
to be hand-held
kädessä pidettäviksi , so the minimisation of size and weight has been an important consideration.
These have six numbers and
so that everybody in the press, regardless of trunk access can use the numbers described
niin, että jokainen toimittaja kaukotunnuksesta huolimatta voi käyttää kuvattuja numeroita .
What are
osallistujien to avoid negative and critical evaluation of their activity
heidän toimintansa negatiivisen ja kriittisen arvioinnin välttämiseksi ?
This system
Tätä järjestelmää ,
joka on suunniteltu to help deaf people learn language
auttamaan kuuroja kielen oppimisessa , is now used with children with severe learning disabilities as well (Rowe, 1982).
The Citizen's Charter is
the most far-reaching programme ever
kaikkein kauaskantoisin koskaan nähty ohjelma, devised
joka on suunniteltu to improve quality in public services
parantamaan julkisten palvelujen laatua .
Any scheme
Mikä tahansa suunnitelma, to reduce the number of unwanted dogs
ei-toivottujen koirien lukumäärän vähentämiseksi, will automatically involve reducing the total number of dogs and hence breeder sales.
The ancient manuscript which
Muinainen käsikirjoitus, joka sparks it all off
to yield two possible meanings, one mystic, one mundane
tuottamaan kaksi mahdollista merkitystä, joista toinen on mystinen ja toinen arkinen .
to ascertain whether salivation could occur in the absence of any obvious physical cause
varmistaakseen, voiko syljeneritystä ilmetä, jos jokin ilmiselvä fyysinen aiheuttaja puuttuu .
sophisticated instruments
kehittyneitä välineitä to detect and measure the energies of even the smallest traces of the products
havaitsemaan ja mittaamaan energioita kaikkein pienimmistäkin hivenistä tuotteita .
Suggest another one and
a scheme of work
työsuunnitelma to implement it
sen käyttöönottamiseksi .
My own experience when
a controller
hallintalaitetta for use with computer control
tietokoneen ohjauskäyttöön is that if low-enough frequencies are employed the motors respond like `stepper-motors ``advancing a small amount for each pulse.
The only way to solve the problem of obtaining precise dates is
methods of dating sites and finds accurately
menetelmät paikkojen ja löydösten tarkoille ajanmäärityksille .
carried on and eventually
must take this into account when
t heir own waste-management policies
omia jätehuoltomenettelyjään .
by the Network members
Verkoston jäsenet to govern their conduct during the most common kinds of situations giving rise to contact between Network members
hallitakseen niiden toimeenpanoa kaikkein yleisimmissä tilanteissa, jotka aiheuttavat verkoston jäsenten välistä kanssakäymistä .
a better system
parempi järjestelmä ?
and provide an opportunity for `hands on ``experiences of new technologies.
is encouraged
his own preferred note-making methods
oma, ensisijainen muistiinpanomenetelmä .
The Louver Gallery
Louver Gallery has this month
on tässä kuussa a show which overviews this underlying notion in so much recent painting
näytöksen, joka antaa yleiskatsauksen tästä viimeaikaisessa maalaustaiteessa niin paljon esiintyneestä perusnäkemyksestä .
This raises the question whether the education of children in rural communities is prejudiced by the imposition of
a curriculum
opetussuunnitelman for urban conditions
kaupunkiolosuhteisiin .
I suggest that pornography, like
anything else
mikä tahansa muu, mitä for their pleasure
saadakseen mielihyvää , is simply a tool.
We have already seen that
the committee structure
komitearakenne for this purpose
tätä tarkoitusta varten was in many ways unsatisfactory but that some useful and interesting inservice activities did result from the project.
For gases
in 1845 is often used.
This fertiliser
an improved formulation
parannettu formulointi by the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
Tennessee Valley Authorityn (TVA) .
It's reckoned to be
the best method
paras menetelmä yet
of keeping the body in good condition
kehon hyvän kunnon ylläpitämiseksi .
An ergonomically designed cockpit
Ergonomisesti suunniteltu ohjaamo labelling everything clearly and putting everything within easy reach
jotta kaikki olisi selvästi näkyvissä ja helposti tavoitettavissa .
a new conception of drama
draamalle uuden suunnitelman, to suit his own inclinations
joka vastasi hänen omia kiinnostuksiaan .
By the time he set off with Christian
to help with the future he had in mind for himself
itselleen miettimänsä tulevaisuuden avuksi .
The chemical supply industry
Kemianteollisuus has been remarkably adaptable in
a wide variety of products
laajan valikoiman tuotteita to solve specific cleaning problems
tiettyjen puhdistusongelmien ratkaisemiseksi .
no-one on the left
kukaan vasemmalta ei a clear strategy of supporting military preparedness
selvää strategiaa sotilaallisen valmiuden tukemiseksi as a way of enabling the labour movement to increase its economic and political muscle -- and thereby its ability to influence British foreign policy
siten, että mahdollistettaisiin työväenliikkeelle sen taloudellisen ja poliittisen mahdin kasvattaminen ja tämän myötä sen kyky vaikuttaa brittiläiseen ulkopolitiikkaan .
It was a series of financial penalties imposed by Washington for manifold breaches of the 1977 Clean Air Act which forced
the LA authorities
LA:n viranomaiset such an epic approach
sellaisen kunnianhimoisen lähestymistavan in the first place.
a clear image
selvän kuvan in the mind prior to commencing the photography.
The 40-member steering committee
40-jäseninen valmistelukomitea was mandated
agreements on all outstanding issues
sopimuksia kaikkiin ratkaisemattomiin asioihin and to draft legislation to formalize any agreements.
It is this expertise of the managers which justifies their being treated as the brain of the company,
corporate policy
yrityspolitiikka to further the ends of the enterprise
yrityksen päämäärien edistämiseksi .
a standardized set of rules
standardoidut säännöt , karate associations in countries outside their jurisdiction do not have to abide by them.
By the end of the nineteenth century,
neo-classical theory of how price is determined through the interaction of demand and supply
uusklassisen teorian hinnan määrittämisestä kysynnän ja tarjonnan mukaan by Alfred Marshall
Alfred Marshall in his Principles of Economics
teoksessaan Principles of Economics .
Its role is
and propose solutions to the MCC, which is ultimately responsible to the Academic Board for the Course and its development.
Using a
for permed hair
kiharretuille hiuksille is one way to combat the damage caused.
KS lesions on the face can be distressing, but can be covered with
special make-up
erikoismeikillä, formulated
joka on suunniteltu for people with disfiguring birth-marks
ihmisille, joilla on rumentavia syntymämerkkejä .
There are different types for cast iron or steel boilers and for copper tubular types, and
another type
toista tyyppiä specially
for use on systems with aluminium radiators
alumiiniradiaattoreille .
Gilligan began from
Kohlberg's (1966) stage theory of moral development
Kohlbergin (1966) moraalin kehitystä koskevalla vaiheteorialla ,
joka on laadittu from an all-male sample's responses to a set of moral dilemmas
pelkästään miehistä koostuvan otoksen vasteista sarjaan moraalisia dilemmoja .
Abrasive cleaners: At their simplest these are
the scouring powders
hankausjauheita from little more than sand or feldspar, the aggregate and a small amount of chlorine release agent
vähän enemmästä kuin hiekasta tai maasälvästä, kerääntymien ja pienten kloorimäärien irrotusaineesta .
The theory of general relativity
yleinen suhteellisuusteoria in 1915 predicted that the universe was expanding.
The BA Honours Degree in Retail Marketing
kiitettävin arvosanoin suoritettava kandidaatin tutkinto vähittäiskaupan markkinoinnista ,
by JS and Manchester Metropolitan University
JS ja Manchester Metropolitan University -yliopistojen , has been running for three years and the two parties have now formally signed a contract securing the future of the programme.
's specially
on erityisesti to cut through grease and dirt and to wipe away germs
rasvan ja lian poistoon ja bakteerien pyyhkimiseen , leaving surfaces and floors not just clean but hygienically clean.
`The restaurant was closed for a week, with a total loss of power, but
to keep the show on the road
ja pidimme näytöksen kadulla .
As the plane dove and rose in turbulence,
the young medic
nuori lääkäri a sling for the bag
laukulle kantohihnan out of a strip of bandage
sidossuikaleesta .
Because she had no garden,
for the children to play in
jossa lapset voivat leikkiä .
It was he who had suggested, rather firmly, that Chantal could be given boiled goat's milk when she woke in the night, and
a feeding bottle
syöttöpullon from his medical supplies
lääkintätarvikkeistaan so that he could be the one to get up.
To keep your courses level, you can buy a bricklayer's line and pins, or
with string and large nails
narusta ja suurista nauloista .
If you own your house or flat
can take down partition walls,
, block up old doors and make new openings in more convenient places to improve on the space.
It was then explained that
the present airstrip
nykyinen kiitorata by the engineers
insinöörien as a front-line RAF base to take the Hercules
etulinjan RAF-tukikohta Herculekselle , the slow transport which drones between Ascension Island and Stanley at £250000 per trip.
was completely
oli kokonaan by Phil Ashley
Phil Ashleyn .
The adult babywalker
aikuisen kävelykärryn, jonka by staff at the Widemarsh disabled workshop in Hereford
Widemarshin vammaisille suunnatun työpajan henkilöstö Herefordissa to stop him wandering off
jotta hän ei lähtisi omille teilleen .
Inside the barn the men roared out in song or in shouted abuse, throwing cakes of soap and splashing water from
the baths of variable temperature that
eri lämpöisistä ammeista, jotka from wine barrels and animal feeding troughs
viinitynnyreistä ja eläinten ruokintakaukaloista .
The scaffolding
Rakennustelineet , explains Miss Edwards in her book,
from spars and oars
parruista ja airoista .
Still-lifes on tables, dresser tops, window sills and mantelpieces
Asetelmia pöydillä, lipastoilla, ikkunalaudoilla ja takanreunuksilla just as successfully as those on walls.
to be effortlessly
olevan vaivatta air, the resulting theory giving the distinct impression of being a rather facile extemporisation.
It would be an error, certainly, to underestimate the skill of the provincial craftsman when he found it necessary
foreign shades and highlights
vieraita varjostuksia ja korostuksia in local stone
paikallisesta kivestä .
In June 1940,
was digging in, expecting a grim struggle for existence and
every weapon of defence against the possible invader
jokaista puolustavaa asetta mahdollista hyökkääjää vastaan .
The course was illuminated to such a degree that there was no need for the employment of
the miner's helmets
kaivoskypärille, jotka for late matches
myöhäisiä otteluita varten .
Even more valuable are
the shelters that
katokset, joita .
It had been impossible to wear the straw hat all morning because the wind caught it and pulled
the chin-strap
leukahihnan --
from a bootlace
kengännauhasta -- into my neck.
Suddenly he realized the flaw in
the will
testamentissa, jonka so hastily
niin kiireisesti in the South of France.
to back up the choice
valinnan tueksi , delegating our responsibility to professional specialists.
was not going to have
to ring Veronica after all
soittaakseen Veronicalle kuitenkin .
had to keep
to protect herself against this resident ratpack
suojellakseen itseään vakinaisilta paparazzeilta , one of which was perpetual creativity through weaving a tapestry which she never finished.
But Cranog Jones says
the whole story
koko tarinan to set him up
lavastaakseen miehen syylliseksi .
I knew
a south London teacher who
etelälontoolaisen opettajan, joka an instant tradition of local environmental walks
paikallisten ympäristökävelyjen välittömän perinteen to remedy this deficiency
korjatakseen tämän puutteen , and called it Beating the Bounds of the Catchment Area.
It is also a fine place for walking along the cliff-tops,
stories for your children (or yourself)
tarinoita lapsille (tai itsellesi) , and watching the changing moods of an ocean.
As for Daedalus himself,
had been busy too at the time
the Greek alphabet
kreikkalaiset aakkoset , on the other side of the peninsula.
would not be forced
further spurious reasons for contacting the victim's widow
enempää valheellisia syitä ottaa yhteyttä uhrin leskeen .
Create interesting striped effects with paint and
your own striped patterns
omia raitakuvioita as an inexpensive alternative to striped wallpaper
edullisena vaihtoehtona raidallisille tapeteille .
The cobbler's song in Hassan is there because
The `Lioretograph ``cylinders
"lioretografiset" lieriöt by the Frenchman Lioret
Ranskalainen Lioret as early as 1897.
Morality, for religious people, is not
to keep community life sweet
jotta yhteisöelämä olisi kivempaa ; it is for them an obligation arising out of the nature of the way things are.
The Islamic Party of Great Britain
Ison-Britannian islamilainen puolue of politicised white converts
politisoitujen valkoisten käännynnäisten .
TŠEKKOSLOVAKIA of the twentieth century and, in particular, of the Allied victories of 1918.
and particularly the attempt to create autonomous text has resulted in a realignment of the two primary functions of language.
Both these obsessions were based on
Mr Carter's
herra Carterin of the `alarm clock bed ``
herätyskellosänkyyn .
For nobody wanted to know about her
To my mind this
is the best and most subtle of all
on paras ja hienoin kaikista potted meat
lihan säilömiseen .
Neil's flirtation with Paddy -- albeit largely a deliberate
-- seems crazy, frightening to soft Tory voters, and unnecessary; we'd already won.
When later Dennis found the management using
in a production of Macbeth
Macbethin tuotannossa , he protested in anger that they had `stolen his thunder ``.
Though father William probably invented the technique, it was his son James who, in 1785, took out a patent for his `new
of Embellishing books bound in vellum
pergamentilla sidottujen kirjojen koristelemiseen , by making drawings on the vellum which are not liable to be defaced but by destroying the vellum itself. `