It was not possible
how many halogen moieties had ended up on the football
kuinka monta halogeenipuolikasta oli päätynyt jalkapalloon .
The committee's first task was
objektiivisesti, whether discrimination exists against women at the Bar and, if so, the extent of such discrimination
ilmenikö Barissa naisten syrjimistä, ja jos ilmeni, kuinka paljon .
The basis of the method is a three-step process of
saada selville the relationships between: (a) visitor rates and distance; (b) visitor rates and cost; and (c) number of visits to the site and an assumed set of admission charges
suhde seuraavien välillä: (a) kävijämäärät ja etäisyys, (b) kävijämäärät ja kustannukset, ja (c) käyntien lukumäärä ja odotetut sisäänpääsymaksut .
From this, and knowledge of the requirements of the complete machine or structure
Sen sekä koko koneen tai rakenteen edellytyksiä koskevan tietämyksen perusteella , it is possible
the reason for the inclusion of any feature, or entity, in the detailed design layout
syy minkä tahansa ominaisuuden tai kokonaisuuden liittämiseen yksityiskohtaisessa suunnitelmapiirroksessa .
the picture which determines its use
kuva, joka määrittää sen käytön ascertained
saadaan selville ?
The crystal acts as
an analyser which
analysaattorina, joka whether or not the photon has polarisation perpendicular to the optical axis of the crystal
onko fotonin polarisaatio kohtisuorassa kristallin optiseen akseliin nähden vai ei .
If the body lay there for long enough, even
the means of death
kuolintapa could be hard
Where a trader advises that an item is beyond economical repair,
should seek
if necessary,
the actual cost of repair
todelliset korjauskustannukset .
Immediately behind him sat Howard and Shirley Brown, silent and sombre, each thinking
thoughts that
ajatuksia, joita were quite impossible for
any observer
kenen tahansa tarkkailijan to
-- even for the two of them themselves fully to comprehend.
That the male participates in the duty of incubation
Sen, että uros osallistuu hautomiseen, by having shot a bird on the nest which on dissection proved to be a male
ampumalla pesään linnun, joka dissektiossa osoittautui urokseksi .
In ordinary life it is rare indeed for people to form their beliefs by a process of logical deduction from
saatu selville by a rigorous search for all available evidence and a judicious assessment of its probative value
perusteellisella, kaikkien mahdollisten todisteiden hakemisella ja niiden todistusarvon järkevällä arvioinnilla .
We believe it drove onto the site just before the call to the fire brigade -- and that's
're trying
from the travellers
matkustajilta .
In the class which Rosa was taking
asked some elementary questions and,
varmistettuaan that the answers were correct
että vastaukset olivat oikein , professed satisfaction.
The purpose of these measurements was
through conscientious planning and medical surveillance
huolellisella suunnittelulla ja lääketieteellisellä valvonnalla, that inadvertent exposure during spraying does not create any hazard to a rural population
että tahaton altistuminen suihkutuksen aikana ei luo minkäänlaista vaaraa maaseudun populaatiolle .
The person due to receive the animals should be consulted
the documentation required
tarvittavien asiakirjojen .
As far as
osoittaa oikeaksi, this notation still applies to some brands of wool, but when we come to synthetics, things are a bit different
että tämä merkintätapa koskee edelleen joitakin villamerkkejä, mutta kun kyse on keinotekoisista materiaaleista, asia on hieman toinen .
Observation statements
silminnäkijälausuntoja by any observer
Kuka tahansa silminnäkijä by normal use of the senses
normaaleilla aistimuksilla .
For this study, when tests of mothers' serum were the basis for referral
the type of tests used
käytetyt testityypit .
from multiple sources
useista lähteistä , and it is doubtful that any were missed, although we can not be certain.
The meso- and metathorax become more or less intimately associated to form a pterothorax and the union is often so close that
the limits of those regions
kyseisten alueiden rajat with difficulty
vaivalloisesti .
saada selville within two to four days
whether or not the remedy has been correctly selected
onko hoitokeino valittu oikein vai ei (in acute cases within two to four hours) because the patient after a few doses should be relieved.
It is important
why dietary compliance is poor
miksi ruokavalion noudattaminen on heikkoa .
It is up to
how far he wishes to travel and by what route
kuinka kauas hän haluaa matkustaa ja mitä reittiä .
A publisher or distributor may very well be unaware of the contents of what he is circulating, although he might be thought to have some obligation to
what is contained in what he is peddling
mitä se sisältää ja mitä hän kauppaa .
that he was too important to kill
että hän oli liian tärkeä tapettavaksi .
Said Brian, `
were then able
that the cards were counterfeit
että kortit olivat väärennettyjä .
The guardian ad litem
Uskotun miehen is required
the child's wishes
lapsen toiveet on attendance and to convey these to the court.
A post-mortem examination
Ruumiinavaus the cause of death
kuolinsyytä .
Please, Ellen,
'm trying
the nature of reality
todellisuuden luonteen .
Surely, if you have serious reasons for doubting the
johtopäätöksiä , you should approach them?
These divergent views on the demand for money lead to very different
johtopäätöksiin .
I certainly agree that I would not be wholly confident of the
johtopäätöksiin, about tunnelling
tunnelin louhintaa koskeviin if I did not know that rigorous calculations with the Schrödinger equation lead to the same conclusion.
However, he then fails to follow through his rather important point to the logical
johtopäätöksestä of considering how it might at least explain those many instances where outstanding originality and insanity have been found to co-exist
koskien pohdintaa, kuinka se voisi vähintään selittää ne monet tahot, joissa huomattavan omaperäisyyden ja järjettömyyden on todettu esiintyvän yhdessä .
might draw three broad
in relation to ensuring the accuracy of research data
liittyen tutkimustiedon virheettömyyden varmistamiseen :
can not move directly to particular fixed
johtopäätöksiin from either the Bible or Natural Law
Raamatusta tai luonnonlaista .
Surgery for superobesity is obviously a last resort, but this study confirms the
of earlier short term follow-up studies which found a good psychological outcome even in patients with a history of psychiatric treatment
aikaisemmista lyhytaikaisista seurantatutkimuksista, joissa havaittiin hyvät psyykkiset tulokset myös potilailla, joilla oli psykiatrista hoitohistoriaa .
The main
about education and employment
koulutuksesta ja työllisyydestä was
that purely educational aims came first
että puhtaasti koulutukselliset tavoitteet tulivat ensin : schools should not prepare pupils for particular types of employment; industry itself benefited from the teaching and learning of basic educational skills.
've come to a lot of
johtopäätöksiä within the last four months.
may draw two main
from these data
näiden tietojen perusteella about the prevalence of dementia among the institutionalized population
dementian sairastumistiheydestä laitoshoitoon sijoitetun populaation keskuudessa .
johtopäätökset from the Dragon Project
Dragon-projektista suggest that in some cases the stone circle can act as a `shield ``from outside energies.
johtopäätöksensä .
Reich claimed that
was not willing to draw the obvious
johtopäätöksiä from psychoanalysis
psykoanalyysin perusteella , namely,
that changes were needed in these institutions if the sexual repression was to be overcome
että näissä laitoksissa tarvittiin muutoksia, jos seksuaalinen torjunta aiottiin selvittää .
The main
from this research
tästä tutkimuksesta is
that although health and work ability decline in some respects with age, they are subject to considerable personal variance
että vaikka terveys ja työkyky laskevat jonkin verran iän mukana, niihin kohdistuu huomattavaa henkilökohtaista vaihtelua .
We have told you about making wide margins, which will give you a quick view both of the skeleton of the subject and of the important findings and memorable
johtopäätöksistä .
As president of the Royal Society of Portrait Painters, with 40 years of art study behind him,
is well placed to draw some
johtopäätöksiä .
Unfortunately, there is no real solution to these difficulties and again we can only leave it to
to arrive at
johtopäätöksensä on the basis of the material presented
esitetyn aineiston perusteella .
Nor would it do to come to too many
johtopäätöksiä on the evidence of yesterday's romp in the sun
eilisen helpon voiton perusteella on a well-grassed but hard pitch
hyvänurmisella mutta kovalla kentällä .
has recently reached the same
on art-historical grounds
taidehistorialliselta pohjalta, and we know that Seville was an important centre for the manufacture and export of tin-glazed pottery.
will draw some overall
johtopäätöksiä on the White Paper
hallituksen kannanotossa .
To reach
johtopäätöksiä on any part of the evidence in isolation
minkä tahansa yksittäisen aineiston osan perusteella is dangerous.
It should be a task of the European Council to reach
johtopäätöksiä on common foreign and security policy
yleisestä ulko- ja turvallisuuspolitiikasta .
The threat of targeting US-based British businesses for more taxes
Uhka, että Yhdysvaltoihin sijoittuviin brittiläisiin liiketoimiin kohdistettaisiin lisää veroja, has led to the
johtopäätökseen in some quarters
that Clinton is less pro-free trade than his predecessor
että Clinton on vähemmän vapaan kaupan puolesta kuin edeltäjänsä .
This theory, first advanced by Clifford Jolly and described by myself at greater length elsewhere, enables
to draw detailed
johtopäätöksiä regarding the instinctual repertoire of our pre-human ancestors
koskien ihmistä edeltävien esi-isiemme vaistonvaraista valikoimaa .
commission a report to consider in detail and with expertise the fluctuations to which he referred rather than, as he has, jumping to
johtopäätöksiään about why such fluctuations should exist
siitä, miksi kyseisiä vaihteluja tulisi olla olemassa ?
Despite that problem, the results clearly confirm
johtopäätöksemme, that paper readers did not react against the partisanship of their papers, they gloried in it
että sanomalehden lukijat eivät reagoineet sanomalehtiensä kannattajuutta vastaan, vaan iloitsivat siitä .
An acquittal does not necessarily, and perhaps not even typically, falsify a
johtopäätöksiä, that the accused is guilty
että syytetty on syyllinen .
reached the
after studying samples of preserved moss from the period.
Johtopäätöksemme of three-dimensional paraconductivity
kolmiulotteisesta parajohtavuudesta are not sensitive to which extrapolation is used.
Investigators at the scene of the Waco siege agreed with
johtopäätöksen, that cult members had started the fire themselves
että kultin jäsenet olivat sytyttäneet tulen itse .
drew the
johtopäätöksen, from this
tämän perusteella that the riot `came like a bolt out of the blue ``
että mellakka tuli kuin salama kirkkaalta taivaalta (Guardian, 21 November 1985).
How typical it was of Luke to make his position so crystal-clear, drawing the line almost brutally in his determination that
shouldn't make any personal
johtopäätöksiä from his offer
hänen tarjouksensa perusteella .
johtopäätökset of one other major research
toisesta tärkeästä tutkimuksesta was
that it had substantial social implication of personal family in community lives
että sillä oli huomattava sosiaalinen osallisuus henkilökohtaiseen perheeseen yhteisöelämässä, so these papers were discussed in great detail.
And has
now reached any
johtopäätöksiä over the miracles Alice performed
Alicen tekemistä ihmeistä ?
Jumping to the
that the biggest must therefore be the best
että suurimman täytyy siksi olla paras, could be a mistake.
I dare say he was behaving shiftily and
jumped to the
johtopäätöksen, that he was following you
että hän seurasi sinua .
have no choice but
as much as we can
niin paljon kuin pystymme about the baking of the cake
kakun leipomisesta from studying what happens if we miss out a constituent, alter the temperature or cooking time or whatever
tutkimalla, mitä tapahtuu, jos jätämme pois jonkin ainesosan, muutamme lämpötilaa, kypsennysaikaa tai mitä tahansa …
Existence of a natural isotope effect not dependent on mass complicates efforts
the history of the Solar System
aurinkokunnan historiaa by studying isotope ratios
isotooppisuhteita tutkimalla .
As viewers of this scene
could also have
olisimme myös voineet about the relationship between John and Mary
Johnin ja Maryn välisestä suhteesta from the way they were sitting together and the way they looked at each other
tavasta, jolla he istuivat yhdessä ja kuinka he katsoivat toisiaan .
Some figures of deaths in monastic houses may be accurate, but as the plague did not strike evenly throughout the country it would be foolish
any estimate of national mortality
mitään arvioita kansallisesta kuolevuudesta from them
niiden perusteella .
Something had upset her
Jokin oli järkyttänyt hänet ,
`Sounds as if she killed herself then ``
"Kuulostaa aivan kuin hän olisi tappanut itsensä silloin", .
It was relatively easy for
, sitting at the bottom of the Leighs' dining-table, to keep quiet, eat what was offered, and
by watching her neighbours
vieressä istuvia katselemalla the correct order of knives and forks
veitsien ja haarukoiden oikea järjestys .
Glancing around,
from the sounds drifting from the kitchen
keittiöstä kantautuvien äänien perusteella, that Tara was preparing a meal
että Tara valmisteli ateriaa .
Her thighs and knees could quite conceivably
Hänen reitensä ja polvensa voisivat melkoisen mahdollisesti ,
in bewilderment,
be turning to rubber
muuttua kumiksi .
I'd like to emphasize that this idea that time and space should be finite without boundary is just a proposal:
from some other principle
minkään muun periaatteen perusteella .
What would have happened at Verdun had Renault remained out of business
Mitä olisikaan tapahtunut Verdunissa, jos Renault olisi pysynyt poissa kuvioista, can readily be
on helposti from what has already been said about the Voie Sacrée
sen perusteella, mitä Voie Sacréesta on jo sanottu .)
By analogy,
can hope
what must be in an animal's head
mitä eläimen päässä täytyy liikkua by observing what it does
tarkkailemalla, mitä se tekee .
From households' expenditure patterns
Kotitalouksien kulumallien perusteella it is possible
how much indirect and intermediate tax is paid
kuinka paljon suoria ja epäsuoria veroja maksetaan , and there is a straightforward entry of the direct taxes each family pays.
A more realistic alternative is
which characteristics of organizations have the most impact on accounting
millä organisaatioiden piirteillä on eniten vaikutusta kirjanpitoon .
from the symptoms you saw
näkemiesi oireiden perusteella or was there harder evidence?
Working from this hypothesis, it is possible to make one further
about the date of the original code
alkuperäisen koodin päivämäärästä .
must draw
about what he thinks took place
siitä, mitä hän uskoo tapahtuneen, from the evidence that is presented to him
hänelle esitettyjen todisteiden perusteella .
But the most chilling
from the fact of Bill Sweet's murder
Bill Sweetin murhan tosiasiasta was
the immediate danger to Jacqui
Jacquiin kohdistuva välitön vaara .
Because of this,
make the attractive and easy
that those behind bars constitute our most serious criminals
että telkien takana olevat ovat kaikkein pahimpia rikollisia .
It was but a short step from there to the
that the woman was the one they had been ordered to look out for
että nainen oli se, jota heidän oli määrätty pitämään silmällä , and the guard shouldered the door aside, bounding inwards.
In contrast to
Van Helmont's
Van Helmontin of a water -- spirit ontology
vedestä -- hengellinen ontologia , Boyle resisted a constitutive role for biblical texts.
He had not told her all he knew, she was sure of that, but he had confirmed
about the provenance of the Durance paintings
Durancen maalausten alkuperästä, although he had stressed she could prove nothing.
More sophisticated tests (Reicher, 1969) confirmed
that familiar written words are perceived as units, not as strings of letters
että tutut kirjoitetut sanat havaitaan yksiköinä eikä kirjainjonoina .
And the more she thought about it the more she felt certain that
had been right.
She had been right in
that he was in love with someone
että mies oli rakastunut johonkuhun .
'm not given to making
I invite
wild random
villejä, satunnaisia note quietly who it is: those pupils will need your attention.
made a
todennäköisesti oikeaan osuvia too -- mostly
about what they think their `subject ``would like to hear
sellaisia, mitä heidän "kohteensa" haluaisi kuulla .
will hazard
If the case had gone to court, it
what would have happened
mitä olisi tapahtunut .
But I was real familiar with his records and so I knew it was gonna be that way; in fact it was really kinda fun to have to take a
at when he was gonna change
milloin hän muuttuisi .
What the connection is
Mikä yhteys on, can only hazard a
but it confirms all our worst suspicions about anything-core outfits once and for all.
The basic answer lies in the
about future cash flow
tulevista kassavirroista .
It appeared that
about the tide
vuorovedestä had been near enough.
So let
begin by making some
impressionistisia about the views women do in fact currently hold on morality
näkemyksistä, mitä naiset nykyään todellisuudessa tekevät pitääkseen kiinni siveellisyydestä .
When she doesn't know who the culprit is,
makes a
, and the trouble is she's often right.
Now if you look at the first four figures there, does
want to have a
at what those first four figures mean
mitä nuo neljä ensimmäistä kuvaa tarkoittavat ?
Our spies think the best
for general availability of Solaris-on-iAPX-86
Solaris-on-iAPX-86:n yleiselle saatavuudelle is
for first deliveries
ensimmäisille toimituksille .
Can't tell you precisely what weapon, but
of a piece of lead piping wrapped in a sock
sukkaan kiedotusta lyijyputken pätkästä is as good as any.
Had that
proved right, GDP should comfortably have expanded by the same amount.
In practice it may be possible to make an
as to the origin and type of infection involved
kyseisen infektion alkuperästä ja tyypistä , but in very few cases can the physician be one hundred per cent sure of his diagnosis.
as to the continent's position
maanosan asemasta was based on Plato's version.
Even if the child's articulation is poor,
is likely to be able to make a
as to a likely meaning
todennäköisestä merkityksestä .
Many independent forecasters have recently raised
on growth in 1993
kasvusta vuonna 1993 to around 1.5%.
on the invasion of France
Ranskan hyökkäyksestä ?
can reconstruct the original language by looking for common words and then make a
about where the language came from
mistä kieli on peräisin .
Stifling a giggle,
hazarded a
that the wardrobe would be full of the son's clothes
että vaatekomero olisi täynnä pojan vaatteita .
Since further complaints against him would almost certainly have been recorded, it
that he took to the open life
että hän tottui elämään ulkona .
They would be repairing the skylight
He korjannevat kattoikkunan ,
paikkansapitävästi , and were probably a firm Nassim had shares in so he could fiddle the invoices for the insurance company.
For that matter, all of us are familiar with the experience of trying, and perhaps managing,
the author of a piece of writing
kirjoitetun tekstin kirjoittajan simply on the evidence of his language
pelkästään hänen käyttämänsä kielen perusteella .
the truth about me
totuuden minusta ?
Many women go out to work; many women (and some men) work in the home, but
would never
ei milloinkaan voi from this kind of statement
tällaisen lausunnon perusteella :
The experiment consisted of presenting an unseen passage of text to a person and asking
one letter at a time
yksi kirjain kerrallaan .
It is important that
without measuring
mittaamatta , in exactly the same way as for a stone thrower.
They were staccato with
a violence and bitterness which
väkivallasta ja katkeruudesta, jota , stunned,
had been suppressed for years
pidätellyn vuosien ajan .
What she knew of him
Mitä nainen tiesi hänestä, ,
And now he found himself wondering whether
knew or
about it being a Shogun, the smaller, two-door version
sen olevan Shogun, pienempi, kaksiovinen malli .
NOT FOR the first time, Pakistan's selectors kept
about the make-up of their team
heidän joukkueensa koostumusta .
There was a young woman there,
an attractive girl
viehättävä tyttö, jota at twenty-two
kaksikymmentäkaksivuotiaaksi , who had been introduced to him as Suzanne Simonis.
by the papery men lurking inside the walls
seinien sisältä kurkkivien paperiukkojen perusteella, that she must be ill
että hänen täytyy olla sairas .
She was another young conservative
Hän oli toinen nuori konservatiivi ,
from a rather sheltered background
hänellä olleen melko suojattu tausta .
from the centrifuges and freezers
linkojen ja pakastimien perustella, what type of work they had been designed for
minkälaiseen työhön ne oli tarkoitettu .
`I don't know, but
from what happened to the people before you
siitä, mitä tapahtui sinua edeltäneille ihmisille, ,
you will be sent to Germany
että sinut lähetetään Saksaan .
after three clues then she chooses another card.
There is no limit to
the distance
etäisyydelle, jolta other than the confines of the tabletop.
This is precisely the sort of work to play to your friends if you want to keep
as to the true identity of the composer
laatijan todellista identiteettiä .
Sam made some odd choices, and
as the venues get bigger you've got to get broader
että mitä suuremmiksi tapahtumapaikat tulevat sitä summittaisemmaksi sinun on ruvettava .
I felt angry and humiliated at the time of the argument but
at how he must have felt
miltä hänestä on täytynyt tuntua .
by how much Medmelton had inflated the significance of his presence
sen perusteella, paljonko Medmelton oli liioitellut hänen paikallaolonsa merkitystä , but it appeared to have been enough to drive everything else from the communal mind.
By the way he was wriggling on the seat
Tavasta, jolla mies kiemurteli istuimella ,
he had an erection
että tällä oli erektio .
On this occasion, Murphy's skill can only be admired visually, and
the real force of his audience's response
hänen yleisönsä vastakaiun todellista voimaa is only
Their destination
Heidän matkakohdettaan could only be
voitiin vain , but by their line of march through upper Clydesdale it looked as though they were heading for the West March, possibly even Galloway.
Her feelings for him
Hänen tunteitaan miestä kohtaan from a text she wrote decades later, after Gustave's death
tekstistä, jonka nainen kirjoitti vuosikymmeniä myöhemmin, Gustaven kuoleman jälkeen .
We were turned, lifted, pushed, lowered, pressed and turned again in
a direction that
suuntaan, jota , only feared.
Quite how wet any particular locality once was
Se, kuinka märkä jokin tietty paikka kerran oli, can often be
voidaan usein through detective work involving an enjoyable study of plants, place-names, and local history
tutkimustyön perusteella, johon kuuluu miellyttävä tutustuminen kasveihin, paikannimiin ja paikallishistoriaan .
It was often difficult
which ones had important physiological roles and which were by-products or artefacts formed when tissues were damaged during extraction
millä niistä oli tärkeät fysiologiset roolit ja mitkä niistä olivat sivutuotteita tai artefakteja, joita muodostui kudosten vaurioituessa erotuksen aikana .
He knew the river folk pretty well;
what they had said
mitä he olivat sanoneet .
where I'm going this weekend
minne olen menossa tänä viikonloppuna , ``he invited her.
have to do
what year we're talking about
mistä vuodesta puhun from the clues we give you
antamieni vihjeiden perusteella, .
Look at this description of a place and try
some of the action of the story
joitakin tarinan tapahtumista .
And I'd keep a very careful record and it'd be on display, the day of the fête,
would have
the number of matchsticks in it altogether
siinä olevien tulitikkujen lukumäärä yhteensä . ”
She might secretly find this tall, elegant man extremely disturbing, but she wasn't prepared to let
has pursed his sour lips and
my true intentions: if I had not been so bored, I would have sold it
todelliset aikeeni: jos en olisi ollut niin kyllästynyt, se olisi mennyt läpi .
Ah, but you need not have been an outcast
Aa, mutta sinun ei ole tarvinnut olla hylkiö , ``
However, let
not -- or not yet --
mass nationalism
massanationalismia from separatist movements
separatistiliikkeistä in all cases.
from the behaviour you see
vain näkemästäsi käyttäytymisestä .
It was perfectly proper
from the mere passage of time
pelkästä ajan kulumisesta : in Cherry's case the magistrate's decision was based on two flawed findings of justification and no prejudice.
can be encouraged to use a picture as evidence and to deduce and
from what they see
näkemänsä perusteella .
That Eliot tended to be curious in such matters, others have noted, and
have sometimes
ovat joskus some oddity in his own make-up
hieman kummallisuutta hänen omassa luonteessaan .
Indeed, in some situations,
may have to exploit this interdependence
on the basis of information about the result
tuloksen myötä saamansa tiedon perusteella , while continuing to maintain the reason/result distinction.
can look at the way other creatures behave and
from our observations
havaintojemme perusteella the senses to which they are responding
mihin aistimuksiin ne vastaavat , but our inferences may be misleading us.
In the actual examination all the figures are provided and it is only necessary
from inspecting the graph or drawing
kaaviota tai piirustusta tarkkailemalla, which of four alternatives is the correct one
mikä neljästä vaihtoehdosta on oikein .
the agreement that risk should pass independently from property
sopimusta, että riskin tulisi siirtyä riippumatta omaisuudesta, was not express but
from the circumstances of the case
tapauksen olosuhteista .
, thus, may
from Johnson's remark that he would go two miles out of his way to meet Monboddo
Johnsonin huomiosta, että hän menisi kaksi mailia sivuun omalta reitiltään tavatakseen Monboddon ?
from my name and address
nimestäni ja osoitteestani ,
I am a person of Irish origin who is currently living and working in France
olen irlantilaista syntyperää ja asun ja työskentelen nykyään Ranskassa .
His date of birth
Hänen syntymäpäivänsä has
from the preface to the third (1709) edition of his Compleat Course of Chymistry, in which he says that he was then seventy-eight
hänen teoksensa Compleat Course of Chymistry kolmannen (1709) painoksen esipuheesta, jossa hän sanoo olleensa tuolloin seitsemänkymmenenkahdeksan .
Little is known about his family, and
his date of birth
hänen syntymäpäivänsä only
from the fact that he was apprenticed to a mercer in 1528
siitä tosiasiasta, että hän oli tekstiilikäsittelijän oppipoikana vuonna 1528 .
It should be a condition, for
anyone thinking about development
jokaiselle, joka ajattelee kehitystä, to resist trying
how a structure develops
kuinka rakenne kehittyy by only looking at the final result
vain katsomalla lopputulosta .
However, once granted that
from fact alone
pelkästään tosiasian perusteella , there seems to be no flaw in the argument.
It is not difficult
where the information on curvature must come from
mistä tiedon kaarevuudesta täytyy tulla .
The researchers concluded that `
that many felt there had been a conflict between studying for interest's sake and studying for examination success
että monien mielestä oli ollut ristiriitaa opiskelussa kiinnostuksen takia ja opiskelussa koemenestyksen takia ``.
For if one supposes that all good things become valueless if you remove the pleasure,
that all the value must lie in the pleasure
että kaiken merkityksen on oltava mielihyvässä .
On the material before me
Edessäni olevan aineiston perusteella I think
that the district judge attached at least some weight to the debtor's arguments based on section 69
että piirikunnan tuomari antoi ainakin hieman painoarvoa velallisen argumenteille perustuen pykälään 69 .
Yet since you `have ``your body and I `have mine
the general features of each other's minds
yleisiä ominaisuuksia toistemme mielistä by observing each other's bodily behaviour
tarkkailemalla toistemme kehon käyttäytymistä .
In order to draw causal
about the educational consequences of being in care
huostaanoton koulutuksellisista vaikutuksista , a longitudinal study has been designed.
must make
about the health status of the survivors
selviytyneiden terveydentilasta from these data
näiden tietojen perusteella .
Using animals in experiments requires
to make
about psychological processes
psykologisista prosesseista from behaviour
käyttäytymisen perusteella .
Ethologists have not yet begun to grasp at the crucial characteristic of human beings that tends to invalidate all but the most cautious
from other animals
muista eläimistä .
can give questions for the user to ask, and also draw
from the answers
vastauksista .
may be deductive or inductive.
However, these arguments are not particularly strong, for, if the
is so great, why not include a requirement of proof of fault, at least at the level of subjective recklessness?
of user information needs
käyttäjän tiedontarpeista from user information-seeking behaviour
käyttäjän tiedonhakukäyttäytymisen perusteella has led to much confusion.
There is a mistaken tendency, nourished perhaps by too partial examples, to see perception as the passive reception of evidence from an external world from which
He takes himself to have true premises and a valid
to a true conclusion
todelliseen johtopäätökseen ; the premises might include the proposition that in the past he has made mistakes.
It is difficult to use these data to draw any reliable
as to whether the prevalence among the institutional population is increasing
kuten onko institutionaalisen populaation ylivalta kasvussa .
that more pupils are attending ordinary classes in normal schools
että yhä useammat oppilaat osallistuvat tavallisille oppitunneille normaaleissa kouluissa .
are constructions built upon foundations of assumptions, and can not be more valid than the assumptions.
This goes beyond direct observations and requires some
or speculation
on the part of the observer
tarkkailijan osalta .
For the present
need to proceed by
that as insectivorous primates radiated within the forest they took to fruit-eating and became diurnal
että kun hyönteisiä syövät kädelliset levisivät metsään, ne muuttuivat hedelmiä syöviksi päiväeläjiksi .
When a routine problem arises he perhaps assembles the information and pursues
to the conclusion almost as tidily as he would on paper.
From this sharply drawn difference
Tämän terävästi tehdyn erottelun perusteella Goody and Watt
Goody ja Watt draw all their
concerning the thought process, cognitive skills and social achievements of the two kinds of societies
koskien ajatteluprosessia, kognitiivisia taitoja ja sosiaalisia saavutuksia kahdessa erilaisessa yhteisössä .
are thus made
from descriptions
kuvailujen perusteella .
human readers
ihmislukijat are able to make a multitude of
about the sentences within a discourse
virkkeistä diskurssin sisällä .
Journalistista speculation and
about official statements
virallisista lausunnoista are not protected.
The necessary
from such a principle as his
sellaisesta periaatteesta kuin hänen omansa is
that the interpreters of law should be the.ones to define the rights of individuals and to trace the bounds of legitimate government over them
että lain tulkitsijoiden tulisi olla niitä, jotka määrittävät yksilöiden oikeudet ja selvittävät niiden lainmukaisen hallinnan rajat .
This presents more difficulties for
has to do a great deal of interpretation in order to make
from what people actually do
ihmisten toiminnan perusteella to their motivations for doing it
toiminnan motivaatioista .
Old-fashioned nationalists and Thatcherites
Vanhanaikaiset nationalistit ja thatcheristit may draw the triumphant
that the Gulf war has exposed the futility of the Community's foreign policy ambitions
että Persianlahden sota on tuonut ilmi yhteisön ulkopoliittisten päämäärien hyödyttömyyden .
that Cheshire and Merseyside `decision makers ``might influence your strategy
että Cheshiren ja Merseysiden "päättäjät" voivat vaikuttaa strategiaasi, is palpable nonsense.
really need to go so far
He thought that
about preaching
saarnaamisesta from this experience
tämän kokemuksen myötä .
about coaching sprinters
pikajuoksijoiden valmentamisesta by reading this book
lukemalla tämän kirjan than I have in the past 30 years in the sport
kuin viimeisten 30 vuoden aikana lajin parissa .
regarding being prepared
ottaen huomioon valmistautumisensa from the previous Friday night
edellisestä perjantai-illasta .
through playing with dominoes or measuring the size of rooms
pelaamalla dominopalikoilla tai mittaamalla huoneiden kokoa , she says.
Henri, born in 1767
Henri, syntynyt vuonna 1767 , was actively employed during the Terror,
by constantly helping his father on the scaffold
auttamalla jatkuvasti isäänsä mestauslavalla , as did their younger son Gabriel.
, ``she said.
I was aware of the enormous distances, especially for those in the West, although
simply be being there
vain olemalla paikalla .
Another way of
by direct association
suoralla assosiaatiolla is to participate in local activities, and find out the names of objects, actions, processes, etc., ``on the job.
Long before going solo
by heart.
by word of mouth
suullisesti , of course.
his surveying skills
selviämistaitonsa from the land surveyor, Thomas Clerke, to whom he was assistant by 1589, and possibly in 1587, and continued as such until Clerke's death in 1602
maanmittari Thomas Clerkeltä, jonka assistenttina hän oli vuodesta 1589, ja mahdollisesti myös vuonna 1587, aina Clerken kuolemaan saakka vuonna 1602 .
There's hundreds of variations you can come up with, but one thing that influenced me
on the Middlesbrough club scene where he had to be a little tougher to survive the wisecracks
Middlesbrough'n klubipiireissä, jossa hänen täytyi olla hieman kovempi selvitäkseen herjoista , but he comes across as unfriendly on television, ``he said.
The criteria of sex are
Seksin kriteerejä on ,
; and none of them itself is definitive.
do want
about its capabilities and applications
sen mahdollisuuksista ja sovelluksista ,
partly from user experience
osaksi käyttäjäkokemusten perusteella , design changes are required to exploit the findings and cater for individual user needs.
Abilities are inherited;
capacities or aptitudes
pystyvyys tai kyvykkyys .
True relaxation is
something which
jotain, jonka -- although, like anything worth having, it does take a little practice.
by comparing one system with another
vertailemalla yhtä järjestelmää toiseen ?
At the end of the tour
more than 150 pages of rewritten script
yli 150-sivuinen uudelleen kirjoitettu käsikirjoitus had had
Area training will then involve
about managing a local bureau
paikallistoimiston johtamista .
He'd always wanted to be a blacksmith and
by doing the job
tekemällä työtä .
from looking so closely at the actor on stage, TV and cinema
seuraamalla niin läheltä näyttelijää näyttämöllä, televisiossa ja elokuvateatterissa ?
So do please tell me,
just what marvellous things
mitä upeaa might
from observing your father
tarkkailemalla isääsi ?
's gone about it quietly, just plugging away and
from watching others
katselemalla muita .
The first thing
Ensimmäinen asia, mitä in running the Grand Canyon
juoksemisesta Grand Canyonilla, are The Rules.
in competing with men for recognition and promotion to suppress any signs of feminine `weakness ``
kilpailemaan miesten kanssa tunnistaen kaikki naiselliset "heikkouden" merkit ja edistäen niiden poistamista .
It was a competition to test
in dealing with real road accidents
hoitaessaan todellisia tieliikenneonnettomuuksia .
more effectively
through identifying the particular needs and problems of each patient
tunnistamalla kunkin potilaan erityiset tarpeet ja ongelmat .
As with the coursebooks, the video aims to encourage
through thinking and doing
ajattelemalla ja tekemällä .
Amnesty International says
of `only a fraction ``of the cases in which people were imprisoned for their beliefs
"vain murto-osan" tapauksista, joissa ihmisiä on vangittu heidän vakaumustensa vuoksi .
Antropologit usually spend some years
about the cultures of `their ``people
"oman" kansansa kulttuuria by living with them
asumalla heidän kanssa .
There is still
about this family of chemicals
tästä kemikaaliperheestä, and it is obviously prudent to reduce the levels wherever practicable to do so.
We are aware that
many employees
monet työntekijät are interested
about what Wood Group companies do and where they are located
mitä Wood Group -yritykset tekevät ja missä ne sijaitsevat .
In the next few days
about the Zoo in which he was now imprisoned
eläintarhasta, johon hänet oli vangittu .
There is no doubt that
than by precept
kuin havainnosta , and therefore that teachers have a continuous obligation to behave well themselves.
to control the tools he uses and the media that he works in
hallitsemaan työkaluja, joita hän käyttää, ja välineitä, joilla hän työskentelee .
from failure
epäonnistumisesta and gets his team to learn too.
The details
Yksityiskohdat, jotka tomorrow
of the change in the royal fortunes
kuninkaallisen omaisuuden muutoksesta .
Angela Cartwright
Angela Cartwright of his humiliation
miehen nöyryytyksestä soon enough.
only through other people
vain muilta ihmisiltä .
, I would understand it less had you refused.
`One of
the things
asioista, joita in an exercise like that
tällaisessa harjoituksessa is that the odds are stacked very much against the aggressor.
They sang
It turns out that like the vervets,
to whom they should respond
kenelle heidän tulisi vastata .
Because progress in
is continuous but uneven, the definition of the different levels of attainment must in certain respects be a matter of judgement.
The view that
how to behave
käyttäytymään and reflect back to the public the image that has been created for them is not really borne out in personal interviews.
She had meant to try, although
where Georgie might be found
mistä Georgie voisi löytyä and was rather more interested in seeing what one of Crystal's lovers looked like.
Go over it aloud and
what it's about
mistä on kyse before the lesson.
that her name was Sophie
että hänen nimensä oli Sophie .
her daughter
hänen tyttärensä the hard way as she had done.
I don't know why
to write your precious words
kirjoittamaan arvokkaita sanojasi .
I'm much more confident about my ability and
, too, aren't you?
It is called `chi kung ``and is a method for
to breathe correctly
hengittämään oikein .
I guess
just have
to live with people taking pot-shots at us
elämään ihmisten kanssa, jotka arvostelevat meitä .
to speak and understand speech
puhumaan ja ymmärtämään puhetta first and without the formal instruction needed when learning to read and write.
Competition between rival travel companies has always been intense and one of the reasons for Thomas Cook's early success
oivalluksensa, that marketing was very important
että markkinointi oli hyvin tärkeää .
Later still,
was confirmed for me when I read the following statement from one of Bruch's patients: `I am completely isolated, I sit in a glass sphere.
Many man-haters, in my experience, come fresh from a traumatic relationship with a man, or a recent
about men
miehiä koskevasta .
This will be forthcoming only if there is full discussion between the universities and all concerned with the pre-registration year, and a
of the importance of the year to the young doctor
koskien vuoden tärkeyttä nuorelle tohtorille .
With the greater
by the customers
asiakkaiden of the new Opening Hours
uusista aukioloajoista , customer service is undoubtedly suffering:
Wrangles with the Comintern continued, despite the growing
oivalluksesta, by Communists
kommunistien that genuine Fascism had rendered the concept of ``Social Fascism out of date
että aito fasismi oli julistanut "sosiaalisen fasismin" vanhentuneeksi .
He was nervous and uneasy, his pale cheeks unnaturally flushed, shocked with the
of what he had done
mitä hän oli tehnyt .
The rise of public concern about the environment has done most to hasten a
among Conservatives
konservatiivien keskuudessa that Thatcherism has its limitations
että thatcherismilla on omat rajoituksensa .
Flattery conceals greed, and marriage will bring a hard
to women who readily believe the compliments of their suitors or, indeed, their promises of fidelity
naisille, jotka auliisti uskovat kosijoidensa kohteliaisuudet tai vieläpä heidän lupauksensa uskollisuudesta .
The breakthrough was inspired by belated
on the part of Pretoria and the ANC
Pretorian ja ANC:n that unless they made rapid progress what is left of the South African economy would be wrecked
että jos he eivät saisi aikaan nopeaa kehitystä, se, mitä Etelä-Afrikan taloudesta on jäljellä, tuhoutuisi .
Nothing cures insomnia like the
that it's time to get up
että on aika nousta ylös .