Flowers, exquisitely perfumed and graced with a multitude of colours and shapes, bloomed long before
Their flowers
Niiden kukkia over several weeks
useiden viikkojen ajan and are at all times most striking and handsome.
in late summer
loppukesästä , are long lasting and may be dried for indoor display.
Glistening white flowers tinged with pink
Kimaltavan valkoisia, vaaleanpunaiseen taittuvia kukkia during April and May
huhti-toukokuussa .
Potentilla `Melton Fire ``Hardy perennial spreading shrub, with
large bi-coloured strawberry-red and lemon flowers
suuria kaksivärisiä, mansikanpunaisia ja sitruunankeltaisia kukkia through the whole of the summer
koko kesän .
The classic occasion when
Klassinen tilanne, jossa is when people move home at retirement then have to think again.
`The problem is that when
, everyone is trying to see what advantages they can get from it.
In his vision
and delivered the old promises made to Abraham and Isaac.
Gods and goddesses
Jumalat ja jumalattaret in the form of boulders, trees, birds, snakes, or pillars
kalliopaasina, puina, lintuina, käärmeinä tai pylväinä , but we can be sure that an appearance in human form had the greatest emotional impact.
to broach the question of Herr Beethoven's new opera.
The reason is of course that that is where
the opportunities
mahdollisuuksia through the planning process
suunnitteluprosessin aikana .
Several major problems
Useita suuria ongelmia in recent weeks
viime viikkoina but most have been overcome.
because of that unrealistic expectation
epärealistisen odotuksen vuoksi .
, however,
when speech is being recorded
kun puhetta tallennetaan .
While the ecclesiastical commission was deliberating, the government put its mind to resolving
the complex set of problems which
monimutkaisen ongelmavyyhdin, joka in the universities
yliopistoissa .
Shortly after I arrived
Pian saapumiseni jälkeen , there
a new topic for conversation
uusi keskustelunaihe .
Out of the contrast between author and subject
Tekijän ja aiheen välisestä kontrastista there
a fine tension
hienoinen jännite .
the belief that speech is always represented in the hemisphere opposite the preferred hand
uskomus, että puhe ilmenee vastakkaisella aivopuoliskolla kuin ensisijainen käsi .
As the memorandum was written,
serious concerns
vakavaa huolestuneisuutta, about whether the child's interests would paramount
onko lapsen etu asetettu etusijalle .
Although the case did not succeed, it illustrates how American lawyers will contrive to have
from aircraft accidents anywhere in the world
kaikkialla maailmassa tapahtuvista lentokoneonnettomuuksista heard in a US court.
from previous minutes
edellisiltä minuuteilta .
Social groups, or cliques, may act collectively for or against the interests of their company;
the like-mindedness which
kuten samanmielisyys, joka in all members of the group
ryhmän kaikkien jäsenten kesken, strengthens their collective attitudes or actions.
The current research looks at
more detailed issues
yksityiskohtaisempia aiheita, jotka in the selection of samples for telephone surveys
puhelinkyselyjen otannan valinnassa .
The DSS has a statutory duty to pay benefits of a given level approved by Parliament regardless of
the level of sickness or unemployment that
sairauden tasosta tai työttömyydestä, joka in any one year
minä tahansa vuonna .
The original surplus of £200m
Alkuperäinen 200 miljoonan punnan ylijäämä on 31 March 1989
31. maaliskuuta 1989 .
out of incidents in the town
kaupungissa sattuneista tapahtumista on Thursday when the bodies of two women, one in her fifties and one in her thirties were found in a house
torstaina, jolloin talosta löytyi kahden naisen ruumiit, toinen viisissäkymmenissä ja toinen kolmissakymmenissä .
between the seller and the buyer
myyjän ja ostajan välillä , the matter should be referred to a mutually agreed Queen's Counsel [a senior lawyer] whose decision would be binding.
could be thought
of whether they are seeking revenge
pyrkivätkö he kostamaan .
Scientific fears are based mainly on
suggested risks which
väitettyihin riskeihin, joita from releasing new organisms into the environment
uusien organismien päästämisestä ympäristöön , whether they are plants, animals, bacteria or viruses.
We know that
, so it can't be all that improbable.
Will the Secretary of State explain to the House
the confusion that
sekaannuksen, joka yesterday following the Prime Minister's statement on the United Nations meeting
eilen pääministerin lausunnon jälkeen Yhdistyneiden Kansakuntien kokouksessa ?
What if
a mutant gene
mutanttigeeni that just happened to have an effect, not upon something obvious like eye colour or curliness of hair, but upon meiosis itself?
whether it is really necessary to attach AIB to any particular government department
onko todella tarpeellista liittää AIB johonkin tiettyyn hallituksen osastoon .
between mother and son
Äidin ja pojan välille about a rock concert which Fabian desperately wants to go to.
The background indicated that previously she had lived with her youngest son for seven years; over time,
with the daughter-in-law
miniän kanssa .
The researchers showed
when the function of oncogenes is disturbed and cells grow without control
kun syöpägeenien toiminta häiriintyy ja solut kasvavat hallitsemattomasti , the Karolinska Institute said.
If the scientists are right, then a major clue about how
has been found.
`We may do the odd Christmas special, but as far as series go, this is it, ``says Harry, who doesn't believe in letting
The Constantinople Protocol of 1913 was an attempt by Britain and Russia to overcome
the problem that
ongelma, joka .
A strong coalition
Vahva koalitio against Henry, including Rainald, Albrecht the Bear, the Landgraf Ludwig of Thuringia, and many lesser vassals from Saxony, Thuringia and Hessen
Henryä vastaan, ja mukana oli Rainald, Albrecht Karhu, Landgraf Ludwig Thüringenistä ja monia vähäisempiä vasalleja Saksista, Thüringenistä ja Hessestä .
A fear of intimacy
Läheisyyden pelosta from a fear of dependency
riippuvuuden pelko .
The bushy plants
Tuuheat kasvit from fleshy, stout rootstock
rehevistä, vankoista juurakoista .
In such conditions,
a brown forest soil
ruskeaa metsämaata seems
from late glacial times through to the Bronze Age
myöhäiseltä jääkaudelta pronssikaudelle .
Berkeley's philosophy marks the turn of the tide against
the world picture which
maailmakuvaa, joka in the seventeenth century
1600-luvulla , and which had reached one of its classical expositions in Locke's Essay.
Usually within a week of contracting the disease,
on the genitalia
genitaaleissa .
Such migrations
Kyseisiä muuttoliikkeitä on the Hungarian plains
Unkarin tasangoilla from the 1850s
1850-luvulta lähtien .
The bungalow was small, set back from the road which was becoming busier by the month as
the nuclear plant
ydinvoimala on the west coast
länsirannikolle and bigger and bigger lorries went to it.
What had started out as a localized punch-up
Se, mikä oli alkanut paikallisena nyrkkitappeluna ,
into wholesale slaughter
laajamittaiseksi verilöylyksi .
It takes into account that modern cities have grown from several points, not one and because of this growth and the resulting congestion in the city itself,
these nuclei
näiden ytimien out of town shopping centres
ostoskeskuksiksi kaupungin ulkopuolelle .
If a period has been missed and there is a possibility of pregnancy when
severe or unusual pains
kovaa tai epätavallista kipua with or without any blood flow
verenvuodon yhteydessä tai ilman sitä .
There does not seem to be a constant period before
, and in some people, infection estimated to have lasted for more than eight years has not resulted in illness.
The company says it has no intention of replacing the suspect part before operation but it will take remedial action if
It must allow plenty of ventilation or
the condensation that
kondenssivesi, jota inside the tank
säiliön sisällä could not only encourage the spread of disease but also, in extreme cases, drown the caterpillars.
kondensoitumista at the top of the bottle
pullon yläosaan in a few days
muutamassa päivässä , add a little more water.
Peter Coney, of the University of Arizona suspects that
along the edge of a plate
laatan reunaa pitkin , as traditional plate tectonics would suggest, but within it.
The Lewisian rocks
Lewisin kalliot during the late Archaean -- early Proterozoic eras
myöhäisellä arkeeisella -- varhaisella proterotsooisella kaudella , roughly indicating a time span of from c. 2800 m.y.
near the sea
meren lähellä, when salts are blown inland from spray in summer
kun tuuli kuljettaa sumun mukana suoloja sisämaahan kesällä , or in salt-laden snow lifted from sea ice in winter.
will tend
from a mound of sand
hiekkakasasta , the development envisaged by Bagnold being as follows.
from the cut veins
leikatuista suonista in about four to six months
noin 4 - 6 kuukaudessa .
The Newcastle foursome
Newcastlen nelinpeli in mid-1990
1990-luvun puolivälissä , a product of college tedium.
on his lips
hänen huulilleen .
She adjusted the scarf to cover
on her neck
hänen kaulaansa .
Entering Corlu it is apparent that the street traders have already reserved their pitches, and
outside the baker's shop
leipomon ulkopuolelle .
Juliet noticed he too had small spots around his nose and mouth, and
The religious community that
Uskonnollinen yhteisö, joka was at its apogee in the twelfth century, when the present church was begun.
Suddenly I remembered my weekly shower and hurried to join
the ragged party which
rähjäiseen ryhmään, joka .
Demand can not be measured or estimated, but
materialisoituu, if a suitable product and marketing mix are introduced
jos esitellään sopiva yhdistelmä tuotetta ja markkinointia .
The architecture I sought
Etsimäni arkkitehtuuri never
materialisoitunut in any of my compositions
missään minun teoksistani .
The paper had to wait, It announced, `until
our much talked about `profits ``
paljon puhutut "tuottomme" materialize
materialisoituvat in the form of hard cash
kovana käteisenä .
Which benefits (efficiency, effectiveness, human factors)
Mitkä hyödyt (tehokkuus, vaikuttavuus, inhimilliset tekijät) materialise
materialisoituvat in the implementation process
käyttöönottoprosessissa ?
her thoughts
hänen ajatuksensa materialised
materialisoituivat, as David came into the room
kun David saapui huoneeseen , bringing a cold blast of air from the outer hallway.
The Government may, one assumes, be particularly grateful for the fact that
the question of the future of Scottish regiments
kysymys skotlantilaisten hallituksen tulevaisuudesta failed
as an election issue
vaalien aiheena north of the border
rajan pohjoispuolella .
On the grassland, now thoroughly moistened
Nyt läpikotaisin kastuneilla ruohotasangoilla ,
patches and rings of darker green grass that may be signs of underground fungal growth
tummemman vihreitä ruohopalstoja, jotka voivat olla merkkejä maanalaisesta sienikasvustosta, like watermarks.
these costs
nämä kustannukset , there remain the political risks associated with the controversial nature of the technology.
Fearful that sources of business were drying up, they rushed to do deals with tied agents --
20,000 firms
20 000 yritystä almost overnight
melkeinpä yhdessä yössä .
They think they can distribute pamphlets and gold and
a vast army of monarchists
laaja monarkistien armeija .
Another and equally disconcerting presence
Toinen ja yhtä huolestuttava läsnäolo materialized
materialisoitunut -- one which she had attempted to diminish some time ago and send packing from her thoughts.