The very phrase `the Ulster people ``refers to
originally set up the true faith in Ireland and
began to haul themselves out
and become
the first back-boned creatures
ensimmäisiä selkärangallisia luontokappaleita .
After the failure of the Crusades
Ristiretkien epäonnistuttua the crusading orders
ristiretkiä tekevät luokat conquered and
Slav lands east of the Oder
slaavimaat Oderin itäpuolelta .
I am heartily sick of reading letters in Points of View from folk whingeing on and on about how nasty the English are and how
We were told in terms that it was a veritable tyranny --
and no roof beam in Scotland was free from this plague.
had come over
most of Galloway, Kintyre and Arran
suuren osan Gallowaysta, Kintyrestä ja Arranista .
The Faroe Islands
Färsaaret ,
halfway between Scotland and Iceland in the stormy North Atlantic Ocean
puolivälissä Skotlannista ja Islannista myrskyisällä Atlantin valtamerellä ,
some 1000 years ago
noin 1 000 vuotta sitten .
When sufficient deposition has occurred
Kun on tapahtunut riittävästi kerrostumista, by various types of salt-loving, or halophytic, vegetation
monenlainen suolaa rakastava, halofyyttinen kasvillisuus .
The RSPB is concerned that persecution may be preventing
in greater numbers.
At the end of the eighth century
700-luvun lopulla most of the area of present-day Yugoslavia south of the Sava-Danube line
suurimman osan nykyisen Jugoslavian Sava-Danube-linjan eteläisestä alueesta by Slav tribes
slaavilaisheimot , whose influence also extended into Albania and central Greece.
The most advanced northern soils are arctic brown soils, which form on
damp but well-drained open slopes
kosteilla mutta hyvin kuivuvilla avoimilla rinteillä by flowering plants
kukkivien kasvien .
By AD 500, there were probably bananas in Madagascar, imported from Asia, though some authorities believe
was not in effect
until 500 years after that
kuin vasta 500 vuotta sen jälkeen .
Vascular access may increase the risk of infection but
are not usually
eivät tavallisesti originating in the gut
suolistosta peräisin olevat .
After the war
Sodan jälkeen ,
the succession of plants and animals that
kasvien ja eläinten vallanperimys these newly wasted sites
juuri autioituneita paikkoja was studied in detail by the London Natural History society (LNHS).
by Anglo Saxons
Anglosaksien and known also to the Romans, this agriculturally rich marshland was a tempting site to be invaded by the Vikings and the Danes.
The Broadisland Gathering is turning the clock back to
the early 1600s
1600-luvun alkuun, when
by Scots Lowlanders
skottilaisten alamaalaisten .
all the villages
kaikki kylät by the Old English
muinaisenglantilaisten is much more doubtful.
By contrast
the prehistoric men
esihistorialliset ihmiset in the most fertile and advantageous areas of the country
maan kaikkein hedelmällisimmät ja hyödyllisimmät alueet and did not have to fear more technologically advanced enemies.
originated in the northern parts of England
olivat lähtöisin Englannin pohjoisosista but
in the area that is now Ayrshire and Renfrewshire
alueelle, joka tunnetaan nykyään Ayrshirenä ja Renfrewshirenä .
a mixed bag of cossacks, exiles and peasants
sekoitus kasakkoja, maanpakolaisia ja maalaisia , and as the natives became pacified so the military flavour declined.
were a ferocious tribe of Orangemen
olivat alkukantainen oranialaisheimo from the County Down
County Downista who
he and Rosellina
hän ja Rosellina , where he worked for Picture Post and The Observer.
The story of the Hebrews is of
a nomadic tribal people who
paimentolaisheimokansasta, joka the Holy Land
Pyhään Maahan --
a depopulated fertile agricultural area
autioituneelle, hedelmälliselle maatalousalueelle .
1,150 people from the colony
1 150 ihmistä entisistä siirtomaista , in 1987 the number was 920, and only 860 in 1986.
It was evacuated by Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge in 1974 and when it was safe to return,
anywhere they could
mihin pystyivät .
After World War II
Toisen maailmansodan jälkeen many Filipinos
monet filippiiniläiset emigrated to the United States and
in and around Stockton in southern California
Stocktoniin ja sen liepeille eteläiseen Kaliforniaan .
Thousands of Italians
Tuhannet italialaiset in the North-East
koilliseen over the last hundred years.