- One possibility is that studies report different estimates of the single true relationship between a given pollutant and a health effect due to differences in study design, randomchancesattuman,, or other factors.
- Bayoumi's version can be challenged as well, since the mosque is close to the restaurant and Bayoumi had visited it, and the surrounding area, on multiple occasions, including twice within six weeks of February 1. We do not know whetherthe lunch encounterlounastapaaminenoccurred bychancesattumaltaor design.
- The bargains or at least more authentic and tasteful products are to be found far from these main tourist centers, in artisans' workshops on the Giudecca, in the Dorsoduro behind the Zattere — to be hunted down orstumbled upontörmätäbychancesattumalta.
- As stated previously,the selection of differentially expressed geneserilailla ilmenevien geenien valintais essentially a search for outliers, i.e. gene data lying outside some standard distribution of differences relative to a control state, andwhichjotacan not be ascribed tochancesattumanor natural variabilty.
- In the very offchancesattuisi,that you come across archaeological finds such as ancient anchorsettä löydät sattumalta arkeologisia löydöksiä, kuten muinaisia ankkureita, wine-jars, even sculpture, they must be reported to local municipal authorities.
- Itwas simply a happyoli yksinkertaisesti iloinencoincidenceyhteensattuma,that it sounded like an insultettä se kuulosti loukkaukselta!
- Robert himself had been born in Dundee in Scotland, and by a strangecoincidenceyhteensattumastaElla was also born in Dundeemyös Ella syntyi Dundeessa, several thousand miles awayin New South Wales, AustraliaAustralian New South Walesissa.
- I forgot all about Svetlana until1989vuonna 1989when a remarkablecoincidenceyhteensattumabrought us together againtoi meidät taas yhteen.
- Itwas just a curiousoli vain kummallinencoincidenceyhteensattuma,that Hatton had been killedettä Hatton oli tapettuon the day following that of Mrs Fanshawe's regaining consciousnessseuraavana päivänä siitä, kun rouva Fanshawe palasi tajuihinsa.
- The man who will have to answer these questions, the new environment Secretary John Gummer, was visiting CheltenhamMies, jonka täytyy vastata näihin kysymyksiin, uusi ympäristöministeri John Gummer, oli vierailulla Cheltenhamissatodaytänäänbycoincidencesattumalta.
- Isn't it, perhaps, a notable historicalcoincidenceyhteensattuma,that the greatest European novelist of the nineteenth century should be introducedettä 1800-luvun tunnetuin eurooppalainen romaanikirjailija esiteltäisiinat the PyramidsPyramideillato one of the twentieth century's most notorious fictional charactersyhdelle 1900-luvun pahamaineisimmista fiktiohahmoista?
- They were still at Demerara two weeks later when the cook was drowned;the next dayseuraavana päivänä-- by ominouscoincidenceyhteensattumanaor not --John Saula, the man from `Zamalia ``was thrown into prisonJohn Saula, mies "Zamaliasta" pantiin vankilaan.
- Had he known all along or was it just acoincidenceyhteensattuma,that he had been sent by Poskonov to this bank firstettä Poskonov oli lähettänyt hänen ensin tähän pankkiin?
- Devotees of Pevsner know, on opening a volume of The Buildings of England, to look for the section headed `Perambulation ``forwhichever town or village in which theysiinä kaupungissa tai kylässä, mistä hehappensattuvatto find themselveslöytämään itsensä.
- `To howl down a man just becausehehänhappenssattuuto be out of formolemaan huonossa vedossaone dayyhtenä päivänäis often sufficient to discourage him for all time, ``he told the Yorkshire Evening Post.
- Come to think of it, that bloody M.O. gives me some very strange looks whenwemehappensattumaltato meetkohtaamme.
- `WemehappenedSatuimmeto be in the same place at the same timeolemaan samassa paikassa samaan aikaana couple of months agomuutama kuukausi sitten, ``she replied, terse and offhand.
- IthappenedSattumaltathat on that same night Leith had invited Rosemary to suppersamana iltana Leith oli kutsunut Rosemaryn illalliselle.