This refers to
the professionals and white-collar workers whose earnings
ammattilaisiin ja valkokaulustyöläisiin, joiden ansiotulot to their skills and qualifications rather than capitalist ventures
heidän taitoihinsa ja tutkintoihinsa pääomasijoitusten sijaan .
So it was from the early 1960s that
erottamattomasti to its growing success
sen kasvavaan menestykseen .
This deficiency
Tämä puute in some way
jollakin tavalla to the death of nerve cells that arise in the forebrain and connect to many regions of the cerebral cortex
niiden hermosolujen tuhoutumiseen, jotka syntyvät etuaivoissa ja jatkuvat monille aivokuoren alueille .
What constitutes their meat, however, differs and
to their perceptions of the environment
niiden käsitykseen ympäristöstä .
is often not only
ei usein pelkästään with our emotions
tunteisiimme but also distorted by them.
The sea otter's ability to carry, hold and manipulate stone tools
Merisaukon kyky kantaa, säilyttää ja käyttää kivityökaluja with two special adaptations
kahteen erityiseen adaptaatioon .
Even though most women know that
smoking in pregnancy
tupakointi raskausaikana is bad for their baby's health, being
on huonoksi heidän vauvansa terveydelle with low birthweight, premature birth and miscarriage
alhaiseen syntymäpainoon, ennenaikaiseen syntymään ja keskenmenoon , 25 per cent of pregnant women carry on smoking.
We are all familiar with the way in which our sense of smell (and therefore taste, for
liittyvät toisiinsa ) is impaired when we have a heavy cold.
Our integrity as researchers and the integrity of our research
Meidän tinkimättömyytemme tutkijoina ja tutkimuksemme tinkimättömyys linked
liittyvät toisiinsa .
Social mobility
Sosiaalinen liikkuvuus , therefore,
to spatial mobility
paikkaliikkuvuuteen .
Of course, there is considerable overlap between these and
olennaisesti to the nature of society
yhteisön luonteeseen .
Centralization and bureaucratization
Keskittäminen ja byrokratisoituminen historically
historiallisesti to the growth of a monetized economy, which provided the fiscal resources for the rise of absolutist states in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Europe
rahatalouden kasvuun, joka tarjosi fiskaaliset resurssit absolutististen valtioiden nousuun 1600- ja 1700-lukujen Euroopassa .
For Dunning and colleagues
Dunningille kollegoineen ,
the aggressive predisposition of these youths
näiden nuorten aggressiivinen taipumus to a socialisation process known as the sociogenesis of masculine aggression
sosiaalistumisprosessiin, joka tunnetaan maskuliinisen aggression sosiogeneesinä .
Many women of a previous generation, in which
sex and reproduction
seksi ja lisääntyminen were seen as inevitably
, believed that sex stopped -- or at all events should stop -- with the ``change of life.
The events in Spain
Tapahtumat Espanjassa in Nizan's psyche
Nizanin mielessä to the global outcome on the international scene
yleismaailmalliseen seuraukseen kansainvälisellä tapahtumapaikalla .
On a
, you will I am sure, have read of the Home Office sponsored report on voluntary organisations or charities published last week.
toisiinsa liittyvät subjects of ethology and sociobiology
oppiaineet etologia ja sosiobiologia are cases in point.
parasite Paracooperia nodulosa
loinen Paracooperia nodulosa is responsible for a severe nodular enteritis in buffaloes in Asia, Africa and South America.
can be joined by grafting part of one (the scion) on top of another (stock or rootstock) to produce an artificial plant with the virtues of both.
Spinoza's ethics
Spinozan etiikka to his metaphysical views
hänen metafyysisiin näkemyksiinsä .
Accident estimates and risk ratings
Onnettomuusarvioita ja riskiluokituksia for individual subjects
yksittäisiin kohteisiin .
The results of Box and Hale show that for post-war England and Wales,
unemployment and imprisonment
työttömyys ja vankeusrangaistus even after allowing for variations in other factors
jopa sallittaessa variaatioita muissa tekijöissä .
to the independence of the universities and their fears about central control
Yliopistojen riippumattomuuteen ja niiden keskitetyn ohjauksen pelkoihin is the whole question of academic freedom and the importance attached to tenure.
Over the next few years increasing numbers of parents will die of
and many healthy children will suffer the death of one or both parents.
the AIDS problem
AIDS-ongelma is largely
with HIV spreading rapidly through the communal use of syringes and needles during the mid 1980s.
He made
fourteen suggestions
neljätoista ehdotusta to the recruitment and deployment of teachers
opettajien rekrytointiin ja sijoitteluun .
Overall survival
Kokonaisuudessaan eloonjääneitä was 54% (67) at three months and 34% (42) at two years and
merkittävästi .
Whether these individuals have
sclerosing cholangitis
sklerosoivaa kolangiittia is unknown.
Suoriutumiseen , at the moment, applies only to senior managers.
In view of these discrepant results it seems unlikely that coexisting HBV infection plays a significant role in the aetiopathogenesis of
liver damage
maksavauriossa , at least in areas of low HBV prevalence such as Britain.
The method of goal planning we will present here may be particularly helpful for clients with
Enterprise Ulster provides training and
for long term unemployed adults.
The incidence of colonic adenoma and carcinoma
Paksusuolen adenooman ja karsinooman esiintyvyyden has been shown to be
Carpet manufacture and
had been the major provider of employment in the area up until the late 1960s.
The early and later work of Bernstein is obviously important here, but some attention should be given also to the work of U.S. investigators in
Indeed, particularly in the humanities, and perhaps in the social sciences and in
ammatillisesti related
asiaan liittyvillä , it will be a substantial work of research when considered against any criterion.
Consider the
concept of `good ``
"hyvän" käsitettä as an illustration.
by definition
määritelmältään to an existing settlement
olemassa olevaan asutusalueeseen , it is not in the greenbelt, it must be in the countryside.
The colour of amber
Meripihkan väri -- darker amber is usually older.
Many detailed studies have been carried out on the nature of the consumption relationship and all seem to agree that,
for the community as a whole
yhteisölle kokonaisuudessaan ,
in some way
jollakin tavalla .
Weiner stated that
to internal and controllable attributions for negative events
negatiivisten tapahtumien sisäisiin ja kontrolloitaviin attribuutioihin .
The E.coli rRNA promoters are also salt sensitive (8),
something that
jotakin, joka is also probably
todennäköisesti myös with the instability of the open complexes
avointen kompleksien epästabiiliuteen and that is also characteristic of φ29 P A2b promoter.
It has been considered that the simultaneous presence of ultradian and daily rhythms suggests that
liittyvät toisiinsa in some way
jollakin tavalla and possibly all come from the same body clock.
In this case
Tässä tapauksessa ,
the test factor
testattava tekijä to both the variables
molempiin muuttujiin .
The frequency with which marriages dissolve
Avioliittojen purkautumisen yleisyys to the way married couples -- and the family -- are integrated socially
tapaan, jolla avioituneet parit -- ja perheet -- ovat sosiaalisesti sopeutuneita .