over why my being a girl rather than a boy would make my life so different from my brothers
miksi se, että olin tyttö enkä poika, teki elämästäni niin erilaista veljiini verrattuna ``.
At times
as he thought of the future course of the Reformation.
If criticism gets you down and
tend to
, keeping one of these crystals near you is believed to bring you renewed confidence and a fresh perspective.
I know you're unhappy, but
can't sit indoors and
all day.
It was no use
, but what else could she do?
Ginny left
in front of a game show on television. ('Load of nonsense, ``he always said about television; nonetheless, he liked to have it on.)
`Try not to
on what you've lost
sitä mitä olet menettänyt .
Recession is biting at Softwright Systems, but
Nick Durrant
Nick Durrantilla has no time
He passed the barred windows of Edwin's studio; the only light in the building came from an upstairs room, the living-room, where
was almost certainly sitting and
Economists, the statistics profession, trade unions and Opposition politicians all pledged support for
the idea of a national council which
ideaa kansallisesta neuvostosta, jota is being promoted by eminent statisticians and
by the Royal Statistical Society
Royal Statistical Society .
So it is worth
briefly here
how to write a chase scene or a scene of action, something of course which comes in many other sorts of crime fiction
kuinka kirjoittaa takaa-ajokohtaus tai toimintakohtaus, tietysti jotakin sellaista, mitä ilmenee monessa muunkinlaisessa rikosfiktiossa .
Opposition to
the regulation
säännöstelyyn, jota here was to be expected from property owners … since it intruded on their interests not only directly, but also indirectly through the additional taxation necessary to finance its implementation.
That was
the question
kysymys, jota the Science Programme Committee
Science Programme Committeen yesterday -- and all the indications were in favour of ISO.
I'm 33 now and I can't imagine a time when
The question of the frequency of military use of these ranges
Kysymystä näiden valikoimien sotilaskäytön yleisyyttä is also worth
Where the property is part only of a building
the draftsman
asiakirjojen luonnostelijan whether some further visual description is necessary
olisiko tarkempi visuaalinen kuvaus tarpeen .
the technological issues surrounding multimedia
teknisiä asioita multimedian ympärillä , it may be useful to emphasise a key division in the world of information.
The significance of autonomy is perhaps best illustrated by
its absence
sen puuttumista .
1989) we asked those who had just adopted children whether
would be prepared or willing to accept or
adoption with contact
adoptiota yhteydenpidolla .
new warnings on steroids
uusia varoituksia steroideista …
Apart from the
, it is simply too enervating.
They should continue to seek solutions for the needs of the servide that take into account equality in opportunity and education rather than just short term
Ferguson revealed: `I have been so impressed by Danny's form that
am now giving
about playing him in the League team
hänen peluuttamistaan liigajoukkueessa .
the needs of each occupation
kunkin ammatin tarpeet were taken into
in deciding the precise degree of each core skill required.
Please be on the lookout for talent in your classes and give serious
to auditioning yourself
omaa koe-esiintymistäsi .
went to work on Friday morning having worked until midnight the night before, and giving serious
to finding another job
toisen työpaikan hankkimista .
When selected, the first line of the suspect sentence is reproduced on the screen for identification and
Criteria for granting leave will depend on the nature of the application although
the welfare of the child
lapsen hyvinvoinnin must always be the
täytyy aina olla .
The relationship between signification and subjectivity is very important for some
pohdinnoissa of `race ``and class
rotua ja luokkaa koskevissa (e.g. Spivak 1981, Steedman 1986).
In spite of all this, the design process itself is often thought about and executed without any formal
Clark not only dissents but is hopeful enough to scorn utilitarian
about humane husbandry and so forth
inhimillisestä maataloudesta ja niin edelleen :
And an Association of British Insurers spokesman said: `
's certainly under
by some insurers
jotkut vakuutuksenantajat .
Many of these problems can be overcome given a modicum of sympathy and
by those in authority
vastuunkantajilta but, unfortunately, ignorance of these diseases and their consequences is still widespread, even among health professionals.
And quite a lot of men were emptied off the job for very poor reasons --
had no
for the men themselves
miehiä itseään .
The party considerations, in this as in so many other aspects of local government reorganisation, seemed to have been based more on an assessment of the past rather than on
pohtimiseen for the future
tulevaisuuden .
A key
in this example is
the end-use to which the customer wishes to put the product
lopullinen käyttötarkoitus, johon asiakas toivoo kohdistavansa tuotteen .
The last paragraph introduced the
and leads to this and another important factor of sexual dysfunction -- anger.
VAT on equality monies paid when properties are exchanged is also capable of being treated as
näkökohtana, on which stamp duty is payable
jonka perusteella leimavero on maksettava .
If you are registered as a disabled person,
are entitled to special
from your employer
työnantajaltasi .
The discussion of culture in Raymond Williams' (1983) Towards 2000 has been very important in
pohdinnassani, of where Tyneside is going and where it may be made to go
mihin Tyneside on menossa ja mihin sen voisi laittaa menemään .
Nevertheless there are initial
that all participant observers make to some extent prior to entering and during fieldwork.
Daytime activity concentrates on soaking up the sun by the pool and
mietiskellen at leisure
kaikessa rauhassa, which of Ten Bel's many activities to try next
mitä Ten Belin monista aktiviteeteista kokeilla seuraavaksi .
The idea of standing out there
Ajatus siellä seisoskelusta was too awful
, and the knowledge that the hour would eventually arrive sent me into a state of high anxiety.
In the EC member states agriculture was heavily subsidized through the common agricultural policy, and their reluctance
the phasing out of subsidies
tukiaisten poistamista had deadlocked the GATT talks and threatened a major trade war.
He hopes to bully Mr Kinnock --
such a deal
sellaista sopimusta is absolute -- into establishing PR for ever, something for which only a fifth of the electorate will have voted.
I can only add that
the abolition of free eye tests
ilmaisten silmäkokeiden lakkauttaminen is the worst false economy imaginable, and
by such a short-sighted Government
lyhytnäköinen hallitus .
No legal change in priority
Mitään laillista prioriteettimuutosta , so that drivers may continue to assume dominance over foot traffic in housing areas.
didn't want
what he smelt like
miltä hän haisi .
The sketch was one where he played
how different life might have been had there not been a world war
kuinka erilaista elämä olisi voinut olla, jos maailmansotaa ei olisi käyty .
They were silent for a moment,
what it must be like to be entirely alone in the world
millaista olisi olla täysin yksin maailmassa , then, as a sudden thought hit her she glanced up.
It was degrading even
that she would feel an obligation towards him
että hän tuntisi kiitollisuudenvelkaa miestä kohtaan .
`Like hundreds of thousands of British soldiers in these fields
am trying
That statistic should unsettle
those bankers
niitä pankkiireja, jotka now
putting it on
sen pukemista , but wasn't certain.
They took him back to his own house and shut him upstairs while
sat below and
pohdiskelivat, what to do with him
mitä tekisivät hänen kanssaan .
He thought hard before he spoke, and the parchment brow would slightly corrugate while
The changes that
Muutokset, joita at this point are those that are considered desirable in systems terms, and culturally feasible in light of the prevailing attitudes within the organisation.
A rapidly re-drafted Part III
Nopeasti uudelleen luonnosteltu Osa III was introduced into the House of Lords at the Committee stage, after the summer recess, and
with some speed.
Here we have
140 scientists
140 tutkijaa ,
about 2,000 genes
noin 2 000:ta geeniä .
As so often happened,
too long
about the introduction of her own affairs
omien tekemisiensä esittelemistä , and when she finally found the courage to speak, she chose a bad moment.
ONE of Miami's most racially charged trials in recent years was nearing a climax yesterday, as
on the fate of a Hispanic policeman whose killing of two blacks sparked off rioting in January
latinalaisamerikkalaisen poliisin kohtaloa, jonka suorittama kahden mustaihoisen tappo käy käynnisti mellakan tammikuussa .
It is not necessary
Like the practice of pledging, summoning
conventions of delegates
valtuutettujen kokouksen on public policy
yhteiskuntapolitiikan , especially if they questioned the legitimacy of political institutions, had a radical pedigree.
upon its verdict
päätöstään on April 23.
spoke quietly,
and drank their wine in sips, like dipping birds.
, another thought suddenly struck Huy, and he leant over the edge of the trough, feeling the girl's stomach and breasts.
the ecclesiastical commission
kirkolliskokous , the government put its mind to resolving the complex set of problems which had arisen in the universities.
Balbinder, who had been excluded from all
pohdinnoista about his future
hänen tulevaisuuttaan koskevista , had not seen his new school yet.
The middle of the passage was, however, rather different since it concerned
a motorcyclist's
moottoripyöräilijän about the nature of empiricism
empirismin luonteesta , and it was considerably more difficult to understand.
After a long
, Mr Dodd was cleared of wilfully avoiding tax on the considerable sums of money he had hidden, but had to pay large amounts of tax considered owing, as well as legal costs.
The four-and-a-half page Report was officially the sole product of the
pohdinnoista of fifteen MPs
viidentoista kansanedustajan over forty days.
Political benefits: CMEA affords yet another institution for strengthening the Soviet voice in the
internal policy
sisäisen politiikan of East Europe states
Itä-Euroopan valtioiden .
`But after a long
of all the circumstances
kaikkia olosuhteita , the Board agreed to sanction the contest on the conditions laid down.
Using data from the Science Citation Index, produced by the Institute for Scientific Information in Philadelphia, the NSF produces annual reports that have become indispensable to the US Congress in
pohdinnoissaan on government policy
hallituksen politiikkaa koskevissa .
AS EVERY student knows, affairs with lecturers are as much a part of university life as examination nerves, drunken parties and late night
on the Romantic poets
romanttisen aikakauden runoilijoista .
The Supper Club, as it became known, gained notoriety when secret minutes of
pohdinnoista were left on a Commons photocopier and reported to Kinnock.
More primary-care physicians are the remedy, said Mrs Clinton, echoing a popular theme in
terveydenhuoltoa koskevissa deliberations
mietinnöissä .
Noriega showed no emotion at the verdict reached after five days of
When relations between associated groups and the bureaucracy become `concerted ``-- when group representatives participate in
, regulation and administration -- there can be a loss of group autonomy.
This chapter has so far focused mainly upon south Korea and on the
amerikkalais-neuvostoliittolaisiin deliberations
pohdintoihin upon producing a unified administration
yhtenäisen hallinnon tuottamisesta .
The 15th was an obvious birdie hole but Wadkins thinned his drive and, after much
, decided to lay up rather than go for the carry.
But these are
technical considerations
teknisiä seikkoja, joita not
I don't think Norman would want
, but he deserves our making the imaginative effort to appreciate the scale of those climbs for a man with artificial legs.
need not here
on these matters
näitä asioita .
-- and former triumphs too.
But it's horrid
on these things
näitä asioita where the central effort and basic attitude is so right minded.
Dread on arriving at his own home had become an almost familiar sensation by now, but
didn't pause
If Oliver's fear was slightly more explicit than is common, this was merely because killing people was
fairly frequently and with lively interest.
My result in the afternoon race was the worst of the event as
up the first beat.
Her mind sheered away from
didn't want
before such an idol it appears as if the image takes on the aura of a live human-being.
regularly is probably the simplest way of expanding your consciousness, finding inner peace, and tuning into your higher guidance.
sat down
, with the sacred choral music playing softly in the background.
`In bed all that while,
started thinking on, you know,
for as little as 10-15 minutes each day, you will soon notice the difference it makes, and it will rapidly become a high priority in your life.
In oriental philosophy and religion many
devices like the mandala
kuvioita, kuten mandalaa, are used for
become more proficient in
about the `I and Thou ``
minua ja sinua , so will we find more beauty.
The guru sent
into his hut -- just a small, leaf-covered hut with a narrow door --
on his parents
hänen vanhempiaan .
The guru suggested
This is a day for thinking of the Four Last Things and
After all, as Pasternak said, we are
and thereby create new life.
While doing so,
Skyllias, like all escapers who have been working for the occupation forces
Skyllias, kuten kaikki pakenijat, jotka ovat työskennelleet miehitysjoukoissa , `
before, but had not an opportunity ``.
The Greeks kept control of the dead and wreckage; but they had suffered severely, especially the Athenians, half of whose ships were damaged; and
An increasing number of monasteries and convents offer an eight days' Ignatian retreat where the focus is on
henkilökohtaisessa .
It is probably recontacted in the practices of Yoga and the
mietiskelyissä , and comes to be given an ideational content of a bond with the universe and a sense of `limitlessness ``.
It's a sardonic pilgrim's progress; a furiously
on the corrupt culture of male glory and the parasitical art of the deal
miespuolisen gloorian turmeltuneesta loistosta ja jakamisen loisivasta taiteesta .
This is why
on God's word
Jumalan sanan is of such vital and central significance for our personal and spiritual growth.
Celebrated and little-known
by Donne, Rossetti, Shakespeare, and many others
Donnen, Rossettin, Shakespearen ja monien muiden are coupled with beautiful paintings that prove the power of love to inspire artists, too.
For the next four years a great part of my time was spent in secret
upon this subject
tästä aiheesta , I could not speak to anybody about it for fear of giving pain.
One captive described Joseph as “ Sombre and silent, foreseeing in
possibly the unhappy ending of his campaign …
are interrupted by two figures from his past, who remind him of separate acts of cowardice and inhumanity.
`Devices and Desires ``, a large concrete and plastic excretion, results from
on the saying, `wear your heart on your sleeve
koskien sanontaa tunteiden avoimesta ilmaisemisesta .
Just at this time he was thinking about and drafting
about home, namely the West Country
kodista, nimittäin West Countrysta , in the poem which became East Coker.
on St Bridget
St Bridgetistä were cruelly interrupted by the radio, which bore the news of a policeman shot in Belfast.
In one missing person inquiry she had claimed success because the runaway girl had telephoned home, but no one could prove or disprove that
over a favourite pair of tights
lempisukkahousuista had influenced her.
As it was she stored
in her room.
, ``it said.
That left Pitcher undefeated on 32 and
the Light Blues
Light Bluesin a 133-run defeat that might have been much more comprehensive
133 juoksun tappiota, joka olisi voinut olla paljon murskaavampikin .
It is better by far for
to have a week or so in which
all that has occurred and everything he or she has learnt about the past
kaikkea, mitä on ilmennyt, ja kaikkea, mitä hän on oppinut menneisyydestä .
was pacing back and forth,
what he would say to her
mitä sanoisi naiselle , when the biology student knocked at his door for the loan of a shilling for the gas-meter.
what the object might be
mikä päämäärä voisi olla .
At first
tended to listen and take in what was said in order
in the quiet of her own bed.
In addition, there are also certain to be one or two early mistakes which will need rectifying, and
for next spring's display.
There would be no slipping away here, no going to ground
But when he has gone
buy another whisky, and sit there
on being a crunched-up spring
rikkoutuneena vieterinä olemista .
After dinner Leonora returned to her knitting, glad of its soothing monotony, when
about her background
hänen taustaansa .
climbed out of my hired morning suit,
on everything I'd experienced that eventful day
kaikkea, mitä olin kokenut tuona tapahtumarikkaana päivänä … and fell fast asleep.
I had chosen the right moment, because I found
, not so much irresolute as
on the possibility of being wiped out by `a stray bomb ``
mahdollisuutta tulla satunnaisen pommin pois pyyhkäisemäksi .
on the problems of the world
maailman ongelmia .
In Oz
David Widgery
David Widgery took time off from
on the revolution
vallankumouksen to provide an obituary for Jack Kerouac, one of the people with whom the entire movement had started.
for a second.
pretended not to overhear, but
at the private world of women and the bond that had formed between the two
naisten yksityistä maailmaa ja yhteyttä, joka heidän välilleen oli muodostunut .
of youth, and dreams of fame
nuoruutta ja unelmia kuuluisuudesta ,
lazed variously upon potato sacks, sharing a Woodbine and
upon this and that
sitä sun tätä .
that if the metal was not uniformly heated, upwelling convection cells would form within it
että jos metalli ei kuumentuisi tasaisesti, siinä muodostuisi kumpuavia konvektiosoluja .
Dorothy, 65, of Hinckley, Lincs, is putting the £10,000 in a safe place — the bank, not behind a cushion — while
how to spend it
kuinka kuluttaisi sen .
It is interesting
how the values of planners are formulated with respect to determining aesthetic criteria for decision-making
kuinka suunnittelijoiden arvot muodostuvat päätöksenteon esteettisten kriteerien määrityksen suhteen .
It was
the wrong kind of thought
vääränlainen ajatus when all she wanted was to sleep away her headache and awake refreshed and ready for whatever challenge the next day would offer.
Geoff Tulloch
Geoff Tulloch opening a book on the issue
aiheeseen liittyvän kirjan avaamista .
They were also closely linked, for provoking or allowing the return of Republican ``chaos and, therefore, the disintegration of the nation, was
the ultimate, awful responsibility
äärimmäinen, kamala vastuu by putative dissenters in the Francoist camp
francolaisen leirin putatiivisten toisinajattelijoiden .
His clients
Hänen asiakkaitaan were treated well, and were respected and
He was on the rocky slope he knew already from more than one climb, and somewhere here on these smoother protected faces of rock were
the plans
suunnitelmat, joita had scratched and
so many months ago.
the system of instruction
opetusjärjestelmää further, Hardwick's work continued apace.
swallowed nervously,
as if the fate of the kingdom rested on it
kuin kuningaskunnan kohtalo riippuisi siitä .
then glanced at the pay phone in the corner of the bar.
It is
Michael Joseph
Michael Joseph is likely
long and hard
pitkään ja hartaasti over the weeks to come.
They would be moving, and
, thinking about the gun.
went away,
on my replies
vastauksiani -- but one thing was certain: major changes were in prospect.
over all her actions
kaikkia toimiaan .
And all the time
upon the enigma of Mrs Rumney
rouva Rumneyn enigmaa .
She took herself off for long walks
in the ice and wind and snow.
and then was suddenly alert.
so deeply
niin syvällisesti ?
put the card down, and
as she made a pot of tea.
Indeed, one knows by
that one's own soul or mind does exist.
`The party needs a period of
about what went wrong and what needs to be done
mikä meni väärin ja mitä on tehtävä .
Perhaps indeed it did, as one thing among others, possibly the most extreme, stir up dramatic
about a God which is no god but a significant emptiness full of pain
Jumalasta, joka ei ole jumala vaan merkittävä tyhjyys täynnä tuskaa , and so on.
But Christian Aid has also recognised -- for example in grants to the Institute of Contextual Theology in South Africa -- the value of
church groups'
kirkon ryhmittymien about development in support of its practice
koskien kehitystä harjoittamisensa tueksi .
Alternately ironic and sad, provocative and withdrawn, Mubarak shares Genet's gift for
on the revolution and the socio-political forces at work within it and beyond
koskien vallankumousta ja yhteiskuntapoliittisia voimia työssä ja sen ulkopuolella .
Consider, for example, the
columnist Robert Harris'
kolumnisti Robert Harrisin on the election result
äänestyksen tuloksesta in this week's Sunday Times.
Conscious awareness and
on one's own experience
omien kokemusten is thought to have an inhibiting effect.
Activities for the self-appraisal consisted of
, consultation with individual staff and departmental discussion.
Her pretty perspiring face split into a sheepish grin, then became serious again on
pohdiskellessaan, of being taken over by her baser instincts so completely
kuinka hänen perusvaistonsa ottivat hänet valtaansa niin täysin .
Perhaps the
upon and discussion of concrete personal experience
ja keskustelulla konkreettisesta, henkilökohtaisesta kokemuksesta should play a role of similar importance in teacher development, especially when our language for communicating about educational problems is so obviously deficient.
On further
think this is exactly what he is saying, and its significance is immense.