TransFrameNet:Clothing parts
bootlace.n 🔎
- Thousands are graded for size, shape and consistency and then strung onleathernahkaisillabootlaceskengännauhoilla.
- His hands were tightly bound together with what felt likebootlaceskengännauhoilta.
- He patiently unravelled thebootlaceskengännauhojaand Richard winced with pain as the circulation returned to his fingers.
- The Mark Hateley of suit and silk tie is a polar opposite to the Mark Hateley of shorts andbootlaceskengännauhoissa.
- I can remember stuff they thought too petty for Trivial Pursuit and then somedays I have to look up the instructions onmyminunbootlaceskengännauhoistani.
braid.n 🔎
- At dinner they sat at a table with other people and a big man with a lot of goldbraidpunoksiaon his smart jacketsiistissä takissaanwho smiled at Peach a lot and told her how pretty she looked.
- These `kops ``ofnylon and polyesternailon- ja polyesteri-braidpunoksetaverage 122m (400ft) for single line sport kites.
- A grey coat and skirt were made trimmed withdarker grey silktummemman harmaalla silkki-braidpunoksella, and a pearl grey silk blouse with a tall frilled collar.
- Stitchbraidpunosor fringing to the right side on the lower edge.
- She had worked strips ofgoldkullanvärisiäbraidpunoksiainto the weave, and now she secured them in place.
- GoldKultainenbraidpunosgleamed on his immaculate grey-green uniform, and a rainbow of medals decorated his chest.
breastplate.n 🔎
- First he fumbled beneath the lacings ofhishänenbreastplaterintahaarniskansato produce a scrap of silk.
- The crew wearbreastplatesrintahaarniskatas depicted on the models, also giving them a saving throw of 6.
- He tugged off theleathernahkaisenbreastplaterintahaarniskan, then the tunic, and brushed at the blood.
brim.n 🔎
- I had chips of brick on thebrimlierissäof my fedorafedorani.
- `He'd tied a black scarf, or a stocking, or something over his face, and I could only see his eyes between that andhishänenhathattunsabrimlierin.
- He touched his whip tohishänenhathattunsabrimlieriä.
- `All right now? ``the saviour-of-the-day adjusts her mirror-lensed sunglasses, yanks downherhänenhathattunsabrimlieriä, shrugs off the gratitude laconically.
- This was shown with a large roundlacepitsi-hathatunbrimlierissä, on a cream satin band.
- Braden'sBradeninpointedhathatunbrimlierimoved up and down.
- The same blue as her taffeta gown, the deepbrimlierilined with tiny, ruched frills on the underside, a huge bow at the back with waist-length streamers stitched with tiny blue and white beads.
- It had a widebrimreunaand a small ventilation hole in the top like a chimney.
- The Doctor adjusted thebrimlieriäof his hathattunsato shadow his eyes.
buckle.n 🔎
- `And there arebucklessoljeton your bootssaappaissasi?
- `We wouldn't have been here then, ``the one in the nun's costume said, snapping the last ofherhänenbucklessoljistaan.
- He wore a light yellow tunic which reached the knee, and on his feet were leather sandals with decoratedmetalmetalli-bucklessoljilla.
- One fellow was haggling with a customer over the price of a heavysilverhopea-bucklesoljen.
- Even the car keys or abeltvyönbucklesolkimay upset things if placed too close.
- I straightenedmyminunbeltvyönibucklesoljenand tidied my trenchcoat.
- He pointed to the largebrassmessinki-bucklessolkiaon his beltvyönsä.
- Each wore a blue sash at hip level, a matching bonnet, silk stockings and black shoes with abucklesolki.
- Together they gazed at the family portraits and Miss Hatherby pointed out the niceties of her forefathers' dress -- `Folk would literally kill forshoekengän-bucklessoljistaof that quality.
- On state occasions Charles dressed in a tunic and cloak embroidered with gold wire, fastened withgoldkullanvärisilläbucklessoljilla.
- Here's one that sells justbeltvyönbucklessolkia, here's another exclusively devoted to pointed boots, or country and westernalia, or whatever.
- As soon as she'd gone, Flavia Sherman began to fumble with thebucklesolkeaof her beltvyönsä; but her hands shook uncontrollably and it took her a long time to undress.
- `For two years me and my sons walked along the towpath and park searching for a zip or thebucklesolkeaof Brian's beltBrianin vyöstä, anything that would help.
button.n 🔎
- The decorations shone on the walls and I loosened thebuttonsnappejaof my tunictunikaniand slipped my tie down a few inches.
- Swiftly, she unfastened the smallpearlhelmi-buttonsnapitof her bodiceetumuksestaan, and pulled the dress over her head.
- Bernice's fingers worked onhernaisencoattakinbuttonnapeilla.
- But I I need to you see I need somebuttonsnappejafor Beverley and Melanie's cardigansBeverleyn ja Melanien neuletakkeihin.
- I like overshirts and rib tops with zips andbuttonsnappeja.
- Some of them are deliberately military, with wide lapels,brassmessinki-buttonsnapitand deep cuffs.
- She wore a naval greatcoat withbrassmessinki-buttonsnapitand some sort of goggles on her head.
- He thought about it as he did uphishänenbuttonsnappinsaand arranged the sheets on his mattress; he was working out rhymes and rhythms in his head, trying to achieve a witty second line.
- `The blouse in pink crepe de chine is fastened by threemother-of-pearlhelmiäis-buttonsnapillaat the neckniskasta.
- `Will you sew onmyminunbuttonnappini?
- She sewedbuttonsnapiton to a white shirt she'd made.
- `Couldn't wait, eh? ``she asked, grinning as she began to undohismiehenshirtpaidanbuttonsnappeja.
- His hands were to thebuttonsnapeillaof her dressnaisen puvun.
- He opened anotherbuttonnapinon his shirtpaidastaan, and she could see his thick, matted chest hair.
- Twobuttonsnappiaof her blousehänen paidastaanhad come unfastened.
clasp.n 🔎
- She sat up and reached blindly for theclasphakasiaof the brarintaliivien, and just for a moment her breasts swung into view.
- Briefly her hands left him, darting behind her neck to undo aclaspsoljen.
- There was no doubt at all that her mother's clip exactly matched the right-hand side of theclaspsolkeenon the doge's cloakdogen manttelin.
- The widow smiled and unloosed theclaspsoljenof her cloakmanttelinsa.
collar.n 🔎
- He slipped off his jacket, threw it to the other end of the couch, loosened his tie, unbuttonedhishänencollarkauluksensa.
- As soon as he'd given it, the ragged man sidled out, trying to hide behindhishänenshapelesscollarkauluksensa.
- She unhookedherhänencloakmanttelinsacollarkauluksenas we had to wait at the outer door of Marcus whilst two porters wheeled out an empty accident trolley.
- `I want something to eat, ``she protested, claspingherhänencoattakkinsacollarkauluksenround her slim neck.
- She was wearing a fur hood and a Melton cloth coat with a hugefurturkis-collarkauluksella.
- `Hello, Hank, ``they said in chorus from the depths of thefurturkis-collarskaulustenof their coatstakkiensa.
- Miss Barrett entered the flat in a strawberry-red coat with a whitefurturkis-collarkauluksella, a yellow wool hat and brown fur gloves without fingers.
- Paul stood watching the carriage bearing his love away, oblivious of the wet snow trickling down his neck beneathhishänencoattakkinsacollarkauluksen.
- The neck of her gownwas aolicollarkaulusof spun goldpunottua kultaa, and the front was open, court style, to the level of her breast.
- Johnny grabbed him by theshirtpaidancollarkauluksesta.
- Outside the hotel Maggie turned up thecollarkauluksenof her macsadetakkinsa.
- He wore pince-nez spectacles, a round-ended stiffcollarkaulus, and a moustache.
- The child had worn a purple suit with alacepitsi-collarkaulus.
- I noticed that the women with the scraggy necks were all sweating; so were the men in the red ties with the tightcollarskaulukseton their shirtspaidoissaan.
- There was a smear of yellow greasepaint on thecollarkauluksessaof his shirthänen paitansa.
cowl.n 🔎
- The others were waiting expectantly, five subhuman looking creatures encased in pitch black rubber wet suits with continuous flipper-like boots, and hoods that formed an evil-lookingcowlhupunaround faces streaked with black camouflage paint.
- Delaney ran his finger round the edge ofhishänenwet suitmärkäpukunsafacekasvo-cowlhupun.
- He adjusted the earpiece underneathhishänencowlhuppunsa.
- He caught the man's wrist, smashed the useless Uzi at the oval streaked face set in the black rubbercowlhuppuun.
- On the track, Morris still feels very much a sense of identity with blacks: he presents a funereal image in all-black, acowlhuppuuncovering his headpäänsä peittävään.
- The monks, bearded and serious, passed in their black robes andcowlshupuissaanlike cats on padded feet.
- He pulled hiscowlhuppunsaup against the hot midday sun. `shall we collect our horses?
- As she rode, Tallis unslung Skogen -- the shadow of the forest -- and placed the mask against her face, tying it, then covering her head with herwoollenvilla-cowlhupullaan.
- Benjamin asked, peering closely at me, his head deep initshänenwoollenvilla-cowlhupussaan.
- Athelstan drewhishänencowlhuppunsaover his head and pulled his sleeves down.
cuff-link.n 🔎
- He checked the time of arrival on a big gold bracelet watch, and there were handsomecuff-linkskalvosinnapitwith a shamrock in tiny emeraldsin each shirt-sleevekussakin paidan hihassa.
- Prince Charles is sitting with his legs spread but there is a give-away sign of his unease: he is nervously playing withhishänencuff-linkskalvosinnapeillaan.
- `I know whereyoursinuncuff-linkskalvosinnappisiare; I've got them in my jewellery box.
- He drove whichever one happened to matchhishänencuff-linkskalvosinnappeihinsa.
cuff.n 🔎
- Dot clutched at thecuffshihansuihinof her coathänen takkinsabut even the familiar softness of worn velvet was not reassuring.
- He flicked back thecuffhihansuutof his jackettakkinsato glance at his watch and as he did so he saw that he was still carrying Maidstone's hat.
- She shotherhänencuffhihansuunsaand checked her wrist monitor.
- His eccentricities were revealed in his habits of unbuttoninghishänensuitpukunsacuffshihansuutand turning them back, or wearing one v-neck jumper on top of another.
- The long sleeves ended in generouslacepitsi-cuffsmansetitat the wrists.
- Hamilton came back into the shop, rolling his shirtsleeves down and buttoning thecuffsmansetit.
- While I can't condone this sort of cheating Mr Unce, I have found two very good methods are tucking them down your sock or writing them onyoursinunshirtpaitasicuffhihansuuhun.
- He slipped into his coat and shook his arms to makehishänenshirtpaitansacuffsmansetitappear.
- `What's amiss? ``this man now cried, rubbing his forehead withhishänencuffsmanseteillaan.
- Millet played with alacepitsi-cuffmansetilla.
- HerHänencuffhihansuunsawas still undone, and the tourniquet had made her hand and lower arm into white marble, but Anne could see no new puncture.
- Make sure that theanklenilkancuffkalvosinis comfortable and does not catch your ankle bone in the wrong place.
- Thecuffshihansuutof his raincoatHänen sadetakkinsahad been neatly turned.
decolletage.n 🔎
- The black taffeta silk ballgown was strapless and backless with a plunging, gravity-defyingdecolletagedekoltee.
fringe.n 🔎
- Suddenly he reached out and tugged a small, black feather from thefringehapsustaof his cloakviittansa.
- The wind stirred thesilksilkki-fringeshapsujaof Dr Bailey's too-rich headgeartri Baileyn liian runsaan päähineen.
- Among all these grand people, I see a small woman in a figure-hugging black number withfringeshapsuja.
- That was all, except for a little box by the bed covered with a beautiful silky blue and green scarf withlong blackpitkät, mustatfringeshapsut.
hem.n 🔎
- Sheila became aware of thehemhelmanof her dresshänen mekkonsaslowly rising.
- Before the dwarf had recovered consciousness, Jotan had bound his hands tightly behind his back with a strip of material torn from thehemhelmastaof his coathänen takkinsa.
- They saw a squirrel and ran onwards, hoping to find more, but the path petered into nothing and Victoria toreherhänenhemhelmansaon a bramble.
- Their weight was such that the seam of his coat gaped behind his neck, his shoulders were bowed, andhishänenfronthemhelmansatrailed on the ground.
- There was one I craved in particular, a pink nightdress with alacepitsi-hemhelmaand a frilly neck and a family of rabbits embroidered on the chest.
- She would be down there on the terrace, in her black flannel coat and skirt, clutching her plaid shawl round her shoulders,herhänenskirthameensahemhelmaclogged with snow …
- Thetrouserhousujenhemslahkeetflapped way above his ankles and bare feet.
- Thehemhelmais left simply overstitched for self-adjustment and there is a double thickness across seat and knees.
- This robe has a triple-striped band on the shoulder and a similar band running down the side under each arm: another band decorated thehemhelmaa.
- She opened the front door and Christabel came in, shivering with cold, the white dress muddied atitshänenhemhelmastaan.
- She stepped closer, raising thehemhelmaaof her dressleninkinsäto reveal thick, white petticoats above black, polished boots.
hood.n 🔎
- I tilted my head down and tightened the cord on thehoodhupunof my jackettakkini.
- Something caught thehoodhuppuunof his robehänen viittansa, which tore off.
- As if on command, the figure on the bed tugged offhishänenhoodhuppunsa.
- With her veil pushed back andherhänenblackhoodhuppunsashading her face, she looked rather like a nun.
- They walk ponderously intheirheidäncrimsonvelvetsametti-hoodshupuissaanand black caps, ostrich plumes nodding on their old men's heads.
- He came close to Tallis, his red hair curling from below thefurturkis-hoodhupun, his eyes wide and searching.
- The young man pulled onhishänenhoodhuppunsa.
- Philip put hisanorakanorakkinsahoodhupunup.
- She was wearing afurturkis-hoodhuppuand a Melton cloth coat with a huge fur collar.
- We huddled with the Germans, and I keptmyhänenjackettakkinihoodhupunover my head and we waited till the courier had pushed her way through.
- Forthe shepherd'slammaspaimenenhoodhuppufell back when he fell.
insole.n 🔎
- There's a removable shapedinsolepohjallinenwith a Cambrelle top to wick moisture away from the foot.
- The lining is calf leather and there is a comfortableinsolepohjallinenof shaped close cell foammuotoiltua solumuovia.
- The layer between the sole unit and theinsolesisäpohjanof the bootsaappaanis known as the midsole.
lace.n 🔎
- The programme pretty well began with an interview with someone from the Bundesbank which, as running orders go, is a bit like a long-jumper beginning his approach withhishänenlacesnauhansatied.
- `You and your Private Nobody, ``said Dolly, and pulled her skirt up, saucily unveilingherhänenwhitepetticoatalushameensawith its foamylacepitsiäand pink ribbons.
- He unfastened thelacesnauhatof his coattakkinsaand yawned.
- He heaved pleasurably at the blacklacepitsilleof his corsetkorsettinsa.
- He said: `I had brand new shoes on; it was warm and they were uncomfortable so I undid thelacesnauhat.
- Mark Girouard, in The Victorian Country House, describes his appearance in the Alps: `He wore a flannel suit, brown canvas gaiters and boots withporpoise-hidedelfiininnahkaisetlacesnauhat.
- Philip pushed him away and gave him the torch to hold while he did uphishänenlacenauhansa.
- Keith took a pull and I took off my jacket and loosened thelacesnauhojain my shoeskengistäni.
leg.n 🔎
- We're goin' to have to cut about six inches off themknickerpolvihousujenlegslahkeista.
- `There was the smoke, Miss Hardbroom, ``explained Mildred in a tiny voice, suddenly feeling aware of the stripedpyjamapyjamanlegslahkeistaunder her tunic.
- Draw string elasticated waist, grippedelasticjoustavatlegslahkeet.
- Then, all you will have to worry about is the width of yourtrouserhousujesilegslahkeiden.
- I sat down on a milking stool, rolled upmyminuntrouserhousujenileglahkeenand examined the roll of skin which hung like a diploma at the end ofa long graze where the sharp hoof had dragged along.
- She did as she was told, and with surgical precision he slashed four inches off thelegslahkeistaof the jeansfarkkujen.
- The next time Mould appeared the other jacket sleeve was ripped off and aleglahjeof his trousershänen housujensa.
- The zoetrope span smoothly, time's Chief Designer narrowed thelegslahkeitaof trousershousujenand decreed that the cars should be more aerodynamic.
monogram.n 🔎
- It was made of fine lawn and had anembroideredkirjailtumonogrammonogrammiin one corner.
- We know that Eworth can be associated with a long series of signed pictures bearinghishänenmonogrammonogramminsaHEHE.
- It was the same as themonogrammonogrammion the handkerchiefnenäliinassa.
- For example, the stylized Cadbury signature, the Apple logo and theJPSJPS-monogrammonogrammi.
- If a mish-mash of tartans with ostentatious golden embroideries of coronation coaches and`E ``E-monogramsmonogrammitare your bag, take heart.
neckband.n 🔎
- Hook upneckbandkauluson first row, push behind latches and remove waste and nylon cord.
- The band can be knitted using tubular knitting and joined on the machine using the Passap method, as used ontubularputki-neckbandskaulureissa.
- I finished the front, back andneckbandkauluksenand joined both shoulders.
- Join backneckbandkauluksenseam (this will be in the centre of the back).
- Recently a reader asked `What is the Passap method of joining aneckbandkaulusto a garmentvaatteeseen?
pocket.n 🔎
- This she confined to thepockettaskuunin her overallhaalarinsa.
- He double-checked thepocketstaskutof his suitpukunsaand turned up a folded business card belonging to one Murray Mancuso, Offshore Investors Ltd.
- Jill greeted her arrival, completing the notes she was writing before clipping her pen into thepockettaskuunof her dressmekkonsa.
- He slipped the letter intohishänenpockettaskuunsa.
- Like a flash, I thought to checkmyminunpocketstaskuni.
- He jumped forward, snatched the testament, and thrust it intohishänentunictunikansapockettaskuun.
- He made piles of quarters in his sock drawer when he emptiedhishänenpocketstaskunsaat night.
- Not that he had the faintest idea of the contents of the envelope he carried within thebreastrinta-pockettaskussaof the jackettakinhe declined to hand over to the stewardess.
- Reaching intohishänenbreastrinta-pockettaskuaan, he drew out a crushed roll-up.
- He felt insidehishänenowncoattakkinsapockettaskuaand pulled out the corkscrew.
seam.n 🔎
- Daphne checked theseamssaumaton her stockingssukkiensa.
- His fists were clenched at theseamssaumoihinof his trousershänen housujensa.
- Theseamssaumatof badly fitting or misshapen woollenshuonosti istuvien tai muotonsa menettäneiden villavaatteidenwere unpicked and the garment washed and reblocked.
- Even when she'd had a drink or so too many she still hadherhänenstockingsukkiensaseamssaumatstraight.
- Then I sewed a straightseamsaumanon the sewing machine, or rather two, one on either side of my tacking stitches.
- While you are allowing extra stitches for the cables in the tension, do not omit to allow stitches forseamssaumoihinwhen you are working out these unusual pattern shapes.
- Their weight was such that theseamsaumaof his coathänen takkinsagaped behind his neck, his shoulders were bowed, and his front hem trailed on the ground.
seat.n 🔎
- Several coloured patches were sewn neatly round theseattakamukseenof his pantshänen housujensa.
- I felt it through theseattakamuksenof my pantshousujeni, and grinned.
shoelace.n 🔎
- Lee was close to him and was standing on Philip'sshoelacekengännauhalla,that had come undone as he ran.
- When he got too puffed to run, Nigel would put one foot on someone's wall and retiehishänenshoelacekengännauhansaslowly.
- A DEFENCE lawyer was ordered out of court yesterday because he appeared before magistrates withhishänenshoelaceskengännauhansaundone.
- stooping, perhaps, to re-tie ashoelacekengännauhan,
skirt.n 🔎
- He caught up theskirtshelmatof his robeviittansaand scurried after them.
- `Willingly! ``said the earl, and turned to descend the three steps, theskirtshelmojenof his crimson surcoatkarmiininpunaisen päällystakkinsaswirling around him.
- Or hugesatin ballgownsatiinisen tanssiaisleninginskirtshelmatin shocking pink or lilac satin topped with rib-hugging knits for the new dance-in-a-cold-climate look.
- Like a great-breasted pigeon, she preened her feathers along the low corsage of her dress, and spreadherhänenvelvetsamettisetskirtshelmansainto perfect order as she sat down.
- For the loyal Reds follower choose her wedding outfit in the team colours a dress with red bodice and whitecrinolinekrinoliini-skirthametopped by white bowler hat and veil.
- He came to meet her so fast that theskirthelmaof his white coathänen valkoisen takkinsafloated out behind him.
- Alexei was looking down at theskirtshelmoihinof his coattakkinsa.
- Theskirthelmaof her cotton print dressHänen kuvioidun puuvillamekkonsawas crumpled and stained and one sleeve was ripped where she had caught it on a wicker chicken cage in a village market place.
- She hitched the fullskirthelmanof her Summer dresskesämekkonsaup above her knees, and swung her long legs for him to see.
sleeve.n 🔎
- The man was perhaps in his sixties, the empty right-handsleevehihaof his jackethänen takkinsapinned to his side.
- He rose then as if to go but impulsively Robyn caught at thesleevehihaanof his robehänen takkinsa.
- She grabbedSteve'sStevensleevehihaan, their eyes in unison watched the ball sail through the air and high over the net.
- I didn't mind a bit when it ran down my wrist and intomyminunsleevehihaani.
- He shot it straight out ofhishänenjumpsuithaalarinsasleevehihasta, through the skin and bones of his human hand and right at Rex's throat.
- He was still holding thecoattakinsleevehihaa.
- He cut thesleevehihanon my leather jacketnahkatakkini.
- An easy, t-shape voile blouse with shortsleeveshihoillaand an unusual horizontal pleat detail.
- Unless it was pouring with rain he wore no hat or coat,hishänenshirtpaitansasleeveshihatrolled up to the elbow and wearing a green baize apron.
- I would wear extra layers of clothing and pull thesleeveshihatof my sweaterneulepuseronidown to hide my white, numbed fingers.
- She had put an old cardigan over the top, and she'd rolled up thesleeveshihatand she was shaking that bucket.
- Nenna had rolled upherhänensleeveshihansain the warmth of the snug, showing round forearms covered with very line golden hair.
- `Mister, ``he said, tugging atTom'sTomincoattakinsleevehihaa.
- The blousePuserossahasshort dolmanlyhyet lepakko-sleeveshihat, a fly front fastening and a mock pocket flap on the left breast.
snap.n 🔎
- The zipper andsnapsnepparitare solid brass.
sole.n 🔎
- They followed the stream, their feet quiet on the soft mud, thebootsaappaidensolespohjatleaving patterns in damp places.
- When Hari returned home, she found William in the workshop hammeringleathernahka-solespohjiaon to a pair of small boots.
- Rubber heels squelch andrubberkumi-solespohjatsquish
- From Semer Water I crossed the road and followed the track above the river Bain through summer meadows, by stiles, some of which were gated and had therubberkumi-solespohjatfrom wellington bootskumisaappaidenfor hinges.
- He used the nails of his finger and thumb to find the head of the pin, itself almost buried in the tanrubberkumi-solepohjaanof the sandshoetennistossun.
- Thesolepohjaof the bootsaappaanis strong enough to attach articulated crampons.
- The rain, still fresh on the grass, began to seep through thesolespohjistaof his bootssaappaidensa.
strap.n 🔎
- Ziegler did not want to be slowed down by the prisoner, so he ordered the Frenchman to strip off his boots and coat, then ordered his Sergeant to cutthe man'smiehenoverallhaalareidenstrapsolkaimet.
- My best friends used to twangmyminunbrarintaliivienistrapsolkaimiain front of the boys, and although I always laughed, I felt humiliated.
- He noted with covert pleasure the outline ofhernaisenbrarintaliivienstrapolkaimenthrough the white cotton of her blouse.
- With stylish roman numerals, gold-plated case and softleathernahka-straphihnalla, these elegant watches are a pure delight to wear.
- The shoes were made of shiny black leather withanklenilkka-strapsremmitand tiny heels.
- Beautifully cool, and very feminine sundress with a square neckline and broadshoulderolka-strapsnauhoilla.
- The dark blue collar andshoulderolka-strapsnauhatare lined with scarlet cloth and edged with white lace.
- Reaching out, he slid thestrapsolkaimetof her swimsuitnaisen uimapuvunfrom her shoulders, then deliberately peeled the damp, clinging gold from her skin.
tassel.n 🔎
- Vincent looked at Lily who was standing beside her bed, twisting thetasseltupsukoristettaof her dressing gownhänen aamutakkinsabetween her fingers and crying.
- Keep out the cold in a cosy sloppy joe -- warm yellow and softtasselstupsukoristeetupdate this classic sweater
- For extra effect I addedtasselstupsukoristeetto the ends of the scarf.
- Roy, the gunman from Rhodesia, had a suedejackettakkiwithtasselstupsukoristeeton the back and sleeves, and a pair of boots which he swore had been taken from a dead terrorist.
- Agrippa toyed with thetasselstupsukoristeillaon his robespukunsawhilst Benjamin just stared into the middle distance, lost in his own thoughts.
thong.n 🔎
- Her waist was pinched by a broad black belt pulled tight byleathernahka-thongsremmeillä.
- His tunic of undressed deer-skin was patched with mole and tied about with athongnahkaremmillä,that might long ago have been the tail of a beast.
- Aplaited black and greypalmikoitu musta-harmaaleathernahka-thongremmicinched her small waist, a discreet gold St Christopher gleamed at her throat, her hair was drawn into a rather severe bun at the nape.
- Deana, rather, was dressed down in old jeans and a slightly stained white blouse, finished off withwornkuluneillathongsremmeillä.
- `I'm not cold, ``he said shortly, bending to unwind thethongsremmitfrom his boots.
waist-band.n 🔎
- Conrad laughed and tried to tuck his shirt back intohishänenwaistbandhousunkaulukseensa.
- Thetrouserhousujenwaistbandvyötärönauhais elasticated with a draw string.
- I cut a length of narrow stretch-lace to the size of theskirthameenwaistbandvyötärönauhanand joined it into a circle, then pinned the lining equally around one edge of the lace.
- Tattooed women snaked up his forearms and his belly gaped like a mouth between the bottom of the tee-shirt and thewaistbandhousunkauluksenof the jeansfarkkujen.
- The floaty, translucent, viscose jacket costs £195; the gathered skirt, withitssenlycralycra-waistbandvyötärönauhallawhich can be rolled up to form a strapless dress, is £169, and the long overtop costs £105.
- She looked away quickly, and unfastened thewaistbandvyötärönauhanof her uniform skirthänen univormuhameensa.
- She flipped one open and took out the Beretta and the .38, jamming one into thewaistbandvyötärölleof her jeansfarkkujensa.
- He sensed the subtle change in her, which was possibly betrayed by the firm manner in which she gripped the hand that moved towardsherhänenskirthameensawaistbandvyötärönauhaa.
- `I've heard they are here but they can not do anything, ``he said, pulling out and brandishing a pistol stuffed downhishänentrouserhousujensawaistbandvyötärölle.
waist.n 🔎
- If we took off all the frills, altered the neck, took thewaistvyötäröäin a tiny bit … ”
- His T-shirt was too small for him and came out of thewaistvyötäröstäof his pantshänen housujensa.
- It has high buttons, beltedwaistvyötärö, big pockets and clever tailoring for freedom of the arms.
- An adjustableelasticjoustavawaistvyötäröfits a number of sizes.
- Draw stringelasticatedjoustavawaistvyötärö, gripped elastic legs.
waistband.n 🔎
- In the gap between the brassière and the pinchedwaistbandvyötärönauhanof her skirthameensa, her flesh bulged in a pale soft band.
- I loosenedmyminunwaistbandhousunkaulustaniand pulled myself together.
- A narrow matching fabric belt covers the gentlyelasticatedjoustavanwaistbandvyötärönauhan, and can be alternated with belts of your own for a contrasting effect.
- So we invested in oneknitted, stretch acrylicneulottuun, joustoakryyliseenwaistbandvyötärönauhaanas supplied for tracksuits, sweaters or windcheaters.
- A full, panelled skirt falls beautifully from aback-elasticatedtakaa joustavastawaistbandvyötärönauhasta.
- Thetrouserhousujenwaistbandvyötärönauhais elasticated with a draw string.
- I cut a length of narrow stretch-lace to the size of theskirthameenwaistbandvyötärönauhanand joined it into a circle, then pinned the lining equally around one edge of the lace.
- Other features:semi-elasticatedpuolijoustavawaistbandvyötärönauhawith belt loops.
- He groaned and drew her closer, one hand around her waist, while the other separated her blouse from thewaistbandvyötärönauhastaof her skirthameensa.
- Mr Gay pulled a knife fromhishänenwaistbandhousunkauluksestaan, but was so drunk he dropped it and Cameron picked it up and fought back as he was beaten with a baton.
- `I've heard they are here but they can not do anything, ``he said, pulling out and brandishing a pistol stuffed downhishänentrouserhousujensawaistbandvyötäröön.
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- Then knit about ten rows to form a tiny yoke to avoidwaistlinevyötärölinjassabulk before knitting a `channel ``for the waist elastic.
- Thewaistlinevyötärölinjaon bikini bottomsbikinihousujenhas been pulled up while the usual high leg cut has fallen to something less severe.
- They were no better in trousers, because then they both got thewaistlinevyötärölinjawrong.
- Dalziel thought a little, his hand working inside thewaistlinevyötärölinjanof his trousershousujensa.
- Over-all the new look emerging from the shows, which opened Thursday, harks back to the 1960's withlowmatalinewaistlinesvyötärölinjoineen, cropped tops, petticoated skirts and pencil pants.
- Going further against the current trend, Krizia offered asuper-highylikorkeanwaistlinevyötärölinjanboth in pants and skirtssekä housuissa että hameissa, perhaps less revealing, but still only for those with a tiny waist.
zip.n 🔎
- It was flecked cloth withzipsvetoketjutdown the side of the jackettakin sivussa-- which looked absolutely horrible -- and peg trousers.
- He tugged at thezipvetoketjuaon the back of her dressnaisen puvun selkämyksestäwhile she unbuttoned his shirt and removed his tie.
- I pulled the life-jacket inflation toggle and was very thankful to hear it and feel it inflating -- but I realised immediatelymyminunsuitpukunizipvetoketjuwasn't fully up, freezing water was seeping into it ``.
- Shivering, she pulled upherhänenanorakanorakkinsazipvetoketjuaand turned to the left.
- She rolled onto her side to let him pull down thezipvetoketjunof her dresspukunsa.
- The boy who opened the door had dyed black hair, which heightened the pallor of his face, andhishänenjeansfarkkunsawere heavy withzipsvetoketjuja.
- Bernard looked up and Apricot made a dive to undo hiszipvetoketjunsa.
- Anya's attempts at dissuasion, like an unsubtle variant on the old water torture, persist through Rainbow's three cups of black coffee, hasty shower, and struggles with the overstressedzipvetoketjuin her jeanshänen farkuissaan.
- Then she felt his fingers at thezipvetoketjullaof her dresspukunsa, and breathed a sigh of relief.
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- The coverall has a 25 inchnylonnailon-zippervetoketjuprotected by a storm flap secured with Velcro.
- There are two pockets on each side with those annoyingbottom-to-topalhaalta ylös aukeavillazippersvetoketjuillaand a full length main zip covered with a small stormflap.
- She bent down, undid thezippervetoketjun, and felt carefully inside the layers of clothing before kicking the bag to one side.
- As Nirvana accepted its award, singer Kurt Cobain openedhishänentrousershousujensazippervetoketjun, causing the camera to abruptly pan away from him.