TransFrameNet:Change posture
- The boyPoikabentkyyristyidoublekaksinkerroinand disappeared inside the hide.
- One of Dana's reactions was very characteristic:hehänbentkyyristyidoublekaksinkerroinwith laughter at something he had said that made all the others laugh, too.
- HeHänbentkumartuilowalasto examine his prisoner's face even more closely.
- Reluctantly,hehänpushed the money across the table towards her, thenbentkumartuiforwardeteenpäinto listenkuunnellakseen.
- Iminäwalked back,bentkumarruinover himhänen ylitseen, and kissed his cheek.
- Aswemebentkumarruimmeover himhänen ylitseen, he opened his eyes and groaned.
- KateKatebentkumartuiover NicandraNicandran ylitseto pick up the traypoimiakseen tarjottimen: `And you didn't eat the half of it, ``she said reproachfully.
- Andhehänbentkumartuitowards hernaista kohtiand extracted a kiss from her reluctant lips the way he might have taken the pit from an apricot.
- LisaLisabentkumartuitowards himhäntä kohti.
- HeHänbentkumartuito the howling childparkuvan lapsen puoleen.
- ``SheHänbentkumartuito mouth into her sister's earkuiskaamaan sisarensa korvaan.
- PepitaPepitabentkumartuiback downtakaisinto her worktyönsä pariinand checked off another crate of bananas that would be shipped to lands she had never seen and would never see.
- Close your eyes, inhale andbendtaivutabacktaaksepäinas far as you canniin pitkälle kuin pystyt(without any discomfort) thrusting your arms back.
- QuietlyhiljaaheHänbentkumartuidownalasand spoke: `Take my advice, boy, get up, fuck off, and when you get outside -- drop dead.
- SheHänbentkumartuiovereteenpäinand kissed me gently on the cheek.
- SladenSladenbentkumartuicarefullyvarovastibacktaaksepäinin his chairtuolissaanand frowned at the ceiling.
- The Florentine lace cover was rumpled andshehänwalked over andbentkumartuidownalasto straighten itsuoristamaan sen.
- HeHänbentkumartuidownalasto his briefcase which he'd left on the floormiehen lattialle jättämän salkun puoleen, took out a folder, turned back the pages, and handed it to her.
- HeHänbentkumartuidown towards Lenkohti Leniänow and pulled a face at him.
- Taking a chair,hehänset the camera up in the yard outside,bendingkumartuenoveralasfor a momentto fiddle with itsäätämään sitä.
- The vaguely fluttering nerves suddenly crystallised themselves into a hard painful little knot in her stomach andshehänbentkyyristyiovereteenpäinwith a groan.
- Asshehänbentnousiupylösfrom the ovenuunilta, up out of the kitchen, a shaft of watery sun manifested itself on the floor like a dim splash of paint.
- I was wearing a large theatrical ring with an enormous `emerald ``surrounded by paste diamonds andhehänbentkumartuimore closelylähemmästo look at itkatsomaan sitä.
- LilyLilyat onceviipymättäbentkumartuinearerlähemmäs.
- HeHänbentkumartuiand kissed her lips.
- The girlTyttöbentkumartuito stroke one of the catssilittämään yhtä kissoista, murmuring to it, and from somewhere behind the hall came the cooing of doves.
crouch down.v
- Iminätook the Corporal's rifle andcrouched downkyyristyin.
- The regret instantly passed, andhehäncrouched downkyykistyito herhänen puoleensa, and took her hands gently in his.
- HeHäncrouched downkyykistyibeside herhänen viereensäand put his hand lightly on her shoulder.
- The tow-path was nearest, so she went there, andshehäncrouched downkyykistyiunder the hedgepensasaidan alle,amongst all the long grasses and busheskaikkien pitkien ruohojen ja puskien sekaan.
- SheHänwent over andcrouched downkumartuibefore her chairnaisen tuolin eteen, so that their faces were level.
- SoldiersSotilaatstopped andcrouched downkyykistyivätevery 50 meters (yards)to watch and listenkatselemaan ja kuuntelemaan.
- HeHäncrouchedkyyristyilowalasand peered into the debris under the grate.
- HeHäncrouchedkumartuiforwardeteenpäinon his chairtuolissaan.
- Why, when the opposition goalie was taking a goal-kick,did<empty>hehäncrouchkumartuuforwardeteenpäinand remain motionless like Johnny Fartpants? was this some attempt to psyche out the opposition?
- Thenhehäncrouchedkyyristyiagainst the icejäätä vasten, and stayed there.
- KirovKirovcrouchedkyyristyiat his sidehänen viereensä, removing a couple of pins and replacing them in exactly the same position.
- One of the turbanned boysYksi turbaanipäisistä pojistaran on andcrouchedkyykistyiat the side of the platformlaiturin vieressä, carrying a placard helpfully inscribed: Antigone.
- The dreamerUneksijacame andcrouchedkyykistyibefore herhänen eteensä.
- HeHäncrouchedkumartuibehind the motheräitinsä taakseto squirt milk into the bottleruiskuttamaan maitoa pulloon.
- BenedictaBenedictarose andcrouchedkumartuibeside herhänen viereensä,stroking her hands gentlysivellen hänen käsiään ystävällisesti.
- HeHänhurried over to where Ngune lay andcrouchedkyykistyianxiouslyhuolestuneestibeside himhänen viereensä,horrified at the sight of Ngune's discoloured, swollen facekauhistuneena nähtyään Ngunen tahriintuneet, turvonneet kasvot.
- George stopped andLibbyLibbycrouchedkumartuibeside himhänen viereensä, waiting until her eyes saw the figure by the tree.
- HeHäncrouchedkyykistyiby DoyleDoylen vierelle.
- SheHäncrouchedkyykistyiin the middle of the carpetkeskellä mattoa, hands clasped around her knees, each breath having to fight for its existence against the competition of a thundering heartbeat.
- Change hands, push to where you were sitting,crouchkyykistyin the middle of the boatkeskellä venettäand straighten up on the new course.
- Hairy and naked,SamSamhadolicrouchedkyyristynyton the bedsängyllefeeling exposed and helplesstuntien olonsa paljaaksi ja avuttomaksi.
- OthersMuutcrouchedkumartuivaton their hauncheskyykkyynand kicked out their back legs behind them, like men carrying out a complex fitness programme.
- Instead,shehäncrouchedkumartuiover the radioradion ylle,listening, like all the others, as the news bulletin begankuunnellen, kuten muutkin, kun uutislähetys alkoi.
- When he didn't answerKun hän ei vastannut,Iminäcrouchedkyykistyinin front of himhänen eteensä.
- SheHänclimbed out into the garden andcrouchedkyyristyiclose to the walllähelle seinää, waiting for the others to follow.
- HeHänmoved closer,crouchingkumartuenover the boypojan ylle.
- ThenSittenhehäncrouchedkumartuiover itsen ylleand squared up to an imaginary ball.
- TheyHeset out their bedrolls andcrouchedkyyristyivätround the flamesliekkien ympärille, except for the unfortunate Rimir who had first watch.
- There were tears in his eyes whenhehäncrouchedkumartuito gather up the debrispoimimaan roskia, scooping it into a pile with both hands while Sweetheart roared with laughter.
- The nomesOntutcrouchedkyykistyivätwhere they couldmihin pystyivät, listening fearfully to the sounds above them.
- PringlePringlehad reached her first anddroppedpudottautunuton to his kneespolvilleenbeside her.
- Heretheynehuddlekäpertyvättogetheryhteenfor comfortsaadakseen lohtuain their unaccustomed surroundingsepätavallisessa ympäristössään.
- When it rainstheyhehuddlepainautuvatagainst the buildingrakennusta vasten, leave the objects on blankets or broken up cardboard boxes, only to return to selling when the rain stops.
- VagabondsKulkurithuddlepainautuvatin the gaps between empty buildingstyhjien rakennusten välissä oleviin tyhjiin tiloihin, the fine stucco boasted by their Dutch merchant builders lying like pebbles on the pavements.
- He was talking to himself as she approached and when he saw herhehänimmediatelyoitishuddledpainautuifurtherkauemmaksiinto the doorwayovensuuhun.
- Dry-eyed, shivering, in spite of the hazy sun,shehänhuddledkäpertyion the benchpenkilläin a silent agony of grief too frozen for tearskärsien hiljaa suruaan, liian kylmissään kyyneleille.
- His soothing voice reduced her screams to a quieter moaning, andshehänhuddledkäpertyion the floorlattiallaagainst the bedsänkyä vastenin a pathetic foetal positionsäälittävään sikiöasentoon.
- By common consenttheyhesat down on the wet seat of `Traveller's Rest ``,huddledkäpertyivätunder the umbrellasateenvarjon alle, and stared out across the city.
- Wemehuddledkyyristelimmewith the Germanssaksalaisten kanssa, and I kept my jacket hood over my head and we waited till the courier had pushed her way through.
- Iminähuddledpainauduindownalasbeneath the parapetkaiteen alle.
hunch up.v
- HeHänhunched upkyyristyiagainst the back of the carauton takaosaa vasten.
- `Have you got any food? ``said Adam hoarsely,hunching upkyyristyensidewayssivuttainin the driver's seatkuljettajan istuimella.
- Yousinäcould notEt voisihunch upkyyristyäinto the treepuuhun, hugging closer to the trunk.
- SheHänhunched upkyyristyi.
- Iminäsaid,hunching upkyyristyenas small as I couldniin pieneksi kuin pystyin.
- He and Tundrish, d'Arquebus, Akbar, and the SergeantHän sekä Tundrish, d'Arquebus, Akbar ja kersanttihunchedkyyristyivätby the base of a stubby vitreous towerpaksun lasitornin juurelle.
- Seeing Michael Ryan smiling at them,theyheseemed to crowd together,hunchingkyyristyenin their seatsistuimilleen.
- TogetherYhdessä,the threehe kolmehunchedkyyristyivätin the safe zoneturva-alueelle.
- `Herrings, ``saidDerekDerek,hunchingkyyristyentowards herhäntä kohti, eyes blazing with the light of truth.
- Billy TolboysBilly Tolboyspulled up the collar of his ancient leather overcoat andhunchedkyyristyidownalaseven deepervielä syvemmälleinto the motorcycle sidecarmoottoripyörän sivuvaunuun.
- HeHänenhadto<empty>hunchkyyristyäover the wheelohjauspyörän ylleto see anythingnähdäkseen jotakin.
- HasanHasanhunchedkyyristyiover the wheel of his carautonsa ohjauspyörän yllewith a great effort of concentrationkeskittyen ankarasti, swinging it this way and that to avoid the atrocious pot-holes.
kneel down.v
- MaudMaudknelt downpolvistuiin the dusttomuun.
- SheHänwantedto<empty>kneel downpolvistuanext to her friendystävänsä viereen,but felt that she would be trying to get close to the untouchable.
- I wept a little as I climbed the creaky stairs, and when I got into the atticIminäknelt downpolvistuinbeside the bedsängyn viereen, put my hands together and prayed.
- HeHänknelt downpolvistuiby a familiar moundtutun kummun viereenand after a moment's hesitation yanked out the cross that he had placed at the head of the grave.
- Her motherHänen äitinsäknelt downpolvistuiat the fireplacetulisijan äärenand lifted the iron grill from the front of the fireplace.
- SendeiSendeiknelt downpolvistuibeside herhänen viereensäas she fiddled about inside the hatch.
- HeHänknelt downpolvistuiby hernaisen viereen, then went and looked at his child.
- Kneeling downPolvistuenon the floorlattialle,hehänpicked up an empty cartridge case.
- The manMies, it was the bald one with the glasses,knelt downpolvistuion both kneesmolemmille polvilleenand grabbed the bottom and began to kiss it ardently.
- He had a plastic bag in his pocket andhehänknelt downpolvistuiin the grassruohikolleand scooped it up.
- SheHänknelt downpolvistuito lookkatsoakseen.
- HeHänknelt downpolvistuiand held her hand.
- HeHändecided to listen to their conversation, andknelt downpolvistuioutside the tentteltan ulkopuolelle, making a little hole with his knife in the heavy cotton so that he could see the two people inside.
kneel up.v
- SheHänknelt upnousi polvilleenbeside himhänen viereensäand looked down at his body, a satisfied smile on her face.
- HeHänknelt upnousi polvilleenin front of meeteeni, our bodies touching from shoulder to knee, his hands in my hair, his mouth at the side of mine.
- FrankFranksat in the back of Armstrong, occasionallykneeling upnousten polvilleenon the rumble seatvaraistuimelleso he could yell in my ear, but all the time talking.
- JasperJasperknelt upnousi polvilleenon the seatsistuimillewith the rest of themto observe out of the window their progress to Kensington High Streettarkkaillakseen ikkunasta heidän edistymistään Kensington High Streetillä.
- HeHänknelt upnousi polvilleenand leaned towards Lucien.
- MarcoMarcowas<empty>kneeling upnousi polvilleenin his seatistuimellaan, turning round to check the control panel.
- GabrielGabrielknelt upnousi polvilleeninside the cartrattaissaand peered out to see what would happen.
- It was a command, not a suggestion, and, thoughshehänresented being ordered about, she crossed andkneltpolvistuibeside himhänen viereensä.
- AbruptlyOdottamatta,hemieskneltpolvistuiin front of herhänen eteensä, pulling her forward into his arms again, his mouth falling to plunder the swollen redness of the lips she offered so helplessly.
- JelkaJelkawent across andkneltpolvistuiover herhänen päälleen, letting her hand rest on the woman's arm.
- KneelPolvistuheretähän,by the altaralttarille.
- SheHänkneltpolvistuiquicklynopeastiand began scooping up the shards.
- SheHänkneltpolvistuito lay the tray on the grassasettamaan tarjottimen ruohikolle, then, frankly curious, turned to study him in a way she could never have done had he been conscious.
- She was solely feeling whenhemiesturned again andleanedkumartuiabove herhänen ylleen.
- There was general commotion as the tension ebbed, congratulations and condolences were exchanged, andone Memberyksi jäsenleanednojasiaround the doorovestato give the highlights to the anxious presstarjoillen kohokohtia levottomalle lehdistölle.
- IfIminäshift in my harness andleannojaudunnervouslyhermostuneestibackwardstaaksepäin,I can see my partner creeping nearer on a wall of loosely compacted rubble, brushing and blowing the sand from the holds as he swings upwards.
- `Edward came to Corfe from a hunt, and while his attendants were seeing to the dogsshehänallured him to her with female blandishment and made himleankumartumaanforwardeteenpäin.
- The three brothersKolme veljestäleanedkumartuiforwardeteenpäinto lookkatsoakseen.
- MahmoudMahmoudleanedkumartuiforwardeteenpäinin his chairtuolissaan.
- SheHänleanedkumartuiacross the desktiskin yli.
- HeHänleantkumartuiacross the back seattakaistuimen yliso that he could look up and see her faceetsiäkseen ja nähdäkseen hänen kasvonsa.
- Iminäwas<empty>leaningKumarruininto the carautoonto get the toddler out of the baby seatsaadakseni taaperon ulos lastenistuimestawhen I heard the shot.
- She was running out of time and courage as it was, she admitted asshehänleanedkumartuiinto the wardrobevaatekaapille,searching for a pair of navy espadrillesetsimään laivastonsinisiä espadrillojaan.
- Asone of the two copstoinen kahdesta poliisistacomesto<empty>leannojaamaaninto my windowikkunaani, the white van overtakes and glides on by.
- When he started to his feethehänenhadto<empty>leannojautuahardvoimakkaastion the arm of the chairtuolin käsinojaanwhile a moment of dizziness passed.
- IminäleanedNojauduinon the windowikkunaan.
- I imagineshehänenleanednojautuneeneagerlyinnokkaastiover the desktiskin ylitowards meminua kohti, as towards a pupil who has made a good point in his essay, smiling and nodding encouragingly.
- HeHänleanedkumartuiover Emily's shoulderEmilyn olkapään ylito see what she was readingnähdäkseen mitä tämä lukiand turned back to his own copy of the paper.
- Miss PughNeiti Pughleanedkumartuiover himhänen puoleensa.
- So, whenIminägentlylempeästileankumarrunover themheidän puoleensa, I recognise myself in
- VassVassleanednojautuitowards herhäntä kohti, elbows propped on the desk.
- SheNainenleanedkallistuiaway from himpois päin hänestäas far as she could goniin pitkälle kuin pystyi.
- SheHänleanednojautuicloser to himlähemmäs miestäand lay her head against his shoulder.
- Now lightly place your right hand behind your head andleannojauduto your left sidevasemmalle puolellesi.
- The driverKuljettajaleanedkumartuiout of the windowulos ikkunastaand shouted at the lad, sounded his horn twice, then drove on.
- And asRobertsRobertsleanedkumartuiin a windowikkunaan, police grabbed him and bundled him in.
- Cally rapped on the Suzuki's passenger window andhehänthought twice aboutleaningkumartumistaacrosseteenpäinand unlocking the door.
- Fearnley was by now talking so quietly thatIminunhadto<empty>leannojautuacloselähelleto hear himkuullakseni häntä.
- SheHänleanednojautuibacktaaksepäinagainst the seatistuimelle, her hands pressed between her own legs.
- Butshehänleanedkumartuidownalasand placed her soft lips gently on his bruised mouth.
- CowleyCowleyclimbed into the back of the car, thenleanedkumartuiout the windowulos ikkunastato add, `It seems that young Mayli has already located Colonel Lin Foh's new hotellisätäkseen: "Näyttää siltä, että nuori Mayli on jo eversti Lin Foh'n uudessa hotellissa.
- JackJackleantkumartuiover his stepfatherisäpuolensa puoleen,so that he could see him properlyjotta näkisi hänet kunnolla.
- HeHänleanedkumartuiover the railkaiteen ylito peer down onto the lower decktähyilläkseen alakannelle.
- Without a sign, without a word,TodgerTodgerleanedkumartuidownalasover himhänen puoleensa.
- SheHänleanedkumartuidownalasfor his kisssaadakseen mieheltä suudelman.
- I'm not supposed to tell you, 'cos your father said as how we'd all got to put it out of our heads, but … ”shehänleanedkumartuidown towards himalas miestä kohti,like a conspiratorkuin salaliittolainen.
- `You would like to be taken back to the town, monsieur? ``inquiredNataliaNatalia,leaningkumartuendownalasfrom the carriagerattailta.
- TabithaTabithaleanedkumartuiout over the railingkaiteen yli.
- HeHänleanedkumartuioutulosinto the upstairs hallkohti yläkerran aulaa, heard voices at the front door.
- Wrenching up the sash,hehänleanedkumartuioutulosfor a clearer viewnähdäkseen paremmin.
- Still hurrying along at a hundred miles an hourhehänleanedkumartuiover towards meminun puoleeniand lowered his voice.
- HeHänleanedkumartuioverylito meminua kohti.
- Springer wound down his window,SamSamleantkumartuiinsisälleand shot him dead.
- HeHänleanedkumartuiinsidesisäänand kissed her.
- Fig 61 As you rise upleannojaawell forwardspitkälle eteenpäin; this will transfer much of your weight through the front arm on to the mast foot.
- CranstonCranstonleanednojautuisidewayssivuttainto catch a glimpse of the young clerk's facenähdäkseen vilauksen nuoren myymäläapulaisen kasvoista.
- HeHänleanedkumartuito kiss her facesuutelemaan naisen kasvoja, his eyes dark and serious.
- Blood matted the blond hair, and Lindsey took a deep breath asshehänleanedkumartuicloserlähemmäksito peer at the woundvilkaistakseen haavaa.
lie down.v
- Then again the most beleaguered hostess would not swap a cantankerous granny on a Poundstretcher fora panicking marepanikoivaan tammaan,tryingto<empty>lie downasettua makuullein her stallkarsinassaanat 30,000 feet.
- `Luke will, ``Anna said unfairly, turning away and looking at her beautifully dug earth, and thinking how muchshehänwould just liketo<empty>lie downasettua makuulleon itsiihenand sleep.
- Norma, 55,Norma, 55,was unableto<empty>lie downasettumaan makuullefor three months while her neck healed after a fall downstairs at a friend's house.
- `They just used to crawl around in swamps and stuff, and all they breathed was stink, ``saidHrunHrun,lying downasettuen makuullein the bunklaverille.
- The demonstratorsMielenosoittajatwere preparedto<empty>lie downasettumaan makuullein front of trucks carrying concrete for the foundations of the mast, at Cairn Papplemaston perustuksia varten betonia kuljettavien rekkojen eteen Cairn Papplessa, near Bathgate, in West Lothian.
- `Lie downAsetu makuulle, my dear girl, ``Tremayne said.
- When he had vanished from sightshehänexpelled a long sigh and allowed the mask to slip away from her face, slowing returning to her towel andlying downasettuen makuulleflatlitteäksion itsen päälle.
- The big monsterSuuri hirviölay downasettui makuullenext to meviereeniwith its fur against my skin.
- It seems that whentheyheidätwere madeto<empty>lie downasettumaan makuullein the back of the truckkuorma-auton takaosaanand their hands were tied behind them, Katrine remembers there being rags underneath her.
- TaffTafflay downasettui makuulleon his backselälleenon the floor of the trenchojan pohjalle,oblivious to the mosquitoes and everythingtietämättömänä hyttysistä ja kaikestaelse and was soon snoring loudly.
- Helen and IHelen ja minäclimbed into Anerley Park andlay downasetuimme makuulleon our backsselällemmeon the grassruohikkoonby the swingskeinujen viereen, and looked at the sky, and pulled our clothes down.
- `WeMeidänhaveto<empty>lie downasettua makuulleon our backsselällemme.
- With his hands still covered in paintKätensä yhä maalin peitossahehänlay downasettui makuulleon the chilly sheetsviileisiin lakanoihinand waited for sleep to take his confusions away.
- Their udders dropped and their teats became larger and more pendulous so that whentheynelay downasettuivat makuullein their stallspilttuissaanthe vital milk-producing organ was pushed away to one side into the path of the neighbouring animals.
- Thenshehänlay downasettui makuullein the waterveteenand let the scented heat wash over her.
- In absolute terror,Iminälay downasetuin makuullebeside himhänen viereensä.
- SheHänlay downasettui makuullesilentlyhiljaa, pulling the covers over herself to get warm.
- Now, ifyousinälienojaudutbacktaaksepäinon the cushionspehmusteille, I'll just hook you up to an enhancement device so we can share the experience.
- Ashehänliesnojautuubacktaaksepäinin his armchairnojatuolissaan, grey hair falling across his brow and his fingertips steepled on his chest, he gives a rehearsed explanation.
- He smiled fondly at the girl as he spoke, andPaulette, who in truth was very pretty,Paulette, joka totta puhuen oli hyvin kaunis,blew him a kiss beforelyingnojautuibacktakaisinon the pillowstyynyille.
- `LieNojaabacktaaksepäin, Julia, ``he said at once, coming to push her shoulders back against the pillows.
- LieNojauduacross the benchpenkkiinwith the dumb-bell overhead and the elbows slightly bentkäsipaino pään yläpuolella ja kyynärpäät hieman taipuneina.
- He held a seven-inch knife at Mr Stokle's throat and orderedhimmiestäto<empty>lieasettumaan makuulleface downkasvot alaspäinon the floorlattialle.
- HeHänrosenousifrom his kneespolviltaan.
- `That's right, ``agreedMrs Tillingrouva Tilling,risingnoustenfrom her chairtuoliltaanand brushing a fine collection of sticky crumbs from her coat.
- It's what will WE do? ``hehänreplied,risingnoustenfrom his chairtuoliltaanto kiss her lightly on the forehead on his way to the Scotch decantersuudellakseen naista kevyesti otsalle mennessään viskikarahville.
- `I'm glad you brought Fon to see me, ``Nina said, asshehänrosenousito her feetjaloilleenand clutched Joe's arm, heading through the back door into the kitchen.
- HeHänrosenousiabruptlyodottamatta, and began to walk the wide chamber with his wine cup dangled lightly between his fingers, a habit of his when he was thoughtful.
- SlowlyHitaastihehänrosenousifrom his seatistuimeltaanand went over to the headmaster who stood twisting the piece of white chalk between his fingers.
- As soon as the Queen had completed her formal duties,King AlfonsKuningas Alfonsrosenousito make his replyvastatakseen.
sit down.v
- Everyone began to tell her that the shortest day had been passed andFredFredsat downistuutuibeside AnneAnnen viereen.
- Iminägot in, slammed the door andsat downistuuduinin a three-seatersohvalle.
- Without waiting to be invited,VenablesVenablessat downistuutuion the one unoccupied chairvapaalle tuolille,facing the detective inspector across the tablevastapäätä pöydän toisella puolella olevaa rikostutkijaa.
- SheHänsat downistuutuiquicklynopeastion the couchsohvalleand hugged herself to keep from shaking.
- “ Please come andsit downistuudu. ”
- HeHänordered his meal of cod and chips and no vinegar, thensat downistuutuito await its arrivalodottamaan sen saapumista.
- Without waiting to be invited,VenablesVenablessat downistuutuion the one unoccupied chairvapaalle tuolille, facing the detective inspector across the table.
- Iminädid as I was bid andsat downistuuduinagain.
- The youthNuoretsat downistuutuivatoppositevastapäätä.
sit up.v
- SuddenlyYhtäkkiähehänsat upnousi istumaan, shaking his head as if to throw off all troublesome thoughts, and managed a smile.
- As the mourners left,LydiaLydiaheard a low laugh andsat upnousi istumaanon her rughuovalleen, thinking suspiciously of her ears.
- ThenSittenhehänsits upnousee istumaanfastnopeasti, bouncing Keith off.
- JoyceJoycesits upnousee istumaanin the bedsängylläbeside mevieressäni.
- Yousinäsit upNouset istumaan,
- HariHarisat upnousi istumaanstraighterryhdikkäämminin her chairtuolissaan.
- SheHänsat upnousi istumaanstraightryhdikkäästi, her eyes once more flashing fire.
- Iminäsit upNousen istumaanin bedsängylläand swing my legs to the floor.
- As the teacher looked,BelleBelleopened her eyes andsat upnousi istumaanwith a radiant smilehymyillen säteilevästi.
- Fearon's eyes opened fully andhehänsat upnousi istumaanwith a jerknytkähtäen, swore, rubbed his hand over his black curls and squinted at her.
- Hari thrust her worries into the back of her mind and helpedher motheräitiäänto<empty>sit upnousemaan istumaanagainst the pillowstyynyjä vasten.
- HeHänsat upnousi istumaanalongside hernaisen vierelle, but she refused to look at him, refused to let him witness the wet film over her eyes.
- HeHänsat upnousi istumaanon the benchpenkilleand pulled on the robe.
- The person on duty disappeared out the back andIminäwentto<empty>sitistumaanin the same seat where I had sat the night beforesamalle istuimelle, jolla olin istunut edellisenä iltana.
- I was already there andshehäncame andsatistuutuiby meviereeni.
- The sergeant, whose name was Troth,Kersantti, jonka nimi oli Troth,came back andsatistuutuinext to MalmMalmin viereen.
- But Rosa motioned tohimhäntäto<empty>sitistumaan, and sat herself down, opposite him at the table, expectant.
- HeHänsatistuutuiuprightryhdikkäästi, leaving the gun on the floorboards.
- The horsemanHevosmiesthrew a couple of sacks over the backs of his horses andsatistuutuiunder the hedgepensasaidan alleto eat his elevenseskahvitauolle.
- HeHänsatistuutuibeside hernaisen viereen, close enough for her to feel the heat from his body.
- HeHänsatnojautuibacktaaksepäinfrom the microscopemikroskoopiltafor a moment, then looked again.
- BobBobsatnojautuibacktaaksepäinin his chairtuolissaan, playing with the pepper-mill, grinding a little pile of pepper into his left palm.
- HeHänsatnojautuibacktaaksepäinto let this sink inantaen asian mennä perille.
- HeHänsubsided as quickly as he'd erupted andslouchedlysähtieven deepervielä syvemmällein the chairtuoliin.
- TheyHeloosen their ties andslouchlysähtävätagainst the wallseinää vastenwith hands in pockets in manufactured nonchalance.
- MartinMartinslouchedlisähtion the couch beside himviereiselle sohvallaand began unlacing his boots.
- AngusAngusslouchedlysähtilike a spoiled bratkuin hemmoteltu kakara, nodded and began to tap noisily on the table top with his fingers.
- ByronByronslouchednojasibacktaaksepäinsolidlytukevastiin his chairtuolillaan, but Shelley never kept still.
- HeHänslouchedretkahtibacktakaisinunder his rugvilttinsä alle.
- `Well, ``'NickyNickyslouchednojasibacktaaksepäinin his chairtuolissaanand lit a cigarette.
- SlaterSlaterslouchedlysähtia littlehiemanand nodded, looking over the road to the gallery.
- ChuckChuckslouchedlysähtiforwardeteenpäin, grabbed the rope, and pulled vigorously on it alongside Dick.
sprawl out.v
- HeHänsprawled outretkahtiin his shortssortseissaanand drank thirstily before fervently putting down her suggestion.
- With an involuntary yell of alarmshehäntumbled forward andsprawledretkahtifull lengthkoko pituudeltaanin the muddy waterkuraveteen.
- LéonieLéoniesprawledretkahtilowermatalammalleon the muddy carpetkuraisella matollaand looked up at the beech trees spread against the sky.
- SheHänsprawledretkahtiflaträhmälleenon the hard wooden floorkovalle puulattialle, her cry abruptly silenced as all the air rushed out of her body.
- The door shot open, knocking Bill from his feet and sendinghimhänetsprawlingretkallaanacross the sidewalkjalkakäytävän yli.
- His return fire lifted Weaver off his feet and flunghimhänettwo yards backwards,to<empty>sprawlrähmälleenat Bodie's feetBodien jalkoihinas Bodie came racing through the side garden.
- The LabradorLabradorinnoutaja, a much easier-going animal, edged its way towards her andsprawledkellahtiat her sidehänen viereensä, wistfully eyeing her food but much too well mannered to help himself.
- Onceshehänfell over,sprawlingretkahtaenin the snowlumeen.
- JayJaypoured brandy andsprawledretkahtion the floorlattialle.
- Shortly afterwards, the home side broke away forShearerShearerto be sentsprawlingretkallaanby Stejskal, before picking himself up and converting the spot kick.
- MorrisMorrissprawledlysähtibacktakaisinin the one armchairnojatuoliinwith his whisky, watching them all impassively.
- DouglasDouglassprawledlysähtibacktakaisinin Steven's green high-winged chairStevenin vihreään korkeareunaiseen tuoliin, feeling very good.
- Chaplin invited Mayer to land one on him, and L B promptly obliged by punching Chaplin in the face, sendinghimhänetsprawlingretkalleenover a potted plantruukkukasvin yli.
- His foot caught in the grass, andhehänsprawledkaatuiheadlongpäistikkaa.
- HeHänsprawledlysähtitheresinne,half-undressedpuolipukeissa.
- HeHänsprawledkaatuiuntidilyhuolimattomasti, grabbed at Rostov's arm, and brought him down.
squat down.v
- SheHänsquatted downkyykistyito read itlukemaan sen, balancing on the balls of her feet.
- HeHänsquatted downkyykistyi, his clothes vibrating against his body, and injected something into Ari's neck.
- As she watchedhemiehendraped the shirt next to hers by the fire beforesquatting downkyykistyiopposite herhäntä vastapäätä.
- TheyHesquatted downkyykistyiväton a narrow ice ledgekapealle jääkielekkeelle.
- WillieWilliesquatted downkyykistyiin front of the shelveshyllyjen eteenand chose three books.
- HeHänsquatted downkyykistyibeside hernaisen viereenand took one of her hands in his and waited for her to go on.
- Cranston and AthelstanCranston ja Athelstansquatted downkyykistyivätbefore the cofferkirstun eteenand began to go through Sir Ralph's personal papers, but they found nothing about his years in Outremer.
- HeHänsquattedkyykistyiopposite usmeitä vastapäätäin the open doorwayavoimelle ovelleand lit a cigarette.
- Hardly glancing at Berowne's bodyDalglieshDalglieshpicked his way across the carpet to Harry Mack andsquattedkyykistyibeside himhänen viereensä.
- Frenzied with distress,HazelHazelleapt out of the gap andsquattedkyykistyibeside himhänen viereensä.
- Her friendHänen ystävänsäsquatskyykistyyby her sidehänen viereensä,looking into the sunkatsellen aurinkoa.
- SheHänsquattedkyykistyiby her sistersisarensa viereenand cuddled her because she was small and plump and happy.
- TepilitTepilitsquatskyykistyyon the floorlattialle.
- KareliusKareliussquattedkyykistyiin front of the firetulen eteenand extended his hands.
- HeHänleans down,squattingkyykistyenbefore meeteeni.
- Sohehänunbuckled his belt andsquattedkyykistyiagain, exploding farts and twisted guts.
- LukeLukesquattedkyykistyialongsideviereen, like a child anxious to keep the priest's attention.
stand up.v
- After a whileHetken kuluttuathe manmiesstood upnousi seisomaan.
- `Right, sir, ``Doone said, asIminästood upnousinout of the carulos autosta, `we've done nothing here so far.
- HeHänstood upnousi seisomaan.
- HeHänstood upnousi seisomaanslowlyhitaastiand entered the lounge.
- This is for a straight lecture, you know sometimespeopleihmisetstand upnousevatto give you a lecturepitämään sinulle luennon.
- Itwasn't untilVasta kunRonniRonnistood upnousi seisomaanat the shore's edgerannikon partaallethat she saw Guido standing watching her, bare feet planted in the sand.
- Herr NordernHerr Nordernstood upnousi seisomaanrather stifflymelko jäykästiand squared his shoulders.
- MenziesMenziesstood upnousi seisomaanvery straighthyvin suoranaand arranged his clothes.
- The InspectorTarkastajastood upnousi seisomaanvery tall and straight in his fine uniformhyvin pitkänä ja suorana hienossa univormussaan.
- Iminästand upnousen seisomaanin the entrance of my bowerhuvimajani ovelle, still in shadow.
- HorowitzHorowitzreplaced the phone,stood upnousi seisomaanslowlyhitaastiwithout a wordsanomatta sanaakaan, walked slowly up to the guard.
- `Pleasestand upnouse seisomaanand recite as much of it as you can.
- Get fit, get slim, practisestanding upseisomaan nousemistastraightsuorassawith your hands behind your backkädet selkäsi takana(a sign of confidence).
- When the restaurant was quiet,shehänwent andstoodseisomaanby Bogle's deskBoglen tiskille.
- StandSeisouprightryhdikkäästi, holding the bar at shoulder height in front of your chest with your palms facing outwards.
- Although she was not a tall woman,shehänenhadto<empty>stoopkumartualowmatalaksito get through the doorwaymahtuakseen oviaukosta.
- Asshehänstoopedkumartuiloweralemmas,her breath, caught in all the black veils, smelled terrible.
- She whispered to her husband, asMarionMarionstoopedkyyristyigracefullysulavastiinto the hutmökkiin, `Did you ever see such beauty?
- HeHänstoopedkumartuiover itsen ylle, peering down.
- `The Blood of Christ, ``PeterPetersaid softly,stoopingkumartuento herhänen puoleensawith the chalice.
- HeHänstuck the sheathed knife in his belt andstoopedkumartuiquicklynopeastito the old man's wristsvanhan miehen ranteille.
- HeHänstoopedkumartuigracefullysulavastitowards the little mankohti pientä miestäand laughed loud and shyly.
- In his enthusiasm he lost his cap and whenBethBethstoopedkumartuiwith difficultyvaivalloisestito retrieve itpoimimaan sen, she almost lost her balance as he insisted on pulling her forward.
- 47th minute: Arsenal skipper Tony Adams was unlucky to earn a booking for dangerous play asDurieDuriestoopedkumartuifor a headerpukkaukseen.
- ButIminästoopedkyyristyinlike lightningsalamanaand got the nail up and into my skirt pocket -- specially put on -- and I was standing exactly as he left me when he jumped back.
- Thenshehänstoopskumartuufor some pebblespoimimaan pikkukiviäand warns that I'd better come in now.
- Thenshehänstoopedkumartuiwith a broad smileleveästi hymyillento address Emilypuhuakseen Emilylle.
- HeHänstoopedkyyristyidownalasand reached out a hand towards the hovering coin.
- IminästoopedKyyristyindownalas,to put my face level with hisjotta kasvoni olisivat samalla tasolla kuin hänen.
- Pringle looked up atAlan MarkbyAlan Markbyastoopingkyyristyendownalasbeside himhänen viereensä.
- The robe had tripped me each timeIminähadolinstoopedkumartunutlow enough to exert sufficient forcetarpeeksi matalalle käyttääkseni riittävästi voimaa, so I had taken it off.
- FollyFollystoopedkumartuiquicklynopeastiand picked it up.
- SheHänstoopedkumartuirather stifflymelko jäykästito offer the boy her cheektarjotakseen pojalle poskeaan.
- HeHänstoopedkumartuiand picked up the torn halves himself.
- SheHängot up andstoopedkumartuito reach the tapkurkottaakseen hanaan.