It is said to be invisible in its natural state but will form into semi-matter under certain conditions, rather like
invisible moist air
näkymätön kostea ilma into a filmy liquid
kalvomaiseksi nesteeksi .
That explanation depends on the presence of molecular oxygen in
the gas cloud that
kaasupilvessä, joka to form the Sun, something the San Diego chemists think was likely, although they can not be certain.
It would take months for the rocks to cool off, and about a thousand years for
the steam in the air
ilmassa oleva vesihöyry back into the seas
takaisin meriin .
and fall on the slopes as a new sort of lubricant snow.
the water vapour which
vesihöyry, joka must have come from early volcanic activity and from the gaseous components of the solid Earth itself.
into a tiny pool
pikkuruiseksi lammeksi in the centre of the bloom
kukan keskelle .
The clouds of water vapour that had surrounded it
Sitä ympäröineet vesihöyrypilvet , but they were still hot.
The human body produces something like two litres of water vapour in an average night and in cold conditions
inside the filling
täytteen sisään .
The Hindus saw
subtle forces and proceeding energies
hienoisten voimien ja liikkuvien energioiden crystallizing or
into gross matter
näkyväksi aineeksi .
Hydrogen, helium and methane
Vety, helium ja metaani to form cloud particles
pilvihiukkasiksi at the pressures and temperatures through the cloud regions
pilvialueiden paineissa ja lämpötiloissa and therefore their relative abundances apply throughout the atmosphere.
Next morning the whole town and bay were shrouded in
on every cold surface
jokaiselle kylmälle pinnalle .
The specimen should be cold and in a cool room, otherwise
too quickly
liian nopeasti from its surface
sen pinnalta .
Cook gently, uncovered, stirring from time to time, for about half an hour, until most of
and the tomatoes are in a pulp.
The elasticity of each silk line and the large numbers of them, coupled with the surface tension of water, keeps the drop of water in place until
the water on the leaves
lehdillä oleva vesi in strong daylight
voimakkaassa päivänvalossa , it can burn the leaves causing brown areas which rot leaving holes and `tatty leaves ``.
and supplies of fresh fish are dwindling.
Some particles
Jotkut hiukkaset , however,
and survive the entry-heat to impact on the Earth's surface.
Essential oils
Eteeriset öljyt and are easily damaged by light, extremes of temperature and prolonged exposure to oxygen in the air.
When conditions are hot, horses can lose a lot of sweat without you even knowing because
In the long run,
every black hole in the universe
maailmankaikkeuden jokainen musta aukko .
Arctic ponds and lakes
Arktiset lammet ja järvet to depths of 1-2.5 m
1 - 2,5 metrin syvyydeltä from September onward
syyskuusta lähtien , and accumulate a layer of compacted snow on top of the ice during winter.
The river Thames in London
Lontoon Thames-joki right up to Westminster
Westminsteriin saakka .
They don't know about cold so intense that
so you can drive a horse and cart across them.
Standing water
Seisova vesi -- an obvious but often forgotten hazard.
The man slept on the floor, and
the water that had been spilt
läikytetty vesi .
Common salt and water form
a cryohydrate which
kryohydraattia, joka .
Everything in the house
Kaikki talossa -- the water in the kettle, even my false teeth in a cup beside my bed.
Container-grown evergreens, such as bays (Laurus nobilis) are especially vulnerable because
After two weeks it started snowing and
The ice made a crackling sound now as
and the wipers shifted it.
This year
right through
läpikotaisin and they all spent the afternoon of Christmas Eve sliding on it.
, so don't keep any cooked dish containing garlic too long.
There would be potato scones for tea, split down the middle,
in their golden hearts
niiden kultaisissa ytimissä , and probably jam tarts, for Aunt Margaret was making pastry.
They had always made toast in the winter evenings, stretching that long brass fork towards the log fire, holding each other close while
and bread scorched to cinders.
She may look like a fire-breathing dragon, but
in her mouth
hänen suussaan .
in half an hour
puolessa tunnissa, if left out of the fridge
jos se jätettiin laittamatta jääkaappiin .
It makes superb cheese on toast because
very easily
hyvin helposti .
some shallow lakes remained where boulder clay blocked old river courses.
The short-term climatic fluctuations of the Pleistocene have resulted in rapid world-wide (or eustatic) falls and rises of sea level as
has alternately frozen and
Scientists believe that if something is not done about this problem,
raising the level of the sea and flooding vast areas of low-lying land
nostaen merenpinnan tasoa ja aiheuttaen tulvia laajoilla alankoalueilla .
on the slate roofs of the houses
talojen liuskekatoilla .
Most of the snow
Suurin osa lumesta .
A spokesman for the National Rivers Authority said the city could face further problems if
the snow on higher ground
ylempien alueiden lumi begins
, in contrast,
almost completely
lähes kokonaan soon after it formed
pian muodostumisensa jälkeen but cooled rather quickly.
Soldering must be carried out with great care, noting that
most ties
valtaosa sidoksista if touched by a soldering iron or molten solder
jos juotoskolvi tai sula juote koskettaa niitä .
the North American glaciers
Pohjois-Amerikan jäätikköjen so irregularly
niin epäsäännöllisesti ?
Plastic Lunch boxes, food storage containers, etc,
Muoviset lounasrasiat, ruoan säilöntäastiat jne. if stacked close to the heating elements
jos ne pinotaan lähelle lämmityselementtiä .
However, argon, being a gas, is at zero concentration when
from the molten state
sulasta tilastaan , so the amount of argon produced is measured.
500,000 years later
500 000 vuotta myöhemmin , the congealed magnetic needles will point the opposite way.
The drops of liquid
Nestepisarat during the fall
putoamisen aikana and were instantly cooled by the water, which also preserved the shot from damage by impact on a hard surface.
between 25K and 120K
25 K:n ja 120 K:n välillä , so liquid helium or liquid hydrogen are used as refrigerants to prepare a solid matrix.
As it cools, over the years,
and forms crystals.
you can treat it as normal `pan ``watercolour: the colour can be lifted off by applying a wet brush.
Hail occurs when the water descending from the clouds solidifies, and snow when
in a wetter condition
märemmissä olosuhteissa .
to form small beads of glass
muodostaen pieniä lasihelmiä , a type of solid with a disorderly molecular arrangement.
They are consequently able to flow only very short distances before
Around 30 or so of the larger lakes remain, mostly composed of
heavy crude oil which
raskaasta raakaöljystä, joka into a sticky, semi-viscous non-porous layer
tahmeaksi, puolisitkeäksi, läpäisemättömäksi kerrokseksi .