Nor can Socrates' association with some of the Thirty Tyrants who, with Spartan support, had launched a
against the democracy
demokratiaa vastaan five years earlier, have been decisive.
The ceremony was boycotted by the Army Commander in Chief and former President, Gen. Augusto Pinochet Ugarte, who had led the
September 1973
syyskuun 1973 in which Allende was killed, and no troops were present.
There they argued inconclusively, and the students prepared to stage a
This was because the Shah, always nervous of a
, had structured the armed forces in such a way that lateral collaboration between the services was very hard to arrange.
For Panama's General Noriega, the week could have ended with far more than hurt feelings, after junior officers mounted a
Right wing soldiers in the Philippines have written to national newspapers saying they intend to launch a
against President Corizon Aquino
presidentti Corizon Aquinoa vastaan , and to replace her with a military junta.
After the
by the Marxist PDPA
marxilaisen PDPA:n in April 1978
huhtikuussa 1978 Soviet officials grew reluctant to acknowledge Afghanistan's legal status of neutrality in relation to the USSR.
The Cyprus model failed when an
by Greek Cypriots
kreikkalaisten kyproslaisten provoked a Turkish invasion.
A second
led to the revocation of the Constitution and the establishment of the Republic of Fiji on Oct. 6.
Suggestions in 1975 of a
by Colonel Stirling's `non-party, non-class organization of apprehensive patriots ``or General Walker's `non-class Militia
eversti Stirlingin "huolestuneiden patrioottien puolueeton ja luokkajaoton järjestyksestä" tai kenraali Walkerin "luokkajaoton miliisijärjestelmästä" met with almost universal derision.
Wanted in Bolivia on murder charges brought as a result of the
in July 1980
heinäkuussa 1980 , Arce had allegedly used his position to set up a cocaine racket.
The Arab Republic of Egypt was declared after a
After the Shah's former brother-in-law, King Farouk, was overthrown in a
in 1952, Egypt became the Shahs leading opponent in the region.
The incident, which did not result in casualties, came only hours after the South Korean government had placed its armed force on heightened alert in response to the
in the Soviet Union
Neuvostoliitossa .
Exiled abroad for opposing the
, Prestes returned to Brazil from Moscow in 1979 when the ban on opposition parties was lifted.
Mohammed Siyad Barre seized power in a
in October 1969, abolishing the multiparty system.
He was accused of involvement in one of two failed
which had attempted to overthrow King Hassan II.
The only hiccup in Anglo-Argentinian arms deals was immediately following the
when the military seized power.
The accusations of incompetence after the botched attempt to support the
Noriegan vastaista had stung the Bush Administration.
attempts have been rumoured in recent months.
by former President Dacko
Entinen presidentti Dacko in September 1979, the country reverting to the status of republic.
The Prime Minister
pääministerin in a bloodless coup
verettömällä vallankaappauksella by the armed forces
Sotavoimat in January 1986 and executive and legislative powers were conferred upon the King.
The civilian government
siviilihallitus in a military coup
sotilaallisella vallankaappauksella in December 1983, and another military coup took place in August 1985.
Ferdinand Marcos
Ferdinand Marcos fled to Hawaii in 1986 after
as president of the Philippines
Filippiinien presidenttinä , his close friend Mr Cojuangco went with him.
On the news of the occupation of Andalusia by the French armies Buenos Aires set up
a Junta which
juntan, joka in order to `preserve ``the Viceroyalty for Ferdinand VII.
Francis and Mary
Francis ja Mary deposed
syöksivät vallasta the regent
johtokunnan jäsenen .
Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge regime
Pol Potin Khmer Rouge -järjestelmän by invading Vietnamese forces
Hyökkäävät vietnamilaiset joukot .
But this was shelved when
as chairman
puheenjohtajan tehtävästä .
It met at Constance in November 1414 and
The minister, Dr McLeod Campbell,
Ministeri tri McLeod Campbellia was accused of heresy and two years later
Also on July 13
to head a commission to draft a new party programme for approval at a special conference or congress by mid-1992
johtamaan komiteaa, joka suunnittelisi uuden puolueohjelman hyväksytettäväksi erityiskonferenssissa tai kongressissa vuoden 1992 puoliväliin mennessä .
a Congress party MP for Rampur
Rampurin kongressipuolueen kansanedustajaksi in 1967, and was returned another four times.
He is defending a lead of 2,661 and a 2.5pc swing to Labour would be enough
his Labour rival Alan Milburn
hänen kilpailijansa, työväenpuolueen Alan Milburnin .
student representatives
opiskelijaedustajat to sit on the principal decision-making bodies of the University, the Council and Senate, and their major sub-committees
yliopiston, valtuuston ja senaatin tärkeimpiin päättäviin elimiin ja niiden suurimpiin alatoimikuntiin .
Boss of the Beach
rannan ritariksi , huh?
remained unsubdued, and
when Æthelred died on 23 April.
to Parliament
parlamenttiin and have collective responsibility.
On Sept. 23
Senior Gen. Le Duc Anh
vanhemman kenraalin Le Duc Anhin to the new post of President
uuteen presidentin virkaan .
had to wait four years
after receiving that bill.
Executive power is vested in
the President
presidentille ,
by universal suffrage
yleisellä äänioikeudella for a renewable five-year term.
Gamsakhurdian by the Georgian Supreme Soviet
Georgian korkein neuvostojohto on April 14
to the new post of executive President of Georgia
uuteen Georgian toimeenpanevan presidentin virkaan (his previous title had been Chair of the Supreme Soviet).
Gen. Khamtay Siphandon, the Premier,
Kenr. Khamtay Siphandon ensimmäinen as chair of the LPRP
LPRP:n puheenjohtajaksi at a special meeting of the party's central committee held on Nov. 24.
Like all left-wingers, Lowe loathed
in 1974 on the back of the wave of industrial militancy which culminated in the miners' strike of that year.
to the Long Parliament
pitkään parlamenttiin in 1640
as MP for Liverpool
Liverpoolin alahuoneen jäseneksi , sitting alongside his uncle, Major-General Ralph Assheton.
a fellow of Trinity
Trinityn jäseneksi in 1866,
became an assistant tutor in 1867, and began the system of intercollegiate lectures and courses of university extension lectures.
The association was resuscitated in 1976, after a lapse of 10 years, by Professor Richard Penny,
the first `new ``president
ensimmäiseksi "uudeksi" puheenjohtajaksi .
Eleven people
Yksitoista ihmistä .
The National Assembly
Kansalliskokous from its members
jäsenistään a 31-member Council of State
31-jäsenisen valtioneuvoston to represent it between its twice-yearly ordinary sessions
edustamaan sitä puolivuosittaisissa yleisistunnoissa ; the President of the Council of State is the head of state.
Today every school has
from the parent body
vanhempainvaltuustosta on its Board of Governors.
If people want to discuss matters of general concern, they must get
to this Congress
tähän kongressiin .
The university authorities encouraged this novel development and
three students
kolme opiskelijaa to the county congress
piirikunnan kongressiin .
on April 25 formally
to the politburo
politbyroohon Grigory Yeremey and Dzhumgalbek Amanbayev
Grigory Yeremey ja Dzhumgalbek Amanbayev , respectively the new Moldavian and Kirghiz CP first secretaries [see p. 38014; p. 38159].
Some of the practices of the colonial state were re-introduced, including corporal punishment, and some of
to village councils
kyläneuvostoihin were rejected on the grounds that they had held positions under the previous regime.
The Labour Council
Työneuvostolla, joka ,
in 1982, had as a stated policy aim that every child whose parents so wished was entitled to a pre-school place of some sort.
by direct vote
Suoralla äänestyksellä were expected to form into two major factions.
Legislative power is vested in a bicameral Parliament, which consists of
a 60-member House of Representatives
60-jäsenisestä edustajainhuoneesta popularly
demokraattisesti for up to five years, and a 21-member appointed Senate.
It also established
a 150-member National Assembly
150-jäsenisen kansalliskokouksen, joka from among the members of eight directly elected regional councils
kahdeksan suoraan valitun alueneuvoston jäsenistä .
This climate severely limited the ability of opposition groups to mobilize within the existing vertical structure, although they did have some success in getting
their candidates
ehdokkaitaan, jotka as workplace representatives and as members of the company council
työpaikkojen edustajiksi ja yritysten johtokuntien jäseniksi .
Now that can create problems between
and a person who is not elected.
A military court in Zagreb on May 20 sentenced five Croats to terms of between one and 3@1/2 years for preparing an armed
against the JNA
JNA:ta vastaan to kill officers and their families.
It proved to be a long, painful, and frustrating operation, which along the way provoked two
against the regime
hallintojärjestelmää vastaan , alienated much of the army, and left behind lifelong resentments.
Legislation has reduced the barons to serfdom, and it is some time since they seriously hampered leadership policy (more often, lately, they have helped defeat
kannatusjoukon ).
No coherent majority emerged, and alarmed by
among the lower classes
alempien luokkien and trouble on the eastern borders the Assembly eventually turned to the King of Prussia for help.
They suggested that no coup attempt had actually occurred, and implied that the government had made the claim of
as a pretext for executing officers whose loyalty to the regime was in doubt.
This became a signal for revolutionary
in Catalonia and Asturia
by the C.N.T.-F.A.I
C.N.T.-F.A.I:n taholta .
Yet in this period, at least in Europe, the old-fashioned
for church and king
kirkon ja kuninkaan puolesta against the godless and liberal cities
jumalattomia ja vapaamielisiä kaupunkeja vastaan became scarce.
Instead of worrying about how to make the RUC acceptable to the minority, O'Neill should have been using the legitimate power of the state to crush an
His response was predicated on the idea that he was dealing with an
when he was actually faced with a group of unarmed demonstrators who posed nothing more than a difficult public order problem.
The charges against Enrile arose from the abortive coup attempt of December 1989, the most serious
Aquino to date.
and revolution, whether
by peasants or others
talonpoikien tai muiden toimesta , explain little more than the timing of some cases of serf emancipation, and nothing about the abolition of slavery.
against the rowing establishment
soutujärjestelmää vastaan last summer
by oarsmen being coached by him
Hänen valmentamiensa soutajien was patched up in time for the world championships in Yugoslavia, but at the end of the championships Spracklen declared that he had no future in British rowing.
Mosley, arguing that Spengler's understanding of caesarism was profound but that he had failed to see the potential in modern science to rejuvenate society, saw fascism as a `
against destiny
kohtaloa vastaan ``.
JOHN Major will move today to head off a threatened
by the Tory Right
konservatiivioikeiston to sink his premiership.
During the
of 1857 they remained steadfastly loyal to the Crown, and for this were accorded a permanent 15-gun salute by the Viceroy.
John Wesley died in 1791, aged eighty-eight, and the famous
of the British Navy ship Bounty
Britannian laivaston Bounty-aluksella took place.
over pay arrears
maksujäännöksistä had spread to several sections of the armed forces by the end of July, sparked off by troops of the Nyanga Battalion who erected road-blocks in the Manhica area.
Rebel attacks --
The period from October to December saw a rash of localized
among soldiers and sailors
sotilaiden ja merimiesten keskuudessa from the naval base of Kronstadt near St Petersburg to the Far Eastern Army.
'd done
at training school, naturally, but it had clashed with his violin lessons and so he'd pretended to have a cold.
Faced with
in barely a day Jones agreed, though insisting his men must not search or damage the house but merely demand the family silver.
Brigadier-General Arturo Enrile was speaking after President Corazon Aquino declared a national state of emergency and banned broadcasts of rebel pronouncements in an attempt to contain the
which has shaken her government.
She was elected to the Labour party national executive committee in 1947 and remained an MP until 1970, despite an attempt by
her local party
paikallisen puolueensa in 1955 because of her right-wing position.
a united front of left-wing opposition parties
vasemmiston oppositiopuolueiden yhdistynyttä rintamaa Communist Party officials still controlling regional and local government
alueellisia ja paikallisia hallituksia yhä tarkkailevat kommunistipuolueen virkamiehet , he continued: ``This year will be decisive.
Profit margins collapsed and
as chairman
puheenjohtajan tehtävästä .
in May 1987
the civilian government elected one month earlier
kuukautta aikaisemmin vaaleilla valitun siviilihallituksen , was appointed Prime Minister on June 2 and named a coalition government on the following day.
The seat is one of several in Rajasthan which the Janata Dal can not afford to lose if
the combined opposition forces
opposition yhdistetyt voimat are
Under Russian law, the vice-president, Alexander Rutskoi would take power if
by her uncle, William IV's younger brother,
Hänen setänsä, William IV:n nuorempi veli, but in the eyes of her descendants she had been the rightful Countess of Toulouse and periodically they went to war to re-assert that claim.
Those directors
Kyseiset jäsenet have since been
on siitä lähtien from the board
johtokunnasta .
is reportedly hoping
Karoly Grosz
Karoly Groszin as General Secretary
yleissihteerin virasta .
Following his return from exile on April 12,
former President James Mancham
entinen presidentti James Mancham, joka ,
in a coup
vallankaappauksessa in 1977, met with President France-Albert René on April 21.
They now began to side with the extreme wing of the pied noir integrationist movement, which openly called for
vallasta syöksemistään .
In August 1980 the Constitution was suspended and the legislature dissolved following the
of the elected government
vaaleilla valitun hallituksen and its substitution by a National Military Council (NMR).
In the eastern town of Douala a crowd of about 50,000 demanding the
syökseminen vallasta was confronted by troops on May 16, but refused to disperse.
The unnatural act of Dara's murder and the
vallasta syökseminen of Shah Jehan
Shah Jehanin acted like a curse upon Delhi.
Yet basically it was a team of people trying to wrest power, not a
populistiperusteisesta .
After Vézeronce Godomar took power in Burgundy, which he held until
syöstiin vallasta .
2 Marxists, convinced as to the eventual
of capitalism
kapitalismin , argue that corporatism is at best a short-run institutional solution to the deep-seated conflicts between capitalists and workers.
In Cuba, the Communists played a less than glorious role in the
of dictator Gerardo Machado
diktaattori Gerardo Machadon .
He'd served twenty seven years in Jail for advocating the
An early attempt by
Entisten ministerien in 1964 ended in total failure; three high-ranking party members disappeared in a car crash in 1982.
The junta that
Juntta, joka the old Emperor Haile Selassie
vanhan keisarin Haile Selassien brutally eliminated the tiny, rich and greedy elite around him.
in April of 1689, he was a member of the council of safety that ran the colony's affairs until a popular convention voted to resume the old charter government.
Portuguese cavalry officer and a leader of the Armed Forces Movement,
the group of junior officers which
ryhmä nuorempia upseereja, jotka the dictatorship of Marcelo Caetano
Marcelo Caetanon diktatuurin in the bloodless revolution of 1974.
The carnage led
army officers
armeijan upseerit in March 1991.
The trial opened on Jan. 9 of 14 senior military officers, including five major-generals, facing charges of mutiny and attempting
the government
hallituksen .
find it just
the Northern statelet
pohjoisen valtion by whatever degree of force
sen suuruisella voimalla kuin proves necessary.
, fighting
the government
hallituksen for the past two-and-a-half years, did not respect the ceasefire, first imposed by the government for 72 hours on 27 September.
were accused of having plotted
the government
hallituksen on behalf of former President Jean-Baptiste Bagaza, in exile in Libya.
However, in the event,
Soviet regimes
neuvostohallinnot were set up in Estonia and Latvia in October 1917, but
by German occupation
saksalaisten miehityksessä .
After their withdrawal,
the Azerbaijan government
Azerbaidžanin hallitus by a rising
kansannousulla in Baku and a Soviet Socialist Republic was established.
Such satisfactions have enabled
sivilisaatioiden to persist over time, and they
have not, therefore, been
eikä siksi ole by the suppressed masses
nujerrettujen kansanrivien toimesta .
Early in 1979
by a widespread national revolution
laajalle levinnyt kansallinen vallankumous .
Pincanheale was the site of two Northumbrian church councils in 787 and 796, and it may be that
at a gathering there of his magnates and leading churchmen.
The depraved state of women in monogamy, associated as it is with private property and capitalism, will according to him, be replaced when
A civilian government
siviilihallitus , elected in 1978,
suistettiin vallasta in a military coup
sotilaallisella vallankaappauksella in November 1980, after which the 57-member National Assembly and the Constitution were suspended.
As a young army officer Prestes had joined an abortive
to depose the repressive regime of President Artur da Silva Bernardes (1922-1926).
There was hope of an
to unseat Hitler, but firmer news that he had ringed himself with his most loyal SS units, doubling his personal security.
his subjects
hänen alamaisillaan had a right of resistance, of
, if he failed to rule them justly and to give them due protection.
there was a
against the Protestants of Ulster
Ulsterin protestantteja vastaan , and English authority over the island was shaken.
There is a possibility, therefore, that Ealhfrith lost his life in a
against his father
isäänsä vastaan while Wilfrid was receiving consecration in Gaul.
In an address to the country on Jan. 5, Prime Minister Amadou Cheiffou indicated a willingness to use military force to crush the growing
by Tuareg tribespeople in the north
pohjoisen tuareg-heimokansan taholta .
A special conference to be held in Tombouctu with the aim of ending the
in the north of the country [see p. 38325] was postponed from Nov. 15 to Dec. 27.
Tory MPs
Alahuoneen konservatiivijäsenet on the brink of
over Council Tax
kunnallisveron vuoksi
The Bush administration's revision of its Indo-China policy was partly designed to forestall a potential
`It is another punishment for
kapinoinnistamme .
did not bring him even a modest reward.
But it is also a history which tries to take account of the whole range of factors that shape human societies, from the character of their physical environments to
Thrusts of resistance (mass demonstrations, resignations,
, etc) would come in crests.
The tsar could congratulate himself on Russia's first military triumph since the suppression of the
in 1831.
As the deficit developed, it enabled
of that
vallankumouksen to seem greater to consumers than they really were.
Two things are needed: a training
to modernise people's skills
ihmisten taitojen modernisoimiseksi , and rights for employees to fair treatment at work.
Provided the Soviet regime could ensure its short-term survival, there would be time for the
vallankumoukselle to bring political and material relief to the Soviet federation.
Was the war, as liberal patriots maintained, a
to regenerate Spain
Espanjan uudelleenluomiseksi ?
against occupation
miehitystä vastaan .
News of the resignation was greeted with jubilation by the protesters, many of whom hailed it as the true start of
vallankumoukselle against communist rule
kommunistivaltaa vastaan .
Independent candidates won 83 seats, among them Jaled Mohiedine, the veteran leader of the small left-wing Progressive Patriotic Association and a leading figure in the 1952
vallankumouksessa against the monarchy
monarkiaa vastaan .
He said: `I was one of the
leading students
johtavista opiskelijoista in the
vallankumouksessa against the Communist system
kommunistista järjestelmää vastaan .
He did not seek re-election to the Parliament of 1685 and supported the
of 1688, subscribing money to the new regime.
If Mr Gorbachev really does now intend to take that step in his own country,
vallankumouksestaan is about to become an economic one too.
There's been too much velvet in
vallankumouksessamme .
He then followed up, in 1938, with his classic study of the
in Haiti led by Toussaint Louverture -- `The Black Jacobins ``.
The aim of the group, it was claimed, was to organize ``an
to topple the free democratic system and the capitalist economy.
The laibon speaks of the
against the Germans
saksalaisia vastaan in 1915 and of the last great war waged against the unspeakable Bantu tribes around Lake Victoria who ate fish.
against the townies
kaupunkilaisia vastaan will take place after the next eunoto, which is the gathering of thousands of warriors at the end of their time as morans.
In 1951, during the period of the
against the French colonial rule
Ranskan siirtomaavaltaa vastaan , he walked through his country's rich tropical forests to China, where he and his colleagues set up a temporary university.
A tape recorded announcement of a
against the government
hallitusta vastaan was received by the Noticias Argentinas news agency on Nov. 7 and commented on in the daily newspaper El Diario Popular on Nov. 8.
by a Marxist-nationalist group, the JVP
Marxilais-nationalistisen ryhmittymän, JVP:n, , was effectively but brutally crushed in 1989-90.
Previously, the Aquino administration had been reluctant to charge Marcos or his wife with a criminal offence, for fear that their presence in the country could provoke an
by their supporters
heidän tukijoidensa .
This potential danger became apparent with the emergence eight months after the beginning of the
of a new group
uuden ryhmittymän , the Islamic Resistance Movement, better known by its acronym, Hamas (zeal).
It had been used more recently as well, during the
vallankumouksellisten of the 1960s, when the bodies of execution victims were flung into the cave.
By mid-March,
had been brutally put down by Saddam Hussein's Republican Guard.
The continuing protests merged on May 18 with the commemoration of the 11th anniversary of the brutal suppression of the
[see pp. 30606-07].
One type of authoritarian rule had been followed by another, not allowing for that kind of unsettling liberalization which is so conducive to
among minorities
vähemmistöjen keskuudessa .
It needed the shock waves of the
in 1956 to transform the situation.
in 1534 was suppressed by Henry VIII, who declared himself King of Ireland in 1541.