- Iminä'mOlencertainvarma,that he didn't set out to misleadettei hän ryhtynyt harhauttamaan.
- `I'm sure you understand that I must feelabsolutelytäysincertainvarma,that you wouldn't share our secret -- with anyone, ``he explained to her.
- SheHänwasolicertainvarma,his faith would be infectiousettä hänen uskonsa olisi tarttuvaa; that, like maternal love being born fiercely with the baby, her belief would spring to life with marriage.
- HeHänwasoliequallyyhtäcertainvarma,they could cross the barrier between gorgio and Romany togetherettä he yhdessä voisivat ylittää valkolaisen ja romanin välissä olevan esteen.
- He laughed, then frowned at the aircraft's controls as ifhehänwas notei olisientirelytäysincertainvarma,what most of them didmitä suurimmalla osalla niistä tehtiin.
- HeHänwasn'tei ollutcertainvarma,why the expression made his stomach churnmiksi ilmaus sai hänen vatsansa vellomaan, but churn it did.
- This meansyousinäcan bevoit ollaquitemelkocertainvarmaabout total success, relative success and failuretäydellisestä onnistumisesta, suhteellisesta onnistumisesta ja epäonnistumisestaand, therefore, be in a better position to learn from experience.
- The FrenchRanskalaiset, having been victims of German occupation,wereolivatmuch lesspaljon vähemmäncertainvarmojaabout this policytästä menettelytavasta.
- It's going on raining all night,Iminä'molencertainvarmaof thatsiitä, but we can feed underground here, you know.
- She thought that it was odd thatshehänenshould betulisi ollasoniincertainvarmaof Beuno's allegiance with her against one of his countrymenBeunon uskollisuudesta häntä kohtaan ja maanmiestään vastaan, but she had no doubts of him.
- Moreover, the weight of authority on the construction of those two subsections will enableboth the landlord and the tenantettä sekä vuokraisäntä että vuokraajato beovatmorevieläcertainvarmempiaof the legal scope of the powervallan lakisääteisestä laajuudesta.
- YouSinunmust, therefore, be certain, I repeat,certainvarmabeyond reasonable doubtepäilemättäthat Paul Menzies could have committed such an evil crime as murderettä Paul Menzies olisi voinut tehdä niin kamalan rikoksen kuin murhan.
- The world well knows how this conflict began … andIminäamolencertainvarmaof how it will endsiitä kuinka se päättyy…
- It is interesting to note thatmanagement and professional staffhallinto- ja ammattihenkilöstöare the leaston vähitencertainvarmaas to whether they will move with their jobssiitä, edistyvätkö he työssään.
- They may however have achieved a realization of theoretical proposals: butwemecan not beemme voi ollacertainvarmojaabout thatsiitä,until further research has been undertaken into the workings of the Household.
- “ Howcanvoityousinäbeollasoniincertainvarma? ”
- `I can't tell you how I know, butIminä'molencertainvarma.
- Like the early Irish monks on the Sceilig rock (like a prior, then, and abbess), we work in thecertaintyvarmoinathat nothing will interveneettei mitään tulisi väliin.
- He felt no suchcertaintyvarmuuttaabout RussiaVenäjästä.
- There are people who know that they have experienced deep within themselves a reality which givesthemheillesimpleyksinkertaisenandoverwhelmingylivoimaisencertaintiesvarmuudenabout the real goals of human existenceihmisen olemassaolon todellisista päämääristäand which transforms their lives.
- The effect of these riders was to stress the need forcertaintyvarmuuteenin decision makingpäätöksenteossa.
- `Oh, yes, you are, Laura, ``he drawled softly, her limbs trembling at the hard, flat note ofcertaintyvarmuudenin his voiceäänessään.
- The gentle note ofcalmRauhallisencertaintyvarmuudenin his voiceäänessäänripped at Virginia's flayed emotions.
- But Charlotte would have needed to be alone with him, decks cleared of their differences, forcertaintyvarmuudenon the pointasiassa.
- HisHänencertaintyitsevarmuutensa, his sense of direction, his belief in himself disintegrated alongside his career, and the Nizan household was never the same again.varmuutensa
- HisHänentotalehdotoncertaintyvarmuutensawas depressing.
- How I had despised his brutishness then, and how I longed for his toughness,hishänenuncomplicatedmutkatonta,animaleläimellistäcertaintyvarmuuttaannow.
- Newman's `venture ``, like Pascal's wager, identified belief as a commitment undergone without thecertaintyvarmuuttaof God's existenceJumalan olemassaolosta-- indeed a commitment that makes sense only without that certainty.
- For some clients, understanding the origins of their fears and stress is easy, for others many sessions of assessment and detailed analysis may not result in anycertaintyvarmuuteenas to the genesis of their problemsheidän ongelmiensa synnystä.
- Furthermore, therecan be noei voida ollaabsoluteehdottomancertaintyvarmojathat a candidate's thesis will pass in the endettä kandidaattien opinnäytteet menevät lopulta läpi, however carefully the examiners are selected.
- Sherfey (1970) points out that femininity may not be a transhistorical absolute; butherhänencertaintyvarmuutensathat it existssen olemassaolostanow endows it with contemporary universality.
- The realization bit intoHarry'sHarrynconfidencevarmuus,that he could outwit such a manettä hän olisi ovelampi kuin tuo mies: who was he really fooling?
- Whilst we still have a lot to do, the determination and resolve of everyone in the Group to continued improvement is encouraging, and givesmeminulleconfidencevarmuuden,that we will meet our goalsettä saavutamme tavoitteemme.
- This didn't givethe guytyypillea lot ofpaljoaconfidencevarmuuttaabout his betveikkaukseensa, but I don't think the thought of losing had entered Peter's head.
- There was an air oftremendousvaltavaconfidencevarmuusabout himhänestä.
- The Australian's withdrawal from a three year contract immediately shifted a considerable burden back onto Jarvis, but the former England seamer is not lacking inconfidencevarmuuttaabout his prospectsmahdollisuuksiinsa.
- From the mid-1970s the slow-down in economic growth and rising inflation sapped theconfidencevarmuuttaof policy-makerspolitiikantekijöidenin demand managementkysynnänhallintaan.
- Shildon displayed theconfidenceluottavansaof the experienced professionalkokeneeseen ammattilaiseenand as Rain relayed the story of Shildon's investigation into MacQuillan's business life, Wickham found the impression reinforced.
- The experience would not dentherhänenconfidencevarmuuttaanor make her fearful about driving alone, she said.
- These thoughts serve to reduceourmeidänselfitse-confidenceluottamustammefurther and encourage us to give up before trying.
- Streamline Graded Readers encourage students in their language learning and help them to gainconfidenceluottamustain their abilityomiin kykyihinsä.
- Even this great cathedral will become a museum and mausoleum the day we loseourmeidänconfidenceuskommein the resurrectionylösnousemukseen.
- This gives potential franchisees theconfidencevarmuudenof knowing they will be dealing with a reputable companysiitä, että he ovat tekemisissä maineikkaan yrityksen kanssa.
- But she neither hurried nor delayed him: no false protestations of innocence, and no urgent tugging at his clothes as he temporarily lostconfidencevarmuutensaor dawdled along the way.
- Taking her arm, he slowed his pace a little, but still he moved through the darkness with theabsoluteehdottomallaconfidencevarmuudellaof some night creatureyöeläjän.
- I predict withcompleteehdottomallaconfidencevarmuudella,that the House of Lords will never be abolished for two reasonsettä ylähuonetta ei koskaan lakkauteta kahdesta syystä.
- The resultant loss ofstaffhenkilökunnanconfidencevarmuudencaused important members of the team to leave.
- So whatever the intensity of use and type of environment -- you can specify Burmatex withtotalehdottomanconfidencevarmaksi.
- Like the Egyptians, Syria's men come under direct Saudi command, and the Saudis expressconfidencevarmuutta,that they will obey whatever orders are givenettä he tottelevat kaikkia mahdollisia käskyjä.
- `I just don't think you should have told them thatIminulladon't have anyconfidenceitsevarmuuttawith womennaisten kanssa.
- But if the theory was mathematically consistent and always gave predictions that agreed with observations,wemecould bevoisimme ollareasonablyperustellusticonfidentvarmojathat it was the right oneettä se oli oikein.
- HeHänwasoliconfidentvarma,he would not have to pay upettei hänen tarvitsisi maksaa,and even told me, `You will never score that many goals ``.
- I am aware that the economic situation of Italy is at the moment rather troubled, butIminäfeelconfidentvarma,that piracy is not among our bad habitsettei piratismi kuulu pahoihin tapoihimme.
- The smooth style of Bryan Gould and the calm air of managerial competence conveyed by John Smith are deemed essential to makesouthern voterseteläiset äänestäjätfeelconfidentvarmojaabout the new Labour Partyuudesta työväenpuolueesta.
- Iminä'mOlenmuch morepaljonconfidentvarmempiabout my abilitykyvykkyydestäniand I have learned a lot.
- NowIminäfeelveryhyvinconfidentvarmaabout lifeelämästä.
- MillerMillerwasoliconfidentvarmaabout his coaching abilitiesvalmennustaidoistaanbut lacked the management skills needed to run a Premier club.
- CharlesCharlesfeltfairlymelkoconfidentvarmaof her safety for the time beingnaisen turvallisuudesta tuohon aikaan.
- `ButI<empty>am nowolen nytmore<empty>confidentvarmempiin voicing my viewsnäkemysteni ilmaisemisessa.
- WemeareOlemmeconfidentvarmoja,in recommending her strongly to youettä voimme vahvasti suositella häntä sinulle.
- WeMeidänmust betäytyy ollaconfidentvarmoja.
- Of thatSiitä, at least,shehänwasoliconfidentvarma.
- However,Mr Kelmanherra Kelmanisonconvincedvakuuttunut,that a law against hacking for fun will hamper the investigation and prosecution of computer crimeettä huvin vuoksi hakkerointia vastaan säädettävä laki tulee vaikeuttamaan tietokonerikollisuuden tutkimista ja syyttämistä.
- It was only later that he found out that nearly everyone suffers from the same delusion in one form or another; at the timehehänwasoliconvincedvakuuttunut,that it was his own personal idiosyncrasyettä kyse oli hänen henkilökohtaisesta ominaispiirteestään.
- Cryptosporidium was diagnosed three weeks ago, butdoctorslääkäritareovatconvincedvakuuttuneita,it's now died offettä se on nyt hävinnytand Julie's current problems are the result of something else.
- Fratter's (1989) study indicates that providedpractitionersammatinharjoittajatareovatconvincedvakuuttuneitaabout the importance of contactkontaktin tärkeydestä, adoptive families may not be too difficult to find.
- All threeKaikki kolmewereolivatconvincedvakuuttuneitaof his innocencehänen viattomuudestaan.
- In short,Iminäbecame<empty>convincedvakuutuinof my own omnipotenceomasta kaikkivoipaisuudestani.
- BecausehehänwasoliconvincedvakuuttunutZack was about to scuttle and runZackin olevan aikeissa paeta, if he couldn't get to Zack alone and unarmed, without a shadow from either the British or American authorities.
- She brings home everything except potatoes and anyone who says that one can't get fresh vegetables in London must do her shopping by telephone,shehänisonconvincedvakuuttunut.
- `I am fit and well prepared, ``he said, defusingdoubtsepäilyksetthat he was not as good as last yearetteikö hän olisi yhtä hyvä kuin viime vuonna.
- Whatever one's interpretation of the events of the next two and a half months, therecan bevoi ilmetälittlehiemandoubtepäilyksiäthat they represent an improvised response rather than a matured planettä he esittävät sepitetyn vastineen kypsytellyn suunnitelman sijasta.
- Yesterday's stage-managed show of Tory loyalty do not remove thewidespreadlaajalle levinneitädoubtsepäilyksiäthat Mr Major is simply not up to the jobettä herra Major ei vain ole tehtävänsä tasalla.
- Gary Pallister is already ruled out and there's adoubtepäilyksiäconcerning Brian RobsonBrian Robsonia koskeviawho has a sinus infection.
- Doubtsepäilyksetconcerning American policyAmerikan politiikkaa koskevatin any case were often offset by a higher regard for the Americans as a people.
- His geopolitical (some would say his neo-imperialist) strategy similarly demanded the continuance of a strong British Commonwealth, especially givenhishänendoubtsepäilyksensäconcerning the future of democracytulevaa demokratiaa koskevatas relatively backward peoples gained their independence.
- The films was advertised as the BANNED film because ofChurchill'sChurchillillädoubtsoli epäilyksiäabout its messagesen antamasta viestistä, but no serious attempt was made to stop it being made or shown.
- Only periodically does Mr Tebbit seem to have looked to Powell as a politician who could express some ofhishänengnawingkalvavista,doubtsepäilyksistäänabout the Heath governmentHeathin hallitusta koskevista.
- There's nodoubtepäilystäkäänabout itSiitä, curtains that hang beautifully give an elegant finish to a room.
- But the new President, in spite ofhishänendoubtsepäilyksistäänabout Soviet motivesNeuvostoliiton motiiveja koskevista, did not rush towards a showdown with Stalin.
- She confessedherhänendoubtsepäilyksensäabout combining the huge workload of president with her preliminary examsyhdistää presidentin suuri työmäärä hänen ennakkotarkastuksiinsa.
- As I say, I doubt these assumptions, and some interesting studies have confirmedmyminundoubtsepäilykseni.
- Thedoubtsepäilykset,of some pre-war Labour leadersJoidenkin sotaa edeltävän työväenpuolueen johtajienthat the civil service would actually co-operate with a radical Labour governmentettä julkinen hallinto voisi todella toimia yhteistyössä radikaalin työväenpuolueen hallituksen kanssa,were largely laid to rest by the experience of the Attlee government.
- Despite thedoubtsepäilyksistäover this studytätä tutkimusta koskevista, the idea of `Meadow's syndrome ``has become a popular one, especially among those doctors who are sceptical of food intolerance generally.
- A dangerous woman, nodoubtepäilystäof itsiitä.
- And so there must be an element ofdoubtepäilysover having updatedpäivityksestäfrom nineteen eighty one here to nineteen eighty nine.
- Conflicting official versions of the circumstances of the assassination feddoubtsepäilyksiä,as to where ultimate responsibility laykenellä olisi perimmäinen vastuu.
- There isdoubtepäilysas to where this idea originatedmistä tämä ajatus on peräisin.
- Upon the first point I can not feel anydoubtepäilyksiä.
- `Iminulla've got a fewdoubtsepäilyksiä,, sir.
- SheHänellähad nodoubtepäilyksiäof the genuine affection he had for heroliko hänen kiintymyksensä miestä kohtaan aitoand knew she would be a fool not to acknowledge it.
- Ifyousinullahave anydoubtsepäilyksiäabout your particular modelomasta mallistasi, then you should consult the manufacturers, importers, specialist shop, or local expert for advice on the subject.
- Had they done thatwemeillähave littledoubtepäilyksiäthat the tribunal decision would have been otherwise than it wasettä oikeuden päätös olisi ollut muu kuin se oli.
- From thisFitzGeraldFitzGeraldcould be in littledoubtepävarmaas to the likely course the bishops would take once a referendum campaign got under wayminkä suunnan piispat ottaisivat, kun kansanäänestyskampanja käynnistyisi.
- For all that,the resulttuloksetas in 1983 was not indoubtkyseenalaisia.
- He wanted the best for his new model Colonial Service, andhehänelläwas in nodoubtepäilystäkäänas to where he would find itmistä hän löytäisi sen.
- But Darlington Chief Inspector Matt Longstaff also believes club managers could have contacted the force iftheyhewere indoubtepävarmojaover their legal positionheidän laillisesta asemastaan.
- I felt close to tears to thinkhehändoubtedepäilimy wordsanojani.
- Maggie wanted to say that the way she feltshehändoubtedepäilishe'd ever want to eat againhaluaisiko hän enää koskaan syötä, but didn't.
- But it displays an astonishing degree of intellectual captivity when the entire wayhehändoubtsepäileewhat he believesmihin hän uskoois infiltrated too.
- `Canyousinäseriouslytodellakindoubtepäilläwhat we have between ussitä mitä välillämme on?
- The correctness of the decision in Re Moore and Landauerpäätöksen oikeellisuutta Re Mooren ja Landauerin tapauksessahas, however,been<empty>doubtedepäillytby Lord WilberforceLordi Wilberforcein Reardon Smith Line v. Hansen Tangen (1976 H.L.).
- Her military prowessHänen sotilaallista urheuttaanshould not have beenei olisi pitänytdoubtedepäillä.
- `Also, after this injury,Iminädoubtepäilenvery muchvahvastiwhether Wigan will even consider releasing me to come down here againaikooko Wigan edes harkita päästävänsä minua tulemaan tänne takaisin.
- IminädoubtEpäilen,if any more private-enterprise new towns will now be proposedtullaanko nyt ehdottamaan lisää yksityisyritysten rahoittamia kaupunkeja.
- The word was alien to her andshehänlookeddoubtfulepäileväiseltä.
- He grinned as he saw Alice'sdoubtfulepäileväisenexpressionilmeen.
- AdoubtfulEpäröivälookilmecrossed Mrs Diamond's face.
- Giving him adoubtfulepäileväisenlookkatseenand a lame smile, she turned back to his sister and asked, `When are you getting married?
- The twoHeidän kahdenare saidto beolevandoubtfulepävarmojaabout Sun's ability to deliver the code on timeSunin kyvystä tuottaa koodia ajoissaand they suspect the company may not give their systems priority over its own.
- Mrs RoseRouva Rosewasolidoubtfulepävarmaabout scallopsleikkeistä.
- EllaEllawasolidoubtfulepävarmaof Luke's urgencyLuken kiireellisyydestä.
- `The last time we spoke,yousinäwereolitdoubtfulepävarmaabout accepting Chelmsfordhyväksyäkö Chelmsford.
- FloraFlorahad beenoli ollutdoubtfulepävarmaof joining MabsMabsiin liittymisestä.
- WemewereOlimmedoubtfulepävarmojaas to whether Owen would lie still long enough for a back massagemakaisiko Owen tarpeeksi kauan selkähierontaa varten, but he surprised us by putting up with it for about ten minutes.
- SomeJotkutwereolivatdoubtfulepävarmojawhether it would actually worktoimisiko se todella, but all shared a hope of something new, and all were to be given an equal chance.
- RabiaRabialookeddubiousepäilevältä, but complied.
- Vitor flung her adubiousepäilevänlookkatseen.
- The criticsArvostelijatwere alreadyolivat jodubiousepäileväisiä,that a six-foot plus, coloured battering ram called Dublin could tilt the title balance for Fergieettä yli kuusi jalkaa pitkä värillinen muurinmurtaja nimeltä Dublin voisi horjuttaa Fergien titteliä!
- It is certainly good for me physically, thoughIminäam aolenlittlehiemandubiousepäileväinenabout its ultimate goodonko se pohjimmiltaan hyväksi.
- `Iminä'mOlendubiousepäileväinenabout this Mafia storytämän mafiatarinan suhteen.
- Sergeant JuronKersantti Juronseemednäyttidubiousepäilevänof its meritssen hyviä puolia.
- `There are English holiday areas where you could have marketed your tiles, ``VitorVitorsaid, plainlydubiousepäillenof her argumenthänen argumenttiaan.
- Local peoplePaikalliset ihmisetareovatdubiousepäileväisiä,about whether that will ever happenmahtaako sitä koskaan tapahtua.
- They touched my heart andIminäknowtiedänthey'll touch yoursheidän koskettavan sinua.
- She had her first meeting this morning with a textiles importer called Colin Weatherhead, who had promised to show her a range of fabricshehänwasolipositivevakuuttunutshe was going to loveettä hän rakastaisi niitä.
- The results were negative as they had known they would be:Dr Wickramtohtori Wickramhad beenoli ollutpositivevarma,that they contained no timing devicesettei niissä olisi ajastuslaitteita.
- He had always previously believed that he was too young to die, but nowhehänwasoliabsolutelytäysinpositivevarma,that he was too young to get married.että hän oli liian nuori menemään naimisiin.
- `Ifwemedid not feel100 per cent100-prosenttisenpositivevarmojaabout our ability to fly the plane safelykyvystämme lentää lentokonetta turvallisesti, we would not put it in the air.
- Nor could she have said what madeherhänetsoniinpositivevakuuttuneeksiabout this assumptiontästä olettamuksesta,that had become a fixture in her head -- unless it was the fact of Silas's previous near engagement to Doreen.
- IminäamOlensurevarma,that he is rightettä hän on oikeassa.
- SheHänwas notei ollutquiteaivansurevarmawhat she was going to tell him when she found onemitä hän sanoisi miehelle kun hän löysi sellaisen.
- Iminä'm notEn olesurevarmawhat is going to happenmitä tulee tapahtumaan.
- Iminäam notEn olesurevarmawhy that happened with Evanmiksi niin tapahtui Evanille.
- “ Yes,Iminä'm notEn olesurevarmaabout abortionraskaudenkeskeytyksestä. ”
- `Ifyousinäareoletsurevarmaof never regretting itettet koskaan kadu sitä.
- Iminä'mOlenprettymelkosurevarmathere's internal bleedingsisäisestä verenvuodosta-- his gums are very pale.
- The policemanPoliisilookeduncertainepävarma,how to replykuinka vastata.
- Management's need for accountability is not satisfied anddoctorslääkäritareovatuncertainepävarmojaabout the balance between their clinical and managerial rolesheidän kliinisten ja johtajan rooliensa välisestä tasapainosta.
- `IminäamOlenuncertainepävarmaabout my futuretulevaisuudestanias at the moment it seems we don't have a manager.
- His head was bare and his smile was just a little rueful, as ifhehänwereolisi ollutuncertainepävarma,of his welcomeoliko tervetullut.
- The ZimbabweanZimbabwelainenwasolisoniinuncertainepävarma,of regaining his placesaisiko paikkansa takaisin,that in December he submitted a written transfer request.
- Her acquaintance of vicars was slim andshehänwasoliuncertainepävarma,as to how they would deal with each otherkuinka he tulisivat toimeen keskenään.
- TheyHewere alsoolivat myösuncertainepävarmoja,whether it would worktoimisiko se.
- If I say: `I have faith in you to post this letter ``, such a statement is compatible only with anintellectualhenkiseenuncertaintyepävarmuuteenthat you will do soettä teet niin.
- UncertaintyEpävarmuusabout the futuretulevaisuudestaand lack of continuity of decisions make it hard for the substitute parents to make a strong commitment to the child and include the natural parent.
- Acomparablekohtalainenuncertaintyepävarmuusabout the conventional wisdom of past decadesmenneiden vuosikymmenten perinteisestä viisaudestacan be found among political scientists concerning the forces shaping the state and influencing its responses both to the market and to civil society.
- However,ourmeidänuncertaintyepävarmuutemmeabout the present average density of the universemaailmankaikkeuden nykyisestä keskitiheydestäis even greater.
- I want peace; theuncertaintyepävarmuusof his continuing predicamenthänen jatkuvasta ahdingostaanis too painful.
- Speaking yesterday in Dungannon, the former west Belfast MP said it was important for republicans to bear in mind the fears anduncertaintiesepävarmuudet,of Protestantsjoita protestanteilla on.
- Last year they faceduncertaintyepävarmuuttaover their jobstyöpaikoistaan,when the Lewis's group went bust and called in the receivers.
- HisHänenuncertaintyepävarmuutensais comprehensible, but he appears to have jumped the wrong way.
- HerHänenmomentaryhetkellisenuncertaintyepävarmuutensamust have showed, for he added with a throaty chuckle, `But no night watches.
- Such leeway is the means by which the enforcement agency adapts touncertaintyepävarmuuteen.
- It is important however that the manager should set down the areas where responsibility for decisions is vested in the surveyor in order that anyuncertaintyepävarmuusregarding delegated authoritytiettyä auktoriteettia kohtaanis kept to an absolute minimum.
- In Wilkins one finds an elaborate and adaptable theory of knowledge, which differentiated between fundamental truths, provisional hypotheses, and areas ofuncertaintyepävarmuusin both scientific and religious domainsniin tieteellisellä kuin uskonnollisellakin osa-alueella.
- Brand loyalty is also said by marketers to make the process of evaluation and choice less difficult, particularly where this process gives rise to anxiety oruncertaintyepävarmuuttaon the part of the consumerkuluttajan osalta.
- Moreover, my planning for the event was complicated by theuncertaintyepävarmuusas to the numbers involvedsekä siihen liittyvät luvut.
- This did something to bolster her bruised pride and enabledherhänelleto bundle, for the moment,anxiouspiinaavienuncertaintiesepävarmuuksienout of her mind.
- It is a great burden for them if they can not sharetheirheidänuncertaintyepävarmuuttaanin the face of a complicated diagnosismonimutkaisen diagnoosin edessä, or their distress if they have to predict an inevitable death or permanent disability.
- Unfortunately, however, there is a great deal ofuncertaintyepävarmuuttaas to what the word meanssanan tarkoituksesta.
- Many parents will have experienced considerable anxiety prior to the assessment because of theuncertaintyepätietoisuuttaof suspecting that there is something wrong with their child but not knowing whatsiitä, onko heidän lapsellaan ongelmia, joista ei tiedetä.
- There is, too,somehiemanuncertaintyepävarmuuttaas to how much support his present strategy receives from the Foreign Officesiitä kuinka paljon tukea hänen nykyinen strategiansa saa ulkoministeriöltä; apparently, not all of its advisers back the brash approach.
- In the last chapter I introduced the `uncertainty principle ``, the idea that belief in God was more compatible with a degree ofuncertaintyepävarmuuteenthat God existedonko Jumala olemassathan with certainty of His existence.
- If what Pascal, Butler, Newman and Browning say is true, then there will always be a degree ofuncertaintyepävarmuuttaabout whether God existsJumalan olemassaolostathat reflects an absence of proof.
- A slight flicker ofuncertaintyepävarmuuttashowedin Vologsky's brown eyesVologskyn ruskeissa silmissä.
- Therehad been aoli ollutslighthiemanuncertaintyepävarmuuttaabout herHäntä kohtaan.
- Ask at your council or local advice group ifyousinäareoletunsureepävarmawhat you can claimsiitä, mitä voit vaatia.
- HeHänwasoliunsureepävarmahow he should handle herkuinka hänen tulisi käsitellä naista.
- Two surveys whose findings are published today show thatmany votersmonet äänestäjätareovatunsureepävarmojaabout some main planks of Government policyjoistakin hallituspolitiikan pääkohdista.
- The woman stood in the hallway for a moment likea blind personsokea henkilöunsureepävarmaof her directionsuunnastaan.
- SheHänlooked at the detective,unsureepävarmanaof his responsetämän vastauksesta.
- Weme'reOlemmeunsureepävarmoja,in which direction to go nextmihin suuntaan mennä seuraavaksi.
- RickRickisonunsureepävarma,as to what his next move in this direction will bemikä hänen seuraava siirtonsa tähän suuntaan tulee olemaan.
- Initiallyhehänwasoliunsureepävarma,about accepting the jobottako työpaikka vastaan.
- Flynn got all the really difficult contracts, or the onesJohnJohnwasoliunsureepävarma,of being able to visit regularlypystyisikö vierailemaan säännöllisesti; Flynn was the one man John would trust to manage an entire contract on his own.
- Ifyousinäareoletunsureepävarma, get expert advice from the chemical manufacturer.