Despite their great size
Suuresta koosta huolimatta ,
the new cars
uusiin autoihin only
, although their massive platforms could accommodate many standing passengers.
The two small cars
Kahteen pieneen autoon only
, and it has been speculated that they were intended to draw the trailers during summer operation.
It is
a great barn of a place which
sellaisen paikan suuri lato, minne but which that day was due to hold 2,500.
Next to the gardens, there will be
a sports and recreation arena
urheilu- ja virkistysareena, jonne up to 12,000 people
jopa 12 000 ihmistä , while brand new tennis facilities at the Oberhausen Tennis Club reflect Germany's growing enthusiasm for the sport.
approximately 180 persons
noin 180 ihmistä for full silver service
täyteen ruokailuun , and has been redecorated by Duchy throughout in traditional English style.
about 300 together with room for a choir of 215
noin 300, kun mukaan luetaan 215 hengen kuoron huone .
was used for plays and mimes and
sinne mahtui istumaan about 5000 people
noin 5 000 ihmistä .
In a third-class carriage there are
seven compartments
seitsemän osastoa, joihin ,
, each fitted with electric bell push for attendant, and a lavatory at either end.
The original cars
Alkuperäisiin vaunuihin , but the new one seated only 64.
On our new ship Ecstasy,
each restaurant
jokaiseen ravintolaan 650 passengers
650 matkustajaa, and we two sittings of each meal at set meal times.
two, a pilot and a co-pilot
kaksi, lentäjä ja lentoperämies ,
each in a standard zero-g web
kumpikin vakiossa nolla-g-verkossa .
If demand is greater we
can either book another bus or use
voimme joko varata toisen bussin tai käyttää the mini bus which
pikkubussia, johon .
The 50-50 venture will focus on making
passenger jets
matkustajasuihkukoneita, joihin between 70 and 115 people
70-115 ihmistä , with assembly work performed in both Taiwan and Britain.
The Arab Theatre was
a barn-like building which
latomainen rakennus, jonne on its better days
sen parempina aikoina an audience of two hundred
kahdensadan hengen yleisö .
The Webster Room
Webster-huonetta ,
, is used for art exhibitions, talks, seminars and group meetings.