The British Geological Survey's
Iso-Britannian geologisen mittauksen capabilities
mahdollisuudet for investigations of subsurface water-rock systems in sedimentary and crystalline rocks with low permeabilities
tutkia pinnanalaisia vesi-kalliojärjestelmiä kerrostuneissa ja kiteisissä kallioissa, joissa on matala vedenläpäisykyky, are provided by the Fluid Processes Group (FPG).
mahdollisuudet for the long range projection of power in the Third World
arvioida valtaa pitkällä aikavälillä kolmannessa maailmassa were comparatively ineffectual.
Skills and
for information processing
tiedon käsittelyn need to be enhanced.
With no
for remote administration and maintenance
etähallinnointiin ja ylläpitoon , it will be difficult to set up NT servers in locations without a skilled administrator.
The KG project itself expands
for the production of ethylene used in the chemical process industry
tuottaa kemiallisten prosessien teollisuudessa käytettävää eteeniä .
Similarly, in the Department of the Environment, managers felt a lack of
päätöksenteko- to accompany the new processes.
clearly have the
to increase this
kasvattaa tätä , but it will be a hard slog, ``said Tony.
And even where
have the
to start doing this
tämän tekemisen aloittamiseen there is clearly little point in replacing an existing system with a new one which simply does the same thing.
The performance of diesels has been transformed by the availability of turbochargers on most models, giving
the majority of them
suurimmalle osalle niistä cruising
kulkea vakionopeudella in excess of 100 mph
yli 100 mph:n .
Industrial goods manufacturers will arrange demonstrations to show
their products'
tuotteidensa .
The number of potential parses increases exponentially, often beyond the
of the hardware
laitteiston to process the input
käsitellä syöttöä .
With a large dog, like a Rottweiler, it may be beyond the
of the new owner
uuden omistajan to dominate the newly acquired adult dog
hallita vasta ostettua aikuista koiraa .
Also, as a lay term, it refers to the
mahdollisuuksiin to survive infancy or of a child to survive childhood
selviytyä hengissä vauvaiästä tai lapsen mahdollisuuksiin selviytyä hengissä lapsuudesta .
To close one magazine is unlucky; but to close two casts serious doubts on
as a publisher
kustantajana .
Never underestimate
to inflict injury
aiheuttaa vammoja .
The mine was a product of the Soviet Union's race to match
after Hiroshima in 1945.
Western military sources confirmed that Turkey had the
to carry out an air raid on the Bekaa
ilmaiskun toteuttamiseen Bekaassa .
The third potential market is the corporate arena, including government, education and local authorities, expected to like the
mahdollisuuksista for creating graphic or animated presentations
luoda graafisia tai animoituja esityksiä .
We have offered to play a part in an international effort to neutralise
mahdollisuudet , its controls are far from complex, and its use is intuitive and simple.
And the depth and quality of their performance suggests that
have the
of frightening the cream they will now face
pelottaa eliittiä, jonka he nyt kohtaavat .
If the Bank restricts its Treasury Bill issue and sells longer-dated securities, this reduces the commercial banks' cash reserves, and thus restricts
of expanding bank deposits
kehittää pankkitalletuksia .
The siege had shown that,
with artillery
tykistön avulla ,
had the
of fulfilling his military ambition
saavuttaa sotilaalliset tavoitteensa .
Growth rate is related to the eventual shell-size,
the young of large-sized enclaves
suurikokoisilla nuorilla enklaaveilla showing a
of growing faster than the progeny from smaller-sized enclaves*
kasvaa nopeammin kuin pienempien enklaavien jälkeläisillä .
the computer
tietokoneella has to have a
, preferably monochrome and as high a resolution as possible.
Resolution 45 / 63 expressed concern at Israel's continuing nuclear build-up and urged all states ``not to co-operate with or give assistance to Israel that could enhance
An acquisition strategy should be formulated to bridge the gap between corporate objectives and
to achieve those objectives
saavuttaa nuo tavoitteet .
teknologisia capabilities
mahdollisuuksia have been enhanced, but the main benefits have been restricted to the simpler parts of the industry.
NATO decided to modernise
to strengthen deterrence.
For example, a male is rarely limited reproductively by
to produce sperm
tuottaa spermaa, but a female is restricted in her output of eggs.
I believe it would be very helpful if we could establish a Campaign Fund to which branches could apply for grants to help them undertake innovative or special projects designed to strengthen
A great deal of research has been carried out with respect to the effects of ageing on physical and
Happily, his improving spirit also benefitted the brewery and during his chairmanship demand for Guinness began to outstrip the
of St. James's Gate
St. James's Gaten .
Some effects of inversion on the
gas generating
tuottaa kaasua of Carboniferous sediments
hiilipitoisten sedimenttien
Her Government also decided to expand
by purchasing missiles for Trident submarines from the Americans.
According to reuters, `his comments are the strongest signal yet that the Netherlands may be ready to expand
Woodacon Oils continued to be a steady performer, increasing
product storage
tuotevaraston .
`It will increase
by 50 per cent.
The more complete the tattvic configuration, then the greater the
There are indeed, as I have already suggested, certain similarities between the two theories, and
have similar powers of deception and similar
for making mischief
aiheuttaa vahinkoa .
Mr Hardman
Herra Hardmanilla also had a
-- as people are now finding out, they are having to replace him, not with one, but with several people.
Furthermore, there is evidence that the expectations themselves may be changing, converging more with the
of the system
järjestelmän to meet them
vastata niihin .
The presiding officer must decide, when a person tries to vote, if he is suffering from mental illness, is subnormal, intoxicated and so lacks the
to understand what he is doing
ymmärtää, mitä hän on tekemässä .
Most wheats in his area look `superb ``and
to compensate for blind sites
kompensoida sokeita paikkoja should not be forgotten, he adds.
Many of these physical complications are reversible once the prime cause of the damage -- alcohol and drug intake -- is discontinued:
the human body
ihmiskeholla has amazing
to repair itself
korjata itsensä .
In addition
made him an excellent companion on their trips abroad.
Light can travel in only one mode, enhancing the
to carry data
siirtää tietoa .
differs in some respects from that of individuals, partly from the nature of the case, partly as a consequence of the fact that their personality is an artificial one.
The reductive instinct is to explain this by reference to the