business.n 🔎
- A few years ago he had aflourishing littlemenestyvä pienibusinessliiketoimintagoing in that shop of his, and now look at him.
- After recovering, he joined Simpson and Maule intheirheidänbusinessliiketoimintaansaat 1 Kennington Road, Newingtonosoitteessa 1 Kennington Road, Newington(Fig. 1).
- A one-off idea sowed the seeds of aflourishingmenestyvänceramicskeramiikka-businessliikkeenfor a Scots couple.
- Royal Bank won its first gold star when it lent £70,000 to help Mr Miller, a professional caterer, to buy arestaurantravintola-businessliiketoiminnanin Hampstead, north LondonHampsteadissa, Pohjois-Lontoossa.
- When I had asmallpieniprintingkirjanpainanta-businessliiketoimiin StornowayStronowayssä,several of my employees were crofters.
- This was in sharp contrast to the generally critical view of the LDDC's attitude tosmallpieniäbusinessesliiketoimiain their formal dealings with them.
- He had little schooling, and went to work at the age of twelve, apprenticed to an uncle in achemist and druggistapteekkari- ja farmaseutti-businessliikkeessäin ChesterfieldChesterfieldissä.
- Grace's success in developing bothherhänenbusinessliiketoimeaanand self-confidence was recognised when she was presented with an award last week by NISBI.
- Slow payment of debts meansScotland'sSkotlanninsmallpienillebusinessesliiketoimilleare owed nearly FIVE BILLION pounds on any given day.
- Recently, Steve gave uphishänenjoinerypuusepänbusinessliikkeestäänto set up a small security firm, hoping for more time to devote to the much-needed rescue.
- In addition tohishänentilekaakeli-businessliikkeensä, he also transfer-printed on to enamelled copper and porcelain, which he sold to other retailers and from his own shop in Harrington Street.
- Industrial segmentation occurs when amicro-computermikrotietokone-businessliiketoimintaapplies differing marketing mixes to two markets, one of small private businesses, and the other of State secondary schools.
- We had agoodhyvänylonnailon-businessyritys,which we judged, wrongly, was incapable of radical change although it needed re-equipment.
- Publishers must ensure that universities do not becomevastvaltavia,cheap ratehalpojarepublishingjälkipainatus-businessesyrityksiä.
- THE LEADING diesel manufacturer Peugeot-Talbot has taken its 27-strong line-up of oil burners on the road in an effort to change the buying habits ofBritishbrittiläistenbusinessesyritysten.
- THE Chancellor has taken heed ofsmallpieniltäbusinessesyrityksiltäby attempting to boost confidence in his Budget yesterday, says Jim Wellerd of North and Mid-Essex Chamber of Trade.
- Large-scaleSuuret,privateyksityisetbusinessesyrityksetin manufacturingteollisuudessa, geared to relatively high-value consumer products, will find little room for expansion as the incomes of most urban consumers continue to be very modest.
- It was only three years ago that we splitourmeidänbusinessyrityksemmefrom Healthcare and we really are a stand-alone Division now, particularly with the advent of M.S.I.L. [Medical Services Incineration Limited].
- This one is a particular favourite withmyminuncateringcatering-businessyritykseni.
- Thecateringcatering-businessyritysitself is regulated by various Acts of Parliament which impose duties and standards of conduct that must be observed.
- There is still no sign of a buyer for themainpää-consultancykonsultti-businessyritykselle,HayHaylle, and uncertainty over whether an agreement is imminent on Gartner Group.
- A number of other organisations have their own executive search division, often in broadly-based consultancies or inservicepalvelu-businessesyrityksissä.
- My parents expected me to join thefamilyperhe-businessyritykseenin Belo HorizonteBelo Horizontessa.
- Certain premises are excluded from the Act, e.g.smallpienetfamilyperhe-businessesyritykset,where only the immediate family are employed.
- Having several sons in the trade worked to the general benefit of thefamilyperhe-businessyrityksen,which could thereby offer a wider range of services.
- Gerald Ratner resigned as head ofRatner'sRatnerinUKYhdistyneiden kuningaskuntienjewellerykoru-businessyrityksen.
- Derrick took up fitness training just 13 years ago afterhishänenjewellery importingkorujen maahantuonti-businessyrityksensäfolded.
- The careers co-ordinator, Mrs M. Goodman has thankedlocalpaikallisiabusinessesyrityksiäand industry for their support and co-operation.
- About 24 teams fromlocalpaikallisistabusinessesyrityksistäin the Cambridge areaCambridgen alueellatook up the Cambridge Regional College initiative, to complete a number of different challenges in support of the local community.
- Johnson Matthey'sJohnson Mattheynpharmaceuticalfarmaseuttinenbusinessyrityshas seen continued growth and has made a strong contribution to group profits during the year.
- Having served with several major tax firms, he establishedhis ownomanconsultancykonsultti-businessyrityksensä,Durkacz and CoDurkacz and Co, in Edinburgh in 1989.
- In other words, the Labour expert thought he knew how to run thebusinessyritystäbetter than the businessman.
- William Charles Titford ranhishänenlinen draper'sliinavaate-businessyritystäänfrom 77 Bishopsgate Street, at the end of Sutton's Court between the Vine Inn and the Four Swans Inn, from 1798 to 1806.
company.n 🔎
- Datapro, whose name threatens endless confusion with theUSyhdysvaltalaisenmarket researchmarkkinatutkimus-companyyrityksenof the same namesamannimisen, was very active on the acquisition front three years ago, since when things have been relatively quiet.
- The 9-for-4 share offer, underwritten by merchant banker Robert Fleming, was to help fund the purchase of a large slice of AGB Research from the administrators of theprivateyksityistencompaniesyritystenof the late Robert Maxwelledesmenneen Robert Maxwellin.
- They set fire to trucks at a meat processing plant near Northampton and at thepig improvementsianjalostus-companyyrityksessäat Kingston Bagpuize in OxfordshireOxfordshiren Kingston Bagpuizessa.
- SINCE I joined theCompanyyritykseenat the beginning of October I've visited several locations and met most people at the Key Street office.
- Now he's sueing theFordFord-motorauto-companyyrityksenin AmericaAmerikassaand is calling for improved safety in all vehicles.
- MacQuillan was draining the paper of its few assets and sending the money to one ofhishänencompaniesyrityksistäänin the United StatesYhdysvalloissacalled HM Supplies.
- Teleport TP hopes its communication services will be available at prices 10% to 25% lower than rivalcommunicationviestintä-companiesyrityksilläin MoscowMoskovassa.
- The three former school chums founded theBrandon HireBrandon Hiretool-työkalu-companyyrityksenin Bristol in 1971.
- Corporation tax is the tax paid by allcompaniesyritystenin the UKYhdistyneessä kuningaskunnassaif they have sufficient taxable earnings.
- ABritishbrittiläinencompanyyritys,GarrardGarrard, manufactures the forerunner of the modern cassette system using standard width tape and two five-inch spools.
- An accountant by training, Pizarro too recognised that the security situation was a problem in persuadingforeignulkomaisiacompaniesyrityksiäto invest.
- Scores ofmultinationalmonikansallistencompaniesyritystenhave set up in the industrial parks on either side of the giant bridge that links Penang island to the mainland.
- Goliathwasolithe Central Electricity Generating BoardCentral Electricity Generating Board, a<empty>multi-billion pound publicmonen miljardin punnan julkinencompanyyhtiöwith apparently unlimited resources.
- The former Garden Festival site offers an excellent opportunity to attractnewuusiacompaniesyrityksiäto the city and to provide existing firms with high quality new accommodation.
- I proposed that the Government should initially retain a 51 per cent stake in thenewuudessacompanyyhtiössä.
- ThreeleadingjohtavaaGermansaksalaistacompaniesyritystäare experimenting with fuel produced from rape seed oil to power a new low pollution truck engine.
- He had also been registered as the owner of a number ofimport-exporttuonti-vienti-companiesyrityksen.
- ProActiveProActiveclaimsto be the onlyolevansa ainoacompanyyhtiö,with customer service software natively supporting X-Windows and Windows 3.1 user interfaces on Informix and Sybase Inc databasesjonka asiakaspalveluohjelmisto tukee luontaisesti X-Windows- ja Windows 3.1 -käyttöliittymiä Informix- ja Sybase Inc -tietokannoissa.
- It seemed thatrecordlevy-companiesyhtiötwere always too interested in other places to look.
- Big Blue grew intothe world's biggestmaailman suurincomputertietokone-companyyhtiöby dominating the market for big mainframe computers in the 1960s and 1970s.
- The reluctance ofdruglääke-companiesyhtiöidento sponsor trials in which the optimum dose of drug is sought is all too apparent with cytokines.
- The family firm of M. Pearson & Son Ltd was started by his father in 1922 and built up by Lawrence to be one of thelargestsuurimmistafamilyperhe-companiesyrityksistäin the North Eastkoillisessa.
- David's apprenticeship with another firm had irked his father who believed thefamilyperhe-companyyhtiöcould teach his children all they would ever need to know.
- Around 242 homes were sold by thecompanyyhtiöin the first half of this year.
- TheLuton-basedLutonissa sijaitsevacompanyyritysblamed the increase on the effects of the sterling devaluation which has had a `significantly adverse impact on overall costs.
firm.n 🔎
- This recession is proving especially painful forfirmsyrityksillein advertising, retailing, the media and financial servicesmainonta-, vähittäismyynti-, media- ja rahoituspalvelu-.
- But intense lobbying byasbestosasbesti-firmsyritystenin West Germany and BelgiumLänsi-Saksassa ja Belgiassaheld up agreement.
- In recent years,clothingvaate-firmsyrityksetin Western EuropeLänsi-Euroopanhave shrunk in half.
- Then he left them and joined asmallpieneenlocalpaikalliseenfirmyritykseenof advisersneuvonantajien, contacted me again and recommended another insurance company -- Scottish Amicable.
- Thefirmyritysof solicitorsasianajajien,ShindlerShindler, has formed an environmental law unit to help steer its clients through the maze of environmental regulations.
- In or before 1814 Augustus Applegath and his younger brother Joseph ran a printing establishment in Covent Garden, until 1815 when Augustus Applegath took over theprintingkirjanpainanta-firmyrityksenof Cornish & Co.Cornish & Co.:nat Nelson Square, PeckhamNelson Squarella, Peckhamissa.
- Thefirmyritysof Gerard & Joshua Van NeckGerard & Joshua Van Neckinwere “ general merchants ”, but unusually active in placing the capital of fellow Dutchmen (and other continentals) in the British public funds and company shares.
- There was a bill from afirmyritykseltäof removals peoplemuuttoihmisten,Messrs Hatchers WorldwideMessrs Hatchers Worldwidelta, and the final telephone account at Primrose Cottage, and the final electricity account, including the charge for disconnection.
- The Law Society and the BSI are drawing up plans which would allowfirmsyritystenof solicitorsasianajajiento apply for a kitemark.
- Mr Barnes'sHerra Barnesinfirmyritysoccupied a small Georgian house on the south side of St Clement's.
- Japan'sJapaninbigsuur-firmsyrityksetare not given to sacking workers publicly.
- Thanks to Mr Clinton's proposed defence cuts,California'sKalifornianaerospaceilmailu-firmsyrityksetand military bases may be shedding jobs until 1998.
- The outlook forJapan'sJapanincomputertietokone-firmsyritystenis made brighter by several major changes in the way the machines are sold which favour the existing strengths of its computer industry.
- Offices of the Levi jeans company and thecomputertietokone-firmyritys,CasioCasio, were being checked yesterday for structural damage.
- Life insuranceHenkivakuutus-firmsyrityksetare an important species of `safe ``shareholder.
- Public relationsPT-toiminta-firmsyrityksetwere engaged across the United Kingdom.
- Bob Fitzsimmons joined his father's business after various jobs, including that of painter with acoach-buildingkoripaja-firmyrityksessä.
- The success of manyJapanese and Germanjapanilaisten ja saksalaistenfirmsyritystenin gaining global market leadership has helped shape this re-appraisal.
- One pharmacist belonging to anationalkansalliseenfirmyritykseencontacted the head office, which said that a suitable product can be made by special order at £100 for 100.
- Claims for damages againstBritishbrittiläisiäaccountancykirjanpito-firmsyrityksiähave proliferated since the 1970s, when the aggressively litigious environment that US accountants had operated in for many years spread to the UK.
- In 1952 he joined theEdinburghEdinburghinaccountancykirjanpito-firmyritykseenof Graham Smart and AnnanGraham Smartin ja Annanin, and rapidly established a reputation for achieving novel solutions to problems.
- There are manysmallpieniäengineeringkoneenrakennus-firmsyrityksiä, some specialising in scientific instruments.
- Theengineeringkoneenrakennus-firmyritys,LucasLucas, is to shed more than two thousand jobs.
- He was educated at the Palace School, Enfield, before unenthusiastically joining thefamilyperhe-firmyritykseen.
- Mr Ward, a senior partner of theWashingtonWashingtoninlawasianajo-firmtoimistonof Ward, Lazarus, Grow & CihlarWard, Lazarus, Grow & Cihlar, is the eighth person to face criminal proceedings in relation to the Guinness affair.
- Fred's Barbara had gone out there with her bricklayer husband and now he had abuildingrakennus-firmyritysand employed ten men.
- Before long, new rules were hurriedly made to allow corporate houses not only to ownfirmsyrityksiäbut also to become full members themselves.
mill.n 🔎
- It was a particularly testing time at British Steel as we were still engaged in the major retrenchment exercise and we also had the very difficult task of keeping thesteelteräs-millstehtaissaoperating during the miners' strike.
- It is, however, a fascinating area to explore, bridges, culverts, mine levels and asmeltingsulatus-milltehdasremaining to be seen after a century of abandonment and neglect.
- Now there are alsolargesuuriamillstehtaitaproducing aluminium sheeting (see the map on page 66).
- During the mill's restoration, David Verey, with the co-operation of Lord Bathurst, was fortunate enough to obtain the working parts from amilltehtaaltaat North CerneyNorth Cerneyssä, these being fitted to the restored building.
- On leaving school he enteredhis father'shänen isänsäcottonpuuvilla-milltehtaaseenat Carleton-in-CravenCarleton-in-Cravenissa, where he later became a partner; he retired in 1906.
- Thisoldvanhamillmyllyat Thornton DaleThornton Dalessahas churned out her very last nut
- It was, in fact, one of the firsttruly fire-proofoikeasti tulenkestävistämillsmyllyjäin the countrymaassa.
- The silk trade blossomed in Blockley due to the sheer number ofmillsmyllyjenin the localityseudullaplus the abundance of pure water.
- This began life as asilksilkki-milltehtaanain the late 1700s, built by Anthony Stratton.
- He rebuilt thePhoenixPhoenixinmilltehtaanin Dartford as one of the major industrial buildings in the south-east of England.
- Already established as one of themost modernnykyaikaisimmistaspinning<empty>millskehräämöistäin the U.K.UK:ssa, Douglas Reyburn is to continue investing in the latest machinery.
- In 1989, the giant Bidston steel mill, in Wirral, was dismantled piece-by-piece and rebuilt as theZhang Jia GangZhang Jia Gangmunicipal-kunnansteelteräs-milltehtaaksiin China's Jiangsu Province.
- Thiswas once theoli aikanaanmanorialkartanonmillmyllyof Flaxley AbbeyFlaxley Abbeyn, and a board showing the grinding charges was formerly exhibited at Gloucester Folk Museum.
- Theformerentinengrainvilja-millmyllyof the villagekylän, one of the finest in the region built in 1821, serves nowadays as a community cultural centre and is known as the Kulturmuhle.
- Themillsmyllyihinof LancashireLancashirenwere supplied with coal and cotton via the canal network.
- Compared with theDerbyshireDerbyshirenmillmyllyynof Elias NeedhamElias Needhaminto which he was moved in 1803, this was a good mill.
- Although small by comparison withthe dock'stelakanmillsmyllyjen, it was clearly a fairly sizeable concern at a time when many rural mills often had only two pairs.
- A couple of weeks later Stephen was called away to Bradford, where the manager of one ofhishänenmillsmyllynsähad disappeared with the wages of the whole workforce.
- HisHänen44-year-old44-vuotiasmillmyllynsä, with 110 employees, is the economic foundation of the town.
- Over at Hanley,Johnson Brothers'Johnson Brothersinmillmyllyand sliphouse is a factory in itself.
- The standards of cleanliness and hygiene inourmeidänfeedsyöttö-millsmyllyissämmeis now expected to be close to human food factories, and this is monitored by the Company's Quality and Service audits.
- Then came Ballysadare, withitssenroadsidetienvarsi-millmyllynand view over the bay.
- Nothing, it seems, is too fanciful forEgypt'sEgyptinrumourhuhu-millmyllylle; especially sex, violence and sectarianism.
- A former union official at the steelworks claimed he had been told the Chinese workers would be brought in to dismantle the£50m50 miljoonan punnanmillmyllyn, built in 1979 to process Brymbo's steel.
- The main target at the height of the riots in 1802was theoligignukkaus-milltehdas, but that was because very few shearing frames had as yet been introduced.
- No longer arespinningkehräämöidenmills<empty>able to stand in isolation, they are, as explained by Andrew Steel `In partnership with the Design Studio, exploring new frontiers of design and texture.
- It has taken a 50pc stake in ayarn spinningkehruu-milltehtaallaand a 60pc stake in a scheme to produce industrial wool yarn for export.
- It flashed from the woodwork and the walls; it smote him with an awful, total power, as if generated by avastvaltavanmillmyllyn.
- Robert Owen had taken over theNew LanarkNew Lanarkinmillmyllynas manager in 1798, and finding the condition of the work-force pitiful, had undertaken a radical and vigorous campaign of improvement.
- For the East German state is the realisation of the dreams of a young roofer as he grew up among the filth of the coal mines andsteelteräs-millstehtaidenof the SaarlandSaarlandinin the Thirties.
- He turned down offers of partnership with the Peels and Arkwrights, and in 1790 erected the firststeam-poweredhöyrykäyttöisenmillmyllynin StockportStockportiin, during a boom period.
- During the 1840s,Clutterbuck'sClutterbuckinenlarged and modernisedlaajennettu ja nykyaikaistettumillmyllywas advertised for sale or lease.
- There is documentary evidence that acornmaissi-millmyllystood here in 1624, although by 1645 it was used as a blast furnace.
- A welding torch yesterday started a fire at aNorth YorkshireNorth Yorkshirencornmaissi-millmylly.
- Once more I glanced at thelargesuureenflourjauho-millmyllyyn, temporarily closed, despite the addition of a new silvery turbine engine to take the place of water power.
- Similarly Dalgety Spillers movedtheirheidänflourjauho-millsmyllyjäänto the outport of Avonmouth when shipping to the city docks became difficult.
- Fast disappearingare<empty>traditionalperinteisetflourjauho-millsmyllyt.
- During the 1780s he was manager and principal promoter, as well as builder and architect, of theAlbionAlbioninflourjauho-millmyllynat BlackfriarsBlackfriarsissa.
- `Mr Aram's interest inNorth of EnglandPohjois-Englannintextiletekstiili-millstehtaisiinall began during his undergraduate days at the University of Nottingham ``Dr Chapman explained.
- Both were presumably tenants as Charles Ballinger still owned themillmyllynup to the 1850s.
- Shillito Stather, who then owned themillmyllyn, carried out a fairly substantial enlargement of the site, creating the Little, North, South and Middle Mills, as well as numerous related buildings.
- Every farm used to have its owncidersiideri-milltehdas.
- There were apparently no immediate takers as for some years Charles continued to runEastington'sEastingtoninthreemillsmyllyä, but now in conjunction with Beards and Bonds Mills, just outside the parish.
- Inside, a beam on the first floor is marked with the name `Hayward ``, a family that also ran thenow-demolishednyttemin purettuamillmyllyäat nearby Bauntonlähellä Bauntonia.
operation.n 🔎
- Why not use a single consultant to discuss what you want to achieve in the audit, how you can achieve it and how to alter your management systems so thatyourteidänoperationstoimintanneare more environmentally friendly?
- `We have reviewed in depthourmeidännewspapersanomalehti-operationstoimintaammeand have decided to sell or close a number of newspapers in North America and the United Kingdom.
- In the USA, we acquired Draughtworks, a technical delivery and installation company, giving us control overourmeidänservicepalvelu-operationtoiminnastammeand direct access to our customers.
- These, however, are not always strictly implemented and in some caseslogginghakkuu-operationsteollisuushave been sanctioned which are in direct conflict with the needs of indigenous groups.
- Many of the analysed axeheads are datable stylistically to an early period, beforeminingvuori-operationsteollisuusbegan at Grimes Graves.
- With independence from French colonial rule, most of theseoverseasmerentakainenbankingpankki-operationstoimintawere nationalised by LDCs' governments.
- It also argues that long-term environmental and economic sustainability may not be possible unless the government takes responsibility for detailed assessments of the flora and fauna of native forests, and for the effective monitoring oflogginghakkuu-operationstoiminta.
- It took emergency services three hours to bring the fire under control, butmanufacturingtuotanto-operationstoimintaat the site were unaffected.
- UDJ International Liquor Marketing LimitedUDJ International Liquor Marketing Limitedis aonwholly-ownedkokonaan omistettuaoperationtoimintaa.
- The project would ``bring forestry exploitation back to life by helping ``to free up transport links andtimber marketingpuutavaran markkinointi-operationstoimintaa.
- Further, wewere almost certainly the firstolimme lähes varmasti ensimmäinenpublishingkustannus-operationtoimintaset up from scratch to capitalise on the new technology.
- OurMeidänelectronic publishingsähköinen kustannus-operationtoimintammebegan when we looked at buying Computing Today, a magazine I spent some four years editing, which Argus were closing down.
- Radical reshaping of the group's operations away from retail outlets and intobakeryleipomo-operationstoimintaanled to write-offs last year, but this time there were no below-the-line expenses for store closures.
- It will be sold through distributors andretailvähittäismyynti-operationstoiminnan.
- Yet despite the amount of money generated in the region, it has remained largely impervious to the attempts of local companies to establishcomputertietokoneidenretailvähittäismyynti-operationstoimintaa.
- Likewise Guinness has established asubstantialvakavaraisenoperationliiketoimenin Edinburgh to manage its distilled products, even though its headquarters remain in London.
- When Hawthorn's yard became available in 1924, he decided to enter shipbuilding in his own right and soon expandedhishänenoperationsliiketoimintaansaby purchasing the business of Cran & Somerville in 1927.
practice.n 🔎
- In the ordinary course of asolicitors'asianajajanpracticevastaanottothe partners will meet at regular intervals to discuss the affairs of the firm (Clause 17.03).
- Robert was sacrificinghishänenpracticevastaanottonsa, along with his great interest in the zoo, in order that she should have no opposition.
- OurMeidänsmall-animalpieneläin-practicevastaanotollammeis doing well and Robert's large-animal one likewise.
- `Not only was he the outstanding leader ofourmeidäntaxvero-practicetoimistomme, ``said Grant Thornton managing partner David McDonnell, `he was also the architect of its development in the early days.
- Firstly,fundholdingrahasto-practicestoimistotmay find their obligation to buy community care services a disincentive from pressing for early discharge.
- But friends were not surprised he had slipped away with the physio, who haspracticesvastaanottojain Sydney and LondonSydneyssä ja Lontoossa.
- Even within aGPyleislääkärinpracticepraktiikan, it is likely that doctors will wish to use different hospitals and consultants, but may now be constrained from doing so.
- EachGPyleislääkärinpracticepraktiikkais now producing leaflets telling you about the range of health services available from the practice.
- `The hard truthisondentalhammaslääkärienpracticesvastaanotothave cost too much money to run and are fast becoming a financial liability.
- Visiting alargesuuressaLondonlontoolaisessapracticefirmassashortly after the end of the 1980-88 Gulf War, I was surprised to find the Middle East rather than Europe the focus of attention.
- They were obtained from the age-sex register of alarge generalsuuren yleis-practicepraktiikanin LondonLontoossa, and those who responded (77%) were similar to the national average in height, weight, and smoking habits.
- Allen and OveryAllen ja Overyis aonlarge Commercialsuuri kaupallinenpracticetoimistoin the City of LondonLontoon kaupungissa.
- In these pages she produces an almost rounded figure of her famous husband Norman, who abandoned asuccessfulmenestyvänlawasianajo-practicetoimistonto lead the masses.
- `He will joinmy father'sisänilawasianajo-practicetoimistoonas soon as he is arriving home.
- After leaving Congress he establishedhis ownomanprivateyksityisenlawasianajo-practicetoimiston, but did not cut his political ties.
- One day, soon after he had retired fromhishänenlegalasianajo-practicetoimistostaan, Hilbert told Lewis he had made a will that was `very much to your advantage ``.
- A GIFTED young lawyer is lured to aluxuriousylelliseenlegaloikeus-practicetoimistoon,that serves the Mafia.
- However, the other aspect is that if you go to amedicallääkärinpracticevastaanotolle,you may have four or five doctors to help you out.
- PARTNERS in aRuthinRuthininmedicallääkärinpracticevastaanotonhave sponsored the arts to create a point of interest for patients.
- Mr Badillo is a lawyer with afull-time privatekokoaikaisella yksityiselläpracticevastaanotolla, not a local political activist; and he has been out of office since 1978.
- Those of us insmallerpienemmissäaccountancykirjanpito-practicestoimistoissahave to be particularly careful as to the level of costs incurred whilst trying to ensure that we maintain a high quality service.
- `Oh, Miss Ferguson and her partner only have avery smallhyvin pienipracticevastaanotto-- just companion animals.
- After a two-year tour of the Continent, he returned to England in 1799 and started aveterinaryeläinlääkärinpracticevastaanotonat 17 Giltspur Streetosoitteessa 17 Giltspur Street, mainly among brewery horses and those of a similar type.
- A family of cow doctors worked in this region for over three centuries; this family is now represented by Dr John Walker, who has aveterinaryeläinlääkärinpracticevastaanottoin Hook Norton, near Long ComptonHook Nortonissa, lähellä Long Comptonia.