TransFrameNet:Building subparts
antechamber.n 🔎
- Then he got up and walked out into theantechamberodotushuoneeseen.
anteroom.n 🔎
- Romanov was led to ananteroomodotushuoneeseen.
apartment.n 🔎
- He left theapartmenthuoneistostain the morning.
atelier.n 🔎
- France's new Minister of Culture lives in Fernand Leger'satelierateljeessa
attic.n 🔎
- He left theatticullakolta, slamming the door behind him.
ballroom.n 🔎
- An amazed buzz ran around theballroomtanssisalin.
banquet room.n 🔎
- The last show of the tour was in Atlanta and I decided to give a little party for the singers and musicians and the crew and I t ried to rent abanquet roomjuhlatilanat the hotel, but because it was Thanksgiving Weekend, they said they could only give me a suite. N
basement.n 🔎
- That's right, they lived in thebasementkellarissa.
bathroom.n 🔎
- I went into thebathroomkylpyhuoneeseen.
bedroom.n 🔎
- Joe entered thebedroommakuuhuoneeseen.
ben.n 🔎
- The inhabitants of the closes and the tenements had headed for the high ground, leaving the trams and turmoil behind for the mist, the heather, and a good brew-up in the but andbenmökissä.
boudoir.n 🔎
- She sat in the kitchen or in herboudoirbudoaarissa.
buttery.n 🔎
- The wind was too strong to open the great door, so they were going out through thebutteryruokasäiliön.
catacomb.n 🔎
- The experience is like entering thecatacombskatakombeihinand I wouldn't have been the least surprised to have come across the odd skull or two in this formidable kind of Davey Jones' locker.
cell.n 🔎
- She ran into thecellselliin.
cellar.n 🔎
- I'd like them shown into thecellarkellariin, please.
chamber.n 🔎
- The man'schamberhuonewas locked.
chancellery.n 🔎
- Some are just spectators, here for a gawk and a good time, but many of them have run to the ReichChancellerykanslerinvirastoonterrified of Ivan, fleeing from what they imagine is going to happen when he gets his hands on them.
chapel.n 🔎
- It's like living in achapelkappelissaof rest. ”
cloakroom.n 🔎
- I'll show you thecloakroomvaatesäilön… ”
closet.n 🔎
- `The one he was locked in theclosetkomeroonwith the night I arrived.
corridor.n 🔎
- She ran down thecorridorkäytävää.
den.n 🔎
- I enter the sci-fi discodenluolaan.
dining room.n 🔎
- We stayed in thedining roomruokailuhuoneessafor our coffee.
dressing room.n 🔎
- Thedressing roompukuhuonewas locked for 40 minutes.
elevator.n 🔎
- We entered anelevatorhissiinand went down.
family room.n 🔎
- After a while I left thefamily roomperhehuoneestaand wandered through the great central hall and on into the far side of the house, into Perkin's workroom.
flat.n 🔎
- I cook and run theflathuoneistoa.
- Theflathuoneistowas seven flights up, and Winston, who was thirty-nine and had a varicose ulcer above his right ankle, went slowly, resting several times on the way.
- Inside theflathuoneistona fruity voice was reading out a list of figures which had something to do with the production of pig-iron.
foyer.n 🔎
- Hari moved purposefully towards thefoyeraulaa.
garret.n 🔎
- At this point (c. 1760) she retired to agarretullakkohuoneeseenin Alton where she prepared her Poems on Several Occasions (1762) UR.
guest room.n 🔎
- Can I book you aguest roomvierashuoneenuntil tomorrow?
hallway.n 🔎
- Christina entered thehallwayeteishalliinand switched on the ceiling fan.
kitchen.n 🔎
- He left thekitchenkeittiöstä.
kitchenette.n 🔎
- There was no response so I called again and walked over to thekitchenettekeittokomeroon.
larder.n 🔎
- And thelarderruokakomerowas locked again.
lavatory.n 🔎
- Eliot asked to be shown thelavatoryWC.
lift.n 🔎
- Pascoe took thelifthissinback down a floor.
living room.n 🔎
- She was too exhausted to resist and showed them into theliving roomolohuoneeseen.
lobby.n 🔎
- Marler challenged him as they walked across thelobbyaulaan.
loft.n 🔎
- I want to convert myloftullakkonito a shower room.
master bedroom.n 🔎
- He was in the dressing room adjoining themaster bedroommakuuhuoneen, wearing just his socks and silk boxer shorts, when the doorbell rang.
nursery.n 🔎
- `I think you can stay in thenurserylastenhuoneessa, ``Liz said.
office.n 🔎
- He left theofficetoimistosta.
pantry.n 🔎
- I ran to thepantryruokakomeroon.
playroom.n 🔎
- Celia ran into theplayroomleikkihuoneeseen, crying.
porch.n 🔎
- He sleeps in theporcheteisessäsometimes.
powder room.n 🔎
- Will you take me to thepowder roomnaistenhuoneeseen, please?
refectory.n 🔎
- As Bernice entered therefectoryruokalaanshe almost bumped into the Doctor.
repository.n 🔎
- The country must build a workingrepositorysäilöby about 1998.
rest room.n 🔎
- `If you'd like to come this way, Mrs Bouverie, I'll show you the warehouse and therest roomlepohuoneen.
room.n 🔎
- Buzz left theroomhuoneesta.
rumpus room.n 🔎
- He went downstairs to therumpus roomoleskeluhuoneeseenand rummaged behind the tiny bar, and, after digging through a seemingly endless collection of empty pop bottles, came up with half a bottle of rye and some ginger ale.
sacristy.n 🔎
- `Lock thesacristysakasti, please, ``he whispered to her.
salon.n 🔎
- They walked towards thesalonsalonkiatogether, arm in arm.
scullery.n 🔎
- I went into thesculleryapukeittiöön.
sitting room.n 🔎
- `We could build asitting roomolohuoneenup there.
solarium.n 🔎
- This gives you access to the main centre's restaurant, bar, squash courts, snooker rooms, gym, sauna andsolariumsolariumiin.
storeroom.n 🔎
- He did sometimes stay in thestoreroomvarastohuoneessaand check the day's accounts.
studio.n 🔎
- We moved into a `studioyksiöön``in Roxbury.
study.n 🔎
- `I ran into thestudytyöhuoneeseenand then she hit me.
veranda.n 🔎
- Sit out on theverandakuistillaand drink in the stunning view as you sip your gin pahit (pink gin).
vestibule.n 🔎
- We sat in a highvestibuleeteisessäbetween the street and the courtyard.
ward.n 🔎
- We're running thiswardsairasosastoa.
wine cellar.n 🔎
- He'd auctioned hiswine cellarviinikellarinsaand chuckled at the £28,000 it made.
wing.n 🔎
- In the 18th century a furtherwingsiipiwas added.
workroom.n 🔎
- Unlocking the door, he walked through the darkenedworkroomtyöhuoneenand slowly.
workshop.n 🔎
- You can sleep in theworkshoptyöpajassa.