allegedly made
the perfect crime
täydellisestä rikoksesta at his club in the St James area of the West End, when he paid Risdon.
They report that ``
the present proprietor of Islay
Islayn tämänhetkinen omistaja can use the rare
of having a proportion of his family plate manufactured from silver found on his own domains
että osa hänen perheensä pöytähopeista on valmistettu hänen omalta alueeltaan löydetystä hopeasta .
about the health service
terveydenhuollosta simply won't stand up to close scrutiny.
that its Alpha RISC is at least 1,000 times scalable
että sen Alpha RISC on skaalattavissa vähintään 1 000 kertaa , are beginning to look like pure hubris: maybe they might be able to snap eight processors together on a bus eventually, but reportedly all its got now is four and supposedly that's not working too well.
The great
of the German bureaucracy
Saksan byrokratian was encapsulated in Mayer's dictum: `Constitutional law comes and goes: administrative law stays the same ``(Verfassungsrecht vergeht; Verwaltungsrecht besteht).
However, the
of British literary artistic freedom
Britannian kaunokirjallisuuden taiteilijanvapauden can not be made with confidence, given a vague law and a swinging moral pendulum.
can make what
is perhaps not a usual
ei ehkä ole yleinen in Scotland: I can claim that some of my best friends are Conservatives.
that Britain's tap water is the best in Europe
siitä, että Britannian vesijohtovesi on parasta Euroopassa, was blasted yesterday.
It dawned on her that for all
that she was as good as any boy
siitä, että hän oli yhtä hyvä kuin kuka tahansa poika , dreadful, shameful things hung in the air simply because she was a girl.
“ I've got unlimited credit ”
"Minulla on rajaton luotto" sounds a proud
; “ I've got the ability to take on unlimited debts ” is far more ominous.
From the workers' state to `all Serbs in one state ``
Työläisten valtiosta "kaikkien serbien valtioksi" -- and threat, if Yugoslavia disintegrated.
We were two and a half hours over guidebook time: so much for the
of perfect stamina
täydellisestä kestävyydestä !
Cook characterises Hewlett-Packard's Unix as being closer to standard Unix than IBM's and
of being the worlds largest supplier of Unix systems
että se on maailman suurin Unix-järjestelmien toimittaja, is an obvious attraction.
in the late 1950s,
that Communism would outstrip capitalism by the 1980s
että kommunismi ohittaisi kapitalismin 1980-lukuun mennessä , had proved as empty as his threats over Berlin.
Helen's flow of thought was tripped up by
It is one of
that I have never thought about insurance
että en ole koskaan ajatellutkaan vakuutusta, and I am convinced that, even under torture, I could resist the temptation.
Mr Groenewald's
Herra Groenewaldin about hundreds of thousands of white soldiers
sadoista tuhansista valkoisista sotilaista assumes rather too blithely that ex-conscripts will rally to the cause.
`I can see right through her! ``
"Näen suoraan hänen lävitseen! ", might have
olisi saattanut , if you had suggested the possibility to him.
the Tory manifesto
toryjen manifesti , there are 18 mini-charters, covering health, public transport, education, local government and so on.
When the new transmitter was installed, the Commercial Service produced
a brochure for prospective customers which
mahdollisille asiakkaille esitteen, joka , with some justification:
'East Africa's Most powerful Advertising Medium'
"Itä-Afrikan vaikutusvaltaisin mainosväline" .
don't want
, but every mother knows what their child is capable of and I know Anthony is capable of a grade one.
`I bought A $50,000 Boat For Only $10, ``
"Ostin 50 000 dollarin veneen 10 dollarilla", .
`We throw stones to avenge Palestine, ``
"Heitämme kiviä kostaaksemme Palestiinan", a ten-year-old
kymmenvuotias .
Here was
writing to Benjamin,
about being a merchant prince
olevani kauppiasprinssi , and it had all been contrived.
of being Clinton's boyhood home
olevansa Clintonin poikaiän koti and the village of Hope of being his birthplace.
of having watched up to eight videos in a day
katsoneensa jopa kahdeksan videota päivässä .
Women currently aged 45 to 59 said they'd only had 2.6 lovers, while
men the same age
samanikäisillä miehillä of 13.6 girlfriends
13,6 tyttöystävää .
, but I understood him.
Yanto recalled
in the pub
that `be prepared ``had been his motto ever since leaving the boy scouts
että "ole valmis" oli ollut hänen mottonsa partion lopettamisen jälkeen .
This was
Hinkley Point, an industrial complex on the Somerset coast
Hinkley Point, teollisuuskompleksi Somersetin rannikolla, which already housed two nuclear power stations, and
in its publicity
mainoksissaan, that it was `Britain's biggest ``
että se oli "Britannian suurin" .
in the Tory-backing Daily Mail
konservatiiveja tukevassa Daily Mailissa, that she has been proved right in her warnings against the European exchange rate mechanism
että hänen Euroopan unionin valuuttakurssien säätelyjärjestelmää koskevat varoituksensa on osoitettu oikeiksi .
on his trade card
käyntikortissaan, that he was “ the inventor of true Spectacle Grinding & the only person that has, or ever has had, the Approbation of the Royal Society
että hän oli "oikean silmälasihionnan keksijä ja ainoa henkilö ikinä, joka on saanut Royal Societyn apurahan ”.
In that state,
talked more than he should; and
of his engagement to a lady whose grandfather was the Earl of Holden in Warwickshire
kihlauksestaan naiseen, jonka isoisä oli Holdenin jaarli Warwickshiressä .
never really
to their friends
ystävilleen like other people's parents sometimes did.
Many licensed dealers' clients
Monet valtuutettujen myyjien asiakkaat of their broker or their ``man in the City, who gives them tips
meklaristaan tai "kaupungissa olevasta miehestä", joka antaa heille vinkkejä .
But he treated
the democracy about which
demokratiaa, josta to foreign journalists
ulkomaisille toimittajille, with near contempt when it stood in the way of his domestic ambitions.
One of their men
Yksi heidän miehistään that they intend killing the ministers
että he aikoivat tappaa ministerit .
`This is America at home, ``
"Tämä on Amerikka kotona", .
This reminds me of the story about
the old lady who
vanhasta naisesta, joka she had been wearing the same pair of stockings for twenty years
että hän oli käyttänyt samaa sukkaparia kaksikymmentä vuotta -- one year she knitted new feet on them and the next new legs!
Few towns
Harvat kaupungit they do not have a problem with dogs being allowed to roam the streets
että heillä ei ole ongelmaa koirista, joiden annetaan vaellella kaduilla and Darlington is no exception.
He was
an attorney at law who
lakiasianajaja, joka , when he first began his practice,
, according to Gilbert's Parochial History of Cornwall,
`that he would get an estate by the law one way or the other.
että hän saisi maa-alueen lain nojalla tavalla tai toisella
`We do live beginnings, live middles, live play-outs and live stops! ``
"Me elämme alkuja, keskikohtia, ratkaisuja ja keskeytyksiä! ", , staling his space like a cross between Dave Wakeling, Catweazle and Joe Brown at mime school.
And certainly not
about his off-the-job exploits at the meat factory where he works
työpaikan ulkopuolisista urotöistään lihatehtaalla, jossa hän työskentelee .
I know you've been seeing my Josephine and I've heard
, you cocky little bastard.
`All I want is to kill a copper.
"Haluan vain tappaa kytän.
The synopsis
, `very much approved of ``, although Jardine himself still had reservations about the cost of the production and the lavish colouring.
He must, however, find some way of persuading
to the other members of the delegation
muille delegaation jäsenille about his suggestions
hänen ehdotuksestaan .
`I f-f-f-found them, ``
"Minä l-l-l-löysin heidät", ,
`in a b-b-b-brothel.
remembered a piece of music he had been carrying around in his head for years and
that he knew a better tune
että hän tiesi paremman kappaleen .
Silicon availability has
that Sun will have more multiprocessing servers out with customers by the end of this year than all the rest of the industry combined in the history of the world
että Sun toimittaa asiakkaille tämän vuoden loppuun mennessä enemmän moniajopalvelimia kuin lopputeollisuus koko maailmanhistorian aikana yhteensä .