TransFrameNet:Body description part
- There is only one record of a truealbinoalbiino-tigertiikeristä, though there have been many cream animals.
- He remembered telling Michael, thealbinoalbiino-boypojalle, about her, boasting about her beauty.
- A baldalbinoalbiino-hedgehogsiiliis starting to grow spines again thanks to a shampoo designed for humans.
- Corbett remembered he had heard of this type of man, an `Albus ``, an all-white man oralbinoalbiino.
- Bowing deeply, and with one last, brief look at thealbinoalbiinoon, he turned and left, to do at once what the Overseer had ordered.
- Thealbinoalbiinopulled out an object, barely visible in the dark.
- Thealbinoalbiinollewas handed a small ornate chest full of white powder.
- Behind them was a tall,beardedparrakasmanmiesI did not know.
- The trouble with atheism was that it was no more susceptible to proof than the notion that God was abeardedparrakasgentlemanherrasmiesof advanced years.
- There was thatbeardedparrakasartisttaiteilija, Poppa Barney she called him.
- Richmond also identified the Tanaris pottery mould with this god, and an appliquébeardedparrakkaanfigurehahmonon a sherd in grey ware brandishing a double axe and wearing a blacksmiths' leather apron.
- She began to pray to God herself, seeing God quite clearly, as she always did when she said prayers, a robed, long-haired,beardedparrakkaanafigurehahmona, partly obscured by clouds.
- His question about thebeardedparrakkaastamanmiehestäalarmed her.
- Joe Strummer played abeardedparrakastadishwasherastianpesijääin the mercenary army who gets thrown into a river in Alex Cox's Walker.
- One of them, abeardedparrakasbeer-belliedfellowkaveriin a tank top and tattoos, approaches.
- I admiredbeardedparrakkaanJackJackin's oil paintings of local scenes, and thought him a far better artist than Jim Teck.
- He, abeardedparrakasevangelicalevankelinenwith a taste for rhetoric, was an Attendance Officer -- or `whipper-in ``.
- HeHänwas eloquent, confident,black-hairedmustahiuksinen, brown-eyed, all that my mother was not.
- He told them: `I was delighted and over the moon to hear that I was the father of a blue-eyed,black-hairedmustahiuksisenbaby girltyttövauvan.
- She wished someone was watching them, to appreciate them, or that she herself was watching them, Finn kissing thisblack-hairedmustahiuksistayounggirltyttöä, from a bush a hundred yards away.
- `Oh no, not again, ``remarks an attractiveblondevaaleaverikkö,whose car is stopped for the second ti me in a day.
- Vibrant Hollywoodblondevaaleaverikköcreated by Guy Kremer at French Connections.
- A little while later three girls arrived on the scene, twoblondesvaaleaverikköäand a redhead.
- They were peas in a pod; two blue-eyedblondesvaaleaverikköä
- I sensed that they approved of him whole-heartedly, and that by comparison I was no longer theblue-eyedsinisilmäinenboypoikaof the family: I did not come up to scratch.
- The blonde-haired,blue-eyedsinisilmäisetgirlstytötgrew up as bright, chatty children with individual characters, whose minds and spirits were developing like any other child.
- The bird was returned by a badly shaken youth, who gave no more trouble and, for a few hours, I was Dad'sblue-eyedsinisilmäinenboylapsi.
- The Londoner found himself staring into the expressionless face of the tall and broad, blond-haired,blue-eyedsinisilmäisenbouncerportsarin.
- Will the attack on democracy be as outrageous as killing allblue-eyedsinisilmäistenbabiesvauvojen, or will it be a more insidious erosion of rights and liberties over a period of time?
- HeHänwas small and agile,bow-leggedvääräsäärinenand with a rubbery face that squirmed in on to his toothless gums as he chewed.
- Of course the converse can be said, as several knobbly andbow-leggedvääräsäärinenclericspappiwould humbly be the first to acknowledge.
- BurkettBurkettwas rather small,rathermelkobow-leggedvääräsäärinen, a low centre of gravity.
- Thebrunetteruskeaverikköseemed full of feeling.
- The only woman in Tim's early life who anyone can remember is Gillian Malpass -- a tall, good-lookingbrunetteruskeaverikkö,who is now a senior editor at the London office of prestigious US publisher Yale University Press.
- A tribunal was told that Francesco Pollicino, 57, also asked 17-year-oldbrunetteruskeaveriköltäTracey TofieldTracey Tofieldiltä: `What are those bumps down your jumper?
- They stopped alongside a bench at which a fat,cross-eyedkierosilmäinengirltyttöwas working.
- Maggie quickly brought her attention back to thecross-eyedkierosilmäiseengirltyttöönand forgot all about the young man.
- Enter thecross-eyedkierosilmäinendaughtertytär, bearing wine, plates and cutlery.
- Also, the folds of the skin around a baby's eyes sometimes makeherhänetlookcross-eyedkierosilmäiseltä,when she isn't.
- Evendynamic centre-forward Kenny Mentleenergisen keskushyökkääjän Kenny Mentlenwas foundto beolevanflat-footedlättäjalkainenand short-sighted.
- To his left, along the drive, he saw thegrey-hairedharmaahiuksisenministerministerinfrom Weem arriving at a gallop.
- On the stroke of eleven, she bustles into the room, accompanied by thegrey-hairedharmaahiuksinenand angularfigure of the Lord Chancellorlordikanslerin hahmo, lugubrious as an upmarket undertaker in black tailcoat.
- Thegrey-hairedharmaahiuksinenbanditrosvotore off his stocking mask, sank to his knees and gasped: `Mind my heart.
- It was a littlegrey-hairedharmaahiuksinenold ladyvanha rouva, propped up on cushions and staring intently at something Meg couldn't see.
- He thought of Jazz being presented with a cross-eyed, spotty,knock-kneedpihtipolvisen, gook-speakingbride from the Punjabmorsiamen Punjabistaand having to go along with that.
- SheHängrabbed her chain leather jacket and ran,knock-kneedpihtipolvisena, towards the door.
- Pavic, amoustachedviiksekäsand gentlemanlyYugoslavjugoslaavi, was waiting in the wings with an actress, who would read all but the first page or two of the chosen extract in English translation.
- As Yanto spoke the bar door was thrust purposefully open and there, framed in the doorway, was the tallmoustachedviiksekäsfigure of Herbie ConnorsHerbie Connorsin hahmo.
- Peach recalled the fatmoustachedviiksekkäänmanmiehenin the croupier's jacket who had picked up the note she had delivered on her way home from school.
- He would have done a lot better with Speich, but the burly,moustachedviiksekäsGermansaksalainendidn't look very sentimental.
- Themoustachedviiksekäsmanmieshits the top bookshelf.
- Remember hispigtailedpalmikkopäisenex-managerentisen managerinTim Hudson's trumpetings about Ian going to Hollywood?
- In 1991 at Wimbledon, it was anotherpigtailedpalmikkopäinenpredatorryöstäjä, 15year-old American Jennifer Capriati, who dashed her hopes.
- MIAMI (AP) --- Pediatric neurosurgeon John Ragheb had doubts whether he should even try to operate on thepigtailedpalmikkopäistä9-year-old9-vuotiasta.
- Except fordrummer Simon Gilbertrumpali Simo Gilbertiä,whojoka's a screaminghuutaaredheadpunapäälle, which is brilliantly ironic considering he says one thing throughout the entire two-hour interview.
- RigneyRigney, the strongredheadpunapää, had to return home for the tour and Donal Lenihan was flown out as his replacement.
- Theredheadpunapääwas leggy and had a terrific figure.