TransFrameNet:Body decoration
blusher.n 🔎
- She highlighted Juliana's cheekbones with apinky brownpinkki-ruskeallablusherposkipunallaand added a hint of warm tawny colour to her lips.
- For a natural glow to your skin mix a subtle shade ofblusherposkipunaawith loose powder.
- Applycreamvoidemaistablusherposkipunaain a soft terracotta shadepehmeän punaruskean sävyistä, or powder first, then apply a powder blusher in glowing earthy tone.
- Mandy brought out a make-up box, and while Charity squirmed and complained she dusted on eyeshadow and mascara andblusherposkipunaaand lipstick.
concealer.n 🔎
- After moisturising, disguise thread veins, blemishes and dark circles under the eyes with a goodconcealerpeitevoiteella.
- Then useconcealerpeitepuikkoaover the foundation and set with powder.
- Use astick or creampuikkoa tai voidettaconcealerpeite-under eyes to disguise dark circles, or try a touch of paler-toned foundation.
- Or useconcealerpeitevoidettaunderneath.
eyeliner.n 🔎
- In the mirror over the washbasin she applies pancake makeup, lipstick andeyelinerrajauskynää, and combs her hair.
- BlackMustaaeyelinerrajauskynääon my lower lids, and I looked like some kind of She-devil.
- Applyingeyelinerrajauskynäncan be a tricky business (see page 82), but if you really love that 50s look, Lenthéric's Eye-Definer is the best liquid liner we could find.
- Her eyes were made up withheavy blackraskaalla mustallaeyelinerrajauskynällä, her mouth was a deep red rosebud.
- The only people we know who do it are Cosmetics to Go, the mail order firm that brings you such exuberant delights as Filboid Studge Asparagus Mask andGoop LiquidGoop LiquidEyeliner-rajausväri.
eyeshadow.n 🔎
- Christine was a little dubious about Judith usingbrownruskeaaeyeshadowluomiväriä, worrying that her eyes might end up looking bloodshot, but she was delighted by the result.
- Cheeks: Soft Berry Eyes:Rich BrownRich Browneyeshadow-luomiväriä, Black Kohlstyler and Black Perfect Liquid Liner Lips: Rouge Forever lipstick, shade Fatal Ruby All by Helena Rubinstein
- Eye make-up removers are useful because they enable you to take offeyeshadowluomivärin, liner and mascara gently and efficiently.
- Finishing touches were silver handbags, flashing neon ear-rings,pale bluevaaleansinineneyeshadowluomiväriand tomatoes -- everywhere!
- Mandy brought out a make-up box, and while Charity squirmed and complained she dusted oneyeshadowluomiväriäand mascara and blusher and lipstick.
foundation.n 🔎
- `I don't like the feel offoundationmeikkivoiteenon my skin, but this is wonderful: it gives a smooth, light, natural-looking coverage.
- Barbara's advice: `Susan's skin needsfoundationmeikkivoidettawith concealer on top.
- For daytime, make-up artist Judith Pallan suggested she tryColourings'Colourings'-foundationmeikkivoidettaand powder in one compact (£5.75) to even out darker skin under her eyes.
- Applyfoundationmeikkivoidettaover your lips and then powder to give a good base for your lipstick.
- He had put a littlebronzepronssinväristäfoundationmeikkivoidettaon his face -- a sample from one of the magazines.
- Use afoundationmeikkivoidetta,that closely matches your skintonejoka sopii tarkasti ihosi sävyyn, topped with transparent loose powder to set, then add your pinks.
- Avoid a shiny nose -- usea water-based matt or anti-shinevesipohjaista matta- tai kiiltoa ehkäisevääfoundationmeikkivoidettaand plenty of loose powder.
kohl.n 🔎
- She had a small mouth and large eyes, darkly outlined withkohlkajaalilla.
lipstick.n 🔎
- HerHänenredpunainenlipstickhuulipunansawas smudged and she hadn't bothered to pin up her hair properly at the sides.
- Kate stopped in her tracks as she appliedredpunaistalipstickhuulipunaa.
- He was wearinglipstickhuulipunaa.
make-up.n 🔎
- “ He even lets me putmake-upmeikkiäon his face. ”
- Every night I take offmyminunmake-upmeikkiniwith baby lotion then I tone it and put moisturizer on.
- HerHänenmake-upmeikkinsäwas applied, under supervision, in No. 3 dressing-room, occupied by Dotty Blundell and Grace Bird.
- I'll domyminunmake-upmeikkinifirst, something fairly neutral so I can choose what to wear later.
- The widow'sLeskeneyesilmä-make-upmeikkihad transferred itself to Marilyn Thompson's handkerchief.
- Angelica'sAngelicangreasepaintihomaali-make-upmeikkiwas a pale bluish grey, her hair a mass of tomato ketchup.
- The remains ofherhänenwhitefacevalkoiset kasvo-make-upmeikkinsäcame off with the clotted badges of blood.
- HerHäneneyesilmä-make-upmeikkinsähad been too generously applied and was smeared.
- Thefacekasvo-make-upmeikkiwas known as `fleshing ``; it was then a natural colour, not the tan that became popular later on.
- If you like the feeling of silk next to your skin, you'll like our newLight and Natural MousseLight and Natural MousseMake-up-meikistämme.
- She was wearing a tight black mini-dress, and her hair was a dark cloud around her beautiful face, the eyes made to look even larger byskilful dark bluetaidokas tummansininenmake-upmeikki.
- There wasn't a working shower and I had to clean offmyminunmake-upmeikkiniwith cold-cream and by splashing water from the sink over myself.
- Her face was scoured of street make-up, prior to the application ofherhänenstagelava-make-upmeikkinsä.
- Apply somemake-upmeikkiäand perfume if this is their normal habit.
- `I'm coming -- I'm coming! ``she shouted back, wishing there were a key to the door as she quickly applied somelightkevyenmake-upmeikin.
- Then she applied moremake-upmeikkiä, and lifted her chin, ready to carry on the act of being happy.
- Most people have a dab ofmake-upmeikkiäbefore they go on, reluctant though some are.
- When he had left Merrill breathed a sigh of relief, but as she sat at the dressing-table removingherhänenmake-upmeikkiäänsomething inside her wept.
- She has never used a great deal ofmake-upmeikkiä.
mascara.n 🔎
- Elizabeth Arden also have anexcellenterinomainenmascararipsiväri.
- Barbara's advice: `Use a hand mirror when applyingmascararipsiväriä.
- Agoodhyvänmascararipsivärinshould lengthen, curl and separate with one application -- the fatter the brush, the thicker and fuller your lashes will be as more colour adheres to it.
- `Put on the Rimmelmascararipsiväriänext, ``said Angel sarcastically.
- Dark brown Rimmel eyeliner pencil andblackmustamascararipsiväriadded extra emphasis.
- WaterproofVedenkestävämascararipsivärimakes no difference.
- The girl was bending forward to serve her and Kate found herself meeting somewhat empty blue eyes surrounded by lashes that looked unnaturally heavy under the weight of too muchblackmustanmascararipsivärin.
- Mandy brought out a make-up box, and while Charity squirmed and complained she dusted on eyeshadow andmascararipsiväriäand blusher and lipstick.
rouge.n 🔎
- A special carmine stick replacedrougepunanon the cheeksposkillafollowed by a dusting of face powder.
- They gave the face, even in sleep, a look of clownish surprise, enhanced by the circles ofrougeposkipunanon both cheeksmolemmilla poskilla.
- Joy's strawberry blonde hair did give her the look of a shop window dummy but under allherhänenrougeposkipunansaand lipstick she could be decisive.
- She had dabbed powder over her lipstick to rob it of its bright crimson lustre, and she had forgotten the little pink patches ofrougeposkipunanthat gave her cheeks their rosy healthy glow.
- Her hands shook so much that she smudged therougeposkipunanand had to start again.
- She was wearingherhänenrougeposkipunaansaand bright red lipstick again, and the childish plaits were gone from her hair.
tattoo.n 🔎
- Asked if he had any identifying marks he pulled up his sleeve and pointed to atinypientätattootatuointia,of an obscene wordjossa oli rivo sana.
- The incomprehensible incantations would cast no spell over him, any more than thetattootatuointiof the spiderhämähäkki-had glued him forever to his gang.
- And with his tanned skin,snakekäärme-tattootatuointion his left arm and fit physique he certainly looks the part.
- Aluridräikeänvärinentattootatuointion his thighhänen reidessääncommemorated his victory.
- Mr Ashworth is described as slim with short dark straight hair, a moustache andred and blue flowerpunainen ja sininen kukka-tattoostatuointion both arms.
- Soon she was tracing allhishänentattoostatuointejaanand he her scars.
- That fat Cockney withhishänenstupidtyhmientattoostatuointiensaand his jocular manner and his dirty jokes; he should have dumped him in the canal!
- With over 99 per cent of his skin covered inleopard spotleopardin pilkku-tattoostatuointien, Tom Leppard's name appears in the Guinness Book of Records.
- I had a kind of ear infection which caused giddiness and I had to come out of the West End play I was appearing in at the time, TheRoseRoseTattooTattoo.
- `I did atattootatuoinninfor him.
- I did most ofmyminuntattoostatuoinneistaniin prison.
- `See thistattootatuoinninon my shoulderolkapäässäni?
- They're looking for a man in his early 30's; 6ft tall, of medium build with atattootatuointion his right arm.
- Small home-madePienet kotitekoisettattoostatuoinnitcan totally vanish can take up to ten.
- GET thatembarrassingnolotattootatuointiremoved.
- He has atattootatuointion his left armof a heart with the letter A inside with the names Pat and Joe underneathsydämestä, jossa on A-kirjain sisällä ja nimet Pat ja Joe alapuolella.
- He has atattootatuointiof the word Kazsanasta Kazon his left arm.