TransFrameNet:Board vehicle
board.v 🔎
- TheyHeswarmed up Parkside andboardednousivatbuses bound for PutneyPutneyhin matkalla oleviin linja-autoihin, shouting unpleasant things at the driver-conductor.
- The church received reports ofyouthsnuorista, jotkaboardingnousivatbuseslinja-autoihinand singing anti-Tembo songs.
- People laughing, people crying,somejotkutboardingnousevatvesselslaivoihin, others disembarking, and others waving goodbye to their loved ones.
- Whentheyheboardednousivatthe train back to Londonjunaan takaisin Lontooseen,all were still emotionally exhausted: throughout the long journey little was said.
- Six weeks laterKuusi viikkoa myöhemmin, unaware of what the future held in store for him,HarryHarryboardednousithe BerengariaBerengariaanwith Aubrey, Cora-Beth and her fatherAubreyn, Cora-Bethin ja tämän isän kanssa.
- William had joined it at Singapore,theyhehadolivatboardednousseetitsiihenat Sri LankaSri Lankassa, so much more interesting than travelling on a large cruise, didn't he think?
- HONG KONG's top try-scorer and inspiration,Stewart Brew, (a top cricketer)Stewart Brew (huippukriketinpelaaja), got injured in the final against Namibia andboardednousithe flight back homelennolle takaisin kotiinon crutcheskainalosauvojen kanssa.
- On July 2-3Heinäkuun 2.-3. päivänäsome 2,000 people, from the coastal town of Vlore and surrounding villagesnoin 2 000 ihmistä Vloren rannikkokaupungista ja ympäröivistä kylistä, attemptedto<empty>boardnoustaan Italian-bound ship in the portItaliaan matkalla olevaan laivaan satamassa.
- HeHänboardednousithe expresspikajunaan,with two minutes to sparekun aikaa oli kaksi minuuttia.
- And secondly, we want you to stopanybodykaikki, jotkaboardingnousevatherkyytiinunder pretext of rescue -- or salvagepelastaminen tai auttaminen verukkeenaan.
- ThousandsTuhannetblocked East German rail lines and crowded into stations to tryto<empty>boardnoustathe trains en route to PraguePrahaan matkalla oleviin juniin, and thus qualify for the trip to West Germany.
- On Feb. 28Helmikuun 28. päivänäa shiplaivaanwas<empty>boardednousiby 200 people200 ihmistäat VlorëVlorëssaand sailed for Italy.
entrain.v 🔎
- It seems that those external changes are somehow detected by the pineal gland, for experimental animals deprived of their pineal are slower toentrainmukautumaan, but the mechanism is not known.
- Arrived in Bombaytheyheentrainnousevat junaanand travel up the far-flung Raj to be snapped up by sex-starved subalterns, District Commissioners and political Officers.
- For Paul Theroux seven decades later one of the great mysteries of Japanese train travel was the manner in whichJapanese passengersjapanilaiset matkustajatcould safely disembark andentrainnousta junaanat stations where trains stopped merely for secondsasemilla, joille junat pysähtyivät ainoastaan sekunneiksi.
- The night of the next daySeuraavan päivän yönäwemeentrainednousimme junaan.