bear.v 🔎
- The celibate woman was seen as having been freed from the `curse of Eve ``,to<empty>bearsynnyttäächildrenlapsiain sorrow and to be under the domination of the male.
- SheHänhadolibornesynnyttänytJamesJamesillethree childrenkolme lastain the last five yearsviimeisten viiden vuoden aikana, but none had survived infancy, and she accused him regularly of not trying enough to save them.
- At seventeenshehänboresynnyttihis daughterhänen tyttärensä, but it died.
- His wife, an Italian American girl,Hänen vaimonsa, italialais-amerikkalainen tyttö,boresynnyttihimhänellehis handicapped daughter Tiffany, now 25, and his only childhänen vammaisen tyttärensä Tiffanyn, nyt 25, hänen ainoan lapsensa.
- In Paris, in March 1881,shehänboresynnyttihimhänellea daughtertyttären, who was christened Jeanne-Marie, with the surname of Langtry.
beget.v 🔎
- Also there had been a note of incredulity in Vigo's voice as if he marvelled at suchan old goosevanha hanhibegettingsynnyttääa swanjoutsenen.
- In 1238 Alexander III's father promised me the crown but thenhehänmarried again andbegatsiittiAlexanderAleksanterin, the third of that name, and the up was dashed from my lips.
- Then Alexander became king, with no living heir and married his French paramour, lusting after her, proclaiminghehänwould<empty>begetsiittäisian heirperillisen.
- The many-to-many relationship between the entity PARENT and the entity CHILD is 2:n (that is, each child has two parents); buta PARENTVANHEMPIcanvoibegetsaadamore than one CHILDuseamman kuin yhden LAPSEN.
birth.n 🔎
- Just eighteen months previously Diana's mother had givenbirthsynnyttänytto John, a baby so badly deformed and sickly that he survived for only ten hours.
- A month or two aftermyminunbirthsyntymäni?
- HisHänencaesareankeisarinleikkauksellabirthsyntymänsäleft him slightly crippled for the rest of his life.
- Michelle, 25, from Wanstead, London, was one of six British women who flew to Israel with Dr Gowri Motha last month for the world's firstdolphindelfiinienbirthssynnytyksiä.
- Over dinner at the Cafe Royal, she sat next to Guy and told him everything about herself fromherhänenbirthsyntymästäänin WhitechapelWhitechapelissathrough to winning a place at Bedford College the previous year.
- Matthew does not actually record thebirthsyntymääof JesusJeesuksen.
- There is a second, and paradoxical, significance in thebirthsyntymässäof ``the first king of France"Ranskan ensimmäisen kuninkaanat a location in ``Germanyeräässä paikassa "Saksassa.
- 1179 singleton perinatal deaths and their selected live born controls among 114362singletonyksittäistäbirthssynnytystäto women whose place of residence was Leicestershirenaisilla, joiden asuinpaikka oli Leicestershireduring 1978-87vuosina 1978-87.
- On the night ofhis second child Kate'shänen toisen lapsensa Katenbirthsyntymän, Andrew was on stage 12 miles from the hospital in the comedy Noises Off.
- In 1971, for example, there were about 224,000birthssynnytystäto fathers in non-manual groupsisille, jotka eivät kuuluneet käsityötä tekevien ryhmään, compared to 469,000 to `manual ``fathers -- a ratio of 1: 2. 1.
- In 1982 there were 5585 livebirthssynnytystäto mothers aged 16 and underäideille, jotka oli iältään 16 tai nuorempia; for those under 16 the figure was 1281.
- There were at least 60,000 livebirthssynnytystäto teenage mothersteiniäideillein 1980vuonna 1980in England and Wales.
- Ten days ago his wife gavebirthsynnyttito a sonpojan.
- Mary gavebirthsynnyttito JesusJeesuksenin a Bethlehem outhouseBetlehemissä ulkorakennuksessa, using a manger as a crib, because there was no room in the local inns.
- The condemned girl had givenbirthsynnyttänytto a baby daughtertyttövauvanin the early hours of the morningaamun varhaisina tunteina.
birth.v 🔎
- As soon asyousinä'veoletbirthedsynnyttänytyour childlapsesi-- `
calve.v 🔎
- All was well at first, but whenshehäncalvedpoikiit was another story.
- Top price in the dairy ring of £1,130 was paid for a choicecalvedvasikoitujaFriesian heiferfriisiläisiä hiehojaand a calved Ayrshire heifer sold at the second top price of £1,070.
calving.n 🔎
- The average age atfirstensimmäisencalvingpoikimisenis 28 months; the average calf weight at birth is 39kg and the growth rate 1,223g/day, giving a weight of 420kg at eleven months old.
- June is the month ofdeerhirviencalvingpoikimisen.
- AutumnSyksyncalvingvasikointipresumes mating in early to mid Winter, the worst possible period for this exercise.
drop.v 🔎
- He was also intrigued by the breed's ability to breed all year round, andto<empty>dropsynnyttäärangy lambs that could be taken to 18kg with little risk of over-fatnesshonteloita karitsoja, jotka voisi lihottaa 18 kilogrammaan, ja ylirasvaisuuden riski olisi vain pieni.
father.v 🔎
- HeHänalsofatheredoli isäa childlapsenby Marevna (Maria Vorobiev)Marevnan (Maria Vorobiev)and abandoned both women when he left for Mexico in 1921.
- She referred tothe bestial man whoeläimelliseen mieheen, jokafatheredoli isänsä,herhänenas `him ``and never `father.
- The study found that 127 of the deformed infants were fathered by Vietnam Veterans while123 of the healthy children123 terveen lapsenwere alsooli myösfatheredisäby veteransveteraani.
- A male benefits from having a number of females becausehesefatherssiittääall their chickskaikki niiden poikaset.
have.v 🔎
- Nobody said, ``look, she's only fifteen andshehän's<empty>havingsaaa babyvauvan.
- “ You really thinka womannainenshould be forcedto<empty>havesynnyttämääna babylapsi,if she doesn't want it? ”
- `Sit down and I'll tell you --weme're<empty>havingsaammeanother babytoisen lapsen.
kid.v 🔎
- Those with dairy goats may need to havesome goatsjotkin vuohetkiddingsynnyttämäänin the autumnsyksylläto obtain good supplies of milk in winter.
- Goatlings can be inseminated as well asgoats whichvuohet, jotkahaveovatkiddedvohlineetbefore.
lambing.n 🔎
- There wereabout fifteen cattle, around a dozen sheep and a few lambsnoin viisitoista karjaeläintä, noin tusina lammasta ja muutama karitsaleft over from the springlambingkaritsoinnista.
lay.v 🔎
- But, knowing that a great war would killthe goose thathanhen, jokalaidmunithe golden eggskultaisia munia, the bankers could probably be relied upon to use their enormous influence to prevent it:
- In species such asswans and geesejoutsenet ja hanhet,whichjotkalaymunivatlarge clutches of eggssuuria pesällisiä muniasoon after arrival, the reserve on landing may indeed determine breeding success for the year.
- Each henKukin kanacansaattaalaymuniaup to thirty eggsjopa kolmekymmentä munaabut deposits each one in a different pit.
- When, a few days later, I asked one morning, ``Whena henkanalaysmuniian eggmunan, does it come out of hen's beak? a deathly hush fell over the breakfast table.
- Did you know thatwaspsampiaisetlaymunivattheir eggsmunansain ladybirdsleppäkerttuihin, piercing the weak spot in their armour?
- In contrast,female clownfishnaarasklovnikalatlaymunivattheir eggsmunansaaround sea anemonesmerivuokkojen lähistöllewhich they subsequently help to defend.
- Laboriously, she drags it down into the tunnel and there, in the dark,shehänlaysmuniia single eggyhden munanon the inert bodyliikkumattomaan ruumiiseen.
- The waspAmpiainenlaysmuniieggsmuniainside the eggs laid by the whiteflyjauhiaisen munimien munien sisälle, thereby destroying the whitefly eggs.
sire.v 🔎
- Butmicehiiretsiredsiittämätby fathers that had been given morphinemorfiinia saaneiden isienlearn more slowly.
- Having<empty>siredSiitettyäänone litteryhden pentueenin the UK,hesewas then sent on to Norway.
- Although no reference to them exists among surviving documents, it is certainly reasonable to assume thatJamesJamessiredsiittichildrenlapsia.
- Worse,hehänhadolisiredsiittänyta childlapsenby his own sisteromalla sisarelleen, in breach of the careful plans Amos had laid.
- That bullSen sonninwasolisiredsiittänytby Globe TitanGlobe Titan, the Canadian imported bull which also sired the bull champion, withdrawn at l,400gns by Messrs McConchie, and the female champion, also from Mains of Penninghame.
spawn.v 🔎
- Why had she married a dirty type like Boyd,to<empty>spawnsiittämääna boy like Hanksellaisen pojan kuin Hank, who had never been anything but a damned nuisance to her?
- Its name derives from the fact that, instead ofthe eggsmunatbeing<empty>spawnedlasketaanin water and left to their own devices, they are carried by the male wrapped in strings around his legs.
- TheyNecan be easilyvoi helpostispawnedkuteaunder the right conditionsoikeissa olosuhteissa-- which are neutral pH and soft to medium-hard water.
- Spiny lobstersPiikikkäät hummeritspawnkutevaton the coral reefs off the Florida coast and around the BahamasFloridan rannikon ja Bahamasaarten ympäristön koralliriutoille.
- Every year,Europe's eelsEuroopan ankeriaatleave its riversto<empty>spawnkuteakseenin the Sargasso seaSargassomeressä.
- One of the few occasions big bream spend any length of time in marginal weed is the two or three weeks in spring or early summer whentheynespawnkutevat.
- Emerald Fire male, dominated the back corner of a mixed Malawi tank wherehesespawnedkutisuccessfully.
whelp.v 🔎
- The bitch, Rintelna the Chatelaine,Nartun, Rintelna the Chatelainen,wastomääräwhelppoikiathe first litter born in Australiaensimmäinen Australiassa syntynyt poikue, having been mated prior to leaving the UK.
- This litterTämä poikuewas<empty>whelpedpenikoitiinin the UKIsossa-Britanniassa,and several puppies remained here, while four accompanied their mother to Australia.
- HeSewas<empty>whelpedpenikoitiinon 17 March 197017. maaliskuuta 1970, so the history of the Rottweiler in New Zealand is in its infancy, barely twenty years old.
- The bitch thatNarttu, jokawhelpspoikiiher pupspentunsabeyond the margins of village lifekyläelämän rajojen ulkopuolella,has given birth to potentially feral dogs.