TransFrameNet:Being wet
- And so they sat withclammytahmeinhandskäsinfor an hour and a half and let go only when the lights came back on.
- At four in the morning, insheetslakanoissaclammynihkeissäwith sweathiestä, she was still awake.
- She felthis fingertipshänen sormenpäänsä, cold andclammynihkeinäwith perspirationhiestä.
- She took her mother's hands,theynewere cold andclammynihkeät.
- SheHänwasoliclammytahmeawith sweathiestä, and her arms and shoulders ached with tugging and heaving.
- He raised aclammynihkeänhandkätensäand rubbed his face.
- Adampkosteapatchlaikkuhas recently appeared on our extension wall.
- Hands and feet are used to print with paint or into clay ordampkosteaansandhiekkaan.
- In winter the rootstock should be removed and stored invery slightlyvain aavistuksendampkosteassasoilmaaperässäand kept cool in a dark place.
- When hatching is due, put them back in the cage onslightlyhiemandampkosteaansoilmaaperään.
- DampKosteillewallsseinillecan be given a damp excluding lining as well as being insulated.
- He tumbled back against the slickdampkosteaawallseinää.
- He has just come from outdoors:his moustachehänen viiksensäis cold, anddampkosteatwith dewkasteesta.
- She realized suddenly that the ground on which she stood, barefooted, was stone hard beneathgrassruohobarelyhädin tuskindampkosteaawith early dewaikaisesta kasteesta.
- The air was cool,the grassruohowasolidampkosteaawith dewkasteesta, and there was a faint mist hanging over the nearby fields.
- Of medium height and packed with energy, even distressed as he was, he was bursting round the kitchen,hairhiuksetstilldampkosteinaat the backtakaafrom his swim.
- All the same the effect wasn't quite right, and so she undid the Alice-band at the nape of her neck and lether hairhiuksensafall to her shoulders, tousled anddampkosteinaat the edgesreunoilta.
- Their long, black hairHeidän pitkät, mustat hiuksensa, stilldampkosteatfrom washingpesun jäljiltä, was tightly braided and tied with pieces of torn white cloth.
- Whatever the length of your hair, it's best to put rollers in whenhairhiuksetisovatslightlyhiemandampkosteatafter washing, rather than soaking wet.
- She was looking very pretty in her bathing suit,her hairhiuksetstilldampkosteinafrom swimminguimisen jäljiltä.
- They can be blotted down for an even more subtle finish, if you prefer, then topped with adewykasteenraikkaallalipglosshuulikiillolla.
- `They've done it, the young swine, ``he groaned, craning out of his high window, clutching the colddewykasteiseensillikkunalautaan.
- She was cold and tired; the oilskin had kept her shoulders dry buther sockshänen sukkansawereolivatdrenchedläpimärätand the turn-ups of her shorts flapped wetly against her knees.
- Herdrenchedläpimäräthairhiuksensastranded her face, her pale lilac dress clung to her body, her eyelashes divided like a starfish as he pulled her out a second time.
- On his return he haughtily threw off hisdrenchedläpimärätclothesvaatteensa.
- The airIlmawas warm,oli lämmin,slightlyhiemanhumidkostea,but not sultry.
- The base can also be used to hold capillary matting or moist grit for plants that requirehumidkosteaaairilmaa.
- HumidKosteaairilmapermeating from below can cause condensation in the roof space, particularly where there is felt under the roof tiles, which can cause the timbers to rot.
- She stares, uncertain, the smell of recently scythed nettles still pungent in thehumidkosteassaairilmassa.
- They had an impression of very red cheeks andmoistkosteistayellowhairhiuksistasmeared over the scalp like egg yolk.
- Or did it appear to be, because he could only focus on thosemoistkosteisiinlipshuuliin, those piercing eyes?
- Jurnet could see his lips -- the red, perpetuallymoistkosteatlipshuuletof an old man -- moving, hear the inarticulate hum of what he was saying.
- It also absorbs some directly from the air through itsmoistkosteanskinihon.
- And before I could reply she rushed on,eyessilmätmoistkosteinawith excitement.
- Either way,his finger-tipshänen sormenpäänsäbecametulivatmoistkosteiksiwith sweathiestäat the thought of producing the expression in front of the television cameras.
- Thesemoistenedkostutetutglobulespallosetshould be dried on blotting paper and then put in a sealed bottle, and labelled 0/1.
- Wipe the wood witha clothkankaallamoistenedkostutetullawith white spiritmineraalitärpätilläto remove any traces of grease or dust.
- Finally, draw amoistenedkostutettupaint brushsivellinalong the junctions of cove and backgrounds.
- The stomach was then returned to the abdominal cavity and the wound covered with amoistenedkostutetullacotton wool padvanulapulla.
- The top of thesaturatedkylläisenrockkallionis called the water table, and the water that saturated the rocks beneath the water table is groundwater.
- Shakingsaturatedkylläinensoilmaaperäis another matter.
- It separates thesaturatedkylläisenpart of the aquiferakviferin osanfrom the unsaturated zone above it.
- Retained soilTuetusta maaperästäcan becomevoi tullasaturatedkyllästämäwith watervedenand then exert tremendous pressure.
- In some places the needles were several inches deep and easier to rake than autumn leaves on a tended lawn; elsewheretheynewereolivatsaturatedkylläisiäand packed, or buried among tangled creepers and virulent, shining ivy.
- He turned on the taps and thrust my face and head into the water andcompletelytäysinsoakedkasteli läpimäräksimy shirt and jacketpaitani ja takkini.
- As she did sothe breadleipä, by nowthoroughlytäysinsoakedläpimärkäwith her tearshänen kyynelistään, crumbled in her hand and fell to the floor.
- He claimed to have been painting; he alsohadolivattrousershousunsasoakedläpimärätin red leadpunaisesta lyijystä.
- But as soon as the next downpour camethe crustleivänkuoriwasolisoakedläpimärkä, vile gas bubbles would belch forth from it and infect the surrounding air.
- One side of his immaculate jacketHänen tahrattoman takkinsa toinen puoliwasolisoakedkastunutthroughläpiand spiked with broken glass.
- Sarah HuntSarah Hunt, 74,was leftjätettiinsoakedläpimärkänäin bloodverestäafter holding her sister for at least 25 minutes while waiting for an ambulance to arrive after the tragedy in Bishop Auckland.
- Having rested he now felt the chill from hissoakedläpimäristäand muddyclothesvaatteistaan.
- He twisted the key and groped blindly into his house, felt his way upstairs, peeled off hissoakedläpimärätclothesvaatteensa, lowered himself shakily into a hot bath.
- `Thanks to you,Iminä'molensoakedläpimärkäto the skinihoon asti.
- Within another hour Nowak's temperature was high with fever, he was rolling and twisting in the sheets,his bodyhänen vartalonsasoakedläpimärkäin sweathiestä.
- Corbett nodded and they staggered on,bodiesvartalotsoakedläpimärkinäin sweathiestä, eyes blinded with panic, legs and feet threatening to turn into the heaviest lead.
- `Yousinä'reOletsoakedkastunutthroughläpimäräksiwith sweathiestä, right enough.
- The menMiehetcame in at last in the grey light of approaching dawn,soakedmärkinäthroughläpi-bothfrom the rain, and from the waters of the moatsateesta että vallihaudan vedestä.
- He ran out into the street, hissoakedläpimärätshoeskenkänsäsplashing water over his trousers, muddying his coat.
- Edward's face was a mask of blood,his nightshirthänen yöpaitansadark andsoakedläpimärkäwith mud and blood and waterkurasta, verestä ja vedestä.
- If a pipe has frozen, it can be thawed out with a hairdrier or by wrappingtowelspyyhkeitäsoakedkasteltujain hot waterkuumaan veteenaround it.
- Ignorant of the fact that it was Battersea enamel she litthe wicksydänlanganbeneath it,wellkunnollasoakedkasteltunain methylated spiritsdenaturoituun spriihin.
- She fed it tidbits,morsels of breadleivänmurujasoakedkasteltujain milkmaitoon.
- We went down to the white-washed infirmary where I made Benjamin stop at the kitchen forragsrättejäsoakedkasteltujain vinegar and herbsetikkaan ja yrtteihin.
- Their furNiiden turkitbecame<empty>soakedkastuivatwith the dewkasteesta.
- Into these holes are place half inch square pieces ofmilkmaitoonsoakedkasteltuabreadleipääand a large pebble is then used to cover the food.
- The deck was already beginning to dry and for Polly the sun's luxuriant warmth on hersoakedlikomärässäheadpäässäänwas like a blessing.
- Lowering his denims to his knees, he winced as thebloodverensoakedkastelemaclothvaatepulled free from his wound.
- Unfortunately the fireworks must have seeded the thick clouds overhead because it absolutely poured with rain, andwemeistägotsoakedläpimärkiä.
- I was knocked to the ground, and a kind passer-by picked me up and dusted down mysoakingläpimärätclothesvaatteenias 1 watched Dana walking away into the night.
- Within minutes of being tossed out, thesoakingläpimäristäfabricskankaistabecame stiff boards.
- She flung her arms round him, her face buried in hissoakingläpimärkääncoattakkiinsa.
- The jungle dimness closed in like green steam; his forehead was streaming,his clotheshänen vaatteensawereolivatsoddenlikomärät, the giant trunks were dripping rain.
- A grey drizzle enveloped the city; where there were trees,soddenlikomärätleaveslehdetchoked the drains and made the pavements dangerous.
- A big grin appeared at the door, followed by the rest of Nigel,his trousershänen housunsasoddenlikomärätto the waistbandhousunkaulukseen asti.
- She gave a great gasp of anguished amazement at the sight of the drowned rat of a boy standing before her, the rain pouring off hissoddenlikomäristähairhiuksistaanto run in rivulets down his pale face.
- Behind him the tartan curtains of the drawing room framed a view of ten yards ofsoddenlikomärkäälawnnurmikkoaand a curtain of heavy rain.
- She untied the knots and removedthe salivasyljestäsoddenläpimäränstrip of cushion coveringtyynynpäällisen kaistaleenfrom his mouth.
- What I most relish is the thought of me, eight hours through the treatment, rushing blindly to a meeting at the BBC,hairhiuksetsoddenläpimärkinä, stinky and moving around of its own accord.
- Pascoe sighed as he took hissoddenläpimäränriding macratsastussadetakkinsaoff the radiator.
- The gravel was carpeted in bright green moss andleaveslehdetlaysoddenläpimärkinäand dark under the shrubs.
- The first half was played in a torrential downpour and both teams did well to keep their feet ona pitch whichkentällä, jostarapidly becamerainsateestasoddenläpimärkäand slippery.
- It had rained,the earthmaawasolisoggylikomärkä
- TheyHelooka bithiemansoggymäriltäfrom all the bogs they've fallen into.
- After a few minutesdried foodkuivatusta ruoastabecomestuleesoggymärkääand loses its appeal, so the rule becomes: feed no more than the fish will eat in five minutes.
- Fifteen minutes later the attendant returned with two bowls ofsoggyläpimärkääriceriisiäand boiled chicken.
- The pastryTaikinais neither crisp norsoggyläpimärkää, and just tinged with cherry juice.
- Showers spray everywhere, creatingsoggyläpimärkäätoilet papervessapaperiaand slippery floors.
- It had stopped raining butthe woodmetsäwasolisoppinglikomärkä.
- One of them slipped on thesoppinglikomärälläfloorlattialla, cannoned into the table, and brought down the pyramid of barrels and chairs which still supported the restaurant owner.
- `Are we eating out or in tonight? ``she asked as she took thesoppinglikomäränspongesienenfrom his hand and squeezed it murderously into the sink.
- Even in that scant garmenthehänwas very hot andsweatyhikinen.
- In the May heatwavemy feetjalkaniwere considerably cooler andlessvähemmänsweatyhikisetthan they would have been in leather boots.
- My two chips were ready in mysweatyhikiselläpalmkämmenelläni.
- HeHänisonsweatyhikinenand sparkling.
- Hutton wipedhis facehänen kasvonsa,whichjotkawas pale andsweatyhikiset.
- I wipedmy browotsani,whichjostahad become aoli tullutlittlehiemansweatyhikinen, and took a last look up at the shadowless wall above.
- Robyn opened her mouth, but before she could put it to the test he clamped a hotsweatyhikisenpalmkämmenenover her lips.
- It was the place where we had to display our knobbly knees and pimply backs, our sometimes not very clean underwear and oursweatyhikisetsockssukkamme.
- SweatyHikisetmenmiehetwith hard eyes spun the girls round.
- `Iminä'm hot,sweatyhikinen, tired, and I'm going to take a shower, ``was the careless retort.
- MaximMaximwoke slowly,sweatyhikisenäand dry-mouthed and with no idea of what day or time it was.
- This question about how oftenyousinäexercise and getsweatyhikiseksiis ridiculous.
- “ If digging or scraping out a pit is impracticable because of hard orwaterloggedvettyneengroundmaaperän, try netting.
- It will be free-draining so thatitseis neverei ole koskaanwaterloggedvetinenand will be well aerated.
- Dead plants can not rot properly in thewaterloggedvetisessäsoilmaaperässä.
- By the last vestiges of twilight he consulted hiswaterloggedvetisestäwatchkellostaan.
- The River Frome had burst its banks after torrential rain andthe Rovers' groundRoverin pohjawasoliabsolutelyaivanwaterloggedvettynyt.
- The Gault Clay gives rise tovery heavy soils whicherittäin raskaille maaperille, jotkaare oftenovat useinwaterloggedvettyneitä, and is primarily an area of woodland and grassland, cultivation being difficult.
- These soilsNämä maaperätare often cold andwaterloggedvettyneitäand traditionally this is an area of deciduous woodland with small pasture fields.
- They barely reached it, for the seas had got up and thewaterloggedvetinencanoekanoottiwas foundering as they were hauled to safety.
- Soil whichMaaperä, jokaisonwaterloggedvettynytfor weeks at a time will make matters worse, and can even kill plants without their first being weakened by cold.
- Outside, he could still hear the popping and dripping of thewetmäränwoodpuun.
- I had rummaged this same vessel with my crew after she had arrived at Lowestoft at midnight some weeks previously, with a suspiciously empty fish hold and adrippingläpi-wetmärkärubber dinghykumijollaon deck.
- It was several days later that he found himself rising through the complex ofdrippingläpi-wetmärkiencatwalks and stepssiltojen ja askelmienthat ran around the Power line.
- CorbettCorbett, aching,soakingläpi-wetmärkänäand nauseous from his rough ride was pulled off his horse and bundled along the side of the donjon keep.
- They're not all that good, but they're better than thatsoakingläpi-wetmärkäragriepuyou're wearing now.
- No,yousinustawon't getsoakingläpi-wetmärkäwith sand.
- The handkerchiefNenäliinawas torn now,soppingläpi-wetmärkäand useless as an absorbent.
- Any styling effort applied tosoppingläpi-wetmärkiinhairhiuksiinis usually unnecessary and wastes a lot of time.
- SheHänwassoakingläpi-wetmärkä.
- SHe seemed haloed in mist,hairhiuksetwetmärkinäand tendrilled, clothes dripping.
- The runs were hosed down every day -- which meant the dogs gotveryerittäinwetmärätfeetjalatand the little ones got wet tummies.
- The young man sat down, and put hiswetmärätfeetjalkansanear the fire.
- Hiswetmärätfeetjalkansaslithered on a wooden ramp which sounded hollowly underneath.
- I expected to find all the elements of exciting night scenes: glowing street lights, interesting architecture,wetmärätpavementskatukäytävät, and a variety of shop windows.
- Theirwetmärätsuitspukunsaare dumped on the trailer and they change into warm clothing which we've brought with us in a minibus.
- The lenses of my binocs were rain-smeared and blurry, butthe cloth -- actually a clean handkerchiefliina - oikeastaan puhdas nenäliina-- was alreadywringingliko-wetmärkä.