TransFrameNet:Being strong
impregnable.a 🔎
- `In most European countries, government obstacles, complex share structures and cross-shareholdings continue to make many large, and evenmedium-size companieskeskikokoisista yhtiöistäimpregnablejärkkymättömiäto hostile takeoversvihamielisille yrityskaappauksille.
- In contemporary opinion it was animpregnablevalloittamatonfortresslinnake; indeed Richard himself had taken refuge there five years earlier when driven out of Saintes by his father.
- Although encircled by its enemies, I knew justhowkuinkaimpregnablevalloittamatonitsewas.
- That looks aprettymelkoimpregnablehorjumattomaltabasetukikohdaltafor the next advanceseuraavaa etenemistä vastaan.
- It was not only English intervention which brought this about, for although this undoubtedly tipped the balance, Mary of Guise held Edinburgh castle, andthe Frenchranskalaisetappearedvaikuttivatalmostlähesimpregnablejärkkymättömiltäin LeithLeithissä.
- The Tories' share of the vote is not as high as in the 1950s under Winston Churchill, Sir Anthony Eden and Harold Macmillan, butitsenownytappearsvaikuttaaimpregnablehorjumattomaltato attacks by the other partiesmuiden puolueiden hyökkäyksiä vastaan.
- ItSeappearedvaikuttijust asyhtäimpregnablehorjumattomaltayesterdayeilenas he survived the first two sets without being broken.
- The castleLinnanwas believedto beolevanimpregnablevalloittamatonbut after seven days it was taken on 6 July and restored to Constantine de Born.
- Intelligence reports from the United States and Britain showed an almostimpregnablevalloittamattomandefensive linepuolustuslinjanalong the Kuwaiti borderKuwaitin rajalla.
- This morning, a walking tour of the walled city of Quebec will reveal the history of thisalmostlähesimpregnablevalloittamattomanfortlinnakkeen.
- An attacking enemy could be allowed to break through the outer gates and would find that he was surrounded bywalls and towers whichmuurit ja tornit, jotkawereolivatevery bit asaivan yhtäimpregnablevalloittamattomatas those outsidekuin ulkopuolella olevat.
- The Christian base on Cyprus was of immense strategic importance for the crusaders, who now had both a jumping-off point for their armies anda supply base whichhuoltotukikohta, jokawasolivirtuallykäytännöllisesti katsoenimpregnablevalloittamaton.
- With its massive gatehouses, water defence and concentric lines of defencethe castlelinnawasolivirtuallykäytännöllisesti katsoenimpregnablevalloittamatonagainst contemporary methodssenaikaisilla keinoilla.
- ItSewas one of the strongest holds in the land, built at the extreme tip of a narrow peninsula jutting far into the loch, andwell nighhyvin lähelläimpregnablevalloittamatonta.
- After hammering another three wood on to the green at the 36thLyötyään jälleen puukolmosella viheriölle tasoituksella 36,Faldo's positionFaldon asemaseemedvaikuttiimpregnablehorjumattomalta.
- At the end of itLoppujen lopuksi,his systemhänen järjestelmänsäwas declared `impregnablejärkkymättömäksi``.
- The only exception to the rounded,impregnablejärkkymättömäänexteriorulkopuoleenis the richly carved stone porch, added in the fifteenth century to the south side.
strong.a 🔎
- RIGHT Quasar 3C 179, showing a classic radio-quasar structure with a double lobe, astronglujacoreydin, and a o*e-sided radio jet that undergoes significant bending as it enters the western lobe.
- When ingested (as tablets or as fluoridated water), it buildsstrongervahvempaaenamelhammaskiillettäand heals small spots of decay before they develop into holes.
- In South Africa, Bell's is the leading brand of Scotch whisky and Gordon's Gin is growing from analreadynykyisestästrongvahvastapositionasemasta.
- `How areyousinägoing to grow up big andstrongvahvaksi,if you don't eat your greensjos et syö vihanneksiasi?
- Given strong lightKun annetaan paljon valoa,the plantkasviwill growstrongervahvemmaksi,with deep colorationsyvemmällä värityksellä.
- IMinustahad becomeoli tullutasyhtästrongvahvaas my Dadkuin isäni.
- The latter started favourite for last year's Champion but proved no match for Beech Road, thoughhehänestäis expected to become astrongervahvempihorsethis seasontällä kaudella.
- They were fed on Herakleophorbia sotheynegrew andbecametuliextremelyäärimmäisenstrongvahvoja.
- `You and ISinä ja minäare goingto beolemaanstrongvahvojaagainst temptationhoukutusta vastaan.
- There may also be gymnastic balls of various sizes: these are like beach balls, but are made of extrastronglujastaplasticmuovista.
- TheyNewere dry andstrongvahvoja; I was pleased with them.
- Figs 1b and 1cLaskennassa 1b ja 1cuse 50% more tape but prevent shock loading, give double tape thickness at the load point andareovatfarpaljonstrongervahvempiaand more durable.