TransFrameNet:Being rotted
- The basis of both these systems is a wood hardener which strengthens thedecayedlahonneitawood fibrespuukuituja, and a two-part high performance wood filler.
- These substances are able to permeate and saturatepartlyosittaindecayedlahonnuttatimberpuuta.
- This material will also bond well to stainless steel rods so thatbadlypahastidecayedlahonnuttatimberpuutacan be drilled, stitched and glued to achieve higher strengths than the original construction.
- She thought of Yevdoxia, his wife, dragging hisdecayedmädäntynyttäbodyruumistaanand bruised mind around.
- Brownie Owl was tall enough, by standing on tip toe, to look over and down into the hollow trunk of thedecayedlahonneentreepuun.
- Sometimesa toothhampaastawill becometuleedecayedmätäwhich will need to be extracted with an anaesthetic and thus by a veterinary surgeon.
- Each river has its own unique mixture of dissolved minerals,decayedmädäntynyttävegetationkasvillisuuttaand the taint of its particular community of animal inhabitants.
- If they do not have enough hay or pasture they are liable to get intestinal problems, sometimes caused by eating inappropriate or unwholesome substances such as fence posts ormouldyhomeistahayheinää.
- And just because the fish lives in the water with it, does not mean that it is going to eat it -- it would be like you eatingmouldyhomeistafoodruokaa.
- For example, you take some cheese back to a shop and say, `I'm returning this cheese becauseitse'sonmouldyhomeistaand I'd like a refund.
- `That breadTuo leipä's gonemouldyhomeeseen, ``Camille informed him.
- His eyes were hollows of madness, his hair likemouldyhomeistahayheinää.
- She took his wrist between thumb and forefinger, and held his hand up between them as if gripping aputridmätäänfishkalaanby the tail.
- Theputridmädänmatteraineenwas intended to cause plague in the besieged town or castle.
- Poisoned wells,putridmätiäcarcasesruhojaslung over the walls.
- The smell of damp and rot seemed to waft from the doorway as if expelled fromputridmädäntyneistälungskeuhkoista.
- Athelstan studied the notice posted above the prisoner's head and gathered that he was a butcher who had soldputridmätäämeatlihaa.
- RancidEltaantunutoilöljyis simply right.
- Do not leave your best virgin oils on display in a bright, sun-filled kitchen astheynewillquicklynopeastigorancideltaantuneita.
- Stains that are in fact layers ofrancideltaantunuttafatrasvaa.
- It can, but does not necessarily, mean paddling down the Orinoco alone, with a two week ration of half a ship's biscuit and somerancidhärskiintynyttäcoconut milkkookosmaitoa.
- The ham, which everyone ate avidly, and which Sally-Anne forced down, was off andthe buttervoiwasolisoniinrancidhärskiintynyttä,that she almost choked over itettä hän melkein yökkäsi sitä syödessään.
- `ItSe'sonrancidhärskiintynyttä.
- If he had kept his mouth shut I would still be eatingrancidhärskiintynyttämeatlihaaand plotting my own way out of Paris.
- Dig in plenty ofrottedlahonnuttamanurelantaa, but ensure the ground has settled firmly before planting.
- The adequate return of organic wastes to the soil through its own decaying vegetation, grazing animals,rottedlahonneenfarmyard manurespihamaan lannan, and the avoidance of continuous extractive cropping is the primary measure required to maintain fertility.
- Apparently, Ray pulled the fish back from the dead, anaesthetising it on the bank, trimming backrottedmädäntyneitäfinseviäand administering an antibiotic injection.
- Characters are allowed an I test to spot areas ofrottedlahonneenwoodpuun-- there is a -25 penalty if they don't specify that they're actually looking!
- A fewrottedlahonnuttabucketsämpäriälie around the well, which has a 3-foot high stone wall around it.
- Another similar materialis theonpartlyosittainrottedlahonnutplant materialkasvimateriaaliin garden compost heaps.
- I marvel he ever steeled himself to hit hard enough to stun, and to break the branch in the blow, even thoughitsewasolipartlyosittainrottedlahonnut.
- And because I am in the public eye it is important that I fight back, that I show the world that the police are not infallible and that therottenmädätapplesomenatin the barrel must be exposed.
- He had the most disgustingrottenmädätteethhampaatand horn rim glasses with milk bottle lenses.
- From that bad start, many littlerottenmädätapplesomenatgrew.
- Pelted withrottenpilaantuneillaeggsmunillaand faced with armed threats, the protesters eventually turned back.