From the start of 1993 the European Commission wants to make
leg protectors
säärisuojat on all new machines
kaikissa uusissa koneissa , which bikers believe are more likely to cause serious injuries in the event of an accident.
For example, the NRA are talking about making
buoyancy aids
kelluntaliivit on the Thames
Thames-joella and if that happens then the idea will spread elsewhere like wildfire.
rekisteröinti on a purchase for value
ostettaessa arvoa vastaan it isn't necessary to register the devolution of unregistered property on a death.
It warns that the much-heralded pollution reduction benefits of
catalytic converters
katalysaattoreista (to be
on all new cars
kaikissa uusissa autoissa from the end of the year
vuoden lopusta alkaen ) will soon be negated by increased traffic volume.
were not even made
in state schools
valtion kouluissa until 1944
ennen vuotta 1944 despite the importance of athleticism in private education.
Primary education
Peruskoulutuksesta was made free and
, but all secondary schools are fee-paying.
Religious education in schools
Uskonnollinen opetus kouluissa is of course
in the United Kingdom
Yhdistyneessä kuningaskunnassa .
Skeleton arguments
Lausunnon rungot in all appeals before the Court of Appeal
kaikissa valituksissa hovioikeuteen except in cases of urgency or where the court otherwise directs
paitsi kiireellisissä tapauksissa, tai jos oikeus toisin määrää .
Where the Customs and Excise Department is concerned,
the valued added tax (VAT)
arvonlisävero (ALV) in all EC countries
kaikissa EY-maissa , vies with excise duties as the most significant revenue source.
was made
in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden
Tanskassa, Norjassa ja Ruotsissa around 1810
vuoden 1810 aikoihin .
In the light of these and subsequent reports, the Government would give consideration to the recommendation that
induction training
perehdytyskoulutuksesta be made
by 1981
vuoteen 1981 mennessä .
go into voluntary or
Until recently, most national governments muddled along with health-care systems derived from a mixture of charitable support, private practice, and voluntary or
Closures and amalgamations are simply destroying internationally renowned centres of excellence and creating a positive area for
irtisanomisille , voluntary and
, early retirements and relocation of about twenty thousand personnel.
Felicity wondered whether
, but Joshua explained that, as he was writing a column for next Sunday's Observer, it would be as well to look in.
except for registered anarchists, who are allowed to abstain, provided they fill in the correct forms
paitsi rekisteröityneille anarkisteille, joilla on lupa pidättäytyä äänestämästä, mikäli he ovat täyttäneet oikeat lomakkeet .
In the parliamentary democracies the parties must be able to mobilize the masses to vote every so often, but very few countries make
Council wide policies occasionally make
attendance on a course
kurssille osallistumisesta, , e.g. recruitment and selection,
if people wish to select staff
jos ihmiset haluavat valita henkilökunnan `.
for all firms with more than 25 employees
kaikilla yrityksillä, joilla on yli 25 työntekijää, to have a `car journey reduction plan ``
olla "automatkojen vähentämissuunnitelma" , cutting down on the use of cars to get to work.
At the Slavonic Studies reunion I met several current undergraduates from Campion;
for all first-years at the School
kaikille koulua ensimmäistä vuotta käyville .
This, after all, was the gallery which launched and still represents David Hockney, which pioneered the
bare, all-white space
paljaan, kokonaan valkoisen tilan .
At the time the fieldwork was conducted and until the Social Security Housing Benefit Act 1982
Siihen aikaan tehtiin kenttätyötä, ja vuoden 1982 sosiaaliturva- ja asumislisälakiin asti , it was
for all those claiming unemployment benefit
kaikille, jotka hakivat työttömyysavustusta to register for work at a Jobcentre
työnvälitystoimistoon rekisteröityminen työtä varten .
All the initial keywords
Kaikki ensimmäiset avainsanat with the exception of FOREIGN-SET-IS which must be omitted if the module type is not foreign
poikkeuksena FOREGN-SET-IS, joka täytyy jättää pois, jos moduulin tyyppi ei ole vieras .
The basic issue was
complementary and contrasting studies
täydentävät ja vastakohtaiset opinnot for arts students
taideopiskelijoille .
When Sir Adrian joined the company
Kun Sir Adrian liittyi yritykseen it
for all young people up to the age of eighteen
kaikille nuorille henkilöille 18 vuoden ikään asti to spend a day a week at the company's continuation college
viettää päivä viikossa yrityksen jatko-koulutuksessa .
Under French regulations
Ranskan määräysten mukaan BCG vaccination
calmetterokotus for hospital employees
sairaalan työntekijöille .
But legislation in 1987-88 has also brought an increase in moves towards more explicit privatization by making
competitive tendering
kilpailevista tarjouksista for a wider range of activities, including refuse collection, street cleaning and vehicle maintenance
laajemmalla toimintojen alueella, mukaan lukien jätteiden kerääminen, katujen puhdistaminen ja kulkuneuvojen kunnossapito .
But, in addition, we shall consider introducing further legislation -- such as
where appropriate
tarvittaessa -- to deal with this problem.
when sailing off exposed beaches in rough conditions
purjehtiessa pois avoimilta rannoilta vaikeissa olosuhteissa , since it means you can escape the hazardous shorebreak quickly.
The BDDA again proved its usefulness when
insurance against third party risks
vakuutuksesta kolmannen osapuolen riskeille was made by law
for motorists
autoilijoille .
Rekisteröinnistä was made
under the Act of 1897
vuoden 1897 lailla in the Counties of London and Middlesex
Lontoon ja Middlesexin kreivikunnissa -- now Greater London, as provided by the London Government Act 1963.
Why, then, do we make it
to be educated
kouluttautumisesta ?
In France or Germany, they say, teachers would be amazed if
their own great writers
heidän omat suuret kirjailijansa were not
for all students
kaikille opiskelijoille .
All of these are eligible for points under the Law society's
continuing education
jatkokoulutuksen scheme.
The move attracted especial attention because
religious education
uskonnon opetus had been introduced in schools with considerable publicity only in 1982.
Whatever his personal misgivings, Valenzuela hid them well and when
military service
asepalveluksensa ended he signed on for a permanent career in the Air Force.
Parents usually keep their children at home for a couple of years after they have completed
six years of
state education
valtion koulutus is, in the historical sense, a recent phenomenon.
The abolition of
for the nobility
aateliston (1762) appears to have been widely read as an indication that freedom for serfs would follow shortly.
Whether we can make it
to be fitted with such devices
asennetaan sellaiset laitteet, is a matter for the European Commission.
Medical inspection
Lääkärintarkastuksesta was made
for all children
kaikille lapsille .
for my child
minun lapselleni to be involved in Compact
olla mukana sopimuksessa ?
The German government recently drafted regulations making it
for car makers
autonvalmistajille to take back their old cars
ottaa takaisin vanhat autonsa, when they are due to be scrapped
kun ne on määrä romuttaa .
A year's pupillage
Vuoden lakimiesharjoittelu for those who intend to practise in England and Wales
niille, jotka aikovat toimia Englannissa ja Walesissa .
In 1880 a further Education Act made
for children between five and ten
5-10-vuotiaille lapsille , and in the 1890s it was established that most elementary education should be free.
would -- they say -- not only free Health Service resources, but guarantee freedom of choice.
It superceded GCE `O ``Level and CSE examinations to constitute a unified system of assessment at the end of
For the first time in this country
Ensimmäistä kertaa tässä maassa ,
for many pupils
monille oppilaille ,
the assessment of oracy
suullisen kielitaidon arvioinnista has been made
: by GCSE.
Very little was done about juvenile labour, she says, with no attempt being made to raise the school-leaving age or to make
further technical education
täydentävästä teknisestä koulutuksesta until the age of 17
17 vuoden ikään asti .
The result is an adversarial but illuminating work which, though heavy going in places, should be
for all students of English literature and all students of science
kaikille englantilaisen kirjallisuuden opiskelijoille ja tieteen opiskelijoille .
Teachers are relieved that the Secretary of State (albeit belatedly) decided to restrict
to the three core subjects.
It used to be called the `self-build movement ``, and
the wearing of beards and open-toed sandals
partojen ja varpaista avoimien sandaalien käyttäminen was close
After Arnold, they were still bearpits, but with
required to put in
attendance at chapel
hoitoon kappeliin .
The registration of births, marriages and deaths
Syntymien, avioliittojen ja kuolemien rekisteröinti since the middle of last century
viime vuosisadan puolivälistä asti and is used to supplement census figures in intervening years.
The 1944 Act specified only one
-- religious education -- and even there individual pupils could opt out if their parents wished.
America's Irish lobby has campaigned hard for the MacBride principles, and several states have made
on local companies
paikallisille yrityksille .
This year's accounts have been prepared in accordance with FRS 3,
a new accounting standard which
uusi kirjanpitostandardi, josta for all UK companies
kaikille Yhdistyneen kuningaskunnan yrityksille .
There are very few exceptions to the obligation to make a
when the 30 per cent threshold is reached.
In July 1989
wearing helmets
kypärän pitämisestä was made
for pedal cyclists
pyöräilijöille .
Thus, if the
were abolished, it would be sufficient to take account of provocation when sentencing for murder.
This is of course the
for a person convicted of murder.
Will she insist on a guilty verdict and
death sentence
kuolemantuomiota ?
The debate over
continued throughout the 1970s with a report dealing with architects' services from the Monopolies and Mergers Commission acting as a catalyst for eventual change.
His idea is to cap expenditure on entitlements: the
on things like pensions, medical benefits and unemployment compensation.
A life sentence
Elinkautistuomio if an attack leads to death and is categorised as murder
jos hyökkäys johtaa kuolemaan ja luokitellaan murhaksi .
For the offence of murder
murhasta a life sentence
Elinkautistuomio .
It was further agreed to ask the UN Security Council to endorse this decision and to make
the application of sanctions
pakotteiden soveltamisesta for all UN member states
kaikille YK:n jäsenvaltioille .
It was not until August 1987 that the Government made it
for blood banks
veripankeille to test donated blood
luovutetun veren testaamisesta , arguing that imported AIDS diagnosis kits could not be afforded.
Accordingly article 12 comes into operation and renders it
for the court
oikeusistuimelle to order the return of the child forthwith
määrätä lapsen palauttaminen välittömästi .
for all male competitors
kaikille mieskilpailijoille , referees have no way of checking that they are being worn.
that in order to conform to the current building regulations it
to have a proper er electrically mains operated smoke alarm system installed in the home
kotiin asennettu kunnollinen sähköinen, verkkovirralla toimiva palovaroitinjärjestelmä .
It is
an experience which
kokemus, jonka for every MP
kaikille kansanedustajille .
He only recommends that Public Assistance Committees might be approached, but makes
optional and not
that you keep the Process and Working Directories for each LIFESPAN Process separate from those for other LIFESPAN Processes
että pidät kunkin ELINKAARI-menetelmän prosessi- ja työhakemistot erillään muiden ELINKAARI-menetelmien hakemistoista , otherwise several LIFESPANs could cause fatal interactions between themselves.
Cabins (£20 -- £84)
Hytti (20–84 £) on night crossings
yömatkoilla .
in vulnerable areas
haavoittuvaisilla alueilla which are to be designated over the next two years.
In an increasing number of countries
kasvavassa määrässä maita ,
use of seat belts in cars
Turvavöiden käyttäminen autoissa .
Keyman insurance, for example, can often take longer than may be expected to organise, particularly in view of the
Brown continued: `I imagine
Recently safety regulations have made it
for all competitors
kaikille kilpailijoille to wear fist protectors
nyrkkisuojien käyttämisestä .
The Housing and Town Planning Act made it
for local authorities
paikallisille viranomaisille to prepare surveys of their housing needs
asuntotarveselvitysten valmistelusta , to draw up plans to deal with them, and to carry out their schemes.
The implementation of a decision by the city council of Prague to make
catalytic converters
katalysaattoreista for all Czech-made business vehicles
kaikissa Tšekissä valmistetuissa liikeajoneuvoissa has been postponed.
Afternoon at their Spitalfields home, which began with the
tea ceremony
teeseremonialla , stretches into evening.
Afterwards we sat on the palette, facing each other, sharing the
for all persons between the ages of 18 and 70
kaikille 18–70-vuotiaille henkilöille , but largely-symbolic penalties for failure to vote are rarely applied.
He said the men could not survive in the conditions without
their survival suits
eloonjäämispukujaan ,
for all competitors in the race
kaikille kilpailun osallistujille .
For Simon and me
Simonille ja minulle ,
short light coloured macs, mohair sweaters, slim Jim ties, tight trousers and chisel toed shoes
Lyhyet vaaleanväriset sadetakit, mohairpuserot, kapeat solmiot, tiukat housut ja talttakärkiset kengät for our adolescent cultural trips to the cinema
murrosikäisten kulttuurimatkoillamme elokuviin .