TransFrameNet:Being employed
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- Furthermore, during Sir James's subsequent stay, I gathered thatMr Grahamherra Grahamwasno longerei enääinSir James'sSir Jamesinemploypalveluksessa; indeed that Sir James no longer employed any full-time staff at all.
- The simple fact thathehänwas inher husband'saviomiehensäemploypalveluksessagave her an advantage over him.
- High-profile industry columnist Will Zachmann who wrote for PC Week for years says he leftZiff-Davis'Ziff-Davisinemploypalveluksenbecause of pressure brought to bear to write more favourably about Microsoft and Windows.
- By 1826Vuoteen 1826 mennessäHenry MilnerHenry Milnerwas in theemploypalveluksessaof William CavendishWilliam Cavendishin, sixth Duke of Devonshire [q.v.], at Chatsworth, where he served in a variety of posts, including gardener and porter.
- She made it sound as ifher husbandhänen aviomiehensäwere in theemploypalveluksessaof a superior companyparemman yrityksen.
- `I believe it was her last act before she leftmyminunemploypalveluksestani.
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- He has kepthishänendaypäivä-jobtyönsä.
- ForCorporal Gary Elmeralikersantti Gary Elmerille,whosejonkadaypäivä-jobtyöisas a builderrakentaja, this is a big change: during the week he puts them up, and at weekends he knocks them down!
- It might be considered that performance at manyfactorytehdas-jobstöissäwould be easier to assess since a product is involved.
- Nearly a quarter of the forty were inunskilledammattitaitoa vaatimattomissafactorytehdas-jobstöissäand over a third have done typing or general office work.
- Fortunately, Gerald found anofficetoimisto-jobtyön,with a national charitykansallisessa avustusjärjestössä, and his symptoms were only a slight inconvenience.
- Before Jean Bevan's husband was promoted to anofficetoimisto-jobtyöhön, he did, in his wife's opinion, do `real ``work, i.e. manual work, like housework.
- The father, who worked in a lawyer's office, found Stephen ajobtyönas a clerkkonttoristina, which, while tedious, was better paid than sawing wood.
- David now added apart-timeosa-aikaisenjobtyönteaching at a polytechnicopettajana ammattikorkeakoulussato his already heavy load of work, and was hardly ever at home.
- `I noticed ateachingopetus-jobtyönin SheffieldSheffieldissäthat didn't look too bad.
- A FORMER Portsmouth soccer player has been suspended fromhishänenteachingopetus-jobtyöstäänafter claims that he had sex with a teenage girl pupil 12 years ago.
- ItwasolihishänenfirstensimmäinenLondonLontoossateachingopetus-jobtyönsäand he was working in the Humanities department: `It was right in the beginning I suppose and there was about two months before I actually started.
- A woman who caused a row when she applied for ateachingopetus-jobtyöhönunder a false identity has now joined the debate over children's reading.
- Later he found atemporaryväliaikaisenjobtyönand a room.
- The one indication that Gerstner recognises the problem will be his approach to thetophuippu-jobstöihinat each of IBM's most important businesseskaikilla IBM:n tärkeimmillä liikealoilla.
- We may also find that more and moretophuippu-managementjohdonjobstöitäin big companiesisoissa yrityksissäare filled by hiring people away from smaller companies.
- A high flying professor of accountancy has been appointed to one of thetophuippu-jobstöistäat the Treasuryvaltiovarainministeriössäwith a salary of £100,000-a-year100 000 punnan vuosipalkalla, the Prime Minister's Office announced.
- During the filming for the `Bankrobber ``video, Clash roadies Baker and Johnny Green faked abankpankki-jobtöissäin South LondonEtelä-Lontoossa.
- GovernmentHallitus-jobstyötand the opportunities which association with the government gives allow them the possibility of accumulating material goods.
- How is a family's social ranking affected by both husband and wife in apaidpalkka-jobtyössäor career?
- The declining demand for labour in agriculture even militates against a move to ahigher paidparemmin palkattuunjobtyöhönwithin the industry itselfalan sisällä.
- Conversely, pursuing a mundane,poorly paidheikosti palkattuajobtyötäor no job at all may provoke a sense of alienation from society.
- Thesummerkesä-jobtyöshe had so flukily landed in television had shuttled her across London in the finding of the artists, `characters ``and celebrities necessary to feed its greedy magazine formula.
- In 1940 I was fortunate to find asummerkesä-jobtyönin the local tomato factorypaikallisessa tomaattitehtaassa, one of the innumerable similar factories scattered in the Parma province.
- In 1980 he arrived at Queen's University to study law and at the end of his first year flew out to the USA to findsummerkesä-jobstyönas labourertyöläisenä.
- So then at the end of that year he offered me asummerkesä-jobtyötä,a kind of an apprentice joberäänlaista harjoittelijan paikkaaand that was it.
- It seemed indeed that the numbers oflow-paidhuonosti palkattujenunskilledammattitaitoa vaatimattomienjobstöidenwere growing with the advance of mechanization.
- British Coal yesterday announced the loss of 450white-collarvalkokaulus-jobstyöpaikanin YorkshireYorkshiressa.
- This timewhite-collarvalkokaulus-jobstyöpaikkojain services, from banking to advertisingpalveluissa pankkialalta mainosalalle, have also been axed -- the very sectors that provided virtually all the new jobs of the past two decades.
- The single women had, on average, better pension levels than the men in all age groups, reflecting the levels of female employment inwhite-collarvalkokaulus-,public sectorjulkisen sektorinjobstyöpaikoissa.
- AROUND 3,000white-collarvalkokaulus-jobstyöpaikkaaat British CoalBritannian hiiliyhtiössäare set to be axed and more pits could close if the industry does not become more competitive, the corporation's chairman admitted yesterday.
- Usually the suggestors get thejobvastuunof managing the news groupsuusien ryhmien ohjaamisenand would only impose their own standards of control.
- In the last year of the war there was a girl who had ajobtyöpaikkain Simon's officeSimonin toimistossa.
- If I stick up for myself he either ignores me or suggests that I'm being impertinent and that I risk losingmyminunjobtyöpaikkaniby being out-spoken.
- And in this last week, ever since she had started thejobtyönproperly, it had got even easier.
- Professor Martin Harris, who startedhishänenjobtyönsäat Manchester UniversityManchesterin yliopistossalast month, was stopped in the city's red light district, police said.
- He recalls vividly being told shortly after he took thejobtyönat Fawley refineryFawleyn puhdistamossathat an Esso director would be calling to see him.
- Many have takenpart-timeosa-aikaisenjobstyönin service industriespalvelualallain order to earn money while caring for their children.
- LISA McDONALD Following the completion of her B.A. (Hons) degree course in Economics and Business Law, Lisa McDonald tookherhänenfirstjobtyönsäwith StoddardStoddardilla, being employed as a Graduate Trainee in Management Accounts.
- He held a series of undemandingclericaltoimisto-jobstöitä.
stint.n 🔎
- Jeremy Woodhouse is Registrar at Marlborough, which has led a number of ambitious expeditions, including asix-weekkuuden viikonstinttyökomennuksenliving 10,000 ft up Mount Kenya helping local people with projects.
- Therefore, after thestinttyökomennuksenon BroadwayBroadwayn, Dustin married the woman whom he called `my shiksa goddess ``on 8 May 1969 at Temple Beth El Reform synagogue at Chappaqua, New York.
- He did astinturakanon a chain gangyhteenkahlehdittujen vankien parissa, and he became a professional boxer for a while.
- AfterNeil'sNeilinstinttyökomennuksenwith Cozy Powell's bandCozy Powellin bändissä, he changed tack, adopting a more jazz-rock leaning with his next band, Colosseum II.
- JOHN DEVEREUX 'S hopes of asummerkesä-stinturakastawith Australian club Manlyaustralialisen klubin Manly palveluksessahave been dashed.
- There was only one thing for it, and that was to sever a connection that -- save for aseven-yearseitsemän vuodenstinttyökomennustawith SomersetSomersetin palveluksessain the 70s70-luvulla-- goes back to 1949.
- Former Wallaby scrum-half Brad Burke is certain to step up his campaign to be readmitted after abrieflyhyenstinttyökomennuksenwith Eastern Suburbsitäisessä esikaupungissa.
- Before that he did astinttyökomennuksenwith the Navylaivastossa, then a senior registrar's post on shore.
- Nevertheless, Mr Pozsgay did at least emerge from hissix-yearkuuden vuodenstinttyökomennuksestaanat the head of the ministryministeriön johdossaas a man who deserved credit for trying.
- Like so many of the men now rising to leadership in poor countries, he has done astinttyökomennuksenat the World BankMaailmanpankissa, and is regarded as capable.
- But he has put in many acoachingvalmennus-stintkeikkaaat London WelshLondon Welshissäand that is a task every bit as unrewarding as watching Chelsea.
- John has a wealth of experience in the hotel business, having worked for some of the largest chains in the country including astinturakanat the SavoySavoyssain LondonLontoossa.
- Expectations were even loftier for Paul Farbrace duringhishänenstinttyökomennuksensaat CanterburyCanterburyn.
- On his return home in the late 1950s he did astinturakanas a tea planterteenviljelijänäin AssamAssamissa, before becoming an executive with a private firm in Bombay.
- Then there wasthe young Tip'snuoren Tipinseven-yearseitsemän vuodenstinturakkaas a clubmakerklubin valmistajana.
- MyMinunstinturakkanias the early-hours manalkuyön miehenäreally was a killer.
- After coming back from doinghishänenstinturakkansa, he discovered that his dressing room had been broken into and the telly nicked.
- Food and Drink: A dish for the party Thane Prince with ideas for thatall-nightkoko yönelectionvaali-stinturakkaa
- Then, after aquicknopeanstinttyökomennuksenin salesmyynnin, Hall settled in Chicago, determined to make showbiz his life.
- After two years in Transport Command, he did astinturakanas deputy director of equipmentvarusteiden varajohtajana.
- During the night of 10/11 April Innes Westmacott undertookhishänenfirststinttehtävänsäof night dutyyötyö-.
- Before the row, Mr Delors had praisedMr Major'sherra Majorinstinturakkaaas EC PresidentEuroopan komission puheenjohtajanaduring the last traumatic six monthskuuden viimeisen traumaattisen kuukauden aikana.
- By good luck, they were in the middle of alongpitkänstinttyökomennuksenin LondonLontoossa.
- MyMinunstinttyökomennukseniin the TATA:ssawasas a conscriptvarusmiehenä, and those of us who did our national service in the TA made many friendships that have lasted to this day.
- The following day was Wednesday and Gloria, the extrovert young matron who `did ``for both Melissa and Iris, arrived to doherhänenweeklyviikottaisenstinturakkansaof houseworkkotityö-.
- Punch served astinttyökomennuksenin the newsroomuutishuoneessabut failed to develop into a news-hungry reporter.
- Most dealers had already written in a premium for the premiership ofPierre BeregovoyPierre Beregovoyn,whosejonkastinttehtäväas finance ministervaltiovarainministerinämade him well known to the business community.
- Only those with plenty of stamina can attempt an `open day ``, however, since atwelve-hourkahdentoista tunninstinturakkaof entertainingviihdytys-requires forethought and energy.
- Helen was called home to help her sister, Irene, in her employment and during thisten-weekkymmenen viikonsecretarialsihteerinstinttehtävänshe and Edward met frequently on the Common as Helen returned from her work.
- As he bobs off to get ready forhishänenDJingDJ-stinturakkaansa, someone hands me another packet of the smart drink.
- Aone-yearyhden vuodenstinttyökomennusas assistant lectureravustavana luennoitsijanaat University College LondonLontoon University Collegessawas followed in 1928 by a year of research in the United States and the West Indies, financed by a Laura Spelman Rockefeller memorial studentship.
- I had just returned from atrainingvalmennus-stintkomennukseltain LanzaroteLanzarotelta.
- Ireland coach Cess Koppelaar put his players through aone-hourtunnintrainingvalmennus-stinturakanyesterday morning, and placed a heavy emphasis on shooting practice.
- After athree yearkolmen vuodenstinturakanat the Conservative Research Departmentkonservatiivisen tutkimuksen laitoksella, in 1986 she became head of the policy unit at the Institute of Directors.
- This included five years with Edinburgh Corporation's City Engineer's Department and afour yearneljän vuodenstintkomennuksenwith Lothian Regional CouncilLothianin aluevaltuustossaas transportation engineerliikenneinsinöörinäin the mid 1970s1970-luvun puolivälissä.
- Clinical psychologists LOUISE PEATE, 31, and KATE WHITE, 26, of Leicester, were taking a trip of a lifetime after completing a successfulseven-yearseitsemän vuodenstinturakanat universityyliopistolla.
- He's just finished astinttyönas Edmund in King LearEdmundina King Learissaat the Royal Court TheatreRoyal Court Theatressaand is looking forward to a holiday in Wales with his actress wife, six-year-old daughter and teenage stepson.
- He then had atwo-yearkahden vuodenstinttyökomennusas secretary to the Army Councilarmeijan valtuuston sihteerinä.
- Although he has spent most of his working life in academia he did have aneight- yearkahdeksan vuodenstinttyökomennus,from 1963vuodesta 1963 eteenpäin,in industrial researchteollisuustutkimuksessa.
work.n 🔎
- SheHänis continuing educational research in retirement and hasrecentlyäskettäinacceptedpart-timeosa-aikaisenworktyönwith a national research institutekansallisessa tutkimuslaitoksessa.
- ForFelicityFelicitydoesvoluntaryvapaaehtoistasocialsosiaali-worktyötä, like everybody's wife.
- The routineness ofpolicepoliisi-worktyönin Easton is thus reinforced by the interpretative processes and practical reasoning that Easton's police share with policemen and women in other societies when doing routine police work.
- At that time,300 million people300 miljoonaa ihmistäwere either unemployed or performed suchunproductivekannattamatontaworktyötäthat they could not support themselves and their families.
- This ledhimhänto acceptworktyötäin productions that really weren't up to his standardtuotannoissa, jotka eivät oikeastaan olleet hänen tasonsa mukaisiaand the increased bookings resulted in a massive turnover of dancers.
- In recent years, the amount ofworktyönavailablefor dockworkerssatamatyöläisillehas drastically declined because of the growing practice of loading and unloading goods in containers at depots outside the port areas.
- About £250,000 had been spent over three years forworktyöhönat the Dyslexic Centrelukihäiriöisten keskuksessaand £34,000 went on research into the early identification of dyslexia.
- This was not ideal because of fatigue andfarmmaatilanworktyönthat had to be carried out at those times.
- Theworktyö-forcevoimawant to return to a contract and yet do not want to return to a situation which takes away from their individual freedom and negotiating rights.
- There is no doubt that Randall enjoysherhänenworktyöstään.
- Forprehospitalsairaalan esi-worktyön, this finding is important because it shows that GCS does not deviate significantly either from the MEES scale (which has more parameters) or from the APACHE II scale (which is measured in hospital).
- The process was not in operation during the site visit, so currentworktyö-practices were not observed.
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- The 450,000 employees,300,000 of whomjoista 300 000worktyöskenteleein the postal servicepostilaitoksella, are unhappy.
- Eighty thousand employeesKahdeksankymmentätuhatta työntekijääworktyöskenteleefor foreign-owned companiesulkomaalaisten omistuksessa olevissa yrityksissäin the region such as Hewlett Packard, Caterpillar, ICI and UnileverHewlett Packardin, Caterpillarin, ICI:in ja Unileverin kaltaisilla aloilla.
- Firstwemeworkedtyöskentelimmeabroadulkomailla, then his father died, then my husband changed jobs and wanted to settle in.
- BR has had to rely onstaffhenkilöstöönworkingtyöskenteleväänexcessive overtimekohtuuttomasti yliajallato carry out maintenance and repair work.
- OfficersPoliisitare<empty>workingtekeväthuge amounts of overtimevaltavia määriä ylitöitäand they are not being paid for it.
- The practice ofnurseshoitajatworkingtyöskentelevätflexible hoursjoustavalla työajalla, which is largely controlled by the needs of the nursing team, has to date been given little attention.
- In earlier timesmany minersmonet kaivosmiehethadolivatworkedtyöskennelleetonly a part of their timeainoastaan osan ajastaandigging coallouhien hiiltä; the rest of their income came from labouring jobs or from a smallholding.
- The most crucial evidence of the day came from Mr Loxton,whojokaworkedtyöskentelias a butcherlihakauppiaananext door to the Oliver's shopOliverin myymälän vieressä.
- HeHänworkedtyöskentelias an assistant to George PorterGeorge Porterin assistenttina, starting his own practice in London in 1838.
- `Iminä'm going to come andworktyöskentelenat the schoolkoulussa, ``said Maisie.
- HeHänworkstyöskenteleefor Ace AirwaysAce Airwaysille.
- HeHänhadoliworkedtyöskennellytin the countrymaassafor 27 years27 vuoden ajan.
- My fatherIsäniworkedtyöskenteliin a marketmarkkinoillaand he got big bundles of it very cheaply.
- Readers, especially those just out of college with hardly anyprioraikaisempaaworktyö-experience, are encouraged to contact Mr. Jordan's Washington office for similar job placement assistance.