about AD 460
noin 460 jaa. , daughter and granddaughter of Roman and Byzantine emperors, whose family had been prominent in Roman politics for over 700 years.
, eldest son of a Master of Trinity House, from whom he was to inherit a substantial property.
, the son of a father with a distinguished military career in the Gurkhas, and was brought up in what was Rhodesia.
Some of my guests
Osa vieraistani sucking on the proverbial silver spoon
imien sananlaskusta tuttua kultaista lusikkaa , others knew hard times.
Two-year-old Leannda was sighted when
14 weeks premature
14 viikkoa etuajassa .
He was soon posted to north Africa, and never met their only child,
8 June 1941
8. heinäkuuta 1941 .
In fact,
the 16 million babies
16 miljoonalla vauvalla in the rich world
rikkaaseen maailmaan will have four times as great an impact on the world's resources as the 109 million born in the poor world.
by the woodpile
halkopinon luona, and the red bitch strutted around proudly, her feathery tail waving high in the air behind her.
Jan Vince's five girls and a boy
Jan Vincen viisi tyttöä ja poika by caesarean section
keisarileikkauksella to mum Jean
äiti-Jeanille tehdyllä within six minutes
kuuden minuutin sisään at St James's Hospital in Leeds
St Jamesin sairaalassa Leedsissä on May 19
toukokuun 19. päivänä .
Many Conservatives enter into schemes, as soon as
their children
heidän lapsensa , to provide for the cost of future private schooling.
are statutory provisions as to civil liability in the case of
on lakisääteisiä määräyksiä siviilioikeudellisesta vahingonkorvausvastuusta siinä tapauksessa, että , in consequence of some person's fault, in the Congenital Disabilities (Civil Liability) Act 1976.
It seems that
-- with no visible sexual characteristics -- into a poor family who lived in a village near Varanasi.
Literally, Vitelli will kill her father and replace him with
of these parents (and not others)
näistä vanhemmista (ei muista) , live with them.
Cynthia from Witham in Essex has two sons,
by Caesarean
keisarileikkauksella .
Children born from 1984 onwards were included in the Survival Study, but the Health Study restricted admission to
from 1986 onwards
vuodesta 1986 lähtien .
from 1984 onwards
Vuodesta 1984 eteenpäin were included in the Survival Study, but the Health Study restricted admission to children born from 1986 onwards.
Eleven of the 15 babies
Yksitoista niistä 15 vauvasta, jotka in Rinyaszentkirály
Rinyaszentkirályssa in south-west Hungary in 1989-90 had severe abnormalities; four of them had Down's syndrome.
into an Italian upper-class family
Yläluokkaiseen italialaiseen perheeseen ,
boasts the title of marchese and can claim Catherine the Great and de' Medici among his ancestors.
into a working-class family
työväenluokkaiseen perheeseen in Edinburgh
Edinburghissa , had barely known his mother, who died when he was still a baby.
Both were said to be `very happy ``while pondering a name for
the 7lb 3oz boy
7 naulan ja 3 unssin painoiselle pojalle on Friday night
perjantai-iltana in the Wellington hospital, north-west London
Wellingtonin sairaalassa, Luoteis-Lontoossa .
Although Jacob was eight years older than Modigliani, as an astrologer he believed that they shared a common destiny, both ultra-sensitive Cancerians,
, Max on the 13th.
to this bitch
Tälle naaraalle on 24 July 1975
24. heinäkuuta 1975 was the first to be whelped in New Zealand.
A visiting doctor counted the graves of 100 infants including
on the eve of the Nez Perce flight at Tepahlewam
Nez Perce -intiaanien paon aattona Tepahlewamissa .
to a teenage mother
Teiniäidille is twice a slikely to die in infancy as a child born to a mother aged between 25 and 29.
Similarly, mortality of
to 30-39 year old mothers
30-39-vuotiaille äideille was lowest if their fathers were in the 25-29 years age group.
with normal hearing
Normaalin kuulon kanssa ,
became deaf from scarlet fever when 12 years old.
The riders, Albert Redshaw, Alistair MacNab and Malcolm Scott, are hoping to raise £1,800 to buy specialist car safety seats for
young children
pienille lapsille with dislocated hips
sijoiltaan menneiden lonkkien kanssa .
, was educated at Highgate School and Trinity College, Oxford.
Cardiovascular mortality was not related to the duration of gestation except for a small increase in death rates in
ennenaikaisesti .