TransFrameNet:Being attached
adhesion.n 🔎
- This will help theadhesionkiinnittymistäof the gum stripkumiliuskanto the paper fibrespaperikuituihin, so eliminating later buckling.
- To examine the function of Β 1 integrins on DMJ or DNJ treated HT-29 cells, we assayed thedirectsuoraaadhesionkiinnittymistäof treated and untreated cellskäsiteltyjen ja käsittelemättömien solujento extracellular matrix componentssolunulkoisiin matriisikomponentteihin.
- The earliest findingis theonplateletverihiutaleenadhesionkiinnittyminento collagen fibreskollageenisäikeisiinfollowed by aggregation and formation of a platelet plug.
- However,the oilöljyhelpspollensiitepölynadhesionkiinnittymistäon other insectsmuihin hyönteisiin,and this may be important in `buzz ``flowers as well.
affixed.a 🔎
- The striking nameplatesHuomiota herättävät nimilaatataffixedkiinnitetytto 61656165:eencommemorated those GC employees who died in the Great War.
- A Turkish stampTurkkilainen leimamerkkiwas stilloli edelleenaffixedkiinnitettynäto the bottom left-hand cornervasempaan alakulmaan.
- Witha plastic topmuovinen kansiaffixedkiinnitettynäto a metal basemetallipohjaanthe ME6 looks and feels like it will stand up to a fair bit of punishment.
- Affixedkiinnitetythorizontallyto the inside of the treadmillJuoksumaton sisäpuolellewerestout iron bars for the prisoned workers to grasptukevat rautatangot, joista vangitut työntekijät voivat pitää kiinni.
anchored.a 🔎
- World champion John Parrott overwhelmed Willie Thorne 8-0 in Redhill whileGrimsby's Mike HallettGrimsbyn Mike Hallettwas stilloli edelleenanchoredkiinnitettynäfirmlyto the foot of the tablepöydän jalkaanafter losing 5-3 to Jimmy White in Doncaster.
- The DonsThe Donsareonanchoredkiinniat the bottom of the Premier Leaguevalioliigan pohjallaafter crashing to defeat in all three opening matches.
- Ideally,every trailerkaikkien asuntovaunujenshould bepitäisi ollaanchoredkiinnitettyinäby the ball hitchvetokoukustaanon to a ball mounted in the groundmaahan kiinnitettyyn palloon.
- Rear seat belts each consisted ofa two-piece webbing lap strapkaksiosaisesta syöksyvyöstäanchoredkiinnitetystäto the aircraft structurelentokoneen rakenteeseen.
- He had seen them,their strong yet delicate websniiden vahvat mutta hienostuneet verkotanchoredkiinnitettyinäto the Claysaveen.
attached.a 🔎
- The nitsTäin munatare shiny and firmlyattachedkiinnito the hairhiuksissa.
- He was dressed in the manner of the Thirties with a broad-lapelled jacket, wide cuffs anddark tietumma solmiofirmlyattachedkiinnitettynäwith a gold clipkultaisella neulallato a gleaming white shirthohtavan valkoiseen paitaan.
- A ropelöysiattachedkiinnitettynäto this gaffTähän harppuunaanenables a number of men to drag the whale into shallow water and hold the thrashing animal while others kill it with knives.
- Daeve was a knobbly-kneed schoolgirl in a navy blue pinafore, with red spot freckles on his cheeks andstraw-coloured ropesoljenväriset letitattachedkiinnitettyinäto his berethänen baskeriinsa.
- She clipped the rope on toa hookkoukkuunattachedkiinnitettyynto her suithänen pukuunsa, and made sure that the other end was securely fastened to a hook on the wall of the air lock.
- Ifthe babyvauvais stillon yhäattachedkiinniby the cordnapanuorallato the motheräidissäthen she may take it.
- Simply complete theattachedliitettyapplication formhakulomakeand post or take it to your local Midland branch.
- We would be grateful if you would signify your agreement to the above by signing the letter below and theattachedliitettycopieskopiot, and returning the original letter to us.
- Then he went to his wall safe, opened it with the second key onthe ringrenkaassa olevallaattachedkiinnitetylläby a chainketjullato his trouser belthänen housujensa vyöhön, and took out his papers.
- On the second day they gave hera rubber ballkumipallonattachedkiinnitetynäon a long elastic threadpitkällä joustavalla langallato a wooden batpuiseen mailaan.
- One aspect of his work is the application of radiesthesic coils (a spiral of wire or coppermetalli- tai kuparilankakierreattachedkiinnitettynäto a stakeseivääsenand driven into the ground).
- The fans are equipped with baseball bats and knives; the club's symbol, a pelican hasa bombpommiattachedkiinnitettynäto its footsen jalkaan, and this presumably rival supporter has had his eye gouged out.
- These machines, each with anattachedliitetynprintertulostimen, have been installed in the Student Computing/Study Room, primarily for word processing using WordStar software.
- All the legsKaikki jalatareonattachedkiinnitetty, some partly concealed.
bolted.a 🔎
- The scene was illuminated bylarge floodlampssuurilla valonheittimilläboltedpultatuillaon<empty>to the striated walls of the huge cavernvaltavan luolan uurteisiin seiniinwhich enclosed the whole place.
- Kit car replicas arrive as a confusing jigsaw ofpiecesosienwhich haveto be<empty>boltedpultatatogetheryhteen, often in the family garage.
- We drove in complete silence through the dusty scrubland to a camp made ofportacabinssiirrettävistä rakennuksistaboltedpultatuistatogetheryhteen.
- Before the Acta hut thatmökkiä, jokawasoliboltedpultattunaonto a concrete basebetonijalustaan,was held not to be part of the land whereas the concrete base, obiter, was.
- A gasifier isa furnace whichtulipesä, jokaisonboltedpultattunato a vehicleajoneuvoon, and produces a combustible gas by burning biomass in a restricted air supply; the gas replaces petrol or diesel.
- The cells are completely bare, some withan iron bedframerautainen sängynrunkoboltedpultattunato the floorlattiaan, others with only a mattress and plastic bowl, pot, and that's it.
- Another cameraToinen kamerawasoliboltedpultattunato one of the aircraftyhteen lentokoneeseen, yet another was in a third observer aircraft, as the formation took off from Rendcombe's grass runway.
bound.a 🔎
- Moreover, particularly when a complex is relatively unstable, theboundsitoutunutproteinproteiinican detach from the protected DNA fragment and reassociate to other DNA fragments that have already been modified by DMS.
- This unitTämä yksikköcan becomevoidaanboundsitoato othersmuihinonly by his own free choice, and his choice is rational only in so far as he can safely expect it to serve his own interests.
- Rolling and scrambling to his feet, Trent charged blindly across the clearing and into the undergrowth, holding up hisboundsidottujahandskäsiäänto protect his eyes.
- It was used in October 1991 to drive them,boundsidotuinhand and foot, to Barrow Wake near Gloucester where they were pushed off the edge in a burning car.
chained.a 🔎
- He was telling her the cage door was open butshehänwas stilloli edelleenchainedkiinnitettynä ketjullato the barskaltereihin.
- The second cell (82c) containsa moaning, naked Orcvaikeroivan, alastoman örkinchainedkiinnitettynä ketjulladown<empty>on a bed of nailsneulavuoteeseen,which rip the boil-infested flesh on his back.
- It was better whenwemeidätwereolichainedkiinnitetty ketjulladown<empty>.
- Into this pool plunge rank after rank ofchildrenlapsiachainedkahlittujatogetheryhteen.
- PatientsPotilaatwereolichainedkahlittuup<empty>, and the noise would have been incredible.
- `Miss Claybury, the most successful way to treat insanity is with kindness, ``James told her when she insisted thata particularly deranged woman of middle ageerityisen häiriintyneen keski-ikäisen naisenshould remainpitäisi pysyächainedkahlittunaby the anklenilkastato her bedsänkyynsä.
- HeHänetwasolichainedkahlittuto a rockkallioonand his liver, though continually devoured by an eagle, never diminished.
- There was a box of matches ina brass holderpronssisessa pidikkeessächainedketjulla kiinnitetyssäto the candlerackkynttilätelineeseen, similar to the one at the back of the church.
- Six demonstratorsKuusi mielenosoittajaaspent two hourschainedkahlittuinato the fence at the R-A-F Aston Down Airfield near Stroudaitaan RAF:n Aston Downin lentokentällä lähellä Stroudia.
- They were on the point of going under the Archway of Wakefield when Athelstan caught sight ofthe great brown bearsuuresta maakarhustachainedkahlitustato the wallseinäänin the corner near Bell Tower.
- CipollaCipollawas once againoli jälleen kerranchainedkahlittubetween the two larger menkahden suuremman miehen väliin.
- These prisonersNämä vangitare alloli kaikkichainedkahlittuinawith very strong, unrusted iron chains and heavy manacleshyvin vahvoilla ruostumattomilla rautaketjuilla ja raskailla käsiraudoilla.
- Disguised as a milkmaid, she fed them with nourishing food, having to put the morsels in their mouths because of theirchainedkahlittujenwristsranteidensa.
- Cormac of the Wolves, sitting out the long years of his exile;Niall and the Nine LordsNiall ja yhdeksän lordiachainedkahlittuinaand starving in the dungeons.
fastened.a 🔎
- Enormous chainsvaltavat ketjutwere<empty>fastenedkiinnitettiinto our anklesNilkkoihimme.
- Both the coroner and his companion sawthe chainketjunfastenedkiinnitetynto the wall strainseinän venymäänat its claspssoljistaan.
- ItSewasolifastenedkiinnitettytightlytiukastion<empty>to the right hornoikeaan sarveen, so it dangled down over the cheek and eye.
- Raft, n, an improvised float ofplankslankkujafastenedkiinnitettyjätogetheryhteento give support on water.
- The Privy Seal isa sealsinettifastenedkiinnitettyon royal documentskuninkaallisiin asiakirjoihin.
- Nowboth dogskumpikin koirawereolifastenedkiinnitettyto the pipesputkiinby heavy chains that rattled each time they movedraskailla ketjuilla, jotka kalisivat joka kerta, kun ne liikkuivat.
- I was lying on my back and my whole body,my arms and legskäteni ja jalkaniwereolistronglylujastifastenedkiinnitettyto the groundmaahan.
- Doug's rodDougin sauvaisonfastenedkiinnitettyto his wristhänen ranteeseensawith a leather strapnahkaremmillälike a Manilan wallet.
- A hammered metal discMoukaroitu metallikiekkowasolifastenedkiinnitettybetween his peacock wingshänen riikinkukonsiipiensä väliin, to serve as a halo behind his head.
fused.a 🔎
- The teethHampaatwereolivatfusedliittyneetto specialised bones of attachmentkiinnittymiseen erikoistuneisiin luihin, and the hollow centre of each tooth is the root canal which was filled with blood vessels and nerves.
- They differed from reptiles inhavingniillä onfive vertebraeviisi nikamaafusedliittyneenäto the pelvic girdlelantiorenkaaseen, with a mammalian-type trunk and a `thoracic structure ``hinting at a four-chambered heart.
- He is hunched over,his elbowshänen kyynärpäänsäfusedyhdistettyinäto his kneeshänen polviinsaand his hands pressed flat against the sides of his head, blinkering his downwards stare from the irreconcilable contrast of ever changing outside and never-changing inside.
- The bed-posts are made offusedyhdistetyistäbonesluista-- hundreds of them -- and the frame of fused ribs and skulls.
- The heads of the metatarsalsJalkapöydänluiden päätwereolivatfusedyhdistyneet, which one would expect to be accomplished by nineteen years, but fusion had not taken place in the secondary pelvic centres.
glued.a 🔎
- The capSuojusstayedpysyigluedliimattunaonpaikalleen.
- The wood fibresPuukuidutare blown apart, but remaingluedliimattuinatogetheryhteenat many individual pointsmonesta yksittäisestä pisteestäby the set resinkovettuneen hartsin avulla, or connected by viscous strings of it if it has not quite set.
- Her lipsHänen huulensaseemedvaikuttivatgluedliimautuneiltatogetheryhteen.
- These ramps, together witha piece of woodpuunpalangluedliimatunto the front face of the keyframekoskettimiston etuosaan, raise the action to the designed height under the strings.
- This material consists ofa very large number of thin glass fibressuuresta määrästä ohuita lasikuitujagluedliimattunatogetheryhteenwith a resinhartsilla.
- There's a woman about the same age, rigid in her seat beneathgluedliimattujenand dyedhairhiusten.
handcuffed.a 🔎
- And there wasa manmieshandcuffedkäsiraudoilla kiinnitettyinäto his chairtuoliinsa.
- The kidnap victimsSieppauksen uhritwere foundhandcuffedkäsiraudoilla kiinnitettyinätogetheryhteenin the back of the van.
- He also threatened to draghimhäntädown the streethandcuffedkäsiraudoilla kiinnitettyinäto the bumper of his carautonsa puskuriin.
- Our handsMeidän kätemmewereolihandcuffedkiinnitetty käsiraudoillain the front.
- His gloved handsHänen käsinein peitetyt kätensäwereolihandcuffedkiinnitetty käsiraudoillabehind his backhänen selkänsä taakse.
- I ended up getting carried to the station withmy feetjalkanihandcuffedkiinnitettyinä käsiraudoilla, my hands handcuffed, lain in the bottom of the van.
- SheHänetwasolihandcuffedkiinnitetty käsiraudoillato the bedsänkyyn.
lashed.a 🔎
- The middle reach was occupied by small craft, mostly laying up for the winter,some of themosa niistäalready doublelashedköytettydown<empty>under weather-clothssuojapeitteiden alle.
- Her elbowsHänen kyynärpäänsähad beenolilashedköytettytogetheryhteenand she hung from the ceiling like a snared sparrow.
- After some thought, I was able to cut the rope near the stern withmy pocket knifelinkkuveitsellänilashedsidotullato a paddlemelaan.
- IMinutwas lifted up andlashedköytettiinto a stretcherpaareille.
- It was fetched from the Ford, the tunic was removed, andthe bodyruumiswasolilashedsidottuto the seattuoliinwith a length of cordnuoranpituudellaunder its armpits.
- One of the most moving pictures printed in L'Illustration during the war was of one of these unhappy cuistots crawling on his stomach to the front at Verdun, withflasks of wineviinipullojalashedsidottuinato his belthänen vyöhönsä.
- The bamboo rungsBambupienat, though wide and strong,were looselyoli löysästilashedsidottuwith unreliable cordageepäluotettavalla takilalla, and Lorne's and my first simultaneous step onto the lowest rung resulted in it slipping its knots and depositing us both heavily in the mud -- myself for the second time in less than twenty minutes.
manacled.a 🔎
- His handsHänen kätensäwereolivatmanacledkäsiraudoissabehind his back except when he ate or slept.
- Jack is thought to be the GHOST of some poormanacledkäsiraudoitetunprisonervangin,who died in a dungeon and has henceforth sought to torment other humans.
- If you want to be kind, the character can findhimselfitsensämanacledkäsiraudoilla kiinnitettynäto the wallseinäänin one of the empty cells.
- Simpson angrily jerked theirmanacledkäsiraudoissa oleviahandskäsiäändown again.
moored.a 🔎
- Without a word Ramses led us toa boatveneellemooredankkuroidulleat the end of the docklaiturin päähän, a small felucca with a heavily patched sail.
- There werefive boatsviisi venettämooredankkuroituinato the shored-up bankpönkitetylle rantatörmälle, all with names beginning Duke, hung with bright blue fenders that hadn't saved them from long scratches and stains.
- A little white cutter with red sails was coming in towards themooredankkuroitujaboatsveneitä.
- Elsewhere in the harbour themooredankkuroidutyachtsjahdit, the power boats, launches and dinghies, regimented by the tide, matched colourful reflections in the water.
- One night she had boardeda small fishing vesselpieneen kalastusalukseen,mooredjoka oli ankkuroituat a small port near Yaltapieneen satamaan lähellä Yaltaa.
- Around 100 submarines withdrawn from serviceNoin sata käytöstä poistettua sukellusvenettäareonmooredankkuroitunaat seamerellä,because there are no facilities for treating their radioactive components.
- The raftLauttawasolimooredankkuroitunaby the side of the riverjoentörmään.
- Mr Crowley has already spent his allotted time in Hartlepool where he was amazed to findhundreds of yachtssatoja jahtejamooredankkuroituinain the marinavenesatamaan.
- In an effort to bring peace to the island, PNG held talks with the rebels last August on boarda New Zealand warshipUuden-Seelannin sotalaivanmooredkiinnitettynä olevanoff BougainvilleBougainvillessä.
- But the illusion is soon shattered … themooredankkuroitusailing vesselpursialongside is heaving with 65 members of a film crew.
- Merrill watched them walk across to wherea group of small dinghiesryhmä pieniä jolliawasolimooredankkuroituna.
nailed.a 🔎
- He slept alone in the big double bed, curled up in his stolen greatcoat beneath a single woollen blanket exactly likethe one thatse, jokawasolinailednaulattuacross the windowikkunan yli.
- She had reached a five-barred gate anda notice boardilmoitustaulunnailednaulatunon a tree trunkpuunrunkoonproclaimed `Pook's Stables ``.
- The best way to ensure a good sub-surface is withsheets of hardboardkovalevykerroksennailednaulatunto the boardslautatavaraan.
- She glimpsed him through the glass walls of his studio as she walked past,his watchhänen rannekellonsanailednaulattunato a treepuuhunso that he could see the time.
- On the other side of the road,a signkylttinailednaulattunato a wooden stumppuunkantoonpointed up the escarpment and read, `In Salah ``.
- Another important development wasthe iron horseshoe thatrautainen hevosenkenkä, jokawas<empty>nailednaulattiinon to the hoofkavioon.
- A sad old woman rose from her chair, as from a dais, to take their coats and hang them ona row of hookskoukkurivistöönnailednaulattuunagainst a wallseinään.
- They turned to look up at the hastilynailednaulattujaboardslautoja,that had replaced the shattered windows.
- The slatsliuskatnailednaulatutover the front doorEtuoven ylihad rotted through, and proved easy to remove.
pasted.a 🔎
- Thepastedliimattujenpatches of grassruohotilkkujenmust shine in the distance like lighthouses and the pack's trails, perfumed by their paws, must stretch ahead like lines of reflector studs down the middle of a motorway.
- Anna had been suddenly struck as she pushed open Pricewell's double glass doors, bythe `Vacancy ``notice"avoin toimi" -ilmoituspastedliimattunato the inside of itsen sisäpuolelle.
- The border guard was not amused and demanded to know why there wasa photo of a pandavalokuva pandastapastedliimattuover Simon's pictureSimonin kuvan päälle.
- It is as old asa hathattupastedliimattuon a young man's headnuoren miehen päähänin a mid-Victorian family album.
- Cartoonspilakuvatpastedliimatuton wallsSeiniinwould show tired operatives, slumped on chairs, wiping the sweat from their weary brows and breathing `Thank God it's Friday.
pinned.a 🔎
- Deryck Healey's `Meditation Works ``, a series of twenty-five dark and luminous works onpaperpaperillapinnedkiinnitetylläto the wallseinäänlike Japanese banners, are showing at Long and Ryle (4-28 November).
- A noteviestipinnedkiinnitettyto the wallSeinään, as if it were a restaurant menu, informs the King of the rate of interest on his fortune.
- A weather-stained postcardsään likaama postikorttipinnedkiinnitettybeneath the bellKellon alapuolelleannounced that it was not working, so Maltravers used the knocker.
- He held my wrists in one hand as easily as a bunch of flowers andI<empty>wasolinpinnedrusentuneenabeneath his bulkhänen massansa alle.
- The moth was still fluttering between the pane andpinnedkiinnitetynscarlet cottontulipunaisen puuvillan.
plastered.a 🔎
- The rain was driving down with great force, swamping the dry ground, and within momentsher hairhänen hiuksensawasolivatplasteredliimautuneetflatlitteiksiagainst her cheekshänen poskiaan vasten.
- The square was a sea of flat caps, all tilted upwards towardsthe noticesilmoituksiaplasteredliimattujaon the medieval stoneworkkeskiaikaiseen kivijalkaan.
- Ashen-faced, she was gibbering quietly to herself,her petrol-sodden hairbensankastelemat hiuksensaplasteredliimautuneinato her headhänen päähänsäand her dripping gown showing her legs almost to the crotch.
- His hairhänen hiuksensawasoliplasteredliimannutdown<empty>with waterVesito his scalphänen päänahkaansaand there was a long scratch across one cheek.
- The boy's hairPojan hiuksetwasolivatplasteredpeitossawith ghee, or clarified buttergheen, eli kirkastetun voin, as evidence of his achievement.
- What Nicholas saw was a sweet-faced young boy,wet hairmärät hiuksetplasteredliimaantuneinaacross his foreheadhänen otsallaan, eyes wide shining with alarm, face flushed with heat or panic.
- Within a few days he was a pitiful sight, white-faced with huge puffy red-rimmed eyes,his thin hairhänen ohuet hiuksensaplasteredliimaamatto his headpäähänwith sweathienand the comfortable roundness of his baby tummy melted away.
- One minute there he was witha few scraps of grey hairmuutama harmaan hiuksen rahtunenplasteredliimaantuneenaacross his scalphänen päänahkaansa-- the next he looks like a prizewinner at Cruft's Dog Show.
- He hadthinning dyed hairohenevat värjätyt hiuksetplasteredliimaantuneenaacross the top of his headhänen päälaelleen, and his clothes were loud, his hands fleshy.
- Pearce was staring wildly at Cardiff now,hairhiuksetplasteredliimaaminaby rainsateento his headhänen päähänsä.
- Her hair was like dripping rats' tails,her jeans and sweat-shirthänen farkkunsa ja collegepaitansaplasteredliimaantuneinato her bodyhänen vartaloonsa, and she thought she wanted to die.
- The theme of many ofthe leafletslehtistenplasteredliimattujenover church wallskirkon seiniinis the same: `The police state methods must change.
- Harvey's face was near,his fair hairhänen vaaleat hiuksensaplasteredliimaantuneinaclosekiinnito the skullkalloonlike golden syrupkuin kultainen siirappi.
riveted.a 🔎
- The hull was made ofoverlapping wrought-iron platespäällekkäisistä takorautalevyistärivetedkiinnitetyistäto metal framesmetallikehyksiin.
- All these were metal aircraft, built ofaluminium sheet to whichalumiinilevyistä, jotkawereolirivetedkiinnitettyL-shaped aluminium stringersL:n muotoisiin alumiinipalkkeihin.
- Over this cap, from the front to the back isa strong iron crestvahva rautaharja, D-shaped in cross-section and hollow,rivetedkiinnitettyat its endspäistäänto the capkanteen.
- The bronze sheeting was held to the cap, cheek-pieces, neckguard and mask byfluted strips of bronzeaallotetuilla pronssikaistaleillarivetedkiinnitettythrough the edges of the foilfolion reunojen läpito the cap of the helmetkypärän kuoreen.
- The heads of the spears are usually slightly lozenge-sectioned, as a result of beating out the edges, andthe socketholkki, normally split on one side,wasolirivetedkiinnitettyto the top of the shaftakselin yläosaan.
- It is a wooden shaft about a yard long, witha four-sided stainless steel headnelisivuinen ruostumattomasta teräksestä valmistettu kantarivetedniitattunato the endpäähän, tapering to a sharp point.
sewn.a 🔎
- Four or five horse-shoe buttonsneljä tai viisi hevonsenkenkänappiawereolisewnommeltuto this gussetTähän kiilaanas an extra decoration.
- I was running along the pavement of Rochdale Road, just after midnight, wearing, among other things, two quilted anoraks, one of which hadfourteen pounds of sandneljätoista naulaa hiekkaasewnommeltunainto the liningvuoriin.
- `If you only snore on your back, ``he advises, `thena tennis balltennipallosewnommeltuinto your pyjamaspyjamaasimay do the trick.
- Poles are inserted intocontinuous sleevesyhtenäisiin putkiinsewnommeltuihinto the top of the flyläpän yläosaan.
- Some good quality bags also havean anti-snag striptarttumaton kaistalesewnommeltubetween the zip and the bafflevetoketjun ja erotinsuojan väliinto prevent the fabric itself becoming caught in the zip.
- He had a patch over one eye and worea row of medalsansiomerkkien rivistösewnommeltulopsidedlyto the lapels of his ragged jackethänen risaisen takkinsa kauluskäänteisiin.
shackled.a 🔎
- Another witness had earlier reported seeing four hooded andshackledkahlittuamenmiestäunder arrest at the military section of the airport during the coup, but there was no way of identifying them.
- Cramped on the ground he tried to stretch and found his arms bound behind his back and hisfeetjalkansashackledkahlittuinain iron chainsrautaketjuilla.
- The demolition squad from No.6 Troop were blowing up the guns, four Belgian 75mm field pieces,their wheelsrattaatshackledkiinnitettyinäto turntablesrautapöytiinfor anti-ship fire.
- AlthoughIminutwasolishackledkahlittuto a radiatorlämpöpatteriin, my blindfold was removed and I was given a cup of water and a sweetmeat.
- But with this factory farming system, sows are confined in narrow stalls or tethered in rows byneck straps or girth strapskaularemmeillä tai satulavöilläshackledkiinnitetyilläto the floorlattiaan.
stapled.a 🔎
- If your application was in response to a particular advertisement keepthe advertisementilmoitusstaplednidottunato the front of the folderkansion etupuoleen.
- But there were no pictures to look at -- justa copy of the Radio TimesRadio Times -lehden kopio,whichhad beenoli ollutstaplednidottunainside a Playboy coverPlayboyn kannen sisään.
- ItSehad clearly been hand-delivered andwas firmlyoli lujastistaplednidottudown<empty>, and she had to struggle to extract the infuriating metal clips before getting at the contents.
- She sorted through the papers and pushed across somestaplednidottujaxerox sheetsvalokopioarkkeja.
- Carter got his briefcase and extracteda couple of sheetsmuutaman arkinstaplednidotuntogetheryhteen.
stick.v 🔎
- Her rapid rise to the top is well deserved and she does not suffer fromhaving<empty>political labelspoliittisista leimoistastuckiskostuneistaon herhäneen.
- One white labelYksi valkoinen tarrastuckliimattunaon the frontetupuolelleand one on the back.
- `I would never set out in life to assassinate anybody, but some people have made sure thatthe mudhuono mainewill<empty>stickpinttyyto meminuun.
- Swallow,somethingjotainstickingtarrautuneenain my throatkurkkuuni.
- This provokes awareness of and gives practice in those features of language which provide links within sentences or across sentence boundaries: the glue that makesthemnesticktakertumaantogetheryhteen.
- Clean up the area to gauge the extent of the cut and, if necessary, draw the edges together with a steristrip closure (a small strip of tapepieni suikale teippiä, jokadesignedto<empty>stickliimaantumaanfirmlyonto skiniholle).
stuck.a 🔎
- ItSeremainedpysyistuckjuuttuneenafasttiukastiand it screeched again, waving shredded arms as Duvall slammed the door shut and blocked out the hideous spectacle.
- Andthe sheaveslyhteetgettingstucktarttumassatogetheryhteener sprouting and getting stuck yes.
- More often than not it isthe `feeder thatsyöttölaite,becomesstuckjumiutuu,when the barbel charge through a thick weedbed or the like.
- ItSeseemedto stayjäävänstuckkiinnito the glasslasiin, its shape twisted up, for a very long time.
- Prentice hopped onto the grass and fell over, still clutching at his foot; Rory could seesomething whitejotakin valkoistastucktarttuneenato the sole of the boy's sandshoepojan tossun pohjaan.
- The bottomPohja's allon täysinstuckjuuttunut!
- Her plain black dress and lace capHänen yksinkertainen musta mekkonsa ja pitsipäähineensä,whichjokaseemedstuckkiinnito her iron-grey hairhänen raudanharmaissa hiuksissaanmore by force of will than anything elseväkivallan enemmän kuin minkään muun ansiosta, all added to her forbidding appearance.
- Doone with slight reluctance admitted that there seemed to bemarblemarmoriastuckpistävän esiinto the underside of one more floorboard on each side of the holevielä yhden lattialaudan alapuolelta reiän kummallakin puolella.
taped.a 🔎
- Two of the men were being held and bound;their wrists and anklesheidän ranteensa ja nilkkansatapedteipattuinatogether.
- I tried to move my hands and they hurt, but I established that they weren't tied,theynewereolitapedteipattuat the wristsranteista.
- More detailed instructionsYksityiskohtaisemmat ohjeetwill be foundtapedteipattuinaon the walls over the appliances concernedkyseessä olevien laitteiden seinämiin.
- In an hour he was ready,his maphänen karttansatapedteipattunato the gas tankbensatankkiin, his few possessions strapped on the seat behind him.
- There weretwo pictureskaksi kuvaatapedteipattuinato the side of the fridgejääkaapin kylkiin: Jesus and Donald Duck.
- Arriving for a show to find that the publicity consists ofa couple of hand-drawn postersmuutamasta käsinpiirretystä julisteestatapedteipatustato the wallseinääncan be completely demoralising, but some of the mistakes promoters make are less obvious.
- A messageviestitapedteipattuto Solveig's doorSolveigin oveenhad told him where to go.
- A noteviestilefttapedteipattuto the fridgeJääkaappiininformed Leonora that her sister would be back in time for supper.
- Dot was shown to her bed wherea noticeilmoituswasolitapedteipattuwith pink sticking plastervaaleanpunaisella laastarillato the end railpäätyyn.
- The light-coloured car withthe suspicious packageepäilyttävä pakettitapedteipattunabetween the front wheelsetupyörien väliinwas last spotted leaving the car park of Lisnagelvin swimming pool in the Waterside at 7.10pm last night.
- There was a dartboard above the phone witha picture of Thatcherkuva Thatcheristatapedteipattunaover itsiihen.
tethered.a 🔎
- The goatsPukitwereolitetheredpantu liekaanon a patch of grassy ground close to one of the gatesruohoiselle piha-alueelle yhden portin lähelle.
- Sweep was found dead 20ft down the hole andRedRedwas lying hungry and weaktetheredkiinnitettynäto a treepuuhun.
- With Amantani fresh in my mind it seemed to me that more thanthe cattlekarjaawereolitetheredpantu liekaanheretäällä.
- He made rounds throughout the night, checking onthe oxen and buffaloeshärkiä ja biisoneitatetheredliekaan pantujain the fieldkentälle.
- I remember the time whentwo sheepdogskaksi lammaskoiraawere dailyoli päivittäintetheredlieassaat this bridgetällä sillalla, one at each side, to deter sheep from wandering on the road from the open fell: a sort of canine cattle grid.
- Bull-baiting, wherea bullsonniwasolitetheredkiinnitettyto a ringrenkaaseenand goaded by dogs and sticks, was relatively common, but letting the bull roam through the streets was nearer to Spanish than English custom.
- The train was a shabby affair of two antique carriages which creaked and pitched liketetheredvaijerilla kiinnitetytshipslaivat.
- Am I to stick in my flat like bait -- thetetheredsidottugoatvuohiwaiting for the tiger to pounce?
- Muscles:scarlet living meathelakanpunaista elävää lihaatetheredkiinnitettynäby milky-blue tendonsmaidonsinisillä jänteilläto bonesluihin.
- Several horsesuseita hevosiawereolitetheredpantu liekaanthereSiellä.
- Next the Pig Husbandry Bill outlawingtetheredliekaan pannutsowsemakotwas hardly touched, followed by the Badger Sett Protection Bill which the pro-hunting lobby objected to.
tied.a 🔎
- On the ground a sheep lay,its four feetsen neljä jalkaatiedsidottuinatogetheryhteen, its head flat on the stones, held down between Anderson's boots its white, frightened eyes were turning upwards Anderson stood above it.
- I had to jump to the cage attached to the crane asmy feetjalkaniwere nowolivat nyttiedsidottuinatogetheryhteen, the man in the cage checked everything once more and then we were off.
- The younger man pressed forward,his handshänen kätensätiedsidottuinabehind his back.
- A man once attempted to descend into the cave ona long ropepitkä köysitiedsidottunaat the surfaceto a bellkelloon.
- A bloody-mouthed mastiffmastiffi suu veren peitossatiedsidottunaby a chainketjullato a lintel of a doorOven kamanaansnarled and barked.
- The English porters, who are generally friendly, helped them to find their luggage: brown paper parcels and cardboard boxes andsuitcasesmatkalaukuttiedsidottunatogetheryhteenwith stringnarulla.
- Inside werethree fat volumes of Mark Twainkolme paksua Mark Twainin kirjaatiedsidottunatogetheryhteenwith gold tapekultanauhallaand a card with Complemento de Librerío Universal on which had been written in green ink primera edición.
- Perhaps the best way to convey this attitude is to remember a child's definition of a net asa lot of holesmonta reikäätiedsidottuinatogetheryhteenwith stringnarulla.
welded.a 🔎
- No need to swing the axe here, just slot the picks onto the cracks between theweldedyhdistyneideniciclesjääpuikkojen.
- PC Keith Upton, an accident investigator, told the inquest, the barrier broke at aweldedhitsatustajointliitoksestaand the car spun into the jagged edge.
- The exhaust system was a mangle ofweldedhitsattujaand leakingpipesputkia,which stuck out almost at ground level, which we replaced with the super Jake Wright Conversion.
- The specimen is an aggregate of rock and mineral fragments andglass spheruleslasipallojaweldedhitsattujatogetheryhteenby streaky brown glass (Figure 8 and cover picture).
- She was so thin now that the bedsores felt as iftheynewereolisiweldedhitsattuto boneluuhun.