The solution to this problem was for Mrs Whitehouse personally to take a private prosecution of
Michael Bogdanov
Michael Bogdanovin .
Several technical crew members were less enamoured by the
has seen the video tape his former lover Mia Farrow made of his daughter claiming he abused her.
The film, directed by
Guilty By Suspicion
Väärä totuus -elokuvan Irwin Winkler
Irwin Winkler , is released here at the end of January `93.
The art director, sometimes backed up by his writer, is then responsible for ``briefing the
, artist or photographer, that means telling them exactly what is needed.
Following two previous film versions, by
Swedish and Czech
ruotsalaisilta ja tšekkiläisiltä , there were high expectations of director Anthony Asquith and producer Teddy Baird.
Directed by
Chris Bernard
Chris Bernard (of Letter to Brezhnev fame), the show celebrates famous funny women like Mae West, Sophie Tucker and Barbara Streisand.
Opening the film festival is Nic Roeg's latest spine-tingling film `Cold Heaven ``,
of the classic psychic thriller `Don't Look Now
klassisen yliluonnollisen trillerin "Kauhunkierre" .
Nowadays, Nouvel says, he feels more like a filmmaker, commenting that, `I work like a
behind the camera ``.
BBC Network Television
BBC Network Televisionin said: `Jonathan has done one of the toughest jobs in television for longer than almost all of his predecessors.
The video has been made using a highly-experienced cast of comedy actors and a top
light entertainment
kevyen viihteen .
Civic Theatre
Civic Theatren Brian Goddard
Brian Goddard says the internationally acclaimed English Shakespeare Company will have to make up the money for lost bar, ice cream and coffee sales.
filming on location in a stadium was spending £20,000 per hour.
kept almost filming with Jack Nicholson in wistful '70s classics like Five Easy Pieces.
It's presented by the controversial
of the Death Wish films
Väkivallan vihollinen -elokuvien ,
Michael Winner
Michael Winner …
of horror movies
kauhuelokuvien know so well, there is no better way to scare their audience than to have some unidentified object flash suddenly on to the screen, very close to the hero's face.
Greater specialisation can also narrow horizons: `For me, the highest pinnacle of achievement now is
of a broadcast production
radio- ja televisiotuotannon .
Colin Graham was making his debut as
of a new Britten production
uuden Britten-tuotannon and, more than thirty years later, remembered that the composer had specially written one role for Crawford.
Although mainly a
of low budget productions
pienen budjetin tuotantojen , he told me that before the war he concerned it a poor year if he did not earn six thousand pounds, quite a sum for those days.
The sci-fi movie
scifielokuva ,
at Pinewood Studios
Pinewood Studiosin tiloissa , is the last such epic for Sigourney, she says, adding: `I want to do more love stories.
The Last Temptation of Christ is
a visceral, swirling, passionate movie
vahvoja tunteita herättävä, kieppuva, palavahenkinen elokuva with the sights, sounds, smells and historical detail of biblical Palestine scrupulously recreated.
And since
Karajan's 1977 production of Strauss's Salome
Karajanin vuoden 1977 tuotantoa Straussin Salomesta we can not recapture that with any certainty, though it exists in purely aural form on record.
at the National Folk Museum in Cardiff
kansanmuseossa Cardiffissa .
on location in a stadium
Stadionin ulkokuvauspaikassa was spending £20,000 per hour.
Mystery Tour is
an atmospheric mystery thriller
tunnelmallinen jännitystrilleri entirely
on location in the city of Oxford and in the Oxfordshire countryside
aidossa ympäristössä Oxfordin kaupungissa ja Oxfordshiren maaseudulla .
on location in Spain, where a 25-acre village was specially built for the purpose
ulkokuvauspaikalla Espanjassa, minne rakennettiin 25 eekkerin kylä erityisesti tätä tarkoitusta varten .
on location somewhere in London
ulkokuvauspaikalla jossain päin Lontoota for her current programme, Capital Woman, `which has certainly required an extra effort
tämänhetkistä ohjelmaansa, Capital Womania varten, "mikä on varmasti vaatinut erityisen kovaa työtä .
Miss Shields, 27
Neiti Shields, 27 ,
a CBS TV movie, I Love You To Death -- The Laura Black Story
CBS:n TV-elokuvaa I Love You To Death – Laura Blackin tarina .
Bulletins were broadcast throughout the morning by Frinton-based Radio Mellow claiming
heart throb Timothy Dalton
hurmuri Timothy Daltonia in the latest Bond movie
uusimmassa Bond-elokuvassa on the town's seafront
kaupungin rantakaduilla .
Having just celebrated her 82nd birthday,
three television programmes
kolme televisio-ohjelmaa and has written five books.
As I mentioned,
are intending
your sequence
sinun kohtauksesi at 2.00 pm next Friday, June 13th
kello 14 ensi perjantaina, kesäkuun 13. päivänä .
A camera crew
Kameraryhmän should have arrived and
for a television commercial
televisiomainosta varten .
was about
key scenes
avainkohtauksia for Coronation Street
Coronation Streetiä varten when she was dramatically taken ill.
I am writing to confirm that
would like to
a short sequence
lyhyen kohtauksen for our Project Video English language teaching video programme
englannin kielen opetusvideo-ohjelman videoprojektiamme varten in your shop
myymälässänne on Tuesday 13 June
tiistaina 13. kesäkuuta .
A cameraman and sound recordist
kuvaaja ja äänimies for the new Sharon Stone thriller Sliver
Uuden Sharon Stone -trillerin Taivaansilpoja were trapped in the Kilauea volcano on Hawaii.
The Star reports the accusation by a Tory MP that
has wasted money by
(it needed guaranteed sunshine, says the BBC).
Among their many friends was one Walter Lassally, a young film cameraman they had met in Greece shortly after their marriage, when
The Girl in Black
elokuvaa The Girl in Black .
had a lovely time
Arthur Penn made a remarkable tall story out of a similar theme in
Little Big Man, a sympathetic account of American-Indian life
elokuvassa Pieni suuri mies, sympaattinen kuvaus amerikkalais-intiaanien elämästä, joka 20 years before Dances With Wolves
20 vuotta ennen elokuvaa Tanssii susien kanssa .
It was something like four or five days after
Total Recall
elokuvan Total Recall - unohda tai kuole with Arnold
Arnoldin kanssa, and I had to put every dime that I had into buying a house.
After only a week of
his third American film, Kidnapped
kolmatta amerikkalaista elokuvaansa Säihkyvät säilät ,
was fired by Darryl F Zanuck after an argument, and Zanuck saw to it that Preminger was virtually blacklisted.
His novel Farewell to the King
hänen uuden elokuvansa Jäähyväiset kuninkaalle by John Milius
John Milius (reviewed in `MI ``No. 25).
These pictures
nämä elokuvat by a man called Herbert Ponting
Mies nimeltä Herbert Ponting .
at Swanage, in Dorset,
Swanagessa, Dorsetissa, and was reminiscent of Buster Keaton hanging over a waterfall in the 1923 silent classic Our Hospitality.
The `baker's boy ``Hovis ad
Hovis-mainos "leipuripoika" in Shaftesbury
Shaftesburyssa and starred Mark Price from All About Eve.
Labour's party-political broadcasts
Työväen puoluepoliittisia lähetyksiä , and work is almost finished on planning the campaign diaries.
turned stuntwoman
Coca-Cola's latest Diet Coke commercial
Coca-Colan uusimman kevytkolamainoksen , for which she was paid a sparkling £1.8 million.
A Central News South crew
Central News South -työryhmä has been given unprecedented access to
at the Buckinghamshire Prison
Buckinghamshiren vankilassa .
Though Hitchcock himself toured the locations in Denmark, East Germany and Sweden,
settled for
at the Universal lot in the San Fernando valley
Universalin kuvauspaikalla San Fernandon laaksossa .
`Beyond The Barrier ``
"Beyond The Barrier" ,
, is essential viewing for windsurfers read to learn water starts and carve gybes -- without wasting too much time under water!
died last week when his parachute failed to open while
for the BBC series 999
BBC:n sarjaa 999 near Alnwick, Northumberland
lähellä Alnwickiä, Northumberlandissa .
with Sidney Poitier
Sidney Poitierin kanssa , and once or twice a week they would take it in turns to treat each other to a decent meal.
Just Like a Woman, on general release later this month, in which she plays a woman who falls in love with a transvestite
myöhemmin tässä kuussa yleiseen levitykseen tulevassa elokuvassa Just Like a Woman, jossa hän esittää transvestiittiin rakastuvaa naista .
Director Roger Pomphrey's documentary crew
Ohjaaja Roger Pomphreyn dokumenttityöryhmä at home in Brum
sen kotikaupungissa Birminghamissa and followed them down to London with their families and friends.
were here to
``Shadowlands the life of C.S Lewis, who's remembered at one of Oxford's best-known poets and children's writers
elokuvaa "Varjojen maat", joka kertoo yhdestä Oxfordin parhaiten tunnetuista runoilijoista ja lastenkirjailijoista C. S. Lewisistä .
The Women in Film group
Elokuvaryhmän naiset a session with particular emphasis on Women as Audience and the Representation of Women in Sport
tilaisuuden, jossa painotetaan erityisesti naisia yleisönä sekä naisten esittämistä urheilussa .
Ironically, A Yank at Oxford is the least British of
the three films
kolmesta elokuvasta .
and directed
by David Wright
David Wright .
Interreligious encounter, trade in Native Taiwanese children and the Church in South China are the themes of
three documentary films which
niiden kolmen dokumenttielokuvan, jotka by Kuangchi Program Service
Kuangchi Program Service .
followed the trend into feature-length films and directed One Million BC and
Of Mice and Men
Hiiriä ja ihmisiä .
The reputation of
, first
, kept it before the public throughout the century.
A woman officer also recently admitted having a close relationship with a prisoner during rehearsals for
a play which
näytelmää, jonka .
Scottish Television
Skotlannin televisio two special programmes
kaksi erityistä ohjelmaa, to mark the Council's 60th anniversary
juhlistamaan neuvoston 60. vuosipäivää which were broadcast in May
jotka lähetettiin toukokuussa .
'm planning to direct and
my own films
omat elokuvani , ``she revealed.
As the new group begins to develop a clear idea of its own aims and objectives
might well decide
a video film of their own
oman videofilmin to explain their story
selittämään heidän tarinansa .
examines Mr Niemoller's prophetic stance on topics which are as relevant now as they were in his lifetime.
Talking of films,
is still working on his wild, underground epic, Snowball, as well as
a new Hollywood movie called MM, about some lass called Marilyn Monroe
uutta Hollywood-elokuvaa nimeltä MM,joka kertoo jostain Marilyn Monroe -nimisestä tytöstä .
Elaine Dodswell, who inhabited The Nook,
The Nookissa asuva Elaine Dodswell the annual Sunday Christmas Play
vuosittaisen adventtisunnuntain näytelmän , and organized the parish hospital-run for those visits to out-patients' departments at Woodborough so cherished by three-quarters of the population.
He was not alone,
Ronnie Davis's San Francisco Mime Troupe
Ronnie Davisin San Francisco -mimiikkaseurue in December 1963
joulukuussa 1963 , and Jim Haynes, in Edinburgh earlier that same year.
As in `Twelfth Night ``, there is a great deal of sexual ambiguity in `As You Like It, and
Cheek by Jowl
Jowlin Cheek have decided
with an all-male cast
pelkästään miesnäyttelijöillä .
TIME WARNER, Ice-T and Body Count's label,
TIME WARNER, Ice-T ja Body Countin levy-yhtiön a public television special
julkisen tv:n erikoislähetyksen, to discuss issues raised by the uproar over `Cop Killer ``
jossa keskustellaan "Cop Killerin" rähinän esiin nostamista ongelmista .
By 1958
was the Drama Supervisor for CBC and
the very successful Canadian Television Theatre presentations
erittäin suosittuja Kanadan television teatteriesityksiä, when he was approached by the ABC TV company in England (now London Weekend Television).
, for example,
in association with several German television companies
yhteistyössä usean saksalaisen televisioyhtiön kanssa for a group of evening institutes in Germany.
What might well have fixed it was
a radio play, In Parenthesis, by David Jones,
David Jonesin kuunnelma In Parenthesis for the BBC Third Programme
BBC Third Programmelle by Douglas Cleverdon
Douglas Cleverdonin .
, and I know they'll give me the scope, are quality, probing interviews.
The story of Shylock began with its premiere at the Royal Dramatic Theatre, Stockholm in 1976 from where it was picked up by
for a full-scale run starring Zero Mostel.
THE LA's are still looking for a
for their next album
seuraavaa albumiaan varten , after plans to work with PETE TOWNSHEND were scrapped.
for both the new single and October-scheduled album
Sekä uuden singlen että lokakuussa julkaistavan albumin was
Craig Leon -- he of numerous Fall credits
Craig Leon, jonka ansiota ovat useat Fall-albumit -- who has finally managed to capture the beefy FADS live sound on tape.
Blanche told Dexter she had passed an hour or so in informal chats with
on Inside Out
Inside Outin , hoping she might learn something of significance.
The director-general, Michael Checkland, once publicly reprimanded
The Late Show's
The Late Show'n , reminding them that most licence-fee payers had never heard of -- let alone visited -- the Groucho Club.
Peter Kinkead
Peter Kinkead , says it is more than a gimmick -- despite the fact that there are only about 5500 Prestel sets in TVs's catchment area.
Christine Ruth
Christine Ruth said they were disappointed at the reaction from Mersey Television but that the item would go ahead regardless.
Also, to look at the show reel of a new director or production company when invited to do so by your
Mike Hollingsworth, Anne's husband, said: `It will bring some warmth and romance into everyone's morning.
When his BBC transfer was announced, the Sunday Telegraph carried an article entitled `Birt: Good News For the BBC ``by a former
Weekend World
Weekend World .
ANDREW KEENER IS MUCH IN demand as one of the leading
in the business.
at the BBC Natural History Unit
BBC:n luonnonhistorian yksikössä , has worked on Supersense and My Family and Other Animals and with David Attenborough, and he'll talk about filming wildlife.
Sandy Pearlman
Sandy Pearlman ,
of `Give `Em Enough Rope ``
"Give 'Em Enough Rope" -albumin , so disliked Joe Strummer's voice that he mixed it more quietly than the drums throughout the album.
And when the London Film Company was formed in 1913 by Dr Ralph Tennyson Jupp, as an offshoot of his Provincial Cinematograph Theatres exhibition company, he relied heavily upon
and directors.
are tactfully claiming the script is not based on Liz's life and marriage to builder Larry Fortensky, even though there are striking similarities between her past and the film's plot.
It must have begun to seem that there was nothing the
could do to challenge the place of American films on the nation's screens.
One might have expected the intense difficulties confronting
to stimulate discussion; instead it seems to have narrowed their perspective.
Interviewed by a Left-wing
journalist and
, Ho declared: `You have seen the country.
One of the most successful
, the creator of Dallas, believes the western also fell victim to late 1960s iconoclasm.
tries to persuade a famous actress back to the screen.
The film was independently financed by
Robert Dorfmann
Robert Dorfmann , who had bought the rights to the novel.
a buddy of Douglas
Douglasin ystävä , and he wanted old dimple chin to play the drunken gunslinger opposite Jane Fonda as Cat.
Do regional broadcasters need
regionally based
paikallisesti toimivia and do regionally based producers need regional broadcasters?
There are now great opportunities for
to sell their programmes to new television channels and international markets, and there is much greater choice for viewers as a result.
UA was idealistically founded to act as a distribution agency to give
freedom of expression away from the restraints of the major studios.
Freedom of speech and expression is not limited to broadcasters and
, but is a basic right guaranteed to all viewers.
could have dreamed up a more dramatic introduction.
Alan Capper said there were no other parties involved and Anneka, who has been married to the
for five years, hoped the separation will not be permanent.
Brum based
Birminghamissa toimiva Brian Travers
Brian Travers ,
and director
of musical films
musikaalielokuvien for many years, and well known saxophonist in the internationally renowned band, UB40, has already made his mark on the music industry.
The writers of books and
of films for cinema release
elokuvateattereissa esitettävien elokuvien are also outside the statutory privilege.
should be aiming to bring pleasure and entertainment, not pandering to the lowest savage instinct, however profitable that may be.
I wish that the
Haggai Pinsker
Haggai Pinsker , could slow down his own breathless strike rate of stills, archive film, quickie interviews and manic music.
In 1959, the
of a US television drama about the Nuremberg war crimes
yhdysvaltaisessa televisiodraamassa, joka kertoo Nürnbergin sotarikos- trials were forced to delete the words `gas chamber ``from the soundtrack.
Westinghouse, an American electronics conglomerate, is teaming up with
Richard Branson's Virgin
Richard Bransonin Virginin , a
of records and television
levy- ja televisio- .
The big break came via a relative who worked for
Crawford Productions
Crawford Productions -yhtiölle , then
of television drama
televisiodraaman .
Prokofiev threaded two leitmotifs through
for Cinderella
Tuhkimo-elokuvan to mark the heroine and her Fairy Godmother.
contains within each of its four substantial, trenchantly argued movements both portraits of, and tributes to, many of his close friends who have died of Aids.
This last texture represents the clef arrangement of the typical French five-part string ensemble, although as is always the case in
, the parts are unlabelled.
The wild, rhythmic drive of the first subject owes much to Shostakovich, yet the second subject would not sound out of place in a
, and its pseudo-oriental counter-theme is pure Hollywood.
It would be like separating a
from the film.
A 16-minute tribute to Miles Davis entitled `MD (Miles Is Alive) ``is expected to be included in the
Stravinsky composed the first truly modern
with The Firebird (see page 61).
Paul Robinson (Fellow in Music 1982-85) was commissioned to write a
, played by the Harmonie Band, for the 1923 film Warning Shadows, premiered on 21 March, also at Cornerhouse.
Glass has written nine operas, numerous
, compositions for violin and piano, music for ballet and the theatre.
Mr Bowles also worked in New York at theatres like SoHo Rep, where in 1984 he conducted Mandrake, a musical for which he wrote the
for the film Louisiana Story
elokuvaan Viidakon villipeto was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1948.
Glass had been earning some money by transcribing
Ravi Shankar's
Ravi Shankarin for the film, Chappacqua
elokuvaan Chappacqua .
SYDNEY (Reuter) -- The government has decided to ban mining in most of the Kakadu wilderness park, where
the film Crocodile Dundee
elokuva Krokotiilimies .
GORAN Jarvefelt's opera productions were essentially naive -- like
Ingmar Bergman's Magic Flute film
Ingmar Bergmanin Taikahuilu-elokuva ,
at the Drottingholm court theatre built by Gustav III
Kustaa III:n rakennuttamassa Drottingholmin hoviteatterissa .
At Play in the Fields of the Lord (15) is certainly
a spectacular feat of film production
elokuvatuotannon mahtava saavutus , bravely
by Hector Babenco, whose previous success was Kiss of the Spider Woman
Hector Babencon, jonka aiempi menestys oli Hämähäkkinaisen suudelma .
Watching the final scenes of Jean Harlow's last film,
after she had died
hänen kuolemansa jälkeen , defeated him in this way.
The film people
Elokuvaväki wanted
in the local pub
paikallisessa pubissa , but the landlord refused them permission, explaining that he did not want to inconvenience his regular customers, despite being offered a tidy sum as recompense.
Eventually a firm offer came from a European producer for
a low-budget spy film, The Defector
pienen budjetin elokuvan, The Defector ,
in March and April of 1966
maalis- ja huhtikuussa 1966 .
Much use is made of
air-to-air film
ilmasta kuvattu filmimateriaali , obviously
prior to the actual rally weekend
ennen varsinaista ralliviikonloppua , for the aircraft in question are seen flying in blue skies!
In fact,
in the orchard of Buckinghamshire's Pinewood Studios
Buckinghamshiren Pinewood Studiosin puutarhassa .
during the day
päivän aikana .
Some films
Jotkin elokuvat have
on location
aidossa ympäristössä : you can not create a moving `face ``out of several thousand people for a British Airways commercial in any other way.
at some of London's top tourist landmarks, including the Tower of London and the Stock Exchange
joissakin Lontoon parhaissa turistikohteissa, muun muassa Lontoon Towerissa ja pörssissä .
Part of the film
Osa elokuvasta at Albert Dock when families with relatives in Australia gathered to sing local traditional songs
Albert Dockissa, kun perheet, joilla on sukulaisia Australiassa, kokoontuivat laulamaan perinteisiä paikallisia lauluja .
She starred in
his `soft porn ``movie Emily
hänen "pehmopornoelokuvassaan" nimeltään Emily, joka ,
in the grounds of Wilton, a former abbey
Wiltonin, entisen luostarin, pihoilla .
in France and Spain
Ranskassa ja Espanjassa , goes on general release across the USA today.
With no suitable British actor available, production on Shakespeare In Love,
the biggest movie project
suurin elokuvaprojekti scheduled
, has stalled.
Much of the movie
Iso osa elokuvasta after dark
pimeän tulon jälkeen , with a half-size replica of the vessel poised to sink into a sea of ruckled black velvet.
The 40-minute programmes
40-minuuttisia ohjelmia, ,
in a London studio
Lontoon studiossa with live dancers and bands
joissa on livetanssijoita ja -bändejä , are hosted by lad about London (and Janet Street-Porter-pal) Normski.
But there are some amazing spacey workouts like `Forgotten Realm ``and `Feel the Anguish that are a bit like an alternative
for Eraserhead
Eraserheadin .
This features the most hackneyed sections of the
When you are planning musical additions to
ääniraitoihisi , remember that the law of copyright protects all commercial music recordings except those which have been specially produced for use as background music.
I understand that the
has been `balanced ``and that the music and voice levels are now compatible.
Brilliant graphics, scaling and impeccable scrolling together with an excellent
Generalised paranoia: the imputing to people of feelings that didn't exist, the translation of perfectly innocent noises into a
to Oliver Stone's much talked about film `THE DOORS ``
Oliver Stonen paljon puhutun "THE DOORSISTA" kertovan elokuvan is released by Elektra on March 18.
Supported by a sublime melancholy
by Robert Caux
Robert Caux'n , Lepage creates a nocturnal, yearning world of dreams and addiction.
This summer brought a welcome return to music with
to Jarmusch's Night on Earth
Jarmuschin elokuvaan Night on Earth , which is followed this month by Bone Machine, his first studio album for more than five years.
If it has, you could record
onto one audio track on the videotape, while the recorded track remains untouched on the other.
Jam and Lewis
Jam ja Lewis powers up some fairly physical action sequences, and there is a surprising amount of killings.
In the minstrels' gallery, a string orchestra in red tunics from the Welsh Guards plays themes from
Martin and his Faith No More buddies are also supplying several brand new songs for
He also composed the
elokuvamusiikin with additional orchestration by Barry Adamson.
Prince is also reported to be compiling a
and story
for a new movie entitled The Dawn
uuteen elokuvaan nimeltä The Dawn .
The two surprises of the night
from the Walt Disney animated movie, Beauty and the Beast
Walt Disneyn animaatioelokuvan Kaunotar ja Hirviö and the country music sensation, Billy Ray Cyrus, whose Achy Breaky Heart caused a dance craze.