TransFrameNet:Be in agreement on action
agreement.n 🔎
- These countries'Näiden maidenagreementssopimuksetwith the ECEuroopan yhteisön kanssapermit the protection of infant industries and those being `restructured ``-- which covers most businesses in Eastern Europe.
- By June 1991agreementssopimuksetto permit visa-free travelviisumittoman matkustamisen sallivathad been concluded with all western European countries except Portugal, Turkey and Cyprus.
- Apeacerauhan-agreementsopimusbetween the government and the opposition Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (FMLN)hallituksen ja Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (FMLN) -opposition välilläwas formally signed in Mexico City on Jan. 16.
- Anti-competitionkilpailukielto-agreementssopimuksistabetween firmsYritysten välisistä, such as collusive price-fixing, must be notified and are generally outlawed.
- On Sept. 10, the King and the Indian Prime Minister, P. V. Narasimha Rao, signed the firstcivil aviationsiviili-ilmailu-agreementsopimuksenbetween Bhutan and IndiaBhutanin ja Intian välisen.
- While Charles was busy fighting the Lombards and making his terms offuturetulevanagreementsopimuksenwith the Popepaavin kanssa, the Saxons revolted against Frankish rule and by 775 we find Charles once again marching his armies into Saxony.
- There was alsoagreementsopimuson airdrops of food for refugees returning from Ethiopia in the Bakok arearuoan pudottamisesta lentokoneista pakolaisille, jotka palasivat Etiopiasta Bakokin alueelle.
- As soon as the discussion extends toagreementssopimuksiinbetween firmsyritysten välisiinon other aspects of competitionmuihin kilpailun puoliin liittyviin, the welfare analysis becomes even more ambiguous.
- The two sides have given different interpretations of the accord, but officials on both sides have confirmed the broad terms of anagreementsopimuksento a transitional government of national unitykansallisen yhtenäisyyden siirtymähallituksesta.
- The terms of theagreementsopimuksencannily provided that the American groups should each equip and run a manufacturing-cum-service facility -- all on one site -- but that the whole show would eventually pass to the Greek government.
- Under the terms of theagreementsopimuksena state of transition was established prior to the creation of the third republic within 18 months.
- I am told that therehas been anon ollutagreementsopimusthat some of the contact orders should be varied nowsiitä, että joitakin yhteysmääräyksiä pitäisi muuttaa nyt,but that does not form part of the appeal.
- This is fine iftheyheillähave anagreementsopimuswith a large maintenance companysuuren huoltoyrityksen kanssa, but it's less likely to happen if the service is provided by the company itself.
- Is her promise not to do so good consideration forthe husband'saviomiehenagreementsopimukselleto pay the 30s. per weekmaksaa 30 sillinkiä viikossa?
- For example, it is possible for firms to apply for exemption foragreementssopimustenunder Article 85(3)artiklan 85 (3) mukaan, even where the agreement is not covered by the block exemptions described above.
- Exxon had pleaded guilty to four misdemeanour criminal-pollution charges in return for anagreementsopimuksesta,that more serious felony charges would be droppedettä syytteet törkeämmistä rikoksista hylättäisiin.
- `The taxpayer here has carried on marketing activities outside Hong Kong resulting inagreementssopimuksiafor the sale or sub-licensing of intellectual property rights also exercisable only outside the colonyteollisoikeuksien myymisestä tai alalisensoinnista, joita voi käyttää myös siirtomaan ulkopuolella.
- Thepeacerauhan-agreementsopimusprovided for the separation of guerrilla and military forces according to a set timetable by March 12, 1992, under UN supervision.
- Moreover, the buyer has an incentive to detect and report deviations from thepricehinta-agreementsopimuksesta, either by the seller in question (under MFN) or by other sellers (under MC).
- SafraSafrallahas adefencepuolustus-agreementsopimuswith the UKYhdistyneen kuningaskunnan kanssa, and Her Majesty's Government is obliged to deploy military force to assist in restoring the island's independence.
- The failure to reach accord, and the spate of security leaks, intensified speculation that theAnglo-Irishanglo-irlantilainenagreementsopimuswas under threat.
- Theagreementsopimuswill provide protection for the salmon while they are out at sea before they return to the rivers to breed.
- Withmy wife'svaimonireluctantvastentahtoisellaagreementsopimuksella(she did not fancy being left on her own with our two year old son for over a week), we started to plan our journey.
- Yesterday'sEilinenagreementsopimusto a reviewselonteostawas reached after a series of crisis talks between the leaders of Britain's 18,000 dentists and Health Department officials.
- President'sPresidentinagreementsopimusto national conferencekansallisesta konferenssista-- Party and government changes
- It was the first time the two leaders had met sinceSyria'sSyyrianmid-Julyheinäkuun puolen välinagreementsopimusto participate in the conferencekonferenssiin osallistumisesta.
- Last year'sViime vuodenbudgetbudjetti-agreementsopimusincluded new goodies for oil.
- Forte'sFortencurrentnykyinenagreementsopimuswith the SavoySavoyn kanssaprevents it adding to its stake.
deal.n 🔎
- Okay, my friend, sincewemeillähave nodealsopimusta, it's time for you to scoot.
- `WeMeillähave thedealsopimus.
- The highway, which links up with the old road south of Charikar, avoids mujahedin territory and and passes through a region wherethe Kabul regimeKabulin hallitushas concludeddealssopimuksiawith local guerrilla commanderspaikallisten sissikomentajien kanssa.
- United is also arguing that employee concessions in thedealsopimuksessashould be considered `sweat equity ``, reducing BA's contribution to 35 per cent.
- Andersson was on trial at Newcastle in August but thedealsopimusfell through.
- Manufacturers DMF Sportswear are in the first year of athree-yearkolmivuotisendealsopimuksenwith Third Division Barnet, who have three weeks to come up with the cash or face High Court action.
- Eventually, however, trade reform came as part of an apparentdealsopimustawith Brazil's major creditor, the United StatesBrasilian suurimman luotonantajan, Yhdysvaltain, kanssa.
- Therecordlevy-dealsopimusis certainly the most important of an artist's longterm contracts.
- Not only are they not transparent, apropertyomaisuus-dealsopimuscan be struck subject to just about anything, ``said UBS.
- But behind the headline numbers lurked the truth, disguised in a veil of what the property market calls confidentiality clauses and what others callsecretsalaisiksidealssopimuksiksi.
- The Community could signal displeasure by refusing to do any otherspecialerityisiädealssopimuksiawith MoscowMoskovan kanssa.
- The British establishment has become rather touchy of late about arms dealers, embarrassed by a series of press revelations aboutshadykyseenalaisistadealssopimuksistabeing done in London.
- But itisonMichael Jackson'sMichael Jacksonindealsopimuswhich may set precedents the music business will later regret.
- Yet the logic ofTime Warner'sTime Warnerindealsopimuksenwith US WestUS Westin kanssaremains so compelling that others will want to push hard for similar cross-industry alliances.
- Thedealsopimuswas cleared for take-off by British and European regulators, despite protests from BA's rivals.
- No longer is the United States saying, `Nuclear treaties first,economictalous-dealssopimuksetlater ``.
- BY THE end of this month the International Stock Exchange will have a clearer idea of the problems ahead of it in its establishment of a clearing house for the settlement ofshareosake-dealssopimusten.
- Were that the end of the story, theeastern wageidän palkka-dealsopimusmight indeed strangle Germany's economy gradually.
- BSkyB will not renew the £13 millionthree-seasonkolmen kaudendealsopimustathey had with the Scottish authorities which expired at the end of last season.
- But Rovers blocked thedealsopimuksenafter Pompey asked to keep Agnew on loan for another month.
- He's Martinez ``right-hand man over here and, although he's usually pretty close abouthis clients'asiakkaidensadealssopimuksista, he's sometimes conceited enough to boast about them.
treaty.n 🔎
- Thetreatysopimusof NanjingNanjinginhad opened the interior of China, but no existing mission had accepted the challenge.
- After all, Mr Yeltsin and Mr Gorbachev before him have made more concessions to the western powers than any Russian leader since Lenin in 1918 accepted theRusso-GermanVenäjän ja Saksan välisentreatyrauhansopimuksenof Brest-LitovskBrest-Litovskin.
- In view of his assessment of the damage that they are likely to cause to employment in this country, will he say under which article of thetreatysopimuksenof RomeRoomanthey have been proposed?
- But the settlers had been courtiers, the sons and daughters of kings and dukes exchanged in marriages which formed part ofpeacerauhan-treatiessopimustenbetween the Black Land and the Nation of the North-EastMustan maan ja Koillisen maan välisten.
- King Fahd of Saudi Arabia began a visit to Egypt on March 27, 1989, the day after the 10th anniversary of the1979vuoden 1979treatysopimuksenbetween Israel and EgyptIsraelin ja Egyptin välisen.
- Decision to end1948vuoden 1948treatysopimuswith Soviet UnionNeuvostoliiton kanssa
- Now the Clinton administration is trying to negotiate a more liberalairilmailu-treatysopimuksenwith BritainBritannian kanssa.
- The ratification of similartreatiessopimustenwith Latvia and EstoniaLatvian ja Viron kanssacould be jeopardized, according to Shelov-Kovedyayev, by language and draft citizenship laws.
- Like the Permanent Court, Waldock focused on the intention of the parties to thetreatysopimuksenand the consent of the third party to any such right.
- He scoffed at the PM's declaration to bring thetreatysopimusbefore the House of Commons.
- In the end, however, the superpowers and Britain agreed by thetreatysopimuksellaof August 1963elokuun 1963to conduct only underground tests in the future.
- On one level alltreatiessopimuksetand other international transactions affect strangers to the transaction, which must respect the allocation of values between the parties.
- On 17 September Bevin and Acheson met in the State Department; Acheson stated that the American government had decided it was necessary to proceed with apeacerauhan-treatysopimuksellawithin the near future.
- Libya is acting in accord with international laws andtreatiessopimusten.
- “ I'd like to ask you, Charity, if it'sonkoHitler'sHitlerintreatysopimuswith the Russiansvenäläisten kanssa,that's making you talk like this to me, or … or is it Charles? ”
- They are annoyed by Soviet attempts to fiddlelast year'sviimevuotistatreatysopimustaon conventional forces in Europe (CFE)tavanomaisten aseiden rajoittamisesta Euroopassa (TAE).
- The Sultan, who hadtreatysopimus-relations with Britain, asked for help.
- The conclusion of apeacerauhan-treatysopimuksenbetween Iraq and IranIrakin ja Iranin välillädid not guarantee the tranquillity of the countries at the head of the Gulf.
- The Hungarian governmentUnkarin hallitushas formally abrogated the1977vuoden 1977treatysopimuksenwith CzechoslovakiaTšekkoslovakian kanssagoverning the construction of the Nagymaros-Gabcikovo dam on the Danube frontier between the two countries.
- Thetreatysopimuson foreign policyulkopolitiikka-carries with it more than a commitment to co-ordinate our policies.
- The key to a successfulworld-climatemaailman ilmasto-treatysopimukseenwill be the balance between winners and losers
- Approval of drafttreatysopimuksenon chemical weaponskemiallisten aseidenban
- Ashida's views were conveyed to Washington but a decision was taken against separatepeacerauhan-treatiessopimuksistawith Germany and JapanSaksan ja Japanin kanssa tehtävistä.
- States which retain the death penalty may find it difficult to make effective their extradition treaties with parties to the European Convention or otherhuman rightsihmisoikeus-treatiessopimustenwith similar prohibitions of inhuman or degrading treatment.
- Both originated in a split in the nationalist movement of the early 1920s about the acceptability of the1921vuoden 1921treatysopimuksenwith BritainBritannian kanssathat set up the Irish Free State.
- Afriendshipystävyys-treatysopimusbetween the Soviet Union and CzechoslovakiaNeuvostoliiton ja Tšekkoslovakian välilläwas initialled on Oct. 3 by the Soviet Foreign Minister, Boris Pankin, and his Czechoslovak counterpart, Jiri Dienstbier.
- Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Grigory Berdennikov said on Sept. 14 that the Soviet Union and later Russia had been violating a1972vuoden 1972treatysopimusta,banning germ warfarejoka kieltää biologisen sodankäynnin, at least until March 1992.
- ItSeabrogated thetreatysopimuksenwith BritainBritannian kanssa tehdyn, affirmed its support for Arab nationalism, and turned to other Arab regimes for the subsidies necessary for the Jordanian economy.