alert.a 🔎
- Alwaysbe<empty>alertvarofor a bad swing or a wing-tip touching the ground on take offtaitamatonta heilahdusta tai siivenkärjen osumista maahan ilmaannousun aikanaand have your hand near the release, ready.
- WeMeidänshould bepitäisi ollaalerttietoisiafor the side-effects of critical doubtkriittisen epäilyn sivuvaikutuksista.
- Ifhehänhad beenolisi ollutalerttietoinento everyday thingsjokapäiväisistä asioistahe knew he would have heard it sooner.
- He said: `We would urgepeopleihmisiäto be aware andbeolemaanalertvarovaisiawith fireworksilotulitteiden kanssabecause your fun might be someone else's tragedy.
- It owes its second chance of life to analerttarkkaavaiselledock workertelakkatyöntekijälle.
- HeHänread on,alerttarkkaavaisesti.
- HeHänwill betulee olemaanlessvähemmänalerttarkkaavainen, more pliable.
- So whatever suggestion is in the subconscious will continue to have effect even ifthe patientpotilasis notei olesufficientlyriittävänalertvireäto notice ithuomaamaan sitä.
attend.v 🔎
- WeMehaveolemmeattendedkiinnittäneet huomiotacloselytarkkaanto how children learn to speaksiihen, kuinka lapset oppivat puhumaan.
- This meansyousinäwill work with your tutors and teachers making regular commitments, for example,to<empty>attendosallistutwellusein, and to complete your work on time.
- Intense, novel and variable stimuliVoimakkaita, uusia ja vaihtelevia ärsykkeitäare<empty>attendedkäsitelläänto<empty>rather than others, whilst regularly repeated stimuli seem to become ignored.
- HeHänattendedkiinnitti huomiotawithout waveringtarkkaavaisestias she took him round to the head of the little dale, above the cottage, pointing out the hare's field below them as they went.
- Most of the other horses are relaxed in spite of the fracas -- their ears show whethertheyhe're<empty>attendingkiinnittävätkö huomiotato the fight or to the cameramantappeluun vai kameramieheen.
attention.n 🔎
- It had been a conspicuous feature of the Wesleyan and Evangelical revival to illustrate the operation of God's grace by drawingattentionhuomiotato divine intervention in the lives of the electjumalalliseen väliintuloon valittujen elämässä.
- Gainattentionhuomiofirst, make sure there is a clear view of your face.
- His caseHänen tapauksensa, involving an allegation that he raped another student after going out with her, has attractedwidelaajaamediamediassaattentionhuomiota.
- `Some of the pressure is self inflicted, but a great deal comes fromintensevoimakkaastamediamedianattentionhuomiosta.
- `It's well known that Maurice likes a night out but themediamedianattentionhuomio,hejota hängets in Britain makes it difficult for him to enjoy it.
- De Niro may have loosened up a little recently but he's still not happy with thepresslehdistönattentionhuomiosta,that stardom brings.
- Although much attention has focused on the number of people out of work in recent years, lessattentionhuomiotahas been givento the number of family members who are also affectedlukuisille perheenjäsenille, joihin se vaikuttaa.
- With up to one third of a lifetime now being spent in retirement,increasingenemmänattentionhuomiotais being paidto the quality of that lifesellaisen elämän laadulle.
- We rarely see the Old Testament as a whole andlittlevain vähänattentionhuomiotais paidto the system of political economy which is set up under divine instruction in the Pentateuchpoliittiselle talousjärjestelmälle, joka asetetaan toorassa.
- Planning also helps to produce a mechanism for coping with change and focusesattentionhuomionand efforton key issuespääasioihin.
- The brewery in Bad Köstritz in the Thüringen region brews two Pils-type beers but it isthe speciality Schwarzbier — Black Beersen erikoisuus Schwarzbier – musta olut,—thatjokacaughtBitburger'sBitburgerinattentionhuomion.
- From somewhere beyond the walls of the lavatory, faint,sporadic rifle firesatunnainen kiväärin tulituscaughtPeregrine'sPeregrinenattentionhuomion.
- HisHänenattentionhuomionsawas also caughtby a woman dressed in midnight-blue satin and diamondsnainen, joka oli pukeutunut keskiyönsiniseen satiiniin ja timantteihin; the sister of a Middle-Eastern ruler, she was known as an audacious gambler.
- At the Wall ``, the man went on implacably, `people'sihmistenattentionhuomiois fixedon the two most important things -- themselves and the eternalkahteen tärkeimpään asiaan - heihin itseensä ja iankaikkisuuteen.
- Maggie looked at him with interest and he nodded, seeing he hadherhänencompletekokoattentionhuomionsa.
- Les Stocker, who first came topublicyleisönattentiontietoonby caring for hedgehogs, went to Buckingham Palace today to receive his MBE.
- Black pupils are given moreattentionhuomiotaby teachersopettajiltaonly in terms of discipline and punishment.
- Why, then, does prostate disease, and particularly prostate cancer, remain such a taboo subject and receive such scantattentionhuomiotafrom health ministers, health educators and men themselvesterveysministereiltä, terveyskasvattajilta ja miehiltä itseltään?
- Polly shook her head in mock admiration, anxious to deflecthishänenattentionhuomionsafrom herself.
- Amnesty's major Sri Lanka (September-December 1990) succeeded, against considerable obstacles, in bringing the tragedy of Sri Lanka to theattentiontietoisuuteenof the worldmaailman, and helped generate some fresh signs of change.
- Such language focusedattentionhuomiotaon the individuals or groups who were `breaking the law ``, `committing criminal acts, and threatening the interests of the law-abiding `majority ``yksilöihin tai ryhmiin, jotka "rikkoivat lakia", "syyllistyivät rikollisiin tekoihin" ja uhkasivat lainkuuliaisen "enemmistön" etuja.
- Here, I decided to focusmyminunattentionhuomionion teachers and teachingopettajiin ja opetukseenwith a view to extending our knowledge about their appointment, their jobs, their careers and their work.
- The Microlight and RAF personnelMicrolightin ja RAFin henkilökuntaseem to lavish as muchattentionhuomiotaon this flimsy machinetälle heppoisalle koneelleas they do on any other.
- The carer has to refuse to respond to shouting or aggressiveness or any other kind of unacceptable behaviour, to prevent it from becoming a source ofattentionhuomionfor the patientpotilaan.
- Tears may start with howls of anger, then subside to sobs which seekattentionhuomiotafor distressahdistukselle, and finally dry up in fear as we face our helplessness.
- They demand a bracketing out approach that concentratesattentionhuomionupon surface counterstasolaskureihin, encourages a search for clues and a groping for ideational principles around which response comes to be structured.
- More recentlyco-operativesosuuskunnathave focusedtheirheidänattentionshuomionsaupon inner city refurbishmentkeskustaslummien kunnostamiseen, producing a fine blend of social housing provision and historic building conservation.
- But once one got into Teacher Training Collegeonehänpaid noattentionhuomiotato the coursekurssiin.
- WeMecan consciously directourmeidänattentionhuomiommeto certain thingstiettyihin asioihinand think about them.
attentive.a 🔎
- `The Federal ReserveLiittovaltion keskuspankinneedsto be<empty>moreenemmänattentivehuomiotato the need to avoid tipping this economy into a recessiontarpeelle olla ajamatta taloutta lamaan, ``he warns.
- To give her her due, whenher husbandhänen aviomiehensäwas in good spirits andattentivehuomaavainento herhäntä kohtaan,she tried to match his mood.
- His eyesHänen silmänsäwere hooded,attentivetarkkaavaisetto the slightest nuance of responsepienimmällekin osoitukselle reaktiosta.
- BeOleespeciallyerityisenattentivetarkkaavainenaround the nostrils.
- It's the price I have to pay for my job,Iminä' mveryerittäinattentivetarkkaavainentowards my healthterveyttäni kohtaanbecause my income depends on it.
- Old school photo graphs show him sitting like a wise andattentivetarkkaavainenowlpöllö, surrounded by his charges.
- With a closely guarded guest list of just eight -- four of whom remain unidentified despite intense investigations -- the marriage was being staged under theattentivetarkkaavaisengaze of their jailersvanginvartijoiden katseen.
- It's a pleasant enough place, with particularly comfortable chairs,attentivehuomaavainenservicepalveluand curtains left open to reveal the doubtless uplifting vista of Thornaby town centre by night.
- With this it dawned on me what they were talking about soIminustabecametulimore<empty>attentivetarkkaavaisempi.
- I said ``It's a sort of science of the mind, which pleased him and madehimhänetattentivetarkkaavaiseksi.