Two days after seeing my surgeon and exactly a week before going into hospital,
crawled up to London and met the hero of the book.
The business carried on until 1891, when Thomas died, leaving
in control,
by his four sons
neljän poikansa .
The purpose of this book is
by showing him what is entailed at the beginning stages of four of the most popular and widespread martial arts
näyttämällä hänelle, mitä sisältyy neljän suosituimman ja yleisimmän taistelulajin alkuvaiheisiin .
After Museveni complained and accused
of continuing
rebels in northern Uganda
Pohjois-Ugandan kapinallisten , Sudan said that the Oraba incident was ``a mistake made by a local Sudanese commander.
On April 4 the UN Disaster Relief Organization (UNDRO) said that international help was urgently needed
200,000 Kurdish refugees in Iran and Turkey
200 000 kurdipakolaista Iranissa ja Turkissa .
It is important that the capabilities of the computer be recognized and used
the designer
suunnittelijaa .
The kung fu practitioner
Kung fu -osaaja uses his opponent's strength
in this task
tässä tehtävässä .
in the development of the game
pelin kehityksessä by organising coaching, refereeing and administrative schools and exchanges
järjestämällä opetusta, tuomarointia, hallinnollisia kouluja ja vaihtoja .
The Prime Minister
Pääministerillä has the power to instruct the civil service on the conduct of its business and
in this task
tässä tehtävässä by a variety of formal and informal groupings at 10 Downing Street
valikoima muodollisia ja epämuodollisia ryhmittymiä Downing Street 10:ssä .
It was put into practice by Truman in March 1947 when the British government informed the USA that
was no longer able
the Greek government
Kreikan hallitusta in its civil war with left-wing forces
sen sisällissodassa vasemmiston joukkojen kanssa .
with your work
työsi kanssa features onion skin pages which show the previous frame in a different shade.
They found
to achieve coupling
saadakseen aikaan yhdistelmiä , or they would slip apart to achieve nothing.
by good actors like Angela Punch McGregor as the girl's mother and Bruno Lawrence (so good in New Zealand's in Smash Palace) as the boy's sea-faring mentor
Hyvät näyttelijät, kuten Angela Punch McGregor tytön äitinä ja Bruno Lawrence (erinomainen Uuden Seelannin Smash Palacessa) pojan merellisenä mentorina, .
accused of
For 12 years
12 vuoden ajan in making children's television more entertaining
tekemään lasten televisiosta viihdyttävämpää .
It was
in evacuating the kids from the upper levels
lasten evakuoimisessa ylemmiltä tasoilta ,
before they became trapped there by the fire
ennen kuin he jäivät sinne loukkuun tulen vuoksi .
There he attempted to persuade
the counts Ramon and Berenguer
kreivejä Ramon ja Berenguer in taking Saragossa, a key fortress which King Ferdinand had long sought to bring under his sway
valloittamaan Saragossan, tärkeän linnakkeen, jota kuningas Ferdinand oli pitkään yrittänyt saada valtaansa .
Encouragement and promises
in supplying free-labour cotton
vapaan työvoiman puuvillan toimittamisessa came
from American Friends
American Friends -järjestöltä and Elihu Burritt took up free produce as one of his reform themes during his recurrent visits from the United States.
withdrew from co-authorship in 1934, but he continued
in this Schlick-directed project
Schlickin ohjaamassa projektissa .
Behind the scenes
kulissien takana with scene shifting, props, makeup or designing the attractive wall displays and posters
näyttämön muuttamisessa, lavasteiden tai meikkauksen kanssa tai upeiden seinänäyttelyiden ja julisteiden kanssa .
This example letter outlines how
with an acquisition, involving acquisition search, targeting, approach and completion, ie a full deal management service
yrityshankinnassa, mukaan lukien kohteen etsintä, tavoitteenasettelu, lähestyminen ja valmistuminen, eli koko sopimuksenhallintapalvelu .
On Aug. 28, it was reported that
some 1,000 Italian troops
noin 1000 italialaista sotilasta with the distribution of US$85,000,000 worth of Italian food aid
85 000 000 Yhdysvaltain dollarin arvoisen Italian ruoka-avustuksen jakelussa , sufficient to meet Albania's requirement for three months.
I notice in your ``dedication, you spoke of
some external, European friends who
joistain ulkomaisista, eurooppalaisista ystävistä, jotka ,
for the first time
ensimmäistä kertaa ,
to write, without tears and pain
kirjoittamaan ilman kyyneliä ja tuskaa .
by Robert Armour, the deaf missioner for Liverpool
Robert Armour, kuuro lähetyssaarnaajaa Liverpoolista .
Or if we find that a
tyttärentytär her own mother
omaa äitiään in caring for an elderly parent
iäkkäästä vanhemmasta huolehtimisessa , whom is the granddaughter helping?
Two of the sons, William and Henry
Kaksi pojista, William ja Henry ,
at the Carville works
Carvillen töissä ,
designing towers for acid plants
suunnitellen torneja happotehtaalle .
In a dream, which was not a dream,
was called away
perform an amputation on a Sikh whose arm had been shattered by shrapnel
suorittamaan amputaation Sikhille, jonka käsivarren kranaatinsirpaleet olivat murskanneet .
``My dear, in a moment I shall have to call
one of the bearers
yhden kantajista Mr Hopkins
herra Hopkinsia with his natural functions
hänen luonnollisten toimintojensa kanssa in case it should be necessary.
these children
näitä lapsia, and I am told there are already 30 children on the waiting list for assessment.
Additional social workers
Lisää sosiaalityöntekijöitä were employed using the MISG in Barnet `
the introduction of the care programme approach
hoito-ohjelmamenettelyn käyttöönotossa for people leaving hospital
ihmisiä, jotka lähtevät sairaalasta, ``as well as to provide other services.
last year after he had left Aston Villa
viime vuonna sen jälkeen, kun hän oli lähtenyt Aston Villasta .
In this task
by Mrs. Muriel Ellis, who had been the Headmaster's secretary since 1973
rouva Muriel Ellis, joka oli ollut rehtorin sihteeri vuodesta 1973 .
by John Daniel and Laurie Weston
John Daniel ja Laurie Weston in this work
tässä tehtävässä .
On each campus, there is
a designated member of Student Services staff who
nimetty opiskelijapalveluiden henkilöstön jäsen, joka with any queries
minkä tahansa kysymysten kanssa or put the overseas student in touch with an appropriate source of help.
Swiss, French, Danish, Russian Belgian and Greek relief teams
Sveitsiläiset, ranskalaiset, tanskalaiset, venäläiset, belgialaiset ja kreikkalaiset hätäapujoukot in searching in the rubble or providing medical assistance
etsimällä raunioista tai tarjoamalla lääkintäapua , in an emergency operation co-ordinated by the Council of Europe.
Three Mutawas had been told of the indignation from the foreign community and they stood with the armed guards at the entry of the delivery theatre to ensure that no
sympathetic foreigner
myötätuntoinen ulkomaalainen .
Such a new staff
Sellainen uusi henkilöstö would be able
member governments
jäsenhallituksia in monitoring compliance with arms control and confidence-building measures
asevalvonnan ja luottamuksen rakentamisen toimepiteiden noudattamisen tarkkailussa .
The full research will appraise the preconditions for and effectiveness of local
in providing
for refugees and their hosts
pakolaisille ja heidän joukoilleen .
Finance Minister Manmohan Singh headed a delegation of officials and business leaders to Japan on April 7-10, seeking increased
for the fiscal year 1992-93
verovuodelle 1992-98 .
The Merseyside group will also be arguing the case for extra
I then found my application for
for part-time study
osa-aikaisiin opintoihin had been rejected `because anthropology is not on the approved list of subjects (in the Circular) ``(Memo from HQ 1977).
will continue to provide
for the protection and preservation of this heritage
tämän perinnön suojelemiseen ja varjeluun .
He highlighted the UN's role in preventive diplomacy and urged
for the Russian economy
Venäjän taloudelle , most immediately through Russian membership of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
Although drafting of the formal document is normally the responsibility of your lawyers, in many instances they will require
on commercial matters
kaupallisissa asioissa as well as taxation and accounting.
Guidance and
on filing procedures
kirjaamismenettelyihin is available as required.
who are capable of giving
on any problems that may arise in the use of the system
mihin tahansa ongelmiin, joita voi tulla järjestelmää käytettäessä, should be available on the telephone at any time during normal working hours.
received this
on implementation of corrective economic policies
toteuttaessaan oikaisevaa talouspolitiikkaa .
Most of these schools are private, though
from a committee which is funded directly by the government and which allocates grants by means test
hallituksen suoraan rahoittamalta toimikunnalta, joka myöntää stipendejä kokeiden perusteella .
can receive
with work permits for non EC Citizens taking up employment in Northern Ireland
muiden kuin EY:n kansalaisten työlupiin, jos he alkavat työskennellä Pohjois-Irlannissa .
`We just want
with our enquiries
tutkimustemme kanssa .
Because of this, it went on, the city was bound to him for life and death and was now ready to spring to
with a great display of strength.
On overseas developments, a foreign bank may well be able to offer
with matters such as currency and tax advice
sellaisiin asioihin kuin valuutta- ja veroneuvontaan .
Both Japan and Germany agreed to increase
to help defray the costs of the Gulf war
auttaakseen Persianlahden sodan kustannusten maksamisessa .
I ask for
to repair my car
autoni korjaamiseen .
The provision of
tells its own story.
Programmed texts can not replace the teacher, but do enable
to give
yksilöllisempää .
The final communiqué, however, made little mention of
to eastern Europe
Itä-Euroopalle .
If the employer offers
towards housing costs
asumiskuluihin , worries about living in a more expensive environment may be allayed.
The overall effect of the above measures was to shift the future direction of
towards the poorer regions
köyhemmille seuduille (as Table 2 illustrates).
He is advised also to contact the appropriate official of his intentions when
will receive all reasonable
towards his visit
käyntiään varten .
towards the purchase
ostoa varten was given
by the National Heritage Memorial Fund, the MacRobert Trusts, the Wolfson Foundation, and the Friends of the National Libraries
National Heritage Memorial Fund, MacRobert Trusts, Wolfson Foundation ja Friend of the National Libraries .
Repayments on this
would be rescheduled over 20 years.
Mitterrand also announced that France would increase
to LDCs
vähiten kehittyneille maille , from 0.15 per cent of GNP to 0.20 per cent within the next five years.
Write to the government: Ask for more
-- ask that the banks write off Third World debts
Some of us felt that more attention could be paid to this aspect, particularly in order to obtain a greater economic return for the heavy expenditure on
The group of MPs were made aware that
for export promotion and international standards
viennin edistämisen ja kansainvälisten standardien was essential.
any firm
mikä tahansa yritys, receiving
experiences a reduction in its costs which is unavailable to its competitors, and thereby achieves a competitive advantage.
This scheme is estimated to cost about £250,000 and the W & L is looking for
from grant giving bodies
apurahaa myöntäviltä elimiltä ,
from members and other sympathetic supporters
jäseniltä ja muilta myötämielisiltä tukijoilta .
It will need a lot of
And it wasn't as if she was ungrateful for the
through college
koko yliopiston ajan .
Therefore, I would be honoured to offer you
, my sword arm and a seat on the back of my horse.
Once again, many thanks for
in this matter
tässä asiassa .
Third parties
Kolmannilla osapuolilla were under no obligation to provide
, and section 2 of the Criminal Justice Act 1965 only required material evidence to be handed over.
was given
by Mike Power, a long-standing member of the Communist Party with high-level contacts in the left-wing unions
Kommunistipuolueen pitkäaikainen jäsen Mike Power, jolla on korkean tason yhteyksiä vasemmiston liitoissa, .
have received
in drafting the Bill
lakialoitteen hahmottelussa from the Government and from my hon. Friend the Minister for Roads and Traffic, who is on the Front Bench
hallitukselta ja kunnianarvoisalta ystävältäni tie- ja liikenneministeriltä, joka on hallituksen jäsen .
It is hoped that
the Director of Conciliation, Mr. Ray McGee
sovittelun esimies, Ray McGee will be of
to both parties
kummankin osapuolen in order that agreement can be reached on this issue.
David Morgan, presenting the donation for the bank, said: `I'm delighted that
can be of any
Yes, Mrs Jones, we have a room booked for you on the thirtieth of July -- can
be of any
It was all at my fingertips and
was only too pleased to be of
, from whatever quarter the request came.
Because, until the Government introduced family credit, there was no
for people in work on low incomes
ihmisille, jotka työskentelivät pienillä ansioilla in terms of the benefits system.
This was brought before the Parish Council meeting on 16th July and they agreed to endorse your request for
in maintaining the Parish Burial Ground
seurakunnan hautausmaan ylläpitoon .
French Glory, who deprived Nashwan of second in the Niel
French Glorylla, joka riisti Nashwanin tukijoukot Nielissä , has the
of Pat Eddery, who will be trying for a record fifth Arc win
Pat Edderyltä, joka yrittää rikkoa ennätyksen voittamalla kaarella viidennen kerran .