meet.v 🔎
- The annual opening ceremonies and the regular sessions are open to visitors, who can sit in the public gallery to watch the robed and white-wigged Speaker preside over the legislative deliberations (the Assemblykokousmeetstapaaon Fridays from late October until early Julyperjantaisin lokakuun lopulta heinäkuun alkuun).
- The two chambers of the modern House of AssemblyModernin parlamentin kaksi huonettameetkokoontuvatin the so-called western buildingniin kutsutussa läntisessä rakennuksessa(on the right side if you're facing from the square); the public-records office and government publications department are housed in the other historic buildings.
- and haveeverybodykaikkienmeetkokoontuasomeplace where they do not really knowjossain paikassa, jota he eivät tunne kunnolla