and unwound her arms and substituted his own.
on the freeway
moottoritiellä the same old restless excitement stirs in him that he felt on that first apocalyptic evening all those years ago.
for the last part of the journey, saying the Rosary and imploring the Madonna's help.
Mordecai had said that
through the bazaar
basaarin läpi , and that was the side they had been watching.
The majority of historians
Suurin osa historioitsijoista via a definition of fascism based upon the radical-nationalist ideas and distinctive `style ``of the Italian model
äärinationalistien ideoihin ja italialaisen mallin erikoislaatuiseen tyyliin perustuvan fasismin määritelmän kautta .
The Department of Transport plans to throw up roadblocks on a stretch of the busy road effectively barring
via Blands Corner, Neasham Road and Yarm Road
Blands Cornerin, Neasham Roadin tai Yarm Roadin kautta .
came back a couple of weeks ago and this time
rather than Rex.
It is essential for
arkeologeille without personal or political prejudice, since past and present governments have not been averse to misusing archaeological data for nationalistic purposes.
In their work with children,
Bettelheim and Zelan
Bettelheim ja Zelan by asking “ What is the child feeling and what is its importance? ”
kysymällä "Miltä lapsesta tuntuu, ja mikä sen merkitys on? "
The yachts are slowing down as
and the effect of the high-pressure zone becomes apparent.
the sound of running feet
juoksevien jalkojen ääni could be heard
from the depths
syvyyksistä .
Another orange goes bounding away up the corridor ahead of them, under the feet of
one of Summerchild's colleagues who
yhden Summerchildin kollegan, joka from the opposite direction
vastakkaisesta suunnasta , coming back from lunch.
from the most picturesque direction
viehättävimmästä suunnasta , through a stile set in the wall of the narrow stone bridge whose elegant arches span the burn's deep-cut ravine.
This was a particularly dangerous practice at this station as
on the down line
toisesta suunnasta could not be seen until they were 40 yards from the station due to a bend and a road bridge.
Finally, check the airspeed carefully and
with an adequate amount of height and speed
sopivalla korkeudella ja nopeudella .
Guided by the agent,
with extreme caution
äärimmäisen varovaisesti , using the trees for cover, until they emerged from the tree-line above the valley.
He motioned to the chairs around the low table, standing and positioning Taheb's himself, as
with wine jars and food: honey cakes, figs and heron's eggs.
`With the
of these new people
näiden uusien ihmisten , things started to go wrong.
Her Majesty and His Royal Highness
Hänen Majesteettinsa kuningatar ja Hänen Kuninkaallinen Korkeutensa kuningas were received upon
at the Airport
lentokentällä by the Earl of Airlie (Lord Chamberlain).
in 837 that made the Vikings withdraw, and his leadership of the Rhineland campaign in the winter of 838--9 that caused the rapid collapse of Louis the German's revolt.
He was greeted by President Ben Ali and the Tunisian Cabinet on
, where his plane crashed on Tuesday.
from Nottingham
Nottinghamista of Alan Davies
Alan Daviesin sparked a Welsh revival.
A 10.30 am take-off was followed by an uneventful flight and
from a northerly direction
pohjoisesta suunnasta at Newbury race-course
Newburyn laukkaradalle at around 11.15 am.
The others were too bothered worrying about themselves and their chances to spend time thinking about the new
This is often much more damaging to the self-esteem of the farm worker than the
of alien newcomers with whom he does not identify
vieraat tulokkaat, joihin hän ei samastu .
In Washington, President Carter was delighted that
would be further delayed.
The tax was rushed through Parliament to ensure
on the statute books
lakikirjoihin before the election, and it may repeat some of the community charge's mistakes.
However, the
of wonder drugs developed in Britain and America
Iso-Britanniassa ja Amerikassa kehitettyjen ihmelääkkeiden at long last conquered this disease which for decades had struck down young and old.
I found no great welcome; people seemed quite oblivious of
, and no doubt it was unconscious arrogance on my part to expect it to be otherwise.
I think it's time we increased surveillance on all
Of course I had always thought of
, had forgotten how different it would be by plane.
was expected
around five o'clock, having driven from Herefordshire.
THE Princess of Wales
Walesin prinsessa smiling and laughing
hymyillen ja nauraen at a Christmas concert
joulukonserttiin .
Club Europe Drive is fast and flexible, ensuring
refreshed and relaxed
virkistyneenä ja rentouneena ,
ready to give your business the edge over your competition
valmiina antamaan liiketoiminnallesi etulyöntiaseman kilpailijoihisi nähden .
breathless and late, having been delayed in what seemed heavier traffic than usual.
, how can we say that we will consider properly and carefully his application for political asylum?
early one afternoon.
, she went to the bathroom for a quick wash and then she went to the kitchen to make a sandwich for the next morning at the factory.
, Addis Ababa consisted of a series of scattered villages grouped on hillsides with open, uncultivated spaces in between.
The first pack of Desert Rats is now trying to cope with the soaring heat of Saudi Arabia;
about four hundred troops in the seventh armoured brigade
noin neljäsataa miestä seitsemännesytä panssariprikaatissa began
in an air lift from Germany
Saksan ilmasiltaa pitkin .
As soon as
, she went to see Mr Tranter, the editor.
The organisers suggest using Thruxton or Old Sarum if
, but no transport has been arranged to the show.
He was carrying a false passport when
but was recognised during a routine check.
He had been hiding out, sleeping rough, until three days ago when
to look up another man indebted to him.
the eagerly awaited plum pudding
innokkaasti odotettu luumuvanukas to the accompaniment of clapping and cheering
taputusten ja huutojen säestämänä , and a plume of blue smoke from the brandy flames was like the tail of Halley's Comet.
Please note that
to an indifferent reception or lack of clear information, even a misspelt name
Välinpitämättömän vastaanoton, selkeän tiedonpuutteen tai jopa väärin kirjoitetun nimen , soon starts to believe that he's dealing with incompetents.
Under this rule -- a generally accepted principle of international law -- governments can return
would-be refugees who
pakolaisiksi pyrkivät, jotka via other countries
muiden maiden kautta .
I met most of my party there because I had flown from Stavanger and
, but we all boarded the plane bound for Longyearbyen with great anticipation.
One element of Germany's new policy has been winning Polish agreement to take back expelled asylum-seekers; a quarter of
Germany's influx
Saksaan tulijoista .
For example, one of the skills developed in the first few years of life involves the integration of
through the different sensory channels
eri aistikanavia pitkin .
, we were invited to the President's palace.
My leg was injured so I was put immediately into the ship's sick bay until
back in Liverpool
takaisin Liverpooliin .
I know it
's out of order,
on sopimatonta , but it's urgent, couldn't wait.
`Ziggie, Ziggie, ``called Peach, `here kitten,
here to me
tänne minun luokseni !
after school
koulun jälkeen , but went to friends.
And he says as soon as he can afford the boat ticket,
's going
But then
The commando parties
Iskujoukkojen were
ashore at three points
maihin kolmessa kohdassa : over the bows of Campbeltown; on the Old Entrance quays; and on the Old Mole.
like a meteor
kuin meteori , blasting out sound and colour and light.
And a man from the Co-op in Croft would cycle over each week to take orders,
They came by road,
, and the arrival of the railway much later added to Rorschach's significance.
, ``he said.
in the 13th minute, when the defection of Dimitri Kharin from Moscow to Chelsea, cost the Russians dearly.
Madge stretched out a hand and said soothingly, `Please
Mr Patel.
A tall lean figure with deep lines carved vertically down his brown cheeks,
into the office
sisään toimistoon looking as cool as he did on a winter's day.
But what is it like to face Immigration Officers when
to Britain
IsoBritanniaan for the first time, not knowing the language, uncertain about the future?
, Shelley said, `A good firm bandage, I think.
She was still puzzling over the problem when she saw
Joanna's car
Joannan auton .
stared and
The likeable Welshman
Miellyttävä walesilainen ,
via the coaching route
vaunutietä pitkin from Western Province
läntisestä maakunnasta , says he is fed up with the intrigue and politics of rugby.
The first Rottweiler to be imported from Germany
Ensimmäinen Saksasta tuotu rottweiler , owing to very strict quarantine regulations.
“ If
, gentlemen.
Then I heard a new sound:
a thin wail more certain than the birds
kimeän ujelluksen, lintuja selkeämmän ,
from inside the house
talon sisältä , balancing between the shuffling draughts.
He said to me ``
, Harry.
Perhaps later, if
Perhaps it would be easier for you if
with coffee and a large photograph album.
through the back door
takaoven kautta on Lily's afternoon out.
straight in
suoraan sisään .
But he had no intention of going to the new Tarzan film tonight, Dad had taken him to that in Manchester when
graduated from Salford in June 1987 and
straight out here
suoraan tänne to teach in a privately-owned Academy.
over to my apartment
asunnolleni , we jammed and I was completely floored by the kid -- he was unbelievable!
first thing in the morning and give you a hand?
round a bend
mutkan takaa, they met a lorry overtaking a tractor.
In fact,
straight round here
suoraan tänne from the police station
poliisiasemalta .
Oh Polly,
-- let me live with you!
to get mucky at this year's Reading Festival, but would they subscribe to Britain's most derided youth cult: the soft crusties?
I said, no, but if
to the perimeter fence
ulkoreunan aidalle again, that'd be the time.
At the sight of
through the kitchen door
keittiön ovesta wearing one of Cathie's frilly aprons and carrying the laundry basket, her jaw dropped and she scuttled back inside her house.
He heard
She backed away, one hand raised to ward him off, stopping abruptly as
up against the edge of the table
pöydän reunaa .
However, in recent years,
improvements in sliphouse processing
sementtitalon menetelmien parannukset very close to eliminating the problem
hyvin lähelle ongelman poistamista .
There are few caves in this part of the world today, and there is no record of
snowy owls
tunturipöllöjen at any time.
the 20th Century
1900-luvulle by beating Imperial Russia in one of the most remarkable of conflicts ever staged
lyömällä keisarillisen Venäjän yhdessä huomattavimmista koskaan järjestetyistä konflikteista .
the big house
suureen taloon by the back door
takaovesta I noticed a lot of activity, people dashing here and there.
a book in one hand and a Scotch in the other
kirja yhdessä kädessä ja viski toisessa ,
from his room
omasta huoneestaan .
In the 1770s
the Irish market
irlantilaisille markkinoille .
through a window
ikkunan kautta .
Oakeshott's analysis has its source in
an Hegelian epistemology which
hegeliläisessä tieto-opissa, joka English philosophy
englantilaiseen filosofiaan through the work of F. H. Bradley and Bernard Bosanquet
F. H. Bradleyn ja Bernard Bosanquetin töiden kautta .
were told
via backstairs
takaportaiden kautta , avoiding the downstairs shop, which had no connection with the parlour.
The Soviet Union
Neuvostoliitto international sport
kansainväliseen urheiluun with a vengeance
toden teolla , throwing the weight of a massive state machine against West European and American dominance of athletics.
into a sheltered deck area running its length and surrounded on three sides by louvred shutters.
In some cultures,
is private and
without permission, while in others it can.
would rather be Lily Valance and
at the stage door
takaovesta .
Last time the fibre-optic and wire-cutter had gone in by the front door; this time
A young corporal
Nuori korpraali from the outer office
ulommasta toimistosta .
He fell silent as the door to the dining room opened and
one of the maids
yksi palvelustytöistä with the first course.
The door opened and
with a flourish
suurieleisesti , turned, took the tray from Frau Schmidt who was just behind him, and placed it on the table.
I literally jumped for joy when I heard that key turn in the lock and saw
Mum and Mrs Taylor
äidin ja rouva Taylorin with another woman
kolmannen naisen kanssa .
by smashing the lock on the door
rikkomalla oven lukon ; the museum, like so many in Greece, was unguarded at night.
To be specific about it,
many of the Christian circles that
monissa kristityissä piireissä, joissa from time to time
ajoittain do not believe in the Devil.
Winston Smith, his chin nuzzled into his breast in an effort to escape the vile wind, slipped quickly through the glass doors of Victory Mansions, though not quickly enough to prevent
a swirl of gritty dust
rakeista pölypilveä from
along with him
hänen kanssaan .
Paul noted little of the play, being only concerned with the
The drunken porter allowing
after the usual altercation.
at the church hall everybody stared.
This talented designer from the south of Italy often appeared to be designing for
wishing to make an
at the Cannes film festival rather than turn heads at Maxim's.
The wool room, which is now converted for serving teas,
Villahuoneeseen, joka on nyt muunnettu teen tarjoilua varten, , and patrons can sit out on the gallery.
from the car park at the rear of the library
pysäköintialueelta kirjaston takapuolelta .
Under their leadership
has prospered by making well-timed exits from mature, slow-growing industries and equally well-timed
into young, fast-growing ones
nuoriin ja nopeasti kasvaviin .
into the political arena
poliittiselle areenalle .
into a gay world
homojen maailmaan, which emphasized the politics of personal and sexual liberation to the exclusion of every other commitment and loyalty -- familial or social.
One night there was a very late
involving doors and noise and much hissing.
She was about to introduce herself when
made a
, bearing a steaming bowl of punch on a tray.
Deborah and Elaine are obviously close;
on this last remark brought a `The only time I know I look wrong is if Mum says I look `cute'!
Now I don't know whether they actually broke the door down in the end, but
did gain
to a flat very near us
asuntoon, joka on hyvin lähellä meitä , erm and they had dogs with them that night.
She took the packet with some fussy excitement, and she was clearly a little relieved when we made it clear that
had no intention of staying or seeking
Spain tried as early as 1852 to establish the principle of
by competitive examination.
Frankie tells the audience how the Producers had wanted
to make an
by sliding down a fireman's pole
liukumalla alas palomiesten tolppaa !
was looking forward to making a
-- the cast would cluster round her, expressing their admiration at her fortitude.
He gave visual expression to the same point during
, when the procession included cartloads of weapons which criers identified as having been captured from the Woodvilles.
Its policies, domestic and foreign -- not least
into the European Community
Euroopan yhteisöön in January 1973
tammikuussa 1973 -- have been largely a belated reaction to the original achievements of others.
No matter how much you speed up the
at some point in time you are going to have to create a jam.
are sometimes refused
because there is no room or they will be too old before their mother leaves.
Fees were abolished for all pupils,
was by the competitive eleven-plus examination.
PRISON conditions for two Britons jailed for
have improved.
Smoothly, and swiftly,
, gave Bodie a thumbs up, and vanished inside.
makes a
humble, though triumphal
nöyrän mutta riemukkaan ,
into Jerusalem
Jerusalemiin .
Trade had suffered a little in the early morning because
to Skinnergate
Skinnergateen was not permitted.
At the sound of
she paused, brush in hand, turned her head and saw him.
A flight of steps leads up from the courtyard and there
from the house end
talon päädystä .
were later allowed
When they reached the
gates to the ferry they were closed.
The news removed all doubts about
It is not abolished by gastrectomy, is related to the
into the upper small bowel
ohutsuolen yläosaan , and has a neural component.
After the
of US forces
USA:n joukkojen into Saudi Arabia
Saudi-Arabiaan in the second week of August
elokuun toisella viikolla Israeli public pronouncements on the crisis became noticeably less strident.
of objects in the size range 10-100m
Kokoluokassa 10-100 m olevien kohteiden , however, is dominated by fragmentation, although the precise size range depends strongly on object type and velocity.
On Feb. 21 Health Secretary Alberto Mazza denied that the government would close the border with Bolivia but said that it would prevent the
of illegal immigrants
laittomien maahanmuuttajien in order to stem the spread of the disease.
When consumed as such,
in the bloodstream
verenkiertoon is not preceded by any metabolic work.
If the Old Testament had foretold
into Jerusalem
Jerusalemiin , it had also citied precedents for his cleansing and purifying of the Temple.
to the Common Market
yhteisille markkinoille looks a little less certain.
at the end of the song
laulun lopussa .
Afghan neutrality was openly discounted in Moscow following the
of Soviet troops
Neuvostoliiton joukkojen into Afghanistan
Afganistaniin at the end of 1979
vuoden 1979 lopussa .
Exposure of the small intestine to cow's milk antigens causes a lesion to the gut mucosa and increases its permeability, permitting the
through the impaired host barrier
heikentyneen isäntäportin läpi .
A late crow said a word as
through the open drive gate
avoimen portin läpi disturbed his first sleep.
tried to force several doors and windows, finally gaining
through the conservatory
konservatorion läpi .
Part of this signal depends on the synaptic activation of NMDA receptors and reflects, at least in part,
through NMDA channels and voltage-gated Ca 2+ channels
NMDA-kanavien ja jänniteohjattujen Ca 2+ -kanavien läpi .
harass by invasion of privacy, with
kohtuuttomalla into the property or even into individual rooms
kiinteistöön tai jopa yksittäisiin huoneisiin , on a variety of pretexts.
The high efficiency of diamond drill bits for cutting through reinforced concrete walls has even resulted in
being chosen for obtaining
into bank safes
pankin kassakaappeihin !
and discovered her body on the settee.
One, no
; the doctor could have gained admittance by identifying himself as De Corizo's ex-husband.
The British officer
Brittiläinen poliisi , but knew there was a secret agreement for the French to control Lebanon.
``You'd better send yourself to Hoggatt's if
by eight-thirty
puoli yhdeksään mennessä .
before the rain comes
ennen kuin sade alkaa .
back into bed
takaisin sänkyyn and go to sleep.
I'll turn down the heat when
`I promise I will when
from Mrs Smythe
rouva Smythen luota .
`Why don't
just turn around,
back in that pathetic jeep of yours
takaisin säälittävään jeeppiisi and go home?
And all because
that terrible man
se kauhea mies ,
after he'd nearly killed Brett
sen jälkeen kun hän melkein tappoi Brettin .
How the hell
past security
turvatarkastuksen ohi ?
Bitter salt water
Kitkerää suolavettä past the mouthpiece
suukappaleen ohi , choking her, eyes streaming with the effort of coughing.
out of the car
pois autosta and headed towards the house.
out of the car
pois autosta into the open day
päivänvaloon and went down the rocks to the strand and then out to the tideline.
By the time
out of the Press-box
pois lehdistöautiosta into the open air
ulkoilmaan , the rain which had been the cause of the stoppage was barely perceptible.
So would
off my ship
pois laivastani before I have you arrested
ennen kuin käsken pidättää sinut .
Det Chief Inspector Neil McAteer said: `
and was walking home when she heard footsteps behind her.
and handed some money to the driver and said something I couldn't hear, then disappeared upstairs.
A deadly game of cat and mouse follows and Ryan is faced with an even deadlier challenge when
home to the United States
kotiin Yhdysvaltoihin .
about 10.30 p.m.
noin puoli yhdeltätoista illalla and asked if I was all right, but I told her that I thought it was a false alarm.
But the policewoman who was with her didn't make any reassuring noises about
`Now, Mr Jordan, would it have been possible for
on Friday night
perjantai-iltana , remove the Scapegoat and substitute a body dressed in the Scapegoat's clothes?
So Claudel spoke a couple of words to Alexandre; they joked and shook their heads over the vagaries of women as
and drove back along the dock.
The time flew past and
and sailed at 5.00 pm.
had earlier cut short two engagements in the Midlands
There are different versions of how
, but eventually they were accepted as useful allies and were sent back to recruit more potential fighters in Rangoon.
In summer 1893 another foreign minister, Mutsu Munemitsu, initiated
a new round of negotiations with Britain which
uuden neuvottelukierroksen Iso-Britannian kanssa, jotka a successful conclusion
onnistuneesti päätökseen in the Anglo Japanese Treaty of Commerce and Navigation of July 1894.
from St Gallen
St Gallenista , climbing steadily to Teufen, then ascending through a valley on up to Gais.
The upper atrium
Ylemmälle pylväspihalle by stairs, escalators or a glass lift
portaita pitkin, liukuportailla tai lasihissillä .
`The trimming and upholstery shop
"Somistus- ja verhoilupajaan through the paint shop
maaliliikkeen läpi , of which building it is really a part ``.
By the time the 1958 World Cup was held in Sweden
Siihen mennessä, kun vuoden 1958 maailmancup järjestettiin Ruotsissa ,
the international game
kansainvälinen peli what could be described as the first flowering of maturity
vaiheen, jota voisi kutsua sen ensimmäisen kypsyyden kukoistuskaudeksi .
James's attempted flight, however, effectively destroyed any hope that
which would enable James to preserve his throne
jonka avulla James voisi säilyttää valtaistuimensa .
To follow that rule uncritically for Margery Kempe would make it virtually impossible
any conclusion about her
mihinkään johtopäätökseen hänestä from a modern psychiatric viewpoint
modernin psykiatrian näkökulmasta , given the religious climate of her times.
We hope that
by talking to the person who assessed your needs
puhumalla henkilölle, joka määritti sinun tarpeesi ,
an agreement about the way ahead
sopuun jatkosta .
From the camps of Europe
Euroopan leireiltä ,
those who had avoided the execution pits and the gas chambers
ne, jotka olivat välttäneet teloitusalueet ja kaasukammiot, had at last
olivat viimein the Promised Land about which their cantors had sung at Auschwitz
luvatun maan, josta heidän kanttorinsa olivat laulaneet Auschwitzissa .
the floor above the hall
salin yläpuolella olevan kerroksen and began to cross to the diagonally opposite tower, grateful that there were lights here to guide her way.
Gloria's voice
Glorian ääni across the office and through the door
toimiston toiselta puolelta ja oven läpi .
across the sea of dazzling snow
sokaisevan lumimäärän läpi was impossible by motor cycle, and often difficult on foot.
Slow worm (left), snake (right) and amphisbaenid (bottom),
Vaskitsa (vasemmalla), käärme (oikealla) ja matolisko (alla) probably all descended from different ancestors, and
their similar shapes
samankaltaiset muotonsa along separate evolutionary pathways
eri evoluution reittejä pitkin .
a path along the edge of the cliff, where mounds overgrown with sandy blackberries hid her from the road
polulle kallion reunalla, missä kellertäviä karhunvatukoita täynnä olevat villiintyneet kummut piilottivat hänet tieltä katsottuna .
Negotiating is
an activity that
toiminta, joka seeks
agreement between two or more different starting positions
yksimielisyyden kahden tai useamman eri lähtöaseman välille .
FrauenfeId is the capital of the canton of Thurgau, and
by a road to the west
kulkemalla tietä länten , passing through Marstetten and Mulheim.
many young people
monet nuoret ihmiset their full academic potential
täysiä akateemisia mahdollisuuksiaan by the time they leave school
siihen mennessä, kun he lähtevät koulusta .
For the six days up to and including Wednesday
Keskiviikkoon asti, keskiviikko mukaan lukien, kuutena päivänä ,
from Azerbaijan
Azerbaidžanista .
Siberian Arctic coastlands
Siperian arktisille rannikkoalueille from central Asia
keskeisestä Aasiasta , successive waves moving northward to populate what may then have been a relatively mild maritime area.
Pace is the key to finding your stride and
a good rhythm in your walking
hyvän rytmin kävelyssäsi .
Guy had heard that
and practically dead from exhaustion, his weapons and armour long since abandoned so he could travel faster.
the alleyway just past The Magpie and Crown
heti The Magpie and Crown -pubin jälkeen olevalle kujalle .
, and, though she found shelter in a hospice for pilgrims, she was soon turned out.
sooner or later
ennemmin tai myöhemmin after travelling up through Finland
edettyään Suomen läpi ylös , but the Norwegian government had decided to stall it as long as possible.
in even quicker time than they'd left it
jopa lyhyemmässä ajassa, kuin he olivat poistuneet siltä .
For those who are not so energetic,
the high peaks
korkeille huipuille by cable cars and chair lifts
riippukoreilla ja tuolihisseillä from mid June onwards
kesäkuun puolesta välistä eteenpäin .
Cambridge and Norwich
Cambridgeen ja Norwichiin within an hour's drive
tunnin ajomatkalla .
Then, when
about 18 months of age
noin 18 kuukauden iän , out of the blue, they had their first serious fight.
By the time
, God willing, he will be able to contribute to the court music.
On that ground he dismissed the father's application for the
`I hold you responsible, Master Shallot, you and Master Daunbey, for the
from Abbe Gerard
Abbe Gerardilta .
I walked back to my hotel, where I found the proprietress up and about, inclined to be censorious of
at daylight, still in my best party dress.
on April 12, former President James Mancham, ousted in a coup in 1977, met with President France-Albert René on April 21.
David Platt's
David Plattin from world cup stage
maailmancupin areenalta to Wembley stage
Wembleyn areenalle is likely to be spoilt by a knee injury.
Through therapy, teaching and psychological help, some patients are eventually rehabilitated for
into society
yhteiskuntaan .
I would much rather see a
to the carefree approach
huolettomaan lähestymistapaan by the like of Ballesteros and Lyle
Ballesterosin ja Lylen kaltaisen .
THE house-builder, Trencherwood,
Talonrakentaja Trencherwood expects to see a
to profitability
kannattavuuteen during 1994, its chairman, John Norgate, said yesterday.
Attacked as irresponsible by the conservative opposition but welcomed by the Australian Council of Trade Unions which pledged to contain wage pressure, the programme marked a
towards the ALP's traditional Keynesianism
kohti ALP:n perinteistä keynesiläisyyttä after years of economic liberalization and rationalization begun in 1983 when Keating was Treasurer under Hawke.
The Temples of Hatour and Seti I, Ramses II and the Osireion may be seen before the
to `free markets ``
"vapaisiin markkinoihin" by 1955 is generally viewed as permissive in the sense that it resulted from the removal of the remainder of war and postwar restrictions.
Yorke, 21 today,
Yorke, tänään 21, from a charity event
hyväntekeväisyystapahtumasta at 2am, the city's magistrates heard.
had been treated for nine months in one hospital and two months in another, and
with recurrent dislocation of one knee and an un-united fracture of the other thigh.
IN Norfolk
the village vigilantes, Duncan Bond and Mark Chapman,
kylän vapaaehtoiset järjestyksenvalvojat Duncan Bond ja Mark Chapman as local heroes
paikallisina sankareina .
in 1945 after serving with the Royal Artillery throughout the war.
New York was -30 miles away and, apart from business trips,
only ever
to compete in some of the city's more gruelling and arduous marathons.
After the war,
decided to cede Sarawak to the Crown, and
in February 1946, to inform the people of his decision.
We went for a drive through the `one ways ``-- small one-way streets of tiny clapboard houses built for an earlier generation of warriors,
the GIs who
amerikkalaiset sotilaat, jotka from Europe and the Pacific
Euroopasta ja Tyyneltämereltä in 1945.
Grundy, a commentator known for his bilious disposition,
Grundy, selostaja, joka on tunnettu ärtyisästä luonteestaan, had that afternoon
from a lunch at Punch magazine
Punch-lehden lounaalta and was himself feeling no pain.
She would get to work on Maxie just as soon as his presence at home should coincide with hers;
had not seen him since
, except when crawling wearily into bed.
Here he is surely right;
only the educated and affluent people in Western societies
vain koulutettuja ja vauraita ihmisiä länsimaisissa yhteiskunnissa are attracted by the idea of
to primitive conditions
primitiivisiin oloihin .
show off Farrah after
to a massive welcome from neighbours
naapureiden valtavaan tervetulotoivotukseen
Off to Penzance went
with the daughter of the Mayor, Lucy Treleaven,
pormestarin tyttären, Lucy Treleavenin, kanssa (a brunette, to contrast with his previous two blonde `wives ``).
She twirled around the room but
wasn't interested and
with her friends
ystäviensä kanssa to complete dressing.
this rogue Devlin
tämä kelmi Devlin .
across the square
aukion poikki felt she was going home; not for one moment did she confuse such a place with the Aber House Hotel.
for work at the normal hour without it.
will change your mind about
to publishing
kustannustoimintaan one day.
One hopes
The Lanx may have been made to commemorate the
of Julian the Apostate
Julianus Luopion in 363 AD.
But the coded language of the joint communiqué issued at the end of
of January 1952 showed that there had been little or no meeting of minds.
Clearly, some clients will need
community nurse
kunnan sairaanhoitajien .
Advice, information and
may be obtained via Occupational Safety Group (extension 2797) or Occupational Health (extn 2162).
“ I have been looking forward to
for weeks and was very excited when I met her. ”
The company is also using the
for workshops sessions with 150 students at local schools and colleges.
was to have one
from the district nurse
aluehoitajan and, of course, check-ups from my GP and surgeon.
`If I hadn't replied to a client for five months I would almost expect a
in response to a complaint!
Philip Miller
Philip Miller , travelling by boat to Twickenham and he seems to have known the garden well, often commenting on North American plants.
Weeks later,
her boyfriend
hänen poikaystävänsä .
Another innovation is the stream of
Jewish tourists
juutalaisturistien : 25,000 have been since 1988, and the Jewish Agency sees this is a uniquely helpful way to win hearts and minds.
someone with hearing loss
jonkun huonokuuloisen luona, write first giving date, time and reason for visit, arrive punctually.
In early 1186
the governor-general of the Netherlands
Alankomaiden kenraalikuvernööri with his wife, the Archduchess Christine, sister of the emperor
vaimonsa arkkiherttuatar Christinen, keisarin sisaren kanssa .
will then take a ferry to France
before flying to Honolulu via San Francisco.
Among the hundred most popular museums in Britain,
by more than 900,000 people
yli 900 000 ihmistä .
A total of 26 farms
Yhteensä 26 farmilla (10 in Norway, and 8 each in Germany and France) and about two hours was spent with each family.
can also cross the Brenner Pass and
or from the western Alps, venture into Switzerland at the foot of the famous Matterhorn.
He did not reply to my question but shuffled a paper and looked at his sidekick,
the same woman who
samaa naista, joka before.
“ I … ah … called you up here, Andy, because I just got a request from London that
I had certainly never seen entertainment like this in any of the countries