Similarly shops will often only report shoplifting when
Asked about Noriega's extradition, Mr Eduardo Vallarino told reporters: `The Panamanian constitution prohibits extradition, so if
he'll have to be duly charged and tried in Panama.
I shall find the body in a jiffy and
the guilty party
syyllisen before the day is out
ennen kuin päivä on ohi .
was told
an armed black suspect
aseistettu musta epäilty in this alley
tällä kujalla .
In July last year
Viime vuoden heinäkuussa a German border guard
saksalainen rajavartija two Irishmen with Kalashnikov assault rifles
kaksi irlantilaismiestä, joilla oli Kalashnikov-rynnäkkökiväärit .
Now somebody had strangled a 52-year-old man called Matthew Glynn and
was expected to identify and
The authorities may call in
alleged offenders
oletetut syylliset .
Five days later
viisi päivää myöhemmin, three terrorists
kolme terroristia by the DST, French counter-intelligence,
DST, ranskalainen vastavakoilujärjestö, as they drove towards the German frontier
kun he ajoivat kohti Saksan rajaa .
Mr Alan Amos, an elected member for the people of Hexham,
Herra Alan Amos, Hexhamin asukkaiden valitsema jäsen, has resigned following a `caution ``after
otti hänet kiinni in the woods in Hampstead Heath
Hampstead Heathin metsässä .
There is no doubt that the scale of the weapons brought from Libya in the period before
by French Customs
Ranskan tulli has made a considerable difference during the past five or six years.
Locals, however, say this is a euphemism for
innocent people
viattomia ihmisiä apprehended
ottavat kiinni and tortured
by the security forces
turvajoukot before being shot.
On the other hand,
are less likely
or detained
for drug and/or non-drug offences
huume- tai muista rikoksista .
Together with his wife, Gloria Jopson, secretary of the CPP-ML Finance Commission,
yhdessä vaimonsa Gloria Jopsonin, CPP-ML:n talouskomitean sihteerin, kanssa apprehended
otettiin kiinni whilst attending the hospital for a health check
hänen ollessaan sairaalassa terveystarkastusta varten .
in the course of robbing a jeweller's shop in Fernley Shopping Centre
hänen ryöstäessään kultasepänliikettä Fernleyn ostoskeskuksessa … ”
In any other part of the country
Missä tahansa muussa osassa maata ,
the drug dealers
huumekauppiaat in a series of dawn raids
aamuisten yllätyshyökkäysten sarjalla .
One Saturday night in the summer of 1966
Eräänä lauantai-iltana vuoden 1966 kesällä police in Brooklyn
Brooklynin poliisi sixteen teenagers of both sexes aged between sixteen and nineteen who were dancing naked in the street
16 iältään kuudentoista ja yhdeksäntoista välillä olevaa teiniä, kumpaakin sukupuolta, jotka tanssivat alasti kadulla .
for burglary
murtovarkaudesta , he admitted to all his previous offences with the sole aim of obtaining a custodial sentence.
Financial troubles marred these years: fear of
probably motivated his flight to the Continent in November 1777; his resignation from the army in May 1780 may likewise have been prompted by such troubles.
Elizabeth Woodville, informed of the
of her brother and of her son by a former marriage, as well as of the young king's faithful chamberlain
hänen veljensä ja aiemmasta avioliitosta olevan poikansa sekä nuoren kuninkaan uskollisen kamariherran , was beside herself with anger and anxiety.
of the `Gang of Four ``
"Neljän jengin" in October 1976
lokakuussa 1976 eliminated them from the power struggle.
and their subsequent house arrest led to condemnation of the government by the United Front for Multi-Party Democracy (UFMD), an opposition group based in Zambia.
Then came the
last August
viime elokuussa when the Royal Navy frigate Argonaut intercepted his yacht 150 miles south west of Gibraltar.
A policeman was charged with manslaughter following the shooting in Béziers on Dec. 21 of a Moroccan teenager in the course of
for stealing a car
auton varastamisesta .
Both had been in detention without charge or trial since
following the coup d'état
vallankumousta seuranneesta which brought Hafez al-Assad to power in November 1970.
was ordered by the Algiers judiciary after the Ministry of Defence accused him of inciting the army to mutiny.
and dismissal were overturned by the Supreme Court on Dec. 29, but he remained suspended from office.
He says there's no such thing as a
, he had married a 16 year old girl who was pregnant by him and who had now had a child.
of 2,000-3,000 striking PPP activists
2000-3000 lakkoilevan PPP-aktivistin , including legislators, was reported by the Far Eastern Economic Review of Aug. 15.
The two accused boys have been held separately since
on Thursday morning
torstaiaamuisesta , but it is feared today's court appearance could provide a flashpoint.
of murder suspect Roderick Newall
Roderick Newallin was compared to piracy yesterday.
Jonathan Probyn, from Hardwicke in Gloucestershire, has been held by police since
early yesterday
eilisaamuisesta .
The documents before the jury showed
at 11pm on 23 December
klo 23 joulukuun 23. päivänä and the man's arrest at 12:50am.
The work was centred on the PISAN CANTOS, which were written when Pound was imprisoned after
on treason charges
maanpetossyytteiden vuoksi (for broadcasting in favour of the Fascist cause on Italian radio).
had not felt justified in making an
; apart from the possibility of a scene, there was no hard evidence of her complicity in the murders.
expecting to make an
`I said `
'm making a
``and, with the help of Martin and another guy, Peter Ryan, I took them round the corner to Hope Street police station.
However, by then feelings were running so high Mr Pennell resisted
leaving a ferry at Heysham near Blackpool
heidän lähtiessään lautalta Heyshamissa lähellä Blackpoolia .
Government forces
Hallituksen joukot 734 ``bandits operating in the Gojjam area of north-western Ethiopia and a further 112 in the Wollo area in the north
734 "bandiittia", jotka toimivat Gojjamin alueella luoteis-Etiopiassa, ja vielä 112 Wollon alueella pohjoisessa , according to Voice of Ethiopia on Nov. 14.
The call came as
a freelance Palestinian journalist covering the latest upsurge in violence
palestiinalaisen freelance-journalistin, joka esitti reportaasia viimeisimmästä väkivallan noususta .
about 20 Tibetan women demonstrating outside the Chinese embassy and demanding independence
noin 20 tiibetiläistä naista, jotka osoittivat mieltään Kiinan suurlähetystön edessä vaatien itsenäisyyttä .
KONSTAAPELI TONY Spong at a burgled petrol station
bensa-asemalla, jonne oli murtauduttu -- and found it was his brother.
Irish detectives
Irlantilaiset etsivät James Rudman
James Rudmanin at a remote farmhouse in Co Kerry
syrjäisen maatalon luona Kerryn kreivikunnassa ,
just an hour before he would have been legally free because of a loophole in the law
vain tuntia ennen, kuin hän olisi ollut lailllisesti vapaa laissa olevan porsaanreiän vuoksi .
at his home in Toxteth
tämän kotona Toxtethissa after a lengthy cat-and-mouse game involving surveillance experts
pitkän kissa ja hiiri -leikin jälkeen, johon osallistui valvonnan asiantuntijoita .
Pc Elsegood told Wing he was an off-duty policeman and
for assault
pahoinpitelystä .
32 times
for shoplifting
myymälävarkaudesta , but each time magistrates ruled the offences weren't serious enough for him to be detained, where he might have got the treatment he needs.
for soliciting
itsensä kaupittelusta .
The assistant chief constable also said last night that
four people
neljä henkilöä after the shooting
ammuskelun jälkeen and they were assisting detectives with their inquiries.
Stockton police
Stocktonin poliisi a drunken man
humalaisen miehen in Nelson Terrace
Nelson Terracessa and charged him with shoplifting.
in North London
Pohjois-Lontoossa , close to the scene of last year's Staples Corner blast.
Austrian police
Itävallan poliisi on June 3
heinäkuun 3. päivänä seven people
seitsemän henkilöä on charges of carrying radioactive material consisting of 55 grammes of feebly enriched uranium concealed in metallic discs
syytettyinä radioaktiivisen materiaalin kuljettamisesta. Materiaali koostui 55 grammasta heikosti rikastettua uraania, joka oli piilotettu metallilevyihin .
When he gave them his name
on a charge of rape
raiskauksesta syytettynä .
Gloucester Crown Court heard that 24 year old Michael Jones headbutted and punched PC Kevin Frost as
on suspicion of damaging a burger bar in Cheltenham
epäiltynä hampurilaisravintolan turmelemisesta Cheltenhamissa .
H. P. I remember
under the `being a suspected person/loitering with intent ``power
sillä perusteella, että hän "oli epäilty henkilö/hidasteli tarkoituksella" -- who sued him.
EX-TENNIS champ Arthur Ashe
ENTINEN TENNISmestari Arthur Ashe for taking part in a demo outside the White House
koska hän osallistui mielenosoitukseen Valkoisen talon ulkopuolella .
By the way,
in connection with the murder at Westfield Manor
Westfield Manorissa tapahtuneeseen murhaan liittyen .
Members of the serious crime squad and operational support division
Vakavien rikosten joukon ja operatiivisen tukijoukon jäsenet at about 8:30am on Thursday
noin klo 8.30 tiistaina, but the public was not informed until yesterday.
lost two pints of blood after being stabbed through the heart while trying
a suspected burglar
epäillyn murtovarkaan .
by Saudi religious police
Saudi-Arabian uskonnollinen poliisi two weeks after beginning work at the hospital in February
kaksi viikkoa sen jälkeen, kun hän oli aloittanut työt sairaalassa helmikuussa .
by the Communists
kommunistit .
Fourteen Mafia bosses
neljätoista mafiapomoa by Sicilian detectives
Sisilialaiset etsivät after a woman's Mafia Godfather lover was gunned down by the organisation
sen jälkeen, kun järjestö oli ampunut erään naisen rakastajan, joka oli mafian kummisetä .
after his mother became suspicious of a package sent to his address
sen jälkeen, kun hänen äitiään alkoi epäilyttää paketti, joka oli lähetetty miehen osoitteeseen, and contacted the police.
When the telephone call had warned that
Micky and Sissie
Micky ja Sissie , there had been no option but to run.
After her Castlewellan protest
Hänen Castlewellanin protestinsa jälkeen ,
in Downpatrick
Downpatrickissa, while trying to stop a Sinn Fein march
kun hän yritti pysäyttää Sinn Feinin marssin, and was roundly condemned by the local Official Unionist Assemblyman for trouble-making.
Agu and four others
Agun ja neljä muuta for conduct likely to cause a breach of the peace
käytöksestä, joka todennäköisesti saisi aikaan järjestysrikkomuksen .
at the cemetery
hautausmaalla had been released, he added.
A MURDER suspect
MURHASTA epäilty admitted killing his parents, it was claimed yesterday.
Petrosyan and a number of others
Petrosyanin ja joukon muita by Soviet forces
Neuvostoliiton joukot ; three of the hostages were freed on Aug. 16 and the release of the others was agreed on Aug. 20.
FORMER Knowsley councillor Tony Beyga was among
three people
kolmen henkilön by fraud squad detectives
petosryhmän etsivien .
A telephone hotline, manned twenty four hours a day, has been set up for former pupils of a school where the head has been suspended and
In an attempt to improve its international reputation over human rights an amnesty law was passed in January 1991 which covered primarily
300 rural workers
300 maaseudun työntekijää, jotka for land occupations
maan valtauksesta .
There is no power
for trespass
kotirauhan rikkomisesta .
The first trials of
at the time of the November massacre
marraskuun verilöylyn aikaan opened in Dili on March 16.
late in 1991
Vuoden 1991 lopulla were beaten at the time of their arrest and tortured and beaten while in detention.
on 5 October
Lokakuun 5. päivänä were appearing at Derry courthouse and by the time the hearing was in progress, a crowd of about one hundred had gathered outside.
ELEVEN demonstrators
YKSITOISTA mielenosoittajaa on the Timex picket line in Dundee
Timexin mielenosoittajien rivistöstä Dundeessa were yesterday ordered by a sheriff to stay out of the city until their trials.
Naya Min, a lawyer in his 40s,
Naya Min, nelikymppinen asianajaja, under martial law
sotatilalain perusteella .
As many as 90 per cent of
under these powers
näillä valtuuksilla are released without charge after having been detained for anything from four hours to seven days.
was chased and bitten by a police dog and then
for being drunk and disorderly
juopuneisuudesta ja häiriön tuottamuksesta, after he became abusive
kun hän alkoi käyttäytyä väkivaltaisesti .
VAN HALEN have come to the defence of
a 19-year-old fan
19-vuotiaan fanin, joka for wearing one of the band's T-shirts
bändin T-paidan pitämisestä .
over Stephanie Slater kidnap
Stephanie Slaterin sieppauksesta
In late 1925 he was
one of twelve leading communists
yksi kahdestatoista johtavasta kommunistista, jotka and tried
on charges of sedition and incitement to mutiny, for which he received twelve months' imprisonment
syytettynä kansankiihotuksesta ja kapinan lietsonnasta, joista hän sai kahdentoista kuukauden vankeusrangaistuksen .